Soulmates to the wolf

By katrina12234

2.5K 143 5

Elizabeth, a young lady who was a wolf hunter as a side proffesion but a well known business woman suddenly s... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
new book

chapter 40

17 2 0
By katrina12234

Hunter Black
I was so happy when I showed lizzy the entire lands, she looked so calm and so happy to wonder around. Telling her about the dark forces and the vampires that live near to our land was tough.... Mainly because I didn't want to scare her.
She only knew about us wolves but never knew about the other shapeshifters, vampires or dark forces. Our pack was the most feared pack in Europe and the mooncrescent in America. Sadly mooncrescent pack, the pack which used to belong to my fathers best friend had fallen prey to the dark forces... This was not good, because now they were highly powerful and dangerous. They were slowly advancing from America towards Europe, France was already under the force of the dark forces... Miraculously the dark forces never touched the human civilisation... Their victims were the 'supernatural being', a term the humans gave us all collectively. Maybe that was the reason that many humans were unaware if our existence.... Of course the hunters knew about us and that was k e reason enough for us to be on alert near them. Rumours say that the hunter organization had tried to convince the parliament about the existence of the dark world and devils of the night .... But the parliament shushed them stating that they were daft. I was glad that they thought they were daft because introducing humans to our world would mean chaos... Total chaos... Destruction and of course loss of lives from both worlds.
I looked down at my mate who was asleep in my arms after the beautiful hours we just spent. Her scent combined with mine was what I loved the most... The fact that she was relaxed in my arms was a bonus. My wolf purred happily thinking of how far we have came from a Rocky start to a beautiful fairytale. I glanced at the small clock in the tent and realises it was about time we go back to our house. Gently shaking my mate awake, let me say that wasn't the very best idea because she hissed at me before understanding that it was time to go. She even bit me! Getting dressed was tough... I mean my mate looked so gorgeous without the clothing.
We had just walked out of the tent went I felt a prick. I pulled the needle out of my neck and noticed it was a tranquilizer, looking at the shooter, I recognized those red eyes, they were the same one that had appeared at our windows for the past few months. As darkness begin to envelope me I saw those red eyes carry my unconscious mate through one of the steel gates and behind him I saw someone I never thought was capable of betraying us.... Ethan., my fucking beta and his mate Rosalyn.
"Traitors" I said as my eyes met his.

I woke up after I have no idea how long when I saw Nathan standing in front of me.
"Alpha.... Take it easy... The effect is still fresh" He said
"Ethan and his mate are traitors... They took my mate to the God forbidden land..... I want her back" I said . Tears threatening to spill
"We know alpha... Even we want our luna back.... But in order to do so... We need a plan..... Barging in would only get us killed or even worse her killed" He said
I growled
"She will not die" I said through gritted teeth
"I know" He said.
"Nathan your now the beta, get every lead warrier in the meeting room now.... Let's formulate a plan to get my mate and this packs luna back" I said
"Yes alpha" He said. With a bow he left the room
I washed my face with cold water and looked at my reflection in the mirror
"What sort of mate am I. I was supposed to protect her keep her safe. Instead j watched those damned people stick an injection jn her neck and take her away to the forbidden lands. This isn't what a brave alpha king does to his mate. I want her back.. I need her back... No one takes what is mine. ... I'll rip everyone's head off for taking her and..... Ethan and his darling mate Rosyln will have a hell painful death in front of the pack for ever trying to take her away from me. She trusted them like family... She considered Ethan as a brother and what he did was ruthless. I will make them pay" Said xaivier and I couldn't agree better.
With newly found determination I stormed into the meeting room and saw the lead warriers seated there.... Ready to formulate a plan.

Hours later we still had no plan formed and this was causing xavier to go frenzy. We had been trying to mindlink her but it all went in vain. I hope she is safe... She has to be safe. .. If anything happens to her I don't think I'll survive.
I lost my parents... I lost my brother.... I can't lose her as well.... She is the reason for my existence. It's her destint to be soulmate to me. I will bring her back... Even if it means going to war with them.

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