When Sparks Fly (in editing)

By clara_michaels

124 2 0

Cassandra Blake has never really fit in. Her mom left when she was young and her dad is rarely ever home. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

5 0 0
By clara_michaels


"Cassie! Open up! We're here!" I ran downstairs and yanked open the door to see Alyssa and Elizabeth standing there expectantly.

"Hey. Come in. What are you doing here?" I asked as I moved aside so they could enter.

"Do we need a reason to visit our best friend?" Alyssa asked.

"Yes." The two glared at me and then went straight to my pantry. "We are out of goldfish."

"How can you be out of goldfish? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"It's called eating them. That's how."

"Would you stop being technical for one moment. Now I need to find another snack."

I shook my head and went back to the book I was reading at the counter. Just as I say, Alyssa plucked the book from my grip and shut it. "Hey!"

"No reading. We are talking."

I sucked in a breath. Did they know? Is that why they came?

"It's about this upcoming weekend after school starts up again." Elizabeth explained and I let out the breath I'd been holding. They didn't know. Shit now I have to tell them.

"We need to figure out what we are doing. First weekend back we need to do something fun. You know, to help the fact that we are no back in school."

"Okay. What are we thinking?" I asked.

Elizabeth and Alyssa then launched into what I think was strangest debate I've ever seen. Alyssa and Elizabeth went through the pros and cons of all the activities we could do. They cancelled out the mall as that was an any weekend kind of activity, all swimming options were eliminated due to weather, and so on down the list.

I sat there, unsure of when and where I should add in any input. I could feel the nerves about telling them about Drew and I's kiss piling up. I knew I needed to tell them. They were my best friends and it would come out sooner or later.

Without thinking I blurted out, "Drew and I kissed." Silence followed. Elizabeth's mouth dropped to the counter and Alyssa stopped moving. They both stared at me in utter shock, not able to say anything. "It was at the party. Right at midnight. With the fireworks." They still didn't speak. "Okay you have to say something before I keep rambling."

"JOHN OWES ME TWENTY BUCKS!! YES!" Alyssa screamed, and I feel out of my chair at the volume.

"I said say something, not scream and blow out my ear drums!" I yelled at her.

"I can't believe it! You and Drew kissed!" Elizabeth ran up and hugged me, squeezing all my air out.

"Okay. Hug over. Can't breathe." Elizabeth released me but a huge smile was still plastered on her face.

"You have some explaining to do, I hope you know that. I'm getting popcorn!" She ran for the pantry and Alyssa was looking at me with a wide smirk.

"Why do you need popcorn?"

"Cause I've been waiting for this day. Do not ruin my fun."

I rolled my eyes and waited for the two to get their popcorn. When they were finally done they sat right in front of me, bodies bent forward. "What?"

"What do you mean 'what'? Tell us what happened!" Elizabeth said, as though it was obvious.

"I told you. We kissed."

"Girl. We've been through this. I want a story."

"Fine. It was at the party and I was outside but wanted water so I went inside. Drew was there and we-"

"Kissed!" Alyssa yelled, pointing at me.

I looked at her weird. "No..." I said slowly. "Now don't interrupt me. Anyway, he was inside so we started talking. He brought up that I looked good and he was just teasing me because when he helped me buy the cookies I brought-"

"He helped you buy the cookies?" I glared at Elizabeth and she sat back. "Right. No interrupting continue."

"As I was saying, again, I had joked I would look cute at the party and wouldn't disappoint so he was just teasing me about that. I said he looked good too and said the gel he used wasn't working and he told me if it bothered him so much then I should just fixed it. He bent down to let me do his hair. We were standing really close and his hands were around my waist." The girls squealed and I felt my cheeks go pink. "So by this point it was almost midnight and like the countdown had started. I stopped messing with his hair and we were just looking at each other and he asked me if he was reading the situation wrong and I said no. Right when you guys said happy news years, Drew kissed me."



"GOD!" They screamed in unison.

"Drew actually got the balls to kiss you. Holy shit! My brother finally did it. Yes!"

"What happened after?"

"Well after we stopped kissing-"

"How long were you kissing?"

I gave them a look. "I don't know, I wasn't looking at the clock counting the minutes. All that happened after is we broke apart and then John's mom came in and we like moved apart. It got awkward and that's when I left."

"I remember that. You came outside all out of breath saying you had to go and I was super confused! Girl you must have been making out hard to be that exhausted from a kiss!"

I grabbed a pillow and whacked Alyssa while Elizabeth fell off the chair laughing. "We weren't making out hard. I was breathing heavy because we almost got caught!" I hissed.

"Well what are you guys doing now? I mean you like him, he kissed you meaning he has to like you."

"I don't know what is happening! I already said things got really awkward after we kissed so it was probably a getting caught in the moment thing." I said.

Alyssa threw a handful of popcorn at me and glared. "It got awkward because you almost got caught. I swear, if you say one more thing about him not liking you after that kiss, we are done. Got it? Drew asked if he was reading the situation right or not meaning he was hoping he was right but wanted you to be comfortable with it. He initiated the kiss! His crush on you is right in front of you and still you are blind!"

"Okay okay! He likes me. I still have no clue what to do. I don't want to see him because it got really awkward." I was about to continue when the doorbell rang.

"Answer the door then you are right back in this room."

I rolled my eyes for what felt like the fiftieth time and walked to the door. I opened it and saw the last person I wanted to see. "Drew."

"Hey, Cassie."

"What are you doing here?"

"Just came to see you." I nodded slowly with a confused face. "What are you doing?"

"Hanging out with your sister and Liz."

"Oh. Bad time then. Sorry I'll go."

"No. Don't -- don't go. What did you want to see me for?"

Drew didn't answer for a minute and just looked at his hands and looked back at me. "I--can we talk? Outside?"

I bit my lip and nodded. I followed him off the front porch after shutting the door behind me. "So..."

"I like you." He blurted, as though he'd been waiting to say that forever.

"What?" I whispered.

"I like you, Cassie, a lot. I don't know when it started, I just know that I really really like you and I want to give us a chance." I stayed silent, my brain still processing the words coming out of his mouth. "Look, I get it if you don't feel the same but-"

I cut Drew off by pressing my lips to his. Drew hesitated before putting his hands on my waist and pulling me closer. My hands moved to hold his face before slipping around his neck. Drew broke away slowly but never taking his eyes off mine.

"That means what I think it means, right?"

I let out a laughed and dropped my head on his chest before looking up at him again. "Yes. I like you to, like a lot."

Drew grinned and kissed me again, making me laugh against his lips. He pulled away and I could see the little golden specks in his eyes as he smiled down at me. "Go out with me."

"What?" I asked, a smirk plastered on my face.

"Go out with me. I want this to be a thing, and I want to start by taking you on a date. That way you can really tell if you want to stay with. So," Drew backed up and looked at me, "will you go out with me?"

I laughed and smiled at him. "Of course I'll go out with you." Drew smiled and hugged me while picking me up. I laughed for what felt like the hundredth time and wrung my arms around his neck. He buried my face in the crick of my neck and set me back down. "What now?"

"Now I get to plan our date and you have to talk to the two girls staring at us through the window." We both turned and saw Alyssa and Liz wave at us from the window. I laughed and shooed them away. "I'll text you the plan for when the date is. I'm assuming Lyss is already planning your outfit."

I scoffed and raised a brow. "You think? She's been waiting for this day. I wouldn't be surprised if one the sketches in her room is my first date outfit."

Drew and gave me a small kiss on my forehead. "I'll let you get back to your friends. Until our date." Drew said, bowing. I laughed and squeezed his hand.

"Until our date."


"Hold still won't you?!" Liz yelled while yanking hard on the braid she was doing.

"I'm trying but you keep pulling my head back!"

"Okay shush both of you." Alyssa called from the closet. "I'm still trying to find the perfect outfit."

"Do you even know what the date is?" I asked Alyssa.

"Of course I do. Drew knows better than to ask me to plan an outfit without sharing the event."

"Then what am I doing on this date?"

"Telling you would ruin all the fun. Now hush and stop moving. Elizabeth needs to make your braid perfection."

I groaned and sat back as Liz finished the braid. She stepped back to take a picture so I could see it. The braid wrapped around the back of my head and connected to the other side of my head. Liz managed to tame my curls to my surprise and I looked back at her, a wide smile on my face.

"Thank you so much. Definitely a favorite style."

"Anything for my best friend and her first date." I gave her a small hug and Alyssa coughed, gaining our attention. She was holding a black jeans and a burgundy crop sweater in one hand and black combat boots in the other hand.

"Get dressed and hurry. I still need to do your makeup."

I grabbed the outfit and changed. I left the bathroom to look at myself in the full length mirror with Alyssa critiquing the outfit. I turned in my mirror for Alyssa to see and she nodded with a smile.

"That's the one. Go sit in the chair." I sat down and Alyssa started on my makeup. She did a soft smokey eyes with a nude lip. When she finished, I admired the look and hugged her as well.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't have helped you? I mean, you really needed it..." I laughed and swatted her arm.

"Even with that comment, I love you both."

We continued talking and as I zipped up my boots, the doorbell rang and Alyssa squealed. "I'll get it!" She ran downstairs to open the door and came right back upstairs with a frown. "It was your dad."

I gave her a confused look when my dad came up the stairs into my room. "There's my special girl." He said, leaning against the door frame.

"Dad? You're supposed to be at work. Why are you here?"

"Cassie, I've missed too much of your life. I'm not missing your first date." I smiled and ran up to hug him. He responded and rubbed my back. I pulled away when the doorbell rang again. Alyssa got up, but my dad was already going downstairs.

"Let him have this one." I told Lyss after she frowned. "He's been waiting for the day he gets to play the overprotective dad." Alyssa and Liz just chuckled and we walked quietly down the steps to hear the conversation.

"Have her home by midnight. I trust you can handle that." My dad said, his arms crossed and a permanent glare on his face. I almost laughed, but put my hand to my mouth.

"Yes sir. I can handle that." I saw Drew gulp, but he didn't shrink under my dad's gaze. He looked behind my dad and saw me and instantly grinned. My dad turned and saw me and my friends all huddled on the steps. He laughed and bent his head before gesturing for me to come over. I walked over to them and stood in the doorway, looking at my dad.

"Go ahead. Be smart. Use protection." Those were his final word before shutting the door, leaving Drew and I blushing.

"Ignore that last comment, let's go." Drew chuckled and reached for my hand. I took his and we walked to his car. "Now I'm curious. Where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon enough." He said before opening the car door for me.

"Such a gentleman." I teased and got in the car. Drew just shook his head and got in the driver seat to pull out of my driveway. We start driving and I looked out the window to find out where we were going or at least what we were driving near. "Are we going to the mall?"

Drew laughed and spared me a glance before going back to watch the road. "Please. I'm trying to date you. Not be like my sister. If you are gonna guess, guess a little better won't you?"

I rolled my eyes and thought of where he was taking me. "The beach?"

"Better guess. Still way off."

"Fancy dinner?"

"Dressed like this?" I looked at his outfit which was just jeans and a red t-shirt. 

"Fair. Movies?"

"I'm not that basic." I laughed aloud at his response, only making Drew smile.

"Give me a hint."

"Why would I give you a hint? I don't exactly want you knowing." I raised my brows and he sighed. "Fine. I would say this date is fun. Not like a dinner or a picnic that all guys in books do to be creative when it isn't even creative. I think you will like it, but won't expect it."

"Wow that narrows it down so much." Drew just rolled his eyes and kept driving. "Amusement park?"

"No. You aren't into roller coasters. There's no reason to take you to them. Plus lines take way to long. Like what? I sit in a line for fifteen minutes just to ride a one minute ride? No thanks."

I laughed and shook my head. "Will I at least get food at some point during this date?"

"Yes. I will be taking you to dinner tonight. I won't let you starve."

"That's good. I was worried for a moment."

"I'm disappointed in your lack of faith. I am perfectly capable of planning a good and fun date. And even if I wasn't, which I am, I have Alyssa for help on all things girls." I looked over at him, a smile on my face. Drew must have noticed and turned to see me smiling at him. "What?"

"Nothing." We continued talking until Drew pulled into a parking lot. He got out and ran around the car and opened my door. "How sweet." I said, getting out of the car. I looked around and saw a mini golf course in front of me. It was fairly late in the day so no one was really there except us. "You took me to play mini golf?"

"Yeah. Is that...is that good? I can always take you somewhere else." He said, for the first time acting nervous about his choice.

"No, no. I love it. Fun, but easy. Not worried about physical contact and I get to make fun of you if you suck. Thank you." I stood on my toes and reached to peck him on the lips. Drew bent down to make it easier for me to reach. I pulled away with a smile and smirked. "Ready to get crushed at mini golf."

"Like I'll be the one getting crushed. Come on." We walked to the front desk area and Drew got us the clubs and two balls. Mine was blue and his was green. "Let's play some mini golf."

The first whole, I crushed it at two puts and Drew at six. "I know I said I'd crush you, but this is the first whole. How are you so bad?"

"It isn't my fault the ball kept going past the tiny whole!"

"I think it is only your fault."

"Shut up." I laughed and went to the next whole, still continuing to beat his ass.

"Okay, it isn't that hard. You just rock your shoulders and go through the ball." I said as he tried to put the ball into the whole for the fifth time and missing.

"I know how to put. I just don't do it well." Finally he got it in.

For the rest of the mini golf we just played and teased each other. Finally I had to throw a round just to make sure he won once. I laughed at him every time he went up to the ball and Drew would push my shoulder and then miss, making me laugh more. It was easy with him. Every time we were together, I could just feel my smile come easier and felt better in general. When we finished, I had a permanent grin on my face. He gave back our clubs and golf balls before walking back to me.

"So I think I have made the conclusive decision to never do that again." He said. I only smiled and kissed him quickly.

"Well I thought that was the most fun I've ever had. Thank you for that."

"Anytime. So you ready for dinner?"

"More than ever."


So like, big chapter. At least for me, that was long. I'm betting there are like a hundred mistakes, but please do ignore those.

Also, I hate my AP US History class. I had to write fifteen paragraphs about five sources which sucked. Literally had me working till one in the morning on the day it was due. I mean yeah I could've done it like two weeks earlier, but your girl had a whole other life going on.

Moving on, I'm on vacation. So excited about that. And maybe I'll be able to get out another update. This story has not been my fastest, but it is moving and almost finished! Like two actual chapters left and then I'm done, minus the epilogue. But oh my god. So excited! 

I do hope you guys did enjoy this chapter with the date and all, not sure how I feel about how I wrote it, but it is good. I think. It could've been way worse. Anyway, type soon.

-Clara :)

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