Chapter 5

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I stood in front of Drew's house and slowly raised my hand to knock on his door. Thirty seconds later, the door opened, revealing Drew. I looked at what he was wearing taking note of the gray sweatpants and red t-shirt. I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"Hey, come on in. Alyssa is still sleeping so don't worry about her. And don't worry about waking her up. She practically dies in her sleep. My dad is with a friend and my step-mom is making herself some lunch."

I took note of two things. One: he had a step-mom meaning he either had divorced parents or a dead one. Two: Alyssa sleeps until noon.

"Your sister sleeps until twelve?" I chose not to ask him about his parents. His mom could be dead and I would rather not talk about that.

"That's how her Sundays go. She wakes up early from Monday to Saturday and then sleep forever on Sunday, and when she wakes up, she gets her homework done. So where do you want to work on the project?"

"Wherever is fine. I just wanna get it started."

"Yeah. We can go to my room then. It is quiet with less distractions." I nodded and followed him up the stairs to his room. When we entered it, I was surprised to find the only messy thing to be his bed.

"How are you this clean?" I asked. Drew shrugged.

"Easy. I get yelled at when I'm not." I laughed and sat on his bean bag chair and Drew took his desk chair. "Okay so we are supposed to write an essay and make a presentation as to why friendship is so important."

"Would you mind writing the essay? I can do everything else but write the essay. It is so boring and I'm not so great at it."

"How come? Did you always fail your essays?"

"I didn't fail them, but I wasn't getting hundreds. More like nineties. Plus I can't focus. I will do literally everything else, but the essay." Drew smirked.

"Okay then. I'll write the essay. I've always gotten hundreds." I gave him a playful glare and threw a pillow at him, laughing.

"Whatever. Let's just make some bullet points and I'll turn it into a power point. Easy peasy."

"Okay then. How about we take turns coming up with bullet points until we run out of ideas or think we have enough?"

"Sure. You go first."

"Okay. To me friendship is important the cause you have someone to watch your back when someone is trying to hurt you." I nod.

"Put down that they are always there to catch you when you fall."

"Nice. Friends keep you from being lonely."

We took turns saying our ideas for the next fifteen minutes. We got some good ideas for our project and Drew began his rough draft for the introduction while I started on the power point and the style I would use. We continued working when Drew spoke up.

"I'm bored. Why don't we take a break from school work?" I gave him a look.

"The project is going to take awhile should we continue working?"

"Cassie we have like forever. Plus you know you don't want to work anymore. I saw you stop to scroll on your Pinterest page." I blushed a shade of red.

"Okay, what did you want to do?"

"Well for one, I am hungry. Two, I have an xbox we could use."

"Sure. What's for lunch?" I stood up and dusted off my clothes and looked at him.

When Sparks Fly (in editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin