My Life is Unexpected *Sequel...

By EAODonnell

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My life was a mess until i meet Austin, he turned my life upside down and i love him for it. I just never kne... More

Read this first!
Chapter 1 -My life since the world started to know
Chapter 2 - It's nearly Christmas
Chapter 3 - Last Christmas
Chapter 4 - He's come for Christmas
Chapter 5 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 6 - Christmas Eve dinner with his family
Chapter 7 - It's already new years eve
Chapter 8 - New Years Eve party
Chapter 9 - I'm sorry
Chapter 10 - Our last night
Chapter 11 - Arguments, making ups and the unfair truth....
Chapter 12 - Skype with Aidan
Chapter 13 - Disappointments, worst nightmares and sorrows
Chapter 14 - My worst nightmare has come my reality
Chapter 15 - He's always gonna to be there
Chapter 17 - Abi Doll
Chapter 18 - New York, New York
Chapter 19 - Always have, Always will
Chapter 20 - Years of hidden feelings
Chapter 21 - The Lucas Family
Chapter 22 - Seventeen
Chapter 23 - The unexpected

Chapter 16 - Going back into the past

410 18 1
By EAODonnell

....Abigail: Well, here it goes, i'm living with Noah
Austin: Noah, as in your ex boyfriend that you were scared out of the sky of?
Abigail: Sadly yes
Austin: Why are you living with him?
Abigail: Remember how Jeremy had a son that neither me nor my mom knew about?
Austin: Yeah?
Abigail: Well, his son is Noah
Austin: Does your mom know about this? Does she know what he did to you? How he treated you?
Abigail: Yeah, but she said he's changed and that he won't lay a finger on me
Austin: I don't believe that
Abigail: How do you think i feel? Neither Jeremy nor mom are home, so i came here to get away from him. All i want to do is go home...
I won't say i'm happy to be back home, it's strange, hearing all the busy traffic during the night, and all the police sirens but it's good to be back in my home city. Yeah, i'm back in New York, i got back about 2 week ago. Me and mum are here, we're both staying in my room as there isn't an other room for mom and dad didn't want us wasting money on a hotel. 

A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks, too many things to actually keep up with. Firstly, mom isn't with Jeremy anymore, Noah isn't around, Austin is still travelling. But most of all my family is back to normal.

*4 Weeks ago*

Aidan: I'm free on the Thursday afternoon, so i'll pack then and get a flight for Friday morning and be with you in the afternoon

I was on the phone with Aidan, he was coming over to visit as he had a long weekend, plus i won't be stuck alone in the house with Noah then. 

Abigail: That's perfect, i'll be sure to tell mom that
Aidan: Good, can't wait to see you again
Abigail: Me too, i've miss my best friend
Aidan: I've missed my bestie too!

We stayed on Skype a wee while longer but then i headed to bed. I had work tomorrow, i had the lunchtime shift, yep still saving for my trip, it'll all be worth the hard work and the long, tiring hours.

*Next morning, Thursday morning* 

Abigail: Thank you for coming, i hope you enjoyed your lunch

I said goodbye to my last table and cleaned up after them. Thank goodness i'm done for the day, i've not be able to have a break as there's been so many customers. 4 hours here and no break can really kill you. Thankfully mom was out shopping and she was picking me up so i didn't need to walk home.

Pamela: What do you want for lunch Abi?
Abigail: Nothing thank you, i'm just gonna head to bed
Pamela: Okay, i'll come check on you in an hour or so and then i'll make you something to eat
Pamela: Abi, sweetie, woke up, it's half 4 now

My mom started to shake me, i had been sleeping for 2 hours as i didn't get up at 3, she let me sleep a little longer. I peeled open my eyes, and i told her that i was get up. I noticed the state of my room and remembered that i needed to tidy up before Aidan comes. I started to put all my dirty clothes into my laundry bin and my ironed pile of clothes back into my closet. 

As i finished tidying up my desk, my phone went off, i got i text. I pulled out my phone out of my pocket and the text was from Austin.

        "AustinMahone: Missing you babe :( are you able to Skype tonight? At 7 pm your time?<3"

"AbigailLucas: Miss you too love :( Wish the weeks would just be over :( Yeah i'm free :) <3"

We kept texting while i finished up on my room. I can't wait till Aidan comes tomorrow. But i can't wait till Austin comes back.

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