I Think Your Love Would Be To...

By littleninja0

361K 8.4K 3.1K

Working for Post Malone shouldn't be too hard right? Simple, just don't fall in love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author's Note
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Author's Note
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Author's Note
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 96

1.6K 55 21
By littleninja0

Lena POV

I took a long look in the mirror before I wiped away my smudged lipstick and ran my fingers slowly to smooth through my sexed hair. I gave myself a small smile as I was reminded how incredibly lucky I was to have Austin in my life.

A year ago, I was on the floor of my LA apartment, tears pouring down my face as I sat in my wedding gown, sobbing desperately into my lace veil. I sat by myself, locked in my bathroom, my hand placed along my nearly invisible bump as I held on to the only glimmer of happiness I had left in my life. But little did I know, that would soon be taken away from me as I just begun to wrap my head around the reality of bringing a child into this world alone.

The baby was all I had to keep me going and was the sole reason I even got out of bed some days. But as much as I tried to be strong for myself and my child, in the end, it wasn't enough. My miscarriage only added to my depression and my unanswered phone calls to Luke that were repeatedly sent to voice-mail, only left me as an empty shell of a person as I dealt with the tragic loss of our baby on my own.

"Lena! Baby please open the door. Please let me in. Let me come home. I am so sorry Lee. Please I just want to come home."

I was curled up on the couch in an old pair of pajamas and a hot cup of tea as I listened to him bang against the front door of our once shared apartment. I allowed each one of his phone calls to go to voice-mail and every text message to go unanswered. After he refused to talk to me for months, he was finally getting a dose of his own medicine as he pathetically came crawling back, pleading nonstop at my door. I had been discharged a few weeks before from the hospital after losing the baby and along with that, I had lost a lot of blood. I had to mourn the loss of my child alone in the hospital all the while receiving multiple transfusions. Just as I was beginning to take my first steps towards healing, here he was, begging for me to take him back. But I couldn't bring myself to forgive him. I wasn't ever going to forgive him.

I was broken for longer than I wanted to be and I couldn't bring myself to even think about trusting someone ever again. But the second I met Austin, I knew in my heart of hearts that he would be the one to break down my walls and put the pieces of heart back together regardless of my doubts in the beginning. He fought his hardest to save me even when I didn't think I needed to be saved. I had never truly been loved until I had been loved by him. And for that, I was eternally grateful.

I gave my hair once last tousle before I exited mine and Austin's shared bedroom and hurridly made my way down the staircase. The party was still in full swing though I was certain some guests had left as I no longer had to struggle to make my way through the house.


I miraculously heard my name being shouted over the booming speakers and I turned my head in nearly every direction to figure out where it was coming from. My eyes finally locked with Adam's who stood only a few feet from me though he sounded like he was tens of miles away. I managed to squirm my way through the large crowd that had formed around the intense game of beer pong that was no where near its end in the middle of the living room.

He gestured for me to follow him into the kitchen, which was much less packed than just moments before.

"Hey, I saw you run upstairs and you looked pretty upset. And then I saw Austin running after you in a panic. Is everything okay? I told him I'll kill 'em if he ever hurts you." He half joked as he expressed his concern for me.

I just barely chuckled under my breath as I shook my head from side to side, swallowing the lump in my throat before I answered.

"No, actually it's Luke you're going to want to kill. He's um- he's here."

I watched the color drain from Adam's face as his usual joking demeanor diminished as he was at a loss words.

"Wait- what? What the fuck do you mean Luke is here? What is that bastard doing here?"

"I-I don't know. Apparently his friend knows Smitty or something." I shrugged, my emotions much more under control thanks to the love of my life, who I couldn't seem to find anywhere, my eyes bouncing from person to person to search for him as I spoke to Adam.

"Did you tell Austin anything?" He asked with his brows raised as he clutched onto his bottle of Bud Light.

I nodded slowly, "I told Austin everything."

"Have you seen him? I told him I would meet him down here when I was done freshening up."

"Lena I don't have to kill Luke cause Austin's probably doing that as we speak." Adam chuckled matter of factly as I groaned at the sudden realization.

"Shit. I need to find him." I muttered, hoping he wouldn't do anything to Luke. His hand was still bruised from punching Chris earlier that morning and as much as I knew Austin loved me and would do anything to protect me, I could not let him put his hands on anyone and everyone out who hurt my feelings.

I swiftly turned away from Adam and made my way through the swarm of people, almost certain that I was pushing past many different celebrities that were standing in my way.

My breath hitched in my throat as I caught a glimpse of my boyfriend towering over my ex as they stood near the front door in the foyer. I sucked in a deep breath before slowly making my way towards them, trying my best not to panic as Austin cornered Luke against the wall.

"You were right about one thing. Marriage is a big deal. The next time she walks down that aisle, she'll be marrying me. She going to be my wife. And the mother of my child. And I'm going to give her what you didn't."

My heart tumbled to my stomach at the sound of his words and my voice was almost inaudible as I opened my mouth to speak.

"Austin." I managed to breathe out as I watched the man I was hopelessly in love with take a step back from the man I once thought I would spend my life with, what felt like many lifetimes ago.

Luke's widened eyes slanted to my direction as I entered into the foyer, the many people swarming the area soon beginning to exchange glances as they witnessed the awkward yet intriguing interaction between the two.

I watched as Austin spun around, suddenly turning to face me. His face was flushed with anger and his eyes dark with infuriation. Yet they somehow softened within an instant as soon as I came into his view. His darkened navy irises lightened within seconds to the pools of baby blue that I had done backstrokes in time and time again.

"Hey angel. You okay?" His graveled voice that was just echoing through the entryway was now laced with sweet concern as he inched closer to me.

I slowly nodded as I felt Luke's gaze burning right through me as Austin towered over me.

"I'm fine love." I mumbled with a small but reassuring smile as he cupped my cheek with his tattooed hand.

"Can I have a minute alone to talk to Luke?" I added, throwing a glance at Luke, who stood quietly in the corner.

"Yeah, sure. I'm right here if you need me." Austin leaned his forehead against mine before pecking my lips softly. "You are so strong baby, do not forget that." He whispered as he broke the kiss and gently let go of me.

I gave him a miniscule but thankful grin and nodded before I tucked a loose strand behind my ear as I walked past Austin and awkwardly gestured for Luke to join me outside.

He slowly opened the front door, allowing me to exit before him as he turned to give Austin one last look before shutting it closed behind us.

I inhaled a deep breath, the cool night air filling my lungs as I sunk down onto the front step, awaiting for him to join me. Luke shortly slumped down next to me, the silence between us deafening yet somehow much needed after all of the lost time that was catching up between us.

I stared down at the concrete, studying its details as I pondered deeply on what exactly I wanted to say to this man. I had imagined this scenario more times than I was proud of in the past, yet none of those words I had practice all those months ago seemed to find its way to my lips.

I scolded myself to keep my tears at bay because I did not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry any longer but I couldn't promise myself from getting emotional as this entire evening had reopened old wounds that I never thought I would tend to again.

While I concentrated my thoughts to the pavement and still could not decide how exactly to go about ending this chapter of my life for good, Luke took it upon himself to break the terrible silence with yet another apology.

"Lena I am so sorry. The baby, our baby.. I had no idea." His voice was genuinely distraught and I knew deep down, if he had any clue about my pregnancy, things would had turned out much differently. But the fact of the matter was he didn't and it was his turn to experience the painful loss.

"You didn't know. And I got through it, one way or the other. I got through it." I responded, my voice emotionless as Austin's words of encouragement echoed loudly in my ears.

I had to be strong. I had gotten through the most pain I had ever endured in my life and here I was, still standing.

"Luke I-"

"Lena wait, please just hear me out?" He almost pleaded, his hand gently touching the back of mine as I finally tilted my head to lock my eyes with his gaze.

"I wish I could have been there for you, even if it didn't mean us getting back together. I wish I knew about the baby. And words can't even explain how fucking horrible I feel that you had to go through the miscarriage alone. Theres nothing I can say or do to change the past and I will never forgive myself for that. And I'm not going to sit here and ask you to forgive me for what I've done either. That would be selfish of me and I'm not going to act like what happened between us wasn't my fault and my fault alone. I fucked up. I ruined us. And I live to regret that every single day of my life."

I simply nodded at him as he paused, the look on his face telling me that there was much more he wanted to say.

"There's not a day that I don't think about you, that I don't wonder about you. That I wish I didn't walk out on you on our wedding day." His emerald green eyes glistened with a glassy film as he poured his heart out towards me and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for him.

"I've imagined the moment I would see you again probably a million times over in the past year. And I always promised myself that I would fight for a second chance to be with you and I would not give up on us no matter what. But coming here tonight has finally given me closure Lee. I don't have to live in regret any more or wonder if you were the one that got away." He sucked in a breath before he continued and gave my hand a small squeeze.

"You weren't meant for me. You were never meant for me. And after so long, I think I have finally come to terms with that." He sighed. "Lena I can tell just by the way he looks at you. He loves you in the way that I should have loved you. There is no hesitation in his eyes when it comes to you. There is nothing but calmness and confidence and certainty when he talks about you and your future together. There is no doubt or fear or worry. And you shouldn't be loved any other way. And I want you to know that I am so happy for you Lena, I truly am. You deserve nothing less."

He gave me a weak but genuine smile as he let go of my hand and rose from the step beside me.

I couldn't help but return the smile as a weight lifted off my shoulders that I had been carrying for much too long. I watched as he turned away from me to walk away towards the direction of his car, my soft voice stopping his sudden footsteps.


He turned back around, his eyebrows raised as he curiously waited for my response.

"I forgive you."

His frail smile widened just a bit and he mumbled a few more words before he turned away for good, "Goodbye Lena."

"Goodbye Luke." I muttered with an exhale of satisfaction, my mind finally at peace with how that chapter of my life had ended. My choice to forgive him had been a long time coming and I was ready to leave the past and the past and move on with the man I wanted a future with. I ran my fingers through my untamed waves and turned on my heels to make my way back inside.

I closed the door shut behind me once I entered, the loud roars of cheering invading my ears as the thick crowd around the beer pong table was still going strong. My eyes raked the room for half a second before I noticed Austin sitting by himself, nursing a can of Bud Light in the empty dining room a few feet away.

I made my way over to him, his hung head making it nearly impossible for him to pick up on my presence. I slid my hand along his shoulder to announce myself, his reaction almost instantaneous to my touch. His gaze met with mine and he took my hand in his and gently pulled me closer, gesturing towards his lap.

"Come here sweetheart." His deep rasp sent a thrill down my spine and ignited the butterflies that were always fluttering in the pit of my stomach.

I quickly obliged, sliding into his lap and immediately wrapping my arms around his neck as I craved for his embrace. His arms tightened around my waist as he leaned into my neck, placing innocent kisses softly against my skin.

"How did it go?" He hummed quietly, not wanting to push me to talk about what had just happened but his curiosity getting the better of him.

"It went- it went better than I expected." I lowly chuckled, in somewhat of a disbelief that I had finally let go of that dark part of my past.

"Oh yeah? So is this you telling me goodbye before you ride off into the sunset with him?" Austin slyly joked as he just barely poke his index finger into the side of my ribs. "Or did I get the girl?"

My mouth twitched into a content smile as I pressed my lips softly against his, briefly losing myself in his sweet kisses before I broke away to give him the answer he was looking for.

"You got the girl rockstar. You'll always get the girl."

Austin laced his fingers in my hair, pulling my face to his once again before he kissed me with a sudden passionate force. His tongue slipped into my mouth and intensely swirled with mine as we ignored the screams and howls from the room next to us as we trapped ourselves into our precious little bubble. I could live here a lifetime and a half if it meant being with the man I was so desperately in love with.

"Did you mean what you said earlier? When you were talking to Luke?" I whispered between kisses as I felt his lips twist into a widened smile.

"What? About marrying you?" He voice was coy yet shy and his cheeks were flushed with a pale pink as he gazed down at me.

I nodded my head as my fingers twirled the short curls at the nape of his neck.

"Lena I'm going to make you my wife one day, that I promise you."

"Cross your heart and hope to die?" I grinned as his beautiful sparkling blue eyes twinkled back at me.

"Cross my heart and hope to die angel." He pressed his forehead against mine. "We're going to get married someday and then I'm not hesitating to put a baby in you." He winked, earning a soft chuckle from me as he lifted me from his lap and began carrying me bridal style out of the dining room.

"Austin where are we going?" I laughed, hooking my arms tighter around his neck as he leaned in to peck my lips.

"Party's over, I'm kicking everyone out. I haven't finished fucking you senseless in every room of our house remember? And we really should get to practicing babygirl. I wanna make sure we do it right when the time comes for me to get you pregnant." He stated matter of factly as a wicked smirk formed at his mouth.

I giggled quietly against his lips as I thanked my lucky stars for the millionth time for this man.

"I am so in love with you Austin." I mumbled, as he stared at me with the same fire that ignited in his irises when he first laid eyes on me all those months ago.

"I am so in love with you Lena. Now come on, let me make love to you."

The End.

My heart is so heavy saying goodbye to this story and these characters that I've become so attached to. But it's time for Austin and Lena to have their happily ever after. I am so forever grateful to everyone that has read this book and so thankful for all of your amazing feedback and comments. I will be posting a few epilouge chapters so stay tuned. Thank you again lovelies! 💕💕💕

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