Gilmore Girls One Shots and I...

AnastasiaLuoiv द्वारा

17.8K 80 33

Picture isn't mine! I'm open to write about anyone from the show just message me! I won't be writing smut and... अधिक

Author's Note
Basket Bidding part 1 (Love triangle between Jess and Tristan)
1.2 Tristan Dugray

1.1 Tristan Dugray

5.5K 31 2
AnastasiaLuoiv द्वारा

For this imagine, Tristan never got sent to a military school. 

Enjoy reading<3

"Tristan, seriously, you need to calm down. Rory would like you better if you were nicer, you know." I sighed tiredly. I didn't fancy myself being the person who fell in love with their best friend. Seeing as I couldn't prevent that though, I prevented myself from being the person who sabotaged their best friend's relationships for their own selfish means.

"I don't know how to be nice, Lynn." this time he was the one to sigh. He had his elbows on his knees while he sat on a bench. We just finished class a few minutes ago and he met me after I saw him being pathetically turned down by Rory. I just leaned on the pillar near where they were waiting for Tristan to finish. Gods only knew that Tristan didn't know how to express his feelings, but that boy means well.

What he said was a lie, though. He is nice, he just isn't aware of when he is. I think I fell in love with that part of him- or maybe it was the sweaters he lent, the quiet ways he showed me he cared about me- however platonic it may be- I was glad. I didn't mind the heartache that might ensue being near him while he dates a lot of people, I'm just glad to have him. That doesn't mean he can walk all over me though, and I'll be damned if I let someone do that just because I liked them. I worked too hard to be trampled over.

Shaking my head to bring myself back to reality, "Tristan, you are nice, you idiot." He sent me an unamused look that I only laughed at. "You're nice towards me, your mother, and," I paused, "Yeah, I can't think of anyone else, but you are nice, Trist." I said before I sat down next to him and rubbed his back, he rolled his eyes at the nickname but welcomed my touch. Fuck, don't think about the way he relaxes under your touch. Not about his back muscles either, focus you dumbass. "Treat Rory the way you'd treat me, but in a flirty way." Gods, did that come out wrong? "What do you mean?" He looked at me curiously, "You give me your sweater, you buy me random snacks you know I like and hug me when you see me. You tease Rory, and yeah that could add some sort of 'spark,' if you'd call it that, but you're borderline cruel sometimes. Tone it down a little. Maybe give her the chance to miss you. Wait," I paused "Isn't she with Dean?" Tristan nodded. Fury bubbled up in me, "What the fuck is wrong with you? She's taken Tristan. You don't go out there breaking relationships." I stood up. Was he mental? She's taken.

"Actually, I heard little Rory and her boyfriend broke up." Tristan and I turned around at the voice. Paris, Madeline, and Louis were looking at us. Instantly I felt relieved, but that didn't mean I was happy Tristan was flirting with her while she was in a relationship.

The realisation that that means he can date her hit me. I shook my head. We're happy for Tristan, we are. I said to myself.

"Oh, well, that's good then," I said, before realising how that sounded, "Not that they broke up, but because Tristan, yeah I'm going to stop talking." I sat back down next to Tristan. Paris rolled her eyes at me. We were friends, we just didn't really show it. Madeline grinned and Louis sent me an amused smile. Louis and I haven't really talked since last summer when she asked me how I knew I was bisexual, then kissed me. There was no harsh feelings, I'm glad I helped her realise she was bisexual as well, though.

"We're going to be studying soon, are you going, Lynn?" Paris asked. Well, demanded, but then again when doesn't Paris sound demanding.

Tristan and I looked at each other. We were planning on staying at his place for a while and just relaxing before he went to the basketball court with his friends. I cocked my head to the side asking him a silent question.

"Would you guys stop doing that? And besides, you don't need to be together 24/7." Paris said, annoyed she still hadn't gotten her answer.

I let out a silent chuckle before accepting her offer. "What time are we meeting up and where?"

"There's a park here that isn't infested with people we'd be ashamed to be seen with, you okay with that?" Madeline asked. I smiled and said it was fine.

The three of them walked away and Tristan and I were talking when we saw Rory go out of the school and walk to her car.

"Want me to talk to her?" I offered. Tristan's head snapped up, his eyes pleading.

I'm not going to lie, my heart dropped a bit seeing how much he cared. But I covered it with a laugh and walked away.

As I walked towards Rory she was placing her things in her car but looked up at me when she heard my footsteps. She smiled at me, I could see why Tristan liked her. I smiled back. "Hey, I'm Lynn." Wow, that first sentence was revolutionary, truly. Life changing, Lynn, you did good. Oh Gods I'm a dumbass. Despite my inner monologue, I kept the smile on my face.

Rory laughed, "Yes, I know who you are Lynn. You helped me on my first day here, that's how Tristan knew me, remember?" She said that last part teasingly. My cheeks burned. How was I supposed to know she remembered that?

I cleared my throat, "I didn't know you remembered," she laughed, "You were one of the few people that was still nice to me after Paris made me an outcast. I think I'd remember a person like that."

"How are you liking Jane Eyre so far?" I asked, noticing the novel in her hands.

She beamed "I'm really liking it so far. Have you read it?"

I nodded, "I have."

Awkward silence filled the air. Okay what's a good conversation starter? See, talking is Tristan's thing, not mine.

"I know you came here to talk to me for him." She pointed her head in Tristan's direction who was now talking to a few other boys from Chilton. I could tell he was trying to look like he wasn't listening though. I shook my head and smiled, that idiot.

"You don't have to deny it," She said. "Oh, no. I wasn't denying it, I was shaking my head because the idiot is trying to look busy." I said with a laugh at the end.

"You talk about him very fondly, do you like him?"

"No!" I exclaimed before trying to calm down, "I don't have a partner at the moment."

"Ah," she drawled, "I never asked about a partner though, I asked whether you liked him." she teases.

I squinted my eyes at her, "Okay missy, you're becoming mean now. Yes, I did come here to talk to you for him, but I think we'll get along just fine." We exchanged a smile.


"I suggest hurrying because I think someone wants to talk to you,"

"Oh, who?" I asked curiously.

I looked at where she was looking and saw a person looking at me but they quickly diverted their eyes back to their book when they noticed me staring.

"His name is Candon, by the way, and he goes by he/him pronouns."

"Have you talked to him before?"

"I have, we've worked on a project before. Didn't know he was interested in you though."

"I don't think a lot of people are, Rory."

She smirked. I'm starting to not like that look on her face. "Mostly because the oh so terrifying Tristan Dugray is always around you, and they always thought you guys were dating."

"Well I'm not, people should really stop assuming."

"Is Candon your type?"

I craned my neck to look in his direction. He was pretty attractive. He was with his friends now too and he seemed to be charming them.

"I mean like, I wouldn't object." I conceded.

"Then talk to him. As for Tristan, you guys are going to get things cleared up soon enough. Do tell him I'm not interested though. There was a reason Dean and I broke up and that situation is a dumpfire itself."

I smiled sympathetically, "Do you want my number in case you want to talk to anyone?"

"I'd like that actually," We exchanged numbers before she had to leave and as I was walking back to the bench to get my things, Candon walked towards me.

I wasn't lying when I said he was attractive. He had a charming smile, fluffy hair, and a pretty nice energy around him.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hello there," I smiled back.

"I saw you talking to Rory there, where is she?"

"She's gone home. Something about not wanting to get hit by a deer again,"

He looked at me bewildered, "Are you su-"

"Quite positive. I asked the same question myself."

He smirked, "You didn't even know what I was going to ask."

"With a sentence like that I'm pretty confident I'm right. Are you going to disagree?"

He stared at me for a while before shaking his head laughing.

"Did you need something, Candon?"

"No, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to study for Mr. Medina's class together. I moved classes and needed some help catching up."

I grabbed my bag to get my planner and check but remembered it was in my bag, and Tristan likely grabbed it before going to his friends. "I don't have my planner at the moment but I think I'm free this Wednesday. Do you have a location in mind?"

"Is the library here fine?" He asked, scanning my face.

I nodded. The library here had a lot of resources and it had some private rooms and computers as well. We just needed to make a meeting to get a room reserved for us.

"Will you be making the appointment or will I?"

"Hey, I'm the one who asked. I will. Though, I won't object to you coming with me to make the appointment." He smiled at me.

Cheeky this one, "I'll double check whether I actually am free this Wednesday then message you."

"Here's my number." He gave me a piece of paper with numbers scrawled on it. I raised my eyebrows at him. "You were that sure I'd accept your proposal? Or do you just have it in case someone who tickled your fancy passed by?" I teased, looked at him with an eyebrow raised. Tristan teased me for only being able to move my left whenever I did that. Okay- yeah, no- don't think about Tristan right now.

He smiled cheekily with a hint of red on his cheek. The blush wasn't from this interaction though, the wind was going at it today and I'm pretty sure my cheeks were red as well. "I wrote it down just in case you did. Couldn't be bothered to write it down when we're talking. As for the last option, it's typically not but thanks for the suggestion." He winked.

"Typically? You break my heart, Candon. And here I thought I was special." 

I laughed before saying goodbye and after he said it as well I walked towards Tristan who was with his friends with both of our bags on his back.

He smiled at me before looking at Candon's retreating back and the place Rory's car was parked in a few minutes ago before looking back at me questioningly. I gave him a look saying I'll tell him later. Right now though, I needed to check my planner for my Wednesday schedule. I tried not to think about Tristan while I looked for an available time for this meeting that kind of seemed like a date. Tristan, I love you, but I'm not jumping off the ledge in hopes the strings that attach my heart to you will be strong enough to catch me before I fall.

I'd be lying to myself if I said I haven't already fallen, but I don't think Tristan knows I'm hanging off the ledge wondering whether he'll actually notice me hiding, and whether he'd do anything about it. 

Part 2 has been posted! <3

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