Forced Marriage {JJK × y/n}

By pjmtrulys26

1M 34.4K 6.4K

A man who is still in love with his ex is forced to marry a girl from a village. Will the numerous arguments... More

Forever Us🫀


13.8K 503 85
By pjmtrulys26

"Hello?" The Mafia man worker greets another friend from the tribe. He is informed about the news of you cutting your wrist. And just like that, they are asked to take a u-turn and drive back to the Daegu national hospital. 

"Take a u-turn, boss wants them at the hospital," he informs the driver by shoving his phone in his pocket and pulling his gun out.  

"How come I believed that bas*tard would let us go," Namjoon grits his teeth, feeling the car taking a turn back and passing through the same route again. 

"Great. At least she won't have to see us dying," Rose mumbled, dipping her head in between her palms. While every other person blamed themselves for committing some mistake and flopping the whole plan of rescuing you.

A tear slips down Jimin's rosy cheek, tugging Namjoon's heart in unknown suffering. He watches the man sitting opposite him, staring at him with his whole heart. 

Is it love? Does love happen in a week?
No… maybe it's just attraction…
But he wouldn't mind giving Jimin everything he can, 
Why hasn't he felt the same for anyone except Jimin!
Maybe then he would have understood if it's love or attraction?

Why does it hurt even when he doesn't know what his heart feels?
He feels sad because there is still no name to his butterflies, his ache, his soft gazes...

His blurry gaze admires the man as he thinks it might be their last moment, last day. He would save him if he was given a chance. There was something about that man, something which hurt Namjoon. There was so much more than what Jimin shows, more pain than his smiles, more heart breaks than he has heard about his flirts. And he believed everything he hadn't heard about that man.

Can you lean on me for once… 

"I should have tried more. Why was I so ignorant?" A broken voice cuts hearts while no one responds to his question. Everyone was blocked with their own world and blames.

Sniffling and wiping his face, Jimin composes himself. He takes a deep breath before looking up and that's when he catches Namjoon staring at him. His breath hitches in his runny nose as he steals glances from the muscular man. 

What's wrong with him? 
He looks cute when he observes something!

"Jimin," Namjoon calls out, catching everyone's attention. Jungkook sitting beside Jimin stares at them with cold eyes while his gaze is filled with you and your thoughts. While Rose's temple creases in confusion hearing Namjoon's soft voice. 

Jimin gulps hearing the tone as he waits for him to speak up. Somewhere he feared that Namjoon would bring up your topic again but the thoughts go in the drain when he speaks. 

"I… You know, you are really something. I don't mean in a bad way, trust me. And I feel I lack so many things, especially empathy when I see you doing so much for everyone around you. I know our meeting wasn't a good one but trust me… In this one week, I learned so much from you. Thank you. I don't know if what I believe is true or not but if it's, then I hope you don't blame yourself for whatever happens in future. It wasn't and it's still not your fault. You are enough, you don't have to push yourself. I think you… you think too much. You punish yourself for what you haven't done or done by mistake. We are human, Jimin… don't punish yourself for your whole life…" he gets cut off.

"Is there life remaining now? We are literally gonna die in the next five minutes? Ten minutes?" His cold tone makes Namjoon think a little more.

"That's what you do. You try to ignore your problems thinking they are not relevant but swee… Jimin, nothing Is irrelevant. I am sure you are still not gonna believe me or think about my words… but I needed to let out my thoughts," he ends his speech while Rose shakes her head with a small sad smile realizing what Namjoon actually meant. 

Love. It's his love language. He has heard Namjoon talking about how he would like to comfort his partner whenever they are down and how he would cuddle them up, read them books, throw their insecurities away. 

Jimin was lost when he gave a thought to his words. 

How did he know? 
When did he peek inside Jimin?
What was he doing with his small heart?

Jungkook was confused yet somewhere got an idea when he saw two men staring at each other. He doesn't know much about Namjoon and still was unaware of his sexuality otherwise he would have got an idea what his words truly meant. 

"She will be free to run away after our death. I am sorry… for pulling you all in this mess," Jungkook apologises, getting a slap by each of them for speaking nonsense. They all were your friends before meeting Jungkook so it was trivial of him to speak of that. 

Taehyung slid down on the bench outside the ICU while he watched doctors taking your limp body inside. Tears were nowhere in his life until he met you and now he was sobbing. Seeing you passing out in his arms, left an impression on him. 

He was alive… yet dead. 

"I am sorry…" he mutters, hiding himself in his palms. Your dried blood on his palms makes its way to his nostrils as he pulls out and gapes at the withered liquid with a blank face. 

He was the reason… 
He was the reason behind everything…

"I killed you?" He gasps, his gaze then landing on the ICU room as he breaks again. 

"Forgive me, please… please, forgive me!" He begs, curling up in his form while he shivered in fear of losing you. 

He never wants to lose you…

When one of the men greets him he ignores him as you occupy every corner of his heart. He remembers how you used to smile while passing him his latte and how he just gave you pain. You became his reason to stay alive when he gave you reasons to die.

How cruel he was to you?!!

Maria watches his boss with a cold stoned face. She felt no empathy even when she saw him whimpering and losing breaths. She believed that god gave him enough chances to improvise and yet he chose to destroy everything. He was the reason behind so many deaths and if you die today, he will be cursed more than ever. 

He will be cursed by everyone around him, by her, by y/n, by your loved one, by men… by everyone. 

What Taehyung did with you was unacceptable but again he was a mafia and no one dared to speak up against him. No one does what he did when they love someone.

"We are here… Mk informing! We are here," the person notifies the other person over the walkie talkie while waiting for Taehyung's command. They waited in the parking lot of the hospital while their guns were targeted at the four people. 

"Jacob, here! Bring Jeon Jungkook. I repeat, bring Jeon Jungkook," they are greeted with demand as two men open the door of their long van and pull Jungkook out. 

Jungkook curses under his breath while struggling in the ropes. His eyes squint due to sudden brightness as he reads the title of the place.

Seoul National hospital?

His brows creased in confusion as he watched the people around him. 

What was he doing here? Why did they bring him here? Were they planning to kill each of them separately? 

"Doctor… '' Taehyung's breathless voice occupies the corridor as he runs to the doctor with his trembling body. While the doctor prepares himself to reveal your state. 

"How's she? Please… please say she is alright. I beg of you. How is she, doctor?" His muffled sobbing makes it difficult to understand what he meant.

"See, mister. By the time she was brought here… she had already lost much of her blood. We've successfully saved her but we can't say she will be able to… you know, survive. Her body was already weak and losing so much blood makes it difficult. For now, we need to keep her under observation for 48 hours. Then only we can say what her situation really is. Till then… I'll suggest you allow her to rest," the doctor pats Taehyung's shoulder, unaware of the fact that he was the reason behind his patient's life at stake. 

The specialist leaves the area while Taehyung's body slumps on the floor. He peers through the door mindlessly while the thought of losing you takes everything out of his soul. He became your nightmare when he wanted to be your sweetest dream. Tears threatened home earlier but now he is used to it. 

He was preparing himself…

His shaking fingers caress you through the window as he apologised for the millionth time. But would you forgive him when you wake up? 

He deserves all your hate and wrath!

He lost his everything, you. You became his reason to fight with the world, with everyone but he didn't realise he fought with you too. 

"Sir, they are here," He is informed by Jungkook and your friend's arrival as he composes himself. 

But how could he? He was letting you go…

"Bri… bring him to me," his hoarse voice was heard for the first time by anyone. They've never seen him sobbing or being weak. 

Jungkook wiggled harshly in their hold while cursing at both of them while others waited for his arrival back. They just wished for Jungkook's safety. 

As he is brought up, he couldn't help but rethink why he was brought here. Wasn't he supposed to get thrown out of the town with his friends? And as much as he hated or tried to ignore the possibility of you getting hurt, his heart ached even imagining it. 

He will kill Taehyung right there if he has done anything to you…

"Jungkook," Taehyung's hardened tone peeks his eardrum as the younger groans and tilts his head to glance at the voice owner. His brows creased together while his heart beat ceased seeing Taehyung's condition. 

Where are you? Are you alright? Why is he crying? What happened? Why was he drawn to the hospital?

He looked around, panicking while his feet kicked the two men's legs as he jerked himself away from them. His parted lips tried to speak but failed every time. He feared to hear anything that he didn't want to.

"Where… I ask, where is she?" He spits out, digging into Taehyung's soul with a scowl lingering on his face. 

"She. She's in the ICU. Jungkook…" no words escapes his lips as he meets with a fist in his cheek, colouring the milky skin with bluish marks. Taehyung groans and caresses the wound while the younger gets held by the men again. 

"You know what!! Fck you! And your men! Just untie me and I'll kill all of you right here!? What have you done to her?!!" Jungkook yells, catching the attention of the people around them while Taehyung indicates his men to follow him with Jungkook.

As they reach a peaceful place, he orders them to untie Jungkook's hands. 

"I am sorry," the words didn't take long to leave as he looked at Jungkook with a teary gaze. The younger one didn't want to hear anything. He just wanted to know about you and your state. It doesn't matter if that man apologises to him or not, only you mattered. 

"I am sorry. I didn't know I was hurting her so much! I thought… I thought she would fall for me one day. I thought I was giving her enough time, being gentle with her, not forcing her… but no. I wasn't… I was being cruel, so cruel that… she chose to slice her skin over living life. I made her so vulnerable that she didn't have any other option. Oh god! Why didn't I see how hurt she was! She passed out in my hands, her blood-stained on my palms and I was doing nothing… I was standing senselessly," His voice clatters against his ribs, making it difficult for him to compile and speak. 

While Jungkook stands there without saying anything. He just heard him and concentrated on the weight of his words. He realised that he meant them, Taehyung was guilty. 

But does it nullify the damage he has brought to you? Your life?

"I want to see her," the only thing Taehyung hears is what he didn't wish for. He tries controlling his feelings for you as he nods at Jungkook's request.

"Sure. Jungkook, I am letting… her go with you. She loves you, and she… I am sorry that I realised how profound her love is for you when she passed out. I am sorry that it took me so long. The only thing I want now is, just let me see her once. I will leave before she wakes up," his soft gaze met Jungkook's squinted one as the younger one turned around to leave. 

"You won't make her life more miserable will you?" Jungkook asks, his stiffened back facing Taehyung while a tear slips down the mafia's eyes. 

"No. She will be happier with you," he replies and takes a step ahead to follow Jungkook.

"She should be happiest with herself," the correction makes Taehyung think a lot. 

You've loved the right man… the man who knows what you need the most and what's best for you… he might have failed once but he won't let you down again...

As they both walk down the corridor, Jungkook's heart travels down the length of his arm reaching out to the palm. His body starts sweating in anxiety as he takes heavy steps towards the room. 

He's finally going to see you… see you so close after so many years!

God, no one can describe what he was going through!

His heart ached at the same time smiled…

You were in pain and he felt terrible even thinking about where you are hurt, how much your health has deteriorated. While his one corner of his heart was flushing and pumping blood in joy. 

After years of prayers and whimpers… he is gifted by the best.

Taehyung's hand latches with the knob as Jungkook's takes a deep breath, preparing himself for best and worst. As the door clicks open, Taehyung's back covers almost the whole room as he walks inside, clearing up the view and letting Jungkook to see you… his love.

Thousands… millions… of prayers were heard at last!

Tears rolled down his gaze as he loses himself, he can't see you. The air sticks in his lungs as he bits on his lips and takes a step ahead. Taehyung couldn't help but feel uneasiness in his heart.

How he cannot? He was letting go of his love…

Jungkook gasps and wipes his face to see you, to see his love. His blurry gaze clears the view as he rests his attention on you. As much as he wished to dance in madness, joy and love… his heart ached, ached so much seeing you like that. 

The oxygen mask hauled the gas in your lungs while canulization in your veins supplied blood to your weak body. The bottles were almost empty, indicating you will might need another supply. The wrist your cut was stitched and covered with cotton bandages while a few drops of blood seeped on the dressings, implying how fresh your wound was. That's when he saw, the scars. Nail marks, pigmented areas, fresh wounds and whatnot. You were not the person he knew but he promised that he will know you again, he will try to be a better person. 

His fingers grazed softly over your other arm as he smiled softly. No matter how much you've changed, you will be still the same for him. He opened your palm and linked his larger one with yours and chuckled seeing how small it looked in opposite to him. You were his tiny baby. 

"From now… I just want you to be YOU, and have the best life," his soft whisper was just for you, not letting anyone else hear. As he dug his fingers in your hair, he parted them so they don't cover your face. 

You were and will be my love…
No matter if you wish to be with me again or not, 
Your happiness will be my priority always,
You are my biggest happiness and sorrow…
And I want to only be the happiness for you!

Six hours later

The night stretched over the beautiful sky, decorating it with the moon and the stars. Jungkook yawned, he moved his body changing positions while his eyes closed once only to get ripped open by his forced will. He was sleepy but he can't take any nap. He cannot take any risk with your right now, you were still at risk. 

Namjoon, Jimin and Rose waited outside the room for Jungkook's call, informing them about your consciousness. You were oblivious for more than ten hours, scaring them. Jimin took a nap while Rose left to bring some snacks for everyone. Namjoon cracked his joints and stretched his muscles and just when he thought he won't disturb Jimin, his hand glides over his arm. Jimin grunts in his sleep while Namjoon prays that the man doesn't wake up or he'll be dead. 

He leans forward and watches Jimin, and a sigh escapes his edges. He couldn't help but smile shamelessly watching Jimin sleeping. 

A small one… still not so small!

He saw how Jimin's head was struggling with balancing and how he could get his muscles hurt if he stays longer like that. His lips curl up to form a pout as he moves his hands to hold Jimin's shoulders and move him. His heart pumps the blood at the fastest rate while his cheeks flush with the red tints feeling Jimin's warm skin beneath his palms. His shoulder fit perfectly in between his hands as he couldn't help but smile like a mad in love. Pushing the man a little back and resting his head over the wall behind, he checks his position again. Pulling the younger's hands out, he makes them rest over his thigh.

"Sleep well, little. Although you are not little… you are still my little one," he chuckles softly, smiling to himself while he admires the man in his gaze. 

Jimin… Jimin seems everything…

"Oh, how lucky the person would be to have you," he sighs and leans back in his seat to avoid the stares of the nurses and other people passing by. 

Jimin controlled his urge with all his will to open his eyes and ask Namjoon about how anyone would be lucky to have him? He has only disappointed his people. But at the same time, his heart feels the lost affection by the words that man used. 

Stop… he needs to stop the things Namjoon is doing to him.

"Jung… Jungkook?"


Hope you liked this chapter!

Make sure to vote and comment down below. And I hope this story isn't getting boring.

Thanks for reading its and staying here ♥

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