[Rewrite] What If Callum was...

By KaijuLord54

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This is a fanfiction of how The Dragon Prince would turn out if Prince Callum was a Half Saiyan. More

Season 1 - Part 1
Season 1 - Part 2
Season 1 - Part 3
Season 1 - Part 5
Season 1 - Part 6
Season 1 - Part 7
Season 2 - Part 1
Season 2 - Part 2
Season 2 - Part 3
Season 2 - Part 4
Season 2 - Part 5
Season 2 - Part 6
Season 2 - Part 7
Season 3 - Part 1
Season 3 - Part 2
Season 3 - Part 3
Season 3 - Part 4
Season 3 - Part 5
Season 3 - Part 6

Season 1 - Part 4

1K 18 3
By KaijuLord54

Note: I DO NOT own The Dragon Prince or Dragon Ball so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We pick up where we left off on the very next day.

Callum was looking at the primal stone while drawing it in his art book.

Rayla: Callum? Callum. Hey! That's your name, right? Callum? Clem? Or was it Camel?

Callum chuckled.

Callum: It's Callum. Sorry for ignoring you, I guess I was distracted drawing this prima-ball.

Rayla: Primal Stone.

Callum: Right! It, uh . . . holds the pure essence of a primal spirit inside.

Rayla: Primal source?

Callum: Yeah!

Rayla: . . . You don't know anything about the six primal sources, do you?

Callum: . . . No, not really.

Rayla: Give it here.

She said as Callum puts down the primal stone and hands Rayla his drawing book.

Rayla: All magic in the world comes from the primal sources. They're the original and purest forms of magical energy. The sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the ocean and . . .

She says, tapping the primal stone.

Callum: The Sky?

Rayla: Yes. To cast a spell, a mage needs primal energy. So that wind breath spell you did? You'd usually need a storm or at least a strong breeze. But with that stone, you have all the power of the sky, any time.

Callum: Wow.

Rayla: Primal stones are incredibly rare. They've been sought out by the most powerful arch-mages in history. And now, somehow you have one.

She said as she gave Callum his drawing book.

Callum: Wait, do I need to hold the primal stone in my hand to do magic or just have it nearby?

Rayla: Huh? Oh, in your hand. Why?

Callum then got excited as he gets up, leaving the primal stone with Rayla and takes ten steps forward.

Callum then draws a symbol in the air with his finger.

Callum: Aspiro!

He said, performing a wind spell much to Rayla's shock.

Callum: All right! I can use magic all on my own!

Rayla: 'How is that possible? I thought humans can't use magic. What in the world is he?'

She thinks to herself as Callum takes a look at the primal symbols Rayla drew and stares at them for a moment.

Callum: Wait. I think I've seen these before . . . at the Banther Lodge! There's a little cube there that has the same symbols on it.

Rayla: Uhh, okay?

Callum: I think it might be magic! I should go get it!

Rayla: Wait, what? We have real problems to worry about. You know, preventing a war, taking the dragon egg to Xadia. You remember that, right?

Callum: Well, Xadia's to the east right? So's the Banther Lodge! It's on the way there!

Rayla: Oh, well isn't that dandy? I'm sure it won't be crawling with humans. Humans who are looking for you and want to kill me! Yay!

She said that last part sarcastically.

Callum: Oh come on, Rayla! Don't be like that! It's the winter lodge, it's been empty for months.. No one's gonna be there, trust me.

Rayla: Why are you so interested in magic, anyway?

Callum: Because if I can do magic then I might as well learn as much as I can to get stronger!

He said as his tail wagged about in excitement.

Rayla: You are so weird.

Callum: I get a lot.

He says before hoisting Ezran onto his shoulders and ran through the forest.

Ezran: Let's go!

Rayla: Hey, wait a minute! Ugh! Why is this happening to me?

She says before running after them.

After an hour or so, they finally made it to the Banther Lodge.

Callum: Hey, we made it!

He said as Rayla caught up with them, smacking Callum's tail.

Callum: Agh! Hey! Easy with the tail, please!

He yelled in pain as he gently rubbed his tail with his hands.

Rayla: That's for making us run to this death trap.

Callum: Oh come on! I already told you that no one's here! See? Nobody's here!

He said as Rayla looked around.

Rayla: Whatever, just tell me what the cube looks like and where it is. I'll be in and out as quickly as possible.

Callum: Or we can just go up to the door!

He said, having walked ahead about halfway to the lodge without Rayla noticing.

Rayla: Hey! Don't just walk ahead of me!

She said as she ran up to the princes as they continued walking up to the front door.

Callum: You don't gotta be paranoid, Rayla. There's no one around for miles, except for us.

Ezran: That's weird . . .

Callum: What is?

Ezran: That no one's here. I mean, this is the place dad was sending us. So shouldn't there be guards here to protect us?

Rayla: . . . I knew it! We're walking straight into a trap!

Callum: Hey, come on! Everyone just calm down! Like I said, there's no one arou-

He was cut off as he heard a horn blowing in the distance. They looked to see at least ten armored soldiers on horseback, heading towards the lodge.

Rayla: You were saying, tailed prince?

Ezran: Quick, Rayla, get inside the lodge and hide upstairs!

Rayla opened the front doors and closed them shut as she ran up the stairs, leaving Callum & Ezran to face the soldiers.

Ezran quickly hides the egg in his bag just as they got up close.

A woman, who seemed to be the leader, steps up and takes off her helmet before smiling at the princes.

Callum & Ezran: Aunt Amaya!

They yelled out in unison as they rushed to give their aunt a big hug.

A freckled, ginger haired man stood by Amaya's side as he spoke for the general as her sign language interpreter.

Gren: I'm so glad you're safe.

Callum: Well of course we're safe! Nobody's messing with us when I've got your training, Aunt Amaya!

He said, punching the air. Amaya then used sign language again.

Gren: I hope we haven't kept you long, let's get you both inside.

He said as Amaya went up to the door and opened it as everyone entered.

She then had a feeling that they weren't alone. Gren used sign language.

Gren: [What's up?]

Amaya responded with her own sign language.

Gren: Someone's here.

Callum: What?! No! No one's here! Why would anyone be here at all?! Ehehehe . . .

He laughed nervously as Amaya used sign language.

Gren: Are you feeling alright, Callum? You're acting strange.

Callum: Me? Strange?! No, not at all! I'm perfectly fine!

Callum's stomach began to rumble. Amaya used sign language.

Gren: Just as I expected, when was the last time you ate, Callum?

Callum: Oh, uh, right! I ate last night but that's it. I am hungry! Anybody else hungry? Let's get grab some grub, like, right now!

He said as he pulled, Ezran, Amaya & Gren into the kitchen.

Rayla looks on from upstairs before sneaking into a room.

Amaya looks into a cabinet and takes out a piece of bread.

Gren: The food here is . . .

Amaya bangs the bread onto the counter as it stays stiff and hard like a rock.

Amaya: Weapons-grade.

She said as she got out about fifty pieces of bread and gave it to Callum.

Gren: Dig in.

Callum immediately begins to devour the bread.

Callum: So Aunt Amaya, why are you here?

He says with his mouth full.

Gren: I received a messenger bird from the King yesterday.

He interpreted as Amaya brought out a rolled up letter with the King's seal.

Callum then realized that he didn't have the one Harrow gave him.

Gren: What's wrong?

Callum: He gave me a letter too, but I think I might've dropped it. What's your letter say?

Amaya handed her letter to him as Callum reads it out loud.

Callum: General, the castle is under threat. Assassins have infiltrated the kingdom. Moonshadow elves.

Gren: The worst kind.

He said, Amaya displaying anger and a hint of disgust as Callum continued to read out loud.

Callum: Do not bring your forces to the castle. Your orders are to proceed immediately to the Banther Lodge. Callum and Ezran will be there. Above all, see to it that my sons are safe.

Gren: Wait, there's more on the back.

Callum turns it over to see the rest.

Callum: PS, once their safety is assured, the boys may wish to build a dirt man . . . yeah, we don't wanna do that.

Ezran: Nope.

He said as he was trying to cut the hard bread with a knife.

Gren: Well, you're safe with us, boys.

He said as Ezran finally managed to cut the bread and took a bite but soon realized too late that the bread was too hard for him as his teeth hurt from biting it.

Ezran: Ow! How do you do it, Callum?

Callum: I don't know. Better teeth, I guess?

He said as Callum continued to shove all the bread down his throat.

Some time later, the sun was setting as Amaya had found Rayla and had her tied up and kept watch by a couple of guards.

Callum and Ezran knew they had to do something as they disappeared from the soldiers' sights.

Amaya was informed of their disappearance as the aunt looks around for her nephews.

Callum and Ezran head upstairs to a dumbwaiter.

They put Bait in it before Callum carefully lowers the rope

Callum: I don't really see why I can't just punch them.

Ezran: Because punching isn't the answer to everything, Callum.

Callum then stopped as he had lowered Bait to the room Rayla was being held in.

They waited a couple minutes before Rayla came running out with Bait in her arms.

Rayla: Come on, let's go!

She says before handing Bait over to Ezran as they ran.

They didn't care that the guards in and outside the lodge noticed and ran after them.

They headed for the bridge but stopped as more guards were blocking their path, surrounding them in the process.

Gren: Stop right there, elf. Callum, Ezran, come here.

Ezran: Callum, maybe we should just tell her.

Callum steps in front of Rayla.

Callum: Wait! Don't shoot! You gotta let us go!

Gren: It's okay, Callum! You don't have to be afraid, take her out!

He said as the archers shot arrows at Rayla. She then used her blades to deflect them though one managed to hit one of her hair braids, pinning it to a tree.

Callum: Aunt Amaya! Stop! You can't shoot at Rayla! She's a friend!

Amaya and Gren looked at each other for a moment before looking back at them.

Gren: What kind of black arts have you used against my nephew?!

He said as Amaya was furious as she thought Callum was under the control of a spell.

Callum: Run!

He yelled as he picked up Ezran and grabbed Rayla's hand, running as fast as they could to a row boat in the nearby river.

Callum then proceeded to grab the oars, rowing as fast as possible to get away.

The archers shot more arrows at them as Rayla and Ezran took cover.

Gren: Hold your fire, you'll hit the princes!

He yelled as they stopped and watched them go down the river.

Callum: Agh! My tail! Oh wait, never mind, my tail's fine! Phew!

He says before continuing to row down the river as Amaya looks on in defeat.

Some time later, Callum, Ezran & Rayla were lying down on the boat.

Callum: That was close.

He says before Rayla punches his arm.

Callum: Ow! What was that for?!

Rayla: That's for being stupid. Here.

She says, handing him the cube.

Callum: You found it?

Rayla: Yeah . . . and that's for sticking up for me.

She said as she looked away.

Callum looked at cube for a bit before dropping it as the cube landed right next to the primal stone as the sky symbol began to glow.

-To be continued-

If you guys are enjoying this story please give it a like, comment your thoughts, give me a follow and share this story with your friends.

If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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