š“£š“±š“® š“¢š“øš“·š“° š“øš“Æ š“Ÿš“»š“øš“¶...

By onlymichan

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673 29 11
By onlymichan

A/N: And another update! I know it hasn't been long since I last updated but I wanted to quickly finish Part 1 before the end of the year and maybe get Part 2 up by next year.

I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 11: Ablaze


It was the night of January 14, the night before Ray's scheduled shipment and birthday. For the past two months, all three of you never talked to each other. You didn't even see each other much except during meals and before bed.

You trudged down the dark hallways, the sound of your crutches hitting against the wooden floor filling the silence around you. The House was quiet like it usually was when night fell. You were probably the only one still awake but Emma's empty bed told you otherwise.

Slowly, you walked down the stairs and down the halls towards the dining hall. You passed by the row of sinks on the way and... the empty cup shelf.

They were already there, you could hear their voices through the door. Pushing on the handle, the door creaked open, revealing your two friends standing in the darkness of the dining hall with only the light from the moon.

Both of them turned to look at you in acknowledgement as you entered the dining hall. "(y/n)," Emma said, giving you a small nod which you returned. "I thought you were asleep."

You shook your head. 'You too,' you returned.

Both of them looked tired, it was evident from the lifeless eyes and dark bags under their eyes. But you probably didn't look any better either. These two months have truly been a stressful time for all three of you.

Ray slammed his book shut, getting your attention. He turned his head, his forest-green eyes staring at you and Emma. For the past two months, all he saw in his friends' eyes were despair and lifelessness, like you had given up. But he knew both of you better than that.

There was a small light, a light of hope that had been hidden from view, quietly burning under the lifeless cover. "Say, you two. You haven't given up, have you?" He asked, a dark look in his eyes.

Giving up, huh... At one point, you truly wanted to give up, to just accept your fate. But you just couldn't. You had promises to keep. And you knew that Emma wasn't willing to surrender either. 'Did you think I was going to give up', was what you saw from her expression. "What about you, Ray?" She asked.

Ray smirked, putting the book down on the table. "So we're always thinking the same thing in the end, aren't we?" He said amusedly. "Pretending to have given up while proceeding with the escape."

"Let's run away, Ray, (y/n)," Emma said. "That's what I came here to talk about." It truly seemed like you shared some kind of telepathetic connection, gathering together in the same place at the same time like this, and for the same reason too. "Perfect then. I wanted to talk to you too," Ray said.

Everything had been a cover. The lifelessness, the despair, pretending like you've given up... everything has been a cover to hide your true intentions, the true plan. Giving up is the last thing on your mind. You weren't going to let Norman's death be in vain.

But it was unfortunate that the three of you weren't able to communicate at all with Isabella constantly watching you but you made it work in your favor.

"Mama is very cautious. Even though we weren't doing anything, Mama never stopped watching us," Emma said before looking at you. "But we were able to use that against her. If she's watching us, that turns her attention away from the others."

"You mean Don and Gilda?" Ray realized. You nodded. 'We left everything to them,' you signed.

And it worked. You told Emma about the plan through them and the two of you controlled everything behind the scenes. Emma was in charge of leading the preparation and gathering and you were in charge of the training. You couldn't communicate with each other but you trusted the other to follow the plan to the end.

"Supplies, food, clothes, everything is prepared," Emma said. "Now, everything is completed."

"Wow, nice going," Ray said, impressed. "So, what's left is: how do we escape?"

"About that, I have a plan," Emma answered. "Let's escape tomorrow afternoon."

"Wait," Ray said, holding up his hand. "You want to escape during the daytime? That's not going to work. The situation isn't what we thought it was. In my opinion, it has to be done at night." He pulled out a chair for you. "Sit down and I'll tell you what I think."

And so you did. After sitting down, Ray proceeded to explain the circumstance. "There's no way to climb down the cliff and if you're going to escape, it has to be by the bridge. But there's only one bridge and it leads straight to headquarters," he started. "There are two problems here. One is Mama's watchful eyes and two is the security on the bridge."

You nodded in understanding. During the day, Isabella was still constantly watching you and not only that, she always had one of the babies in her arms, making it hard for you to be able to escape with everyone like you had planned. And at night, they sleep in her room, making it even harder.

And the problem with the bridge. There was only one bridge you could use and once news of their escape reached the demons' ears, there's no doubt that they'll rush there. Not to mention, it's near the headquarters. They could be anywhere. So what could you do?

"I think this is the best answer," Ray said, opening the cardboard box on the table. Your eyes narrowed as he opened the box, revealing cartons of ignition oil. "At night, we'll light the House on fire," he said.

"You're going to start a fire?" Emma asked, her eyes widening. "That's right," Ray answered. "While Mama's distracted putting it out, we'll lead everyone outside, saying it's an evacuation. If we seal the door to the secret room, Mama can't notify headquarters and this way, we can make them think that this is a 'fire', not an escape. Then security won't be focused on the bridge at least for a while."

"And as a bonus, I prepared a little something else," he continued. "Ten Molotov cocktails. They're in the forest, hidden in the shadow of that 'blind spot' boulder."

'Molotov cocktails...' Your eyes widened in disbelief. What... just exactly how much had you prepared? And where had he gotten all the oil and Molotov cocktails from? You've been working with him for five years yet you had never been made aware of this?

"As you're moving towards the bridge, throw them into the other plants. If all goes well, there'll be another fire to make security even scarcer," Ray said. "And don't worry. There'll be no one in the forest at night so no one will get hurt."

You couldn't help but smirk to yourself. It was truly scary, how much thought he had put into this.

Ray looked at your leg, asking, "How's your leg?" You gave him a nod, stomping your now-healed leg on the floor. "Perfect then," Ray said, smirking. "Then let's do it now. Instead of tomorrow, let's run away tonight, right now."

Ray unscrewed one of the cartons open, pouring the content on the wooden planks. "Don't worry. This place is the farthest you can get from the kids' rooms. They'll be able to get out before the fire starts," he reassured.

He dropped the metal container on the ground. "If I'm being honest, I'm still against leaving with everyone," he admitted. "I think it's impossible, with so many odds against us. If you are going to bring everyone, I'd draw the line at Don and Gilda. You should at least leave the infants behind. For both your sake and theirs." But he knew what your answer would be despite him saying this.

"But you won't listen if I tell you not to and it's better than you refusing to leave," Ray said, throwing you a knowing glance. Anything was better than letting you die. "I won't say any more. In the end, you decide for yourself." He turned towards you and Emma, confused as to why you made no movements. "What are you doing? Go get Don and Gilda."

You and Emma locked gazes, exchanging a silent cue. "Say, Ray. I just thought of this, but... what if Mama just abandons the building?" Emma asked, her expression worried.

"So you realized?" Ray asked. "You're right. That's certainly true. That possibility also exists and in that case, just starting a fire isn't enough. But it's not a problem, I've got an idea. It's really simple, actually." He unscrewed another carton open. "All we have to do is this." And he then proceeded to pour the content over himself.

'Ray!' You looked at him in disbelief. Was he out of his mind?! He really was going to light himself on fire to make the plan succeed? Yes, he was.

"I've been waiting for this day," Ray said maniacally. "I decided a long time ago... I know it's a childish revenge. You know, I never liked studying or reading to begin with. But I put up with it... I worked hard and raised myself to be the highest. Me, this long awaited twelve year feast in the making, a highly anticipated feast."

He smirked sinisterly. "And I'm going to take that away from them tonight! Right before the harvest! Don't think you can eat me. Food? Goods? I don't give a damn! I'm human! Chew on that, why don't you?!"

He breathed heavily, feeling the adrenaline leaving him. "This is fine. This is how it should be. This whole time, I've let my own family die, using them as stepping stones for my own purposes," he said, his voice filled with regret. "Even though they were all good... and kind."

No... It's not your fault. You really wanted to reassure him. He didn't have to bear the regret alone. You were just as guilty, doing nothing to help your family all these years. 'Ray...' You tried to reach out to him only for him to put his hand up, stopping you. "Don't move."

Ray smiled at you. "(y/n), you're different from me," he said. "Just let me do this. Use this chance well. Don't let Norman's life and my life go to waste. I'm begging you." He reached for the book he had discarded on the table. "You can have this."

You took the book, Emma looking next to you as you opened the book.  This is... Your hands shook when you saw what Ray had inserted behind the cover: pictures. "Ray, this is..." Emma said, one of the pictures in her hand.

"I took these with that camera from before. They're a little dark since I took the flash out," Ray answered. You could feel yourself tear up when you looked through the pictures in the book. All these pictures...

Ray smiled to himself, a picture hidden in his pocket. At the very least, he could... No, he couldn't. He already swore to himself that he would take this secret to his grave.

He glanced at the clock, the two hands seconds away from midnight. He struck a match, a small flame igniting at the tip. "It's time. I'm twelve years old," he said, looking at the small flame. "It's a life I've cursed but the time I've spent with you guys was so much fun."

"Stop, don't do this!" Emma yelled. "Thanks for everything," Ray said, smiling.

"Ray," Norman said, patting the boy's shoulder. "I'm leaving (y/n) in your hands. Take care of her for me."

Ray's fist clenched tightly as the tears rolled down his cheeks. "What are you saying?! I already gave up! You can't just..."

"You haven't given up. You never have," Norman said, smiling. Really, who did he think he was fooling? "Please don't let (y/n) cry anymore. She deserves to find love and you deserve to be happy as well. Ray, promise me that you'll take care of (y/n). For my sake and for your own."

Ray chuckled dryly as he watched the match drop. He didn't deserve happiness, after what he had done all these years, much less with you.

But something happened that was out of his predictions. You dropped the book and lunged at the match, using your hands to cup the match between your palms. The flame burned against your skin but that was the last thing on your mind. "(y/n), your hands!" Ray yelled out in alarm.

You landed in the oil but that was the least of your worries at the moment. With no more oxygen to take, the flame distinguished itself in your palm. Wow, that was a really bad idea, you thought, looking at the burns on your hand as the pain finally registered.

Ray stared at you in disbelief as you smiled brightly at him. How could you still smile like that after burning your hand to save him? It must have hurt so why? 'Don't worry,' you shook your head almost as if reading his mind. 'This is nothing.'

And with this, the "stop Ray from dying" part of the plan was complete.

"We have a message from Norman," Emma said, helping you up. "'You can die whenever you want but this isn't the place. I'll show you something amazing so just shut up and come,' he said."

"The hell?" Ray asked, dumbfounded. 'Norman knew you would do this,' you mouthed, smiling. 'He figured it out before we left. That's why he instructed us to be ready to stop you.' Until now, you never truly realize how scary of a person Norman was. And now, everything was underway.

The night Norman left, you had found a note under your pillow in the medical office.

To my dearest (y/n),

I'm going to write down the plan from here. Ray is planning to die. He's doing all this so you, Emma, and I don't get killed. That's what he said. He didn't include himself in the equation. He has no intention of escaping. He plans on dying inside this House.

You held the sheet of paper with shaking hands. Ray was planning to die? How did I not notice this? You thought back to the many times you and Ray had argued over the topic of the escape. You cursed to yourself for not noticing the small subtle hints in his words.

You continued to read the letter.

I'm not going to let him do that. No matter what.

That's why I'm writing down the plan I came up with. It'll happen in two months, probably the night before Ray's birthday. Use the fire that Ray's planning to start, save Ray, outsmart Mama, and escape with everyone.

Don't worry. There's time.

I also got an unexpected item. It was from Sister Krone.

Norman had hidden the said item somewhere and entrusted its whereabouts to Don and Gilda who then retrieved it for you.

And the next part of the letter consisted of the plan that Norman had devised, consisting of four different parts, which you then shared with Emma.

I'm counting on you and Emma, (y/n). Please take care of Ray and our siblings. And everything else.

I love you, (y/n) but please find your own happiness. You of all people deserve to find love and happiness. I don't want you to cry anymore for me. Smile.

Thank you for everything, (y/n). Stay safe and good luck.

- From, Norman

"Though I'm sure he didn't mean to stop him by catching a lit match and burning yourself," Emma scolded, shaking you furiously. "And I thought I was crazy. Don't do that again!"

Scolded by Emma... You thought, sweat-dropping. 'Sorry.'

"And you!" Emma turned her head sharply to look at Ray who flinched. "We have no intention of letting you die. Me, (y/n), Norman, and the other kids... all of us will stop you!"

"What do you mean 'all of us'..." Ray repeated in confusion. You turned towards the door and clapped your hands. Ray watched as the door opened, Thoma and Lannion both walking into the dining hall, both with items in their hands. "We got the things you asked for," Thoma said. "And everyone is ready to go whenever you're ready!" Lannion added on, giving you a thumbs up.

You gave the two boys a grateful smile before taking the set of clothes from their arms. "Ray, get changed. We'll explain later," Emma ordered as you held out a set of clothes. "Everything's going according to Norman's plan. Let's escape together, Ray."

You changed out of your oil-soaked clothes into clean and dry ones with Ray doing the same. Thoma and Lannion were crouched down by the spilt oil, placing down certain things on the oil along with Ray's soaked clothes.

You walked up to Ray as he put on his outer layer, bringing your hand up before it connected with his cheek. Emma and Ray blinked, letting the situation settle in their mind. "Uh, (y/n)...?" Emma said.

Ray just looked at you in disbelief before you grabbed his collar and shook him back and forth furiously. Your lips were moving, most likely scolding bim but you were shaking him too much for him to make out what you're saying.

You stopped shaking him, your arms aching from the rough motion. 'Don't ever do that again,' your lips moved, Ray staring at you with a perplexed face. 'Don't look so surprised. You should have expected that. I'll slap you many more times if you pull another stunt like that.' Emma couldn't help but snicker at the boy's bewildered expression, earning her a glare from her raven-haired friend.

"(y/n), Emma, we're done," Thoma and Lannion announced.

Ray peered at the two boys' finished work, an array of different items ranging from sausages, bacon, and other different kinds of meat. "Huh?"
"This is your replacement," Lannion informed. "It'll create a certain smell, or so Norman says," Thoma added on.

Ray's eyes scanned over the work, his eyes widening when he saw two familiar long braids in the mess. "Those braids..."

"Anna gave them to us," Emma informed, pulling out the medical scalpel. "Lastly, the tracking device. I'll take it out, so sit with your ear towards me."

'Me too,' you raised your hand. 'I rather take it out than keep it in there like this.' Emma nodded. "Okay then. Both of you sit down," she ordered.

The process hurt, you admitted but it honestly felt like the pain was worth it. Without the transmitter, you felt free, freed from your status as a cattle. Now, if only you could get rid of the cursed numbers on your neck...

"There, hold this to the wound," Emma said, putting the towel against your ear. "When you get outside, tell Anna to help you treat it." You held the towel in place with your hand, smiling at the girl gratefully.

"Ray, follow (y/n) into the forest. The others are waiting," Emma said, giving you a nod which you returned. "Now, leave the rest to me."

The clock struck twelve as Isabella sat at her desk in her office. She stood up, grabbing the quill from the ink jar before walking over to the calendar on the wall, crossing out the number fourteen, the number fifteen circled next to it. "Happy birthday, Ray," she said quietly.

And January 15th started, marking the end of the twelve years of raising the best cattle. But she knew she couldn't let her guard down. Under her surveillance, you, Emma, and Ray haven't done anything for two months and she was certain that there wasn't anything you could do.

Just to be safe, I'll pull an all-nighter and walk around the House, Isabella thought, holding the oil lamp in her hand as she walked towards the door. But just then she heard a loud voice.

"Ray! Ray!"

Alarmed, Isabella ran out of the room and down the stairs towards the source of the voice. Over here! Isabella rushed towards the dining hall and threw the doors open. And the moment the doors were open, she was met with a huge wave of heat and a horrid stench. And then she realized what was going on.

The dining hall was on fire, Emma on the ground calling out Ray's name towards the fire. "Ray! Ray!" Her voice was starting to crack from the volume and smoke in the air.

"Emma!" Isabella knelt down next to the girl. "Mama... help! Ray... Ray's in there!" Emma cried.

Was it a trap? A plan to distract her? No. The stench, Emma's reaction... Isabella's eyes widened as she pulled out her transmitter tracker, confirming her thoughts. There were two dots next to each other, representing her and Emma but there was another dot. A dot in front of her, in the fire. There was a signal coming from inside the fire.

Isabella clenched her fists in frustration upon realizing Ray's plan. This is his revenge! That boy actually set himself on fire... so that I wouldn't be able to ship him out tomorrow night! She never thought that he would have the guts to do something like this.

She ran out of the dining hall to get the fire extinguisher. "Mama!" Gilda called out, running down the stairs. "Gilda, take everyone outside! And get the babies in my room!" Isabella ordered. "Okay!" Gilda complied, running back up the stairs.

Isabella grabbed the fire extinguisher and rushed back to the dining hall where Emma hadn't moved from her spot. "Emma, get back!" She ordered. She started to use the fire extinguisher on the fire but it wasn't enough before the metal container ran out. "Why aren't the sprinklers working?!" She cursed.

She knew that she had to get to him no matter what but first, she needed to make sure the other children were safe. "Emma, you need to get out of here too! At this rate, you'll..." Isabella's violet eyes widened when she no longer saw Emma behind her. "Emma?" She opened her transmitter tracker, seeing Emma's signal nearby.

Following the signal, she arrived at the sinks but Emma was nowhere to be found. She walked towards the signal, stopping at the bucket by her feet. Reaching down, her eyes widened when she looked at the object between her fingers. A bloody ear.

But then she realized something. On Emma and other kids... "Those kids... what were they wearing on their feet?"

And the third part of the plan was now complete.

To Be Continued...

A/N: This chapter wasn't the best and it's really rushed so I apologize for that. There will be another chapter up by the end of the month so hopefully, it'll be better.

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