Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

WasabiSword द्वारा

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... अधिक

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!

119 6 45
WasabiSword द्वारा

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Jaune and Ruby had brought the Namekian child Dende back to their hideout. When they arrived, Weiss told them that both Oren and Fasha were currently flying in a space ship to Planet Namek! Unfortunately, their conversation was cut short by the presence of Vegeta, who had slaughtered an entire Namekian Village! Dende then begged the hunters to follow him to the home of the leader of his people, The Grand Elder. Jaune and Pyrrha went to accompany Dende, while Ruby took the Dragon Radar to investigate the Namekian village that Vegeta had destroyed. Meanwhile, both Oren and Fasha were training in space, when suddenly, King Kai called out to them. Announcing that he had new arrivals, that being Cardin, Velvet, Neptune, and Piccolo! However, when Oren told them what was happening, King Kai saw that there was an evil presence on Namek, belonging to the evil galactic tyrant Frieza. Back on Namek, Jaune and Pyrrha met the Grand Elder, and told him of their plight. Understanding their situation, The Grand Elder gave them his Dragon Ball, and even unlocked their hidden potential! Now all that matters now, is getting Ruby back there to get her potential unlocked.


Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!


Both Jaune and Pyrrha were flying at speeds they didn't even know was comprehensible. The very thought that they'd gained even more power filled them with both confidence, and pride.

"This is amazing! I'm flying faster then I ever thought possible, this is great!" Jaune exclaimed.

Both hunters continued their journey back to their hide out.


Zarbon, Frieza's second in command was searching for his fat obnoxious comrade Dodoria. It didn't help that Frieza ordered him to bring any Dragon Balls he comes across.

"Ugh! You've got to be joking! Locating these primitive dwellings without the use of a scouter is such a chore!" Zarbon pompously grumbled to himself.

Then in the far distance, he saw someone flying straight towards him. It was Vegeta! Zarbon's eyes widened in shock.

"V-Vegeta!" Zarbon exclaimed.

Both fighters crashed into each other, then slowly backed away. Vegeta had an evil smirk on his face.

"Yo! It's been a while! Hasn't it, pretty boy? Hope you haven't forgotten about me? Nothing brings up old memories like a grudge match. Dodoria would've agreed with me, If he weren't dead!" Vegeta said.

Zarbon's eyes widened with shock.

"What?! Y-You took out Dodoria, impossible! You're bluffing!" Zarbon said.

Vegeta laughed.

"Heh heh! If you'd still had your scouter, then you'll understand why. The depths of my power knows no bounds!" Vegeta chuckled.

"That's why Dodoria never came back. Well, I'll say good riddance to that fat uncouth bastard. But answer me this, why turn your back on Lord Frieza?" Zarbon asked. 

Vegeta's smirk never left his face.

"I hated the bastard. Always have. And since Dodoria spilled Frieza's little secret of the destruction of my home world, I hate the asshole even more now! Using me, Nappa and Fasha to do your bidding nearly makes me want to vomit! And because of my endeavors on Remnant, I finally have the prospect of eternal life!" Vegeta said.

"You're talking about Remnant's Dragon Balls, yes?" Zarbon asked.

"Yes. And I'll be damned if I let Frieza steal the Namekian Dragon Balls! Once I use them to achieve immortality, then I'll finally have a chance to kill Frieza once and for all!" Vegeta replied.

Zarbon smirked.

"Oh, what ignorance. Do you honestly believe that immortality alone will give you a better chance at defeating Lord Frieza?"Zarbon said.

"Oh, but I do! Too bad you no longer have that precious scouter of yours, if you did, then you'd be trembling before me! My time on Remnant had prepared me for this moment! My power level has risen beyond your imagination!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Zarbon chuckled.

"Oh Vegeta, you have no idea just how wrong you are. Lord Frieza's power transcends the plane of both our powers combined. His race are born with unnaturally high power levels, much higher than yours when you were born." Zarbon said.

Vegeta's face twisted itself in anger and annoyance.

"Enough of this nonsense! Dodoria revealed that Frieza harbored a deep fear of us Saiyan's. Now, let me show you the power of the King of Saiyan's!" Vegeta yelled with confidence.

Zarbon shook his head.

"Tsk, Tsk. So pretentious. Lord Frieza only harbored a fear of Saiyan's who banded together. Not some snobbish prince who declared himself a King!" Zarbon said.

Vegeta smirked.

"Heh! Wish to test that theory?" Vegeta said.

Vegeta then vanished from Zarbon's view, causing Frieza's second in command to be on guard. Zarbon then quickly turned around and threw a punch towards Vegeta who reappeared right behind him!

(Play 0:10)

With a yell, Vegeta flung Zarbon into the air! Zarbon quickly stopped himself in midair, and looked down to see that Vegeta had teleported close to him. Zarbon teleported back and held out his right arm, and delivered a powerful Ki blast. Vegeta looked at the oncoming attack with a devious smile on his face. With a mighty shout, Vegeta deflected the attack by swatting it away! Zarbon's eyes widened in shock. The deflected blast then landed far way from the two, and caused a massive explosion that could be seen from miles around!

(End Song)

While Zarbon was distracted, Vegeta appeared in front of him and kicked him downwards. Zarbon hit the ground hard while skidding to a halt. Vegeta then landed onto the ground while facing Zarbon.

"So THIS the power of the mighty Zarbon? How disappointing, I thought you'd put up a challenge." Vegeta chuckled to himself.

Zarbon struggled to get up, but as he did so, he began to laugh. This caught Vegeta's attention.

"Y-You may have improved your power, but it's still not enough to take me down boy!" Zarbon chuckled.

Zarbon then stood up, and faced Vegeta.

"You may not know this, but I have a hidden power that's been laying dormant for years. And I believe that this is the perfect moment to use it!" Zarbon said, before giving a demented smile.

Vegeta too began to chuckle as he crossed his arms.

"Dormant you say? Well, this I'd like to see. Well, go on. Show me this hidden power of yours!" Vegeta said, daring Zarbon to show his true power.

"Eager aren't we? Very well. Don't say I didn't warn you." Zarbon said.

Zarbon widened his stance, and all of a sudden, Zarbon's muscles expanded. His skin turned rough and scale like. His face widened, while transforming into an ugly pale green snout. Vegeta looked disgusted and horrified at Zarbon's sudden transformation.

"AH, WHAT THE HELL?!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Zarbon smirked, and began to laugh.

"Mwah ha ha! Repulsive isn't it? Oh, but the trade off and power are unbelievable! As you'll soon see!" Zarbon said, his voice once soft, now a deep demonic growl.

Zarbon then charged towards Vegeta, and viscously kneed him in the gut, causing saliva to fly out of Vegeta's mouth. Zarbon then slapped Vegeta across the face, causing the Saiyan to fall to the ground. Zarbon then kicked Vegeta into the air, then grabbed onto the Saiyan's boot only to slam Vegeta onto the ground once again. Zarbon then grabbed Vegeta's face with both of his hands, and began to headbutt him over, and over again. Vegeta then screamed in anger, and freed himself from Zarbon's grasp.

"RAAGH! NO, I WON'T LOSE!" Vegeta yelled.

Zarbon dashed towards Vegeta, and both fighters began to trade blows back and forth with each other. Until Zarbon kicked Vegeta under the chin by preforming a backflip. Zarbon then fired a Ki blast towards Vegeta. The blast knocked Vegeta onto the ground, while up above, Zarbon began to fire a volley of Ki blast towards the wounded Saiyan. Vegeta quickly got to his feet, and struggled to run away from Zarbon's viscous onslaught. Vegeta then fired a Ki blast of his own, only for Zarbon to swat it away. Zarbon fired a Ki blast towards Vegeta who dodged it, but Zarbon appeared in front of Vegeta and kicked the Saiyan high into the air.

"Heh! Fight back all you want! It just makes it much more fun for me!" Zarbon taunted.

Gritting his teeth, Vegeta dashed towards Zarbon, only to be kneed in the chest once more. Zarbon then appeared behind Vegeta, and wrapped his right arm around the Saiyans neck.

"Mwah ha ha! Ugly as it is. I'm more than capable of breaking your neck like a twig boy!" Zarbon laughed.

Vegeta then brought his right arm up, and rammed his elbow into Zarbon's chest, causing the hideous warrior to wince in pain. Vegeta continued to elbow Zarbon, until he let go of Vegeta while holding onto his chest, wincing in pain.

Vegeta slowly began to back away from Zarbon.

'Damn! It's no use. I was a fool to think Remnant prepared me for this!' Vegeta thought to himself.

Zarbon recovered from the pain, and slowly began to descend towards Vegeta. Before Vegeta could do anything, Zarbon raised both his arms above his head, then brought them down upon Vegeta. The force sent Vegeta spiraling towards the ground, until Zarbon grabbed him, preventing the Saiyan from fleeing.

"Let's put you out of your misery!" Zarbon laughed.

All the while, Vegeta was flailing around, trying to free himself from the grasp of this monstrosity. Zarbon then threw Vegeta into the ground, causing a massive hole to from. Water from the nearby lake then began to flow through, submerging everything in water.

"Humph! Water, water everywhere. But Damnit! No sign of a body! It must've been carried away by the current." Zarbon said to himself.

Zarbon took a deep breath, then reverted back to his normal form.

"So much trouble. I can't believe I was provoked into transforming by the likes of that boy. Well, I suppose I should report my encounter to Lord Frieza." Zarbon said to himself, before flying away.

Just then, Vegeta emerged from the body of water gasping for breath. He slowly climbed out of the crater, and attempted to crawl on the ground.

"N-No! It's n-not over! N-Not...yet!" Vegeta said, before falling unconscious.


Zarbon had arrived back at Frieza's flagship. Upon entering, he walked down the many hallways until he came to the doorway to Frieza's personal chamber's. As he entered, he saw Frieza looking out a large dome like window overlooking Planet Namek. Zarbon stood to attention.

"My Lord?" Zarbon addressed his emperor.

Frieza continued to look out the window.

"Ah, Zarbon. Have you any news from the front?" Frieza asked.

"Yes my Lord. I have found and dealt with Vegeta. Apparently, not too long ago, he had slain Dodoria." Zarbon said.

Frieza gave an irritated sigh.

"Damn. And Vegeta, you said that you dealt with him?" Frieza asked.

Zarbon smiled slightly.

"Yes my Lord. He explained that Dodoria had told him of your involvement with Planet Vegeta's destruction, then boasted how he was "stronger" than I. He proved no match when I transformed into my other form." Zarbon explained.

Frieza smiled and chuckled at the news.

"It's been years since you've transformed, well done. I take it that Vegeta is in the healing chambers?" Frieza asked.

Zarbon's smile dropped.

"Uh, n-no, sir." Zarbon stuttered.

Frieza's smile dropped as well, and turned to face his second in command.

"Do you mean to tell me that you LEFT Vegeta were he is?" Frieza said in a stern tone.

Zarbon was beginning to tremble.

"B-But, my Lord! His body was washed away by the current, there was nothing I could do!" Zarbon said.

Frieza continued to stare dangerously towards Zarbon.

"And not once did you think that he may have had a Dragon Ball and, oh I don't know, HIDDEN IT!" Frieza yelled.

Just then, a soldier came into Frieza's chamber's. The soldier had yellow skin, red eyes, and a large elongated head.

"Lord Frieza, I've came across a Namekian village! However; it seemed that the village had already been destroyed!" The soldier reported.

"Destroyed? It must've been Vegeta!" Zarbon said.

The soldier then continued with his report.

"I did come across one surviving Namekian, but I killed the bastard before he could scream for help." The soldier said.

Frieza then gave the soldier a glare that would frighten anyone if they witnessed it.

"Are you telling me that you killed this Namekian before he could reveal where their Dragon Ball was located?" Frieza said dangerously.

The soldier's eyes widened in fear.

"M-My Lord, I can explain!" The soldier said, panicking.

Without hesitation, Frieza held out his right index finger, and fired a beam of Ki towards the soldier. The beam hit the soldiers head, blowing it up, and spattering blood all over the wall. Frieza lowered his arm, and looked towards Zarbon.

"Zarbon, If I don't see Vegeta within the hour, then you will share the fate of this idiot!" Frieza growled.

"APPULE!" Frieza ordered.

Another soldier, similar to the previous entered the room.

"Yes my Lord?" Appule asked.

"Call Planet Frieza and summon the Ginyu force! And tell them to bring the updated scouters. Without delay, do you hear me!" Frieza demanded.

Appule bowed, and left the room. Zarbon looked back at Frieza wide eyed.

"Th-The Ginyu Force sir? But why sir?" Zarbon asked.

Frieza put both his arms behind his back, and looked as though he was deep in thought.

"For quite some time, I've had a premonition. This premonition showed me that I will do battle with a Saiyan. This Saiyan, whoever they are, will be the one to kill me. I initially believed it to be Vegeta, but now I'm not too sure. Then I believed Fasha would be the one, but again, I believe I am wrong. And for the first time in my life, I fear that this premonition will come true." Frieza revealed.

Zarbon was shocked. He'd never heard Frieza mentioned that he was afraid before.

"W-Well, there is another Saiyan my Lord. Prince Tato, Vegeta's younger brother. The one that you ordered off Planet Vegeta before you destroyed it. It seems that Fasha has found him whilst on Remnant. But surely Tato wouldn't be the one my Lord. He could barely defeat Fasha, what good could he do against you?" Zarbon said.

Frieza glared at Zarbon.

"Are you telling me that my premonitions are false?" Frieza growled.

Zarbon stepped back in fear, and bowed.

"N-No my Lord!" Zarbon cowered in fear.

"Then stop wasting my time, and find Vegeta!" Frieza ordered.

Zarbon bowed once more and left.

"Y-Yes my Lord!" Zarbon said.

After leaving the ship, Zarbon flew off in the direction where both he and Vegeta fought. As he continued his flight, he felt a strange feeling of foreboding.

"The Ginyu Force...!" Zarbon said to himself.

While back on the ship, Frieza continued to look out his window in deep thought.

'Hmm, Tato...' Frieza thought to himself.

(Chapter End)


Ruby: Hey, Ruby here! I can't believe it, who could drive someone to murder innocent people like this?!

Vegeta: Good, good! my plan is working!

Zarbon: M-My Lord, Vegeta has escaped!

Frieza: Grr! He couldn't have gotten far! Drag him back, or so help me you'll wish that you were never born!

Vegeta: Wait I remember that blonde human! What is he doing here with a Dragon Ball?

Oren: Next Time on Dragon Ball R!

Vegeta's Heist!

Vegeta: That was no clock! The bitch had a radar!

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