Darkness from Within #4: Fadi...

By Cookieglitz

3.5K 227 134

"You only go around once, kid. It's up to you to decide how you're going to spend it." In the aftermath of b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Sneak Peek

Chapter 29

83 8 2
By Cookieglitz

A day passed. One day closer to Lloyd was all the ninja could think about. They were excited and nervous all at once. They long awaited this day, and yet, something just didn't feel right.

They were now gathered in the meeting room, discussing what was to come.

Wu's gaze traveled over the ninja in front of him as he began. "I know this is a hard thing to ask," he murmured. "I know all the horrid things Lloyd has done to us, and I know it'll be hard to accept him again." He paused to take a breath. "But we all know one of the main reasons Lloyd left us is because he felt distrusted. We don't want to make the same mistake twice."

"Are you saying we should just full out trust him again?" Kai exclaimed in outrage.

Before Wu could reply, Jay added, "That's impossible! How could we trust him so easily after all he's done?"

Cole furrowed his eyebrows. "He should have to earn his trust!" he hissed.

"Haven't you three learned anything from our situation?" Garmadon spoke up angrily. "If Lloyd feels like we don't want him, he'll leave again."

Jay winced and Kai looked at his feet. Cole went silent, but he tapped his fingers on the table aggressively.

"Look, I know how you guys must be feeling," Wu started again. "But this is the only way to save Lloyd."

The ninja exchanged glances. Eventually, Zane dipped his head. "We understand, Sensei," he said. "And we'll try our best."

Although sounding reluctant, the others murmured their agreement. Wu gave an approving nod before dismissing the meeting. Nya followed the others as they headed for the door, but stopped when she saw Kai trailing a bit behind. Frowning, she slowed her pace until she was beside him.

"Is everything okay?" she asked gently.

Kai shrugged. "I wanted Lloyd to come home, I did. I tried so hard to lead him back to the light." He scratched his head. "Now I don't know if it was such a good idea."

"How so?" Nya pressed.

"It was hard enough to trust him after the Trance," Kai sighed. "Now look where he's got himself!" He looked down at his stomach. "How am I supposed to handle it?"

Nya gazed at her brother sympathetically. It had been a long time since he brought up the Trance. Worry unfolded inside of her as she remembered how much anxiety Kai had had back then. When Lloyd comes back, will Kai's anxiety creep back up on him?

* * *

Garmadon paced the floor in his room. His excitement of his son's return had turned into worry. What will happen when he gets here? he wondered. Will he be happy to see us? Will he be happy to see me? Or will he be angry with me?

Guilt and regret piled on Garmadon's shoulders as he remembered the communication device incident. How could I have been so cruel? he thought to himself. Lloyd was going through enough as it was without me hurting him more! He sat on the edge of his bed and drew his hand over his face. If Lloyd had killed Kai, it would've been all my fault. Lloyd never would've tried to steal Kai's sword if it wasn't for me.

Garmadon gazed out the window as the sun began to set. He remembered how surprised Lloyd had sounded when he told him he wanted him to come home. He doesn't even think I love him anymore. He sighed. Well then, I'm just gonna have to show him how much I do care tomorrow.

A rush of something Garmadon identified to be dread shot through him. Tomorrow? he thought. Already? His heart pounded in his chest. Yes, he was dying to reunite with his son, but Lloyd had become one of the biggest threats to Ninjago. Could he have changed so quickly?

* * *

It was dinnertime and Lloyd sat beside Ariana in the tavern. He was aware of Joseph constantly trying to catch his eye, but Lloyd ignored him. I've had enough of this wacky business, he thought. I enjoy spending time with Ariana. Who's Joseph to judge me?

As they ate, Lloyd took in the scenery around him. The noisy clinks of plates and forks, the thundering footsteps of rushing people, the loud and lively chatter filling the room... Lloyd suppressed a sigh. By this time tomorrow, he would be back in the monastery with the ninja. Uncomfortableness swarmed through him as he remembered the clean, peaceful meals in the monastery. He had grown used to the Baddies' crazy mealtimes and he wondered what he'd do in the quietness of his old home.

Lloyd snapped out of his thoughts as Joseph came over to their table and sat across from him. The green ninja rolled his eyes. He never gives up, does he?

"So, Garmadon," Joseph began, staring at Lloyd intensely, "excited about your little 'visit' with the ninja?"

Lloyd glared back at him. "I wouldn't put it as exciting," he snapped. "It's not like I'm looking forward to being the good guy again."

Joseph raised an eyebrow. "But you're doing it anyway," he reminded him.

"It's the only way to steal the last elemental weapon," Lloyd retorted. "Haven't we been over this already?"

Joseph gave a soft shrug. "Must've... slipped my mind," he murmured.

Lloyd furrowed his eyebrows as he and Joseph stared at each other. There was something about Joseph's gaze... something about his tone that made Lloyd feel... suspicious. "Well then, good thing I'm here to remind you," the green ninja said, choosing his words carefully.

"But you won't be here for long," Joseph scoffed, muscles tensing.

Lloyd stared at him, wondering where he was trying to go with this. As he thought of a reply, Ariana glanced across the table at Joseph.

"Oh, back off, will you?" she scowled. "You're just being plain annoying."

But neither Joseph nor Lloyd heard her as they leaned closer to each other. Joseph tipped his head. "You know, a lot can happen when you're gone," he breathed.

Lloyd didn't shift his unblinking gaze. "I'm aware of that," he growled back.

Joseph raised an eyebrow. "Well, then," he murmured, "I'm sure you're aware that things can change... people can change..." He nodded his head curtly toward Ariana. "Or people can suddenly... disappear."

Lloyd stiffened. He stole a quick glance at Ariana before glaring back at Joseph. "You wouldn't dare," he snarled, feeling his heart pound in his chest.

A smirk lit up on Joseph's face. "I'm only warning you," he sneered.

Ariana gazed from Lloyd to Joseph and back again. "Lloyd, what is he talking about?" she demanded.

Lloyd drew in a shaky breath as he continued to stare at Joseph. Joseph didn't shift his gaze as he answered instead. "I'm just telling him things could be different when he comes back," he stated. Then he grabbed Lloyd's shirt from underneath the table and yanked it forward, pressing the green ninja against the table. "If you come back," he hissed.

Lloyd gasped as Joseph released him and left the table. The green ninja rubbed his collar as he glared after him. He couldn't—he wouldn't!

A hand rested on his shoulder. "Lloyd?" Ariana repeated.

Lloyd dragged his gaze away from Joseph as he disappeared into the crowd and turned toward her. He gazed into her eyes and saw his own eyes reflecting in them. He snapped his head away when he spotted fear in his gaze.

"What was Joseph talking to you about?" Ariana pressed, sensing his fear clearly.

Lloyd's breath quickened. He felt anxiety swell inside of him as he remembered he would be leaving tomorrow. "You're... you're going to be okay when I'm gone, right?" He couldn't stop his voice from shaking.

"Of course I am," Ariana told him. "What, you think I can't take care of myself?"

Lloyd rested his chin on his hand. "N-no, no, of course you can," he breathed. "I-I'm just... worried I guess..." His throat tightened as he recalled Joseph's words. He remembered when the Baddie had tried to kill Ariana before Lloyd had intervened. But now Lloyd wouldn't be here to intervene. And Joseph isn't working alone. Lloyd felt his fear grow deeper as he remembered it was the Overlord who wanted Ariana dead. If the Overlord wants to get rid of her, how could she save herself?

"Lloyd, talk to me," Ariana coaxed, clearly picking up on how distressed he was.

Lloyd swallowed, struggling to keep his voice steady. "I just..." He drew in a shaky breath. "I-I can't lose you."

Ariana half-smiled. "And why would you?" she said. "I'll be here when you get back."

Lloyd turned his head to look at her. He knew to protect her, he had to tell her. "I-it's Joseph," he began. "He's trying to—"

Lloyd's voice broke off as the room suddenly fell into complete darkness. He gasped and looked up to see the lights had blown. What the—

A few high-pitched screams came from around the tavern. Footsteps pounded all around as everyone blindly stumbled in the dark. Lloyd staggered on his feet as he felt himself being tossed and turned through the crowd. He looked around wildly, but the only thing he could see was blackness.

As he felt around for a wall of some sort, something suddenly grabbed his arm. Lloyd gasped as he was pulled through the room and was pushed into a corner. He turned around as he heard the crackle of fire and saw someone light a candle, illuminating only himself and the person in front of him. Lloyd jerked as he recognized Joseph.

"Okay, here's the deal," Joseph began in a rough whisper. "After you steal the last elemental weapon, bring it to me—before you show the Overlord."

Lloyd scoffed. "And why would I do that?"

Joseph's face lit up in a menacing grin. "You better," he hissed, "if you ever want to see your girlfriend again."

Lloyd stared at him. "Is that a threat?" he exclaimed.

Joseph raised an eyebrow. "You could call it that," he sneered. "Or just a mild suggestion." Lloyd shrank backward as he leaned closer. "It's her or the sword, kid. The choice is yours."

Then Joseph blew out the candle and they were engulfed in darkness.

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