Malec Oneshots

By HarnieSivagumar

9.1K 298 152

Just some malec oneshot, no angst because I can't handle the pain myself and no smut because I don't know how... More

Soulmates 2
A Day Off...
A Day Off 2...
First kiss
Wedding 2
My World
I would've done the same
Got my Angel
End My fight
My love
My Augus-My Magnus
Our Love
Forever and Always

Morning Routine

534 21 7
By HarnieSivagumar

Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane woke up to soft kisses on his whole face, he smiled and wrapped his arms around his husband pulling him close.

"Good morning Mr.Inquisitor", Magnus said chuckling in between the kisses, Alec smiled and opened his eyes.

"Good morning husband", he said in his morning voice making Magnus bite his lips and kiss Alec, Alec flipped them on the bed, him straddling Magnus while kissing.

"Baby... you... have... work... today", Magnus said in between the kisses and his moans, "I know but it won't be a problem if I go late", Alec said.

Magnus giggled and wrapped his arms around Alec's neck, "If you say so", Magnus said and they continued their make out session when the phone rang.

Alec sighed breaking the kiss and attended the call on speaker, "Hey Alec where are you?", Jace asked and Magnus gave a 'duh' look to Alec, who smiled.

"Jace it's morning, where do you think I am?", Alec asked, "Oh right, we need you here, the consul is having a meeting in an hour", Jace said making Alec groan.

"Why?", he asked getting up from Magnus after giving another short kiss, "It's about the downworld cabinet", Jace said.

"So should Magnus be there?", Alec asked standing up and walking towards the closet, "No need, some of the institutes are disagreeing on the cabinet so all the institute heads are called, and since you started this you are needed", Jace said and Alec groaned.

"This is going to be a long day", Alec muttered, "I'll be there", Alec said and cut the call, "Magnus", he said turning towards his husband.

But Magnus was already on his feet, "I understand honey, go do your job, I'll be there with your lunch", he said and Alec smiled kissing him again and jumping into the shower.

This was their morning routine, sometimes they get to spend more time on the bed, but most of the times since Alec is the inquisitor, he needs to go to the institute early.

But all the time Magnus supported Alec like Alec supports him no matter what and today was another day.

Alec got ready while Magnus made breakfast, he came out to see his breakfast ready, he smiled and kissed Magnus a thank you and sat down to eat with his husband.

He quickly ate his breakfast and kissed Magnus again and went out taking his bow and quiver, "Don't work yourself up", Magnus called behind him.

"Ok love you", Alec said, "As I love you", Magnus said and Alec shut the front door going out and starting his hectic day.

The meeting started at 12.30, three hours later to what Jace said, as the consul insisted on calling not only the institute heads, but also the new shadowhunters, who arrived in Alicante recently.

All gathered in the big meeting room while Jia and Alec sat in the front and Jace next to Alec and their sister Izzy followed.

Simon and Clary stood near a pillar where they can see everything and hear everything, Jia was more of the Lightwoods friend than the consul to them so they were talking casually.

"So Alec how is Magnus?", she asked slyly in between them just like Izzy, making Alec groan and others laugh.

"He is fine, he should be here by lunch", Alec said and Izzy cheered and the ones who were sitting next to her and the ones that arrived newly, looked at her confused.

"Lovely I haven't seen Magnus in a long time", Jia said and Alec smiled, "Oh I know you saw him yesterday Jia and how you five", he said indicating Jace, Jia, Izzy and Simon, "planned the glitter prank in my office", he said while the five laughed.

"Why wasn't I invited?", Clary asked laughing, "You were with me remember?", Alec said and she nodded remembering she was with Alec on a inquiry.

"You know I had a hard time removing it today", Alec grumbled making them laugh louder and all the others looked at them confused.

Jia cleared her throat controlling her laughter or maybe trying, "So thank you for being present here", she said and the ones laughing straightened.

"I have recently notified some were having problems with the cabinet meetings and whoever has problem may speak up one at a time", she announced and a man got up.

Alec noticed that he was of Moscow institute, "Madam consul we can't have downworlders equal to us", he said and Alec clenched his fist.

"Why?", Alec asked, "Mr.Inquistor they are of demon blood", he said and some agreed, "Yah if we make them equal they will just waltz into institutes wreaking havoc in them", said another shadowhunter who was new.

"So aren't they also part human? They fought alongside us in the dark war. And also the cabinet doesn't allow downworlders into the institute without permission, it is just an action for peace", Alec asked controlling his incoming burst, "Yes but they are also part demon", said the head of the Amsterdam institute.

"And what is to say they won't use it to wreak havoc?", he asked, "If they do you have my whole permission to stop them", Alec said.

That is when the table burst into chaos, NYC, London, Mumbai and some other institute along with some new shadohwunters started shouting which received equal sounds from the other.

Alec was getting tensed already, he had done too many work in the morning itself and now this, his brain couldn't handle it anymore and that's when he saw Magnus walk in.

Magnus stopped dead on his tracks seeing the chaos and eyed Alec who shook his head tired, Magnus went towards Clary and Simon who stopped shouting.

He asked some things to them and understood the situation and smiled, he knows if they make his husband angry they can bid bye to their jobs.

He also knows when it comes to downworld decision Jia stands by Alec's decision as he not only have more support, but also his decisions end in a positive way.

He went towards Alec and greeted Jia who smiled and winked at him and Magnus understood that Alec was not happy about his office.

He smiled and kissed Alec's head, "I have kept your lunch in your office, finish this quickly, it's going to be 2.00 soon", he said and Alec nodded.

"Ok THAT'S ENOUGH", he shouted and the noise died down and Magnus moved next to Clary and Simon, he always loved to watch dramas, especially shadowhunter dramas.

"The ones who thinks that your opinions in stopping the cabinet meeting will stop it can say goodbye to your positions", he said and got up buttoning his coat.

"I remove the ones who fought here against my decisions from their post as the head of their respective institutes and along with the new shadowhunters who disagreed, I am sending you to the cleaning works banning you from participating any missions any time soon", he said.

A disagreed shadowhuter noticed Magnus and Simon, "What is a warlock and vampire doing here?", he asked and Jace and Izzy 'oh'ed under their breath.

He has chosen a wrong person in that, "They are family", Alec said and the ones who knew about the relationship smiled.

"How could a filthy warlock and a blood sucking animal be your family?", he asked and Jace got up ready to hold Alec.

Jace looked at Magnus and nodded, who moved swiftly to Alec's side, "It's ok baby, I have gotten used to it", Magnus whispered in his ears rubbing his back.

"Not on my watch", Alec said and looked at the shadowhunter, "What's your name young man?", he asked and Jia smiled and got up leaving the room after nodding at her family friends.

"James Carter", he said, "Mr.Carter I am sending you to the Wrangel Island for some character building", Alec said.

Carter looked scared, "You can't do that", he said, "Oh I can and I did", Alec said smugly and turned to others.

"Anyone else who wants to join Mr.Carter here?", Alec asked and no one answered, "Good", he said.

"Why are you supporting these filthy downworlders?", Carter asked and Alec slammed his hands on the table making the table rattle.

"Filthy downworlders? For your information this is my husband and my sister's husband here", Alec said fire pouring out his eyes.

 All who didn't know this gulped, "If anyone talks bad about them you will not see the sunlight from then onwards, especially my husband and let's say some demon who had hurt them had died gruesomely and oh we killed Valentine too. So mind it", Alec said and walked out with the others.

They dispersed outside and Alec and Magnus went to his office, Alec sat on his chair and kept his hand on his head.

Magnus moved next to him and kept his hand on his husband's shoulder who immediately wrapped his arms around the warlock's waist burying his head in it.

Magnus ran his fingers through Alec's hair, this was their daily routine where Magnus is the only person who comforts Alec when he is over worked or stressed.

The only thing different today was, today Alec was angry, beyond angry, he was furious so Magnus knows it will take time for him to calm down.

"I will stay with you the whole day and we can go home after your work and cuddle, how does that sound?", Magnus asked and Alec smiled at him.

"Lovely", he said and pulled Magnus to his lap, who yelped and smiled settling comfortably and as promised Magnus stayed with him the whole time.

Later, again as promised they went home, had a peaceful dinner and cuddled to sleep in each other's embrace.

They found love and peace in each other...

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