The Bad Boy's Kid | completed

By tinxla

457K 12.4K 1.7K

People say sex is for people who are in a loving relationship, but you can't help it if you're intoxicated. C... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Soooo hello

Chapter Five

22K 590 83
By tinxla

The next day, I woke up quite late. I got out of bed to check on Elise. "Elise?" I just entered her room and I could hear her soft snores. Wait, she would've been up by now if it was late. Or was it really late?

I groan and go to my room to get my phone. I check the time, 6:24am. It was that early?! Are you kidding? Holy smokes.

I went back to my bed and just lay there staring at the ceiling. I couldn't seem to sleep.

I had one person on my mind. Well, other than Elise.

Jacob Hays.

He was on my mind. After we had put Elise to bed he had stayed for a few hours. We had exchanged numbers and after he left, Elise soon woke up.

We had cuddled up together to watch Cinderella together and after that, she had done nothing but talk of Jacob. I didn't mind but now he clouded my mind.

All I could think of was his blue eyes, his dark blonde hair, his famous smirk.. The fact that when he played and messed with his hair, his muscles flexed and looked so damn good.

Ugh! Now I'm thinking about how good looking he is.

My phone started buzzing.

From: Kevvy
Hey Cassie, I know its extremely early but maybe u and Elise can come over today? I'm quite bored.. Or maybe I can come and visit you both later?

Gee Kev, why u up so early? Maybe u can come over? Cos we got someone coming over too...

Who's coming over? And hang on a sec missy why are YOU up so early?

Uh, I'll explain later.. And because I can't sleep.

Getting some huh?

If I was, I wouldn't be texting u, dipshit

I knew Kevin was probably rolling his eyes now. Yeah, I knew him that well.


I was helping Elise get dressed into some casual wear - jeans and T-shirt.

"Go wait in the kitchen, I'll come make you your food after I get dressed okay?"

"Okay mummy!" She runs off and I head to my room to quickly get changed. "Mummy!" She calls. "Mummy the door!" I sigh and quickly go and open the door.

"Oh hey, Jacob." I let him come in and Elise comes running up to him. He kneels down and they hug.

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey monkey. I've got something for you." Her eyes light up and she claps her hands. He hands her a bag and she peers inside.

"What did you get, El?" She pulls out a piece of clothing and unfolds it. It was a hoodie that said Daddy's little princess. I swear my heart just melted.

"Thank you daddy!" She hugs him again and he helps her put on the hoodie.

"Don't you look adorable hm?" He kisses her cheek and she giggles.

"I'm just going to change.. I'll be back in a minute."

I hurry to my room and start rummaging through my clothes to find something to wear. I might as well wear something similar to Elise.. She loves it when I do, I don't know why.

I pick out a pair of skinny jeans and a crop top. I throw them on my bed and pick out some new undergarments. I'd already had a shower and thrown on a robe because I had to get Elise ready. So yeah, I awkwardly answered the door in my robe. If only it was actually Kevin.. It'd be less awkward.

I was about to take off my robe but my bedroom door opened. Now here's me thinking that it was Elise but no, no, no. It was Jacob. What the hell was he doing in my room?!

"Can you get out please? I'm kinda trying to get changed here.."

"I know.. I was wondering something." He said, walking closer and closer to me.

"And what was that?"

"Elise said you were going to make her food once you finish.. Maybe I can make her food?"

"You can cook?"

"Hm, I'd say so." He was now in front of me.. Uh.

"Um, yeah go ahead." He smirks. He places his hand behind me on my back and pulls me towards him. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Yet he carried on smirking mischievously. He was definitely up to something. "So, did you miss me?"

"No. Did you miss me?" I ask.

"Oh you bet I did." He missed me? Seriously? Right..

"Um.. So maybe you should go make El some food.."

"Maybe I should. But you know."

"No I don't?"

"You seem more appetizing." Is he trying to flirt with me?

"Yeah um-" His lips were now on mine. At first, I didn't respond.. But then I did and I could feel him smirk into our kiss. Wait. Wait. Wait. We were kissing. I quickly push him away. "What are you doing?!" I hiss.

"Kissing you?"

"No, nuh uh. Why? No, just go out there. Just go."

"Wait, do you regret it?"

"Just let me change." He stares at me. Did he not hear me? Am I speaking Latin?! I push him out my room and lock the door. I sigh. He kissed me. Why? Ugh.

I quickly change and walk out my room. I see Kevin and Jacob arguing. Oh just great. Kevin was holding Elise and telling Jacob to stay away from her. Damn, are you serious?

"Kevin! What are you doing?"

"Him. Seriously? I mean I know he's her father but he's here?!"

"I um, I bumped into him the other day."

"Mummy." Elise stretched out her arms, wanting me to hold her. I take her from Kevin and she buries her head into my neck.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. I feel her shake her head. "What's wrong?" She shakes her head again. "Do you want to talk in private?"

She looks up at me. "Yeah." Her eyes were glossy and I could tell she would start crying soon.

I turn to Kevin and Jacob. "Don't you dare start anything or I'm kicking you both out." I warn, and threaten. Seriously, I really do not want them starting a fight in my home.

I walk to Elise's room and close the door. I sit on her bed and position her so she's sitting on my lap.

"What's wrong, El?"

"Why uncle Kevin mean to daddy?"

"What happened while I wasn't there?"

"The door knock and daddy opened it and then uncle Kevin walked it.. They started being loud and uncle Kevin was saying daddy wouldn't be a good daddy but I love daddy!"

"Oh Kevin. Such an idiot.." I mutter to myself. "Uncle Kevin and your dad didn't really get along much in school."


"I'll tell you when you're older yeah?"

"Why? I wanna know now."

"You're too young." I kiss the top of her head. "Shall we go back out?"

"Daddy made me egg and toast!" Yeah and he said he could kind of cook. Ha. I pick her up again and carry her out to the kitchen. The guys were having a glaring contest in the living room. I placed Elise on a chair.

"Let me go get you some pillows." I quickly go the the living room and get Elise some pillows - completely ignoring the immature guys in the room.

I pick Elise up and place the pillows on the seat and place her on the chair again. I bring the scrambled egg and toast in front of her.

"I'm going to go sort out Uncle Kevin and your daddy." I walk to the living room and what do you know, they're still glaring! "You guys are such children!" They turn their heads to me but still glare at each other from the sides of their eyes. "Sit down." They look at each other in confusion. "I said sit down!" I gave them the face I always use on Elise - it always works by the way - and they immediately took a seat on the couch, a huge gap between them.

I walk closer to them and stand in front of them shaking my head at them.

"Cass-" Kevin starts but I cut him off.

"Shut up." I glare at them. "You guys are big idiots. Don't you ever start to fight in front of my daughter ever again. Got it?" They don't answer. "Got it?!" I raise my voice a tad bit.

They both mumble yes and look like they've been told off by their mum. Damn right.

"If it happens again, you won't be allowed to see her." Both their eyes widened but they simply nodded. "So I suggest you guys set aside your differences and be nice." They nod their heads again and I leave to go check on Elise. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I sit down on a chair close to her and she offers me a bite of her toast. She feeds it to me. "Is daddy and uncle Kevin friends?"

"I've sorted them, don't worry."


"Now finish your food." Jacob and Kevin come into the kitchen.

"How's your food, monkey?"

"It taste yummy."

Kevin clears his throat. "Can I talk to you for a moment, Cass?" I nod and we walk out the room.

"What's up, Kev?"

"How long does he plan on stating exactly?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you sure he's not going to just up and leave?" I stared at him. He did have a point. I didn't have an answer for him. "It'll break her heart you know."

"I know.. But, he seems to actually want to be around."

"Could be a façade, Cass. What if he's just doing this because he's fucked up? Just doing what he does best - playing with people's hearts."

"You can't judge him like that, Kev. Maybe knowing he has a kid might make him want to change. You can't just judge him."

"Cass, you're defending him! Him of all people."

"He's her bloody father! I won't deny him the right to see her, okay?"

"You denied him the right to see her when you didn't tell him you were pregnant."

"I was 18! I made a mistake. I never even saw him again anyway. Don't have a go at me! At least I know where I went wrong. Yes I know I should've told him, but I didn't and that was my mistake. At least I'm making it up now by letting him see her."

Kevin sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't want us to fall out over this.. I'm sorry. I just don't like Hays. I can't seem to trust him. You know he was into drugs right?"

"Of course I do."

"His problems too with the law. What if he drags not only Elise but you into danger?!"

"He wouldn't. Okay? He's trying I guess. We'll be fine, Kev. Besides, we have you.. Don't we?"

"You'll always have me. But, just be careful."

"Wait, are you leaving already?"

"I can't be in the same room or house as him. I'm sorry. I'll visit another day."

"Don't go Kev. Come on, please.."

"Just call me when he's not here okay?"

"Fine.. See you later then. At least say bye to her?"

"Of course I will." We both walk into the kitchen and he kisses Elise on the cheek saying goodbye to her and how he'll see her another day. Sure, she was sad but Jacob cheered her up again, much to Kevin's annoyance.

While Jacob and Elise sat in the kitchen talking, I don't know what about, I went into the living room and rested my head in my hands.

Could Kevin possibly be right? Was he playing with Elise's heart? I don't care if he played with my heart, not that he would because I don't like him like that. Okay I'm definitely attracted to him..

Would he just up and leave? Would he really do something like that?

"Are you okay?" I lift my head out my hands and stare at him. The guy that could possibly just leave without a word. The guy that could be the first one to break my little girl's heart. Her dad shouldn't be the one breaking her heart, especially at such a young age.

"I'm fine."

Authors Notes.

Heeeey! Please check out my new advice column thing! Its a new thing to me.

Its called Cupid Says...

Toodles x3

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