Angel Eyes

By Alchemygirl8

7.6K 234 149

Keith and Lance were soulmates. They could tell. But one day, Lance up and breaks up with Keith to take over... More

Breaking Up Is Never Easy
Mystery Solved
I'm Keeping It
New Job and A Friend?
Can You Keep A Promise?
Another One Gone
Our Last Summer
The Twins
The Concert
Blast From The Past
A Dilemma
It's You
A Date
Too Good To Be True
A Promsie
The Planning Begins
The Bachelor Party
With This Ring
When All Is Said And Done

The Twins Choice

294 9 8
By Alchemygirl8

A few days later, while Keith was sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop doing research for the twin's birthday, Marina ran up to him and tugged on his jacket to get his attention.

"Daddy?" Marina called out as Keith turned away from his laptop and turned his attention to her.

"What's up sweet pea?" Keith asked.

"Who is all coming to our birthday party?" she asked.

"Well, there's gonna be halmeoni, harabeoji, uncle Shiro, uncle Adam, aunt Allura, aunt Shay, uncle Hunk, the triplets, aunt Pidge, and uncle Matt."

"That's a lot of people," Marina said with wide eyes.

"Is Kosmo coming?" Camilla asked as she entered the dining room, Kosmo trotting beside her.

"Of course he is," Keith said with a nod as he reached out and scratched Kosmo behind the ear.

"Is papa coming?" Camilla asked which made Keith freeze in his spot.

"What?" Keith asked turning to Camilla.

"Well, I overheard you talking to uncle Shiro on the phone yesterday and you said you talked to our papa," Camilla said with a sheepish smile. She knew she was going to be in trouble for eavesdropping on the conversation. "So I was wondering if he was coming to."

"You met papa?" Marina asked turning to Keith with her head tilted. "I thought you said papa left us?"

"He did," Keith said with a sigh. "But that's not the whole truth, I think it's time I tell you both the truth."

Keith led the girls out of the dining room and into the living room where Keith sat in the corner of the sectional and the girls sat in front of him.

"It's true your father left but he left not knowing I was pregnant with you both, I didn't even know I was pregnant at the time," Keith said with a sigh.

"Why did he leave?" Marina asked.

"We were in a relationship but we broke up and I was very hurt and moved to live with you halmeoni and harabeoji," Keith said with a frown. "Then I found out I was pregnant with you two."

"Why didn't you call papa and tell him?" Camilla asked with a frown.

"I couldn't," Keith said with a shake of his head. "We both said horrible things to each other and it ended badly between us."

"Like when I told Cami I hated her when she stole my toy and she was sad?" Marina asked to which Keith nodded softly.

"Sort of," Keith said. "Only this time, daddy and papa didn't talk for four years."

"Why did you tell uncle Shiro you talked to him?" Camilla asked. "You said you didn't talk for four years."

"Do you two remember when I sang at the concert and we stayed at uncle Shiro and uncle Adam's place? And after the show that man tried talking to me?"

"He was the park to!" Marina jumped in with a smile.

"Yes, he was at the park as well," Keith said with a nod.

"That was papa, wasn't it?" Camilla asked.

"It was!?" Marina explained with wide eyes.

"Yes, it was," Keith said with a nod. "And he's here."

"Where? In the bathroom?" Marina asked looking around.

"No honey, he's staying in town," Keith said with a small smile. "He came to my work a few days ago, he wants to see you both."

"He does?" Marina asked with wide eyes.

"I told him it wasn't up to me but it was up to both of you," Keith said as he looked between the two girls.

"Do we have to?" Marina asked.

"No," Keith said with a shake of his head. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

There was a few moments of silence before Marina spoke up.

"I want to," Marina said with a nod of her head. "I always wanted to know what papa was like and now I can."

"I don't want to," Camilla said with a shake of her head. She had been silent the entire time Keith was explaining.

"But Cami-" Marina started to protest before Camilla cut her off.

"No!" Camilla said with another shake of her head. "He hurt daddy, badly. I don't want to see him."

Before Keith or Marina could say anything, Camilla ran upstairs and Keith heard her bedroom door slam shut. Normally he would go up and scold her for slamming her door but he knew she was just getting her feelings out, he could let it slide this time.


"Just because I'm on my knees and swearing I will change

And do anything to hear you say, "I'm yours"

Just because I know I'll never ever feel the same

Doesn't mean I love you anymore, more

Doesn't mean I love you anymore (Anymore, anymore)

Doesn't mean I love you anymore"

The crowd cheered as Keith finished his song and he headed off the stage and to the bar. He put his apron back on and turned around, his heart leaping seeing Lance sitting at the bar.

"Hey," Lance said with a small smile.

"Hi," Keith said with a soft nod.

"Sorry to drop by like this, again, I guess I got anxious of waiting and wanted to ask if you if the girls have said anything," Lance said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Well, one of them wants to and one of them wants nothing to do with you," Keith said with a sigh.

"Then I take it you told them what went on between the two of us?"

"I did," Keith said with a nod. "They've only ever been told that their father left them, they deserved to know the truth."

"I would have done the same thing," Lance said with a chuckle. "So, now what?"

"I'm not sure," Keith said with a sigh. "I don't want to force anything on them."

"I know," Lance said with a nod of his head. "I don't either."


"Daddy?" Keith looked up from his phone as he lay on his bed to find Camilla standing by the doorway, her arms behind her back.

"What's wrong Cami?" Keith asked putting his phone down and patting the space on the bed in front of him. Camilla padded over and climbed onto the bed and sitting on it.

"I thought about papa," Camilla said with a frown. "And how Marina wants to meet him."

"Cami, you don't have to meet him if you don't want to," Keith said as he pulled Cami onto his lap and started playing with her hair. "He doesn't want to force you to meet him if he doesn't."

"I know," Camilla said with a nod. "But I want to."

"Are you sure?" Keith asked to which Camilla nodded once again. "Alright, I'll talk to him then, okay?"

"Okay," Camilla said with a smile.

"Now let's get you back to bed pumpkin," Keith said with a smile.


A week later, Keith woke up earlier than the twins and started getting things ready. Shiro and Adam had come over last night and they got stuff ready while the twins were in bed. Everyone would be arriving around lunch time and then the party princess would be coming an hour later and would be staying for a few hours.

"Ready to go wake the girls up?" Keith asked turning down to Kosmo who barked in reply. The girls had somehow managed to sneak into Keith's bed last night without him noticing. "Let's go wake the birthday girls up."

They had a tradition of Keith waking the girls on their birthday. His mother had a birthday song she would sing to Keith and Shiro on their birthdays. Keith didn't want to completely copy his mother so he had written the twins a special birthday song for him to sing to them to wake them up. They could sleep through anything but when Keith sang to them, they would wake up. Whether they were already waking up or faking sleep, Keith never knew.

He entered the bedroom and turned on the lamp on the bedside table and sat down on the bed. Kosmo hopped up on the bed and sat beside him, waiting for the girls to wake up.

"Today it is your birthday

And we sing to let you know

That you will be queens for the day

Whatever you say goes"

The girls opened their eyes and smiles lit their faces hearing Keith sing their special song.

"Good morning girls," Keith said with a smile. "Happy birthday, are you hungry?"

"Rina's always hungry," Camilla said before erupting into giggles as Marina hit her with a pillow.

"Are you making pancakes daddy?" Marina asked turning to Keith.

"Of course, I always do," Keith said with a nod. "Do you want to help me?"


Okay, that may have been a mistake.

The kitchen was a mess, flour everywhere. Even Kosmo had flour on him. However, they did manage to make the pancakes. Keith set the girls up at the table before he started to clean the kitchen up.

It just so happened that Keith finished cleaning as the girls finished eating breakfast.

"Alright, I think it's bath time," Keith said as he eyed the flour in the twin's hair.

"But daddy," Camilla whined with a pout. "We had a bath last night."

"Yes, but there's flour in your hair that we should wash out," Keith said ruffling Camilla's hair and flour poofed out of it. "Upstairs."


After their bath, Keith helped the girls to get dressed. They had picked outfits out last night to make the morning run smoothly, which Keith was thankful he thought to have them do. It definitely helped make his morning a little less stressful than it already was.

Camilla had picked out a lavender blouse, black leggings, brown boots, and a white jean jacket. Compared to Marina who had picked out a purple skirt, white blouse, white flats, and a washed blue jean jacket.

They may be twins but each twin had a distinct style they preferred to wear. Marina was the more girly girl of the two and Keith had not doubt she would wear a ball gown as her prom dress if she could. Camilla on the other hand preferred to wear leggings or jeans then skirts, she was more comfortable in pants then a skirt or dress. She would wear them if she had to but she would be uncomfortable the entire time.

"Daddy can you tie my hair in braids, like you did yesterday?" Marina asked as she ran up to Keith after getting dressed.

"You mean the braided pigtails?" Keith asked as she opened the dresser drawer and pulled out Marina's brush and a few ponytails, slipping them on his wrist.

"Yes!" Marina exclaimed with a nod.

"Come here then," Keith said as he sat down on the floor in front of Marina's bed and motioned for Marina to sit in front of him. It hadn't taken Keith long to do Marina's hair, he was thankful his mother taught him how to braid the girls hair. "All done."

"Yay! Thank you," Marina said with a smile, she turned around and gave Keith a hug.

"You're welcome," Keith replied with a smile. "Now go play downstairs while I go check on Cami."

"Okay, come on Komso!" Marina called out to the dog. Kosmo turned from where he was sitting by the dresser and followed after the girl as she ran out her bedroom and headed downstairs.

Keith then exited her bedroom and headed next door to Camilla's bedroom where she was sitting on her bed zipping her boots up.

"All dressed I see," Keith said with a smile.

"Yep, all by myself," Camilla answered with a nod.

"Great job love," Keith said with a nod. "What did you wanna do with your hair?"

"Can I just leave it down?" Camilla asked.

"If that's what you wanna do," Keith responded with a shrug of his shoulders. "Let's brush through it first though."


Krolia and Kolivan were the first to show up, Adam and Shiro arriving moments after them.

"Nana!" Marina called out with a smile, running to give Krolia a hug.

"Happy birthday sweet pea," Krolia said with a smile. "You know, you need to stop growing, you're almost as big as Kosmo."

"Why?" Marina asked, her head tilting to the side. "Why am I getting taller?"

"Cause you're getting older," Shiro piped in as he scooped up Marina into his arms and started ticking her, her shrieking laughter echoing throughout the house. "I remember when you were a little baby, now you're hanging out of my arms instead of snuggling into them.

"They've definitely grown fast these past four years," Kolivan said with a smile.

"Tell me about it," Keith said as he came down the stairs, Camilla at his side.

"There's the other birthday girl," Adam said with a smile, ruffling Camilla's hair as she ran up to him and hugged him. "Happy birthday pumpkin."

"Can we open presents now?" Marina asked turning to Keith who let out a soft laugh.

"Not yet Rina," Keith said with a shake of his head. "Everyone else hasn't show up yet."

"We'll open presents later Rina, okay?" Kolivan said turning to Marina who sighed before nodding.



Later, Pidge and Matt showed up. Matt carrying the biggest present Keith has ever seen. The twins watched with wide eyes as he carried it into the backyard and set it down next to the pile of presents.

"What the hell did Matt buy that calls for a huge box?" Keith asked turning to Pidge who smirked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," Pidge replied.

"What's in the box Uncle Matt?" Camilla asked as she studied the box.

"I can't tell you, that will ruin the surprise," Matt said with a smile and a shake of his head. "You'll find out later."

"But I want to know now," Marina whined with a pout.

"Here Rina," Pidge called out getting the girl's attention. "Wanna put this with the other presents?"

"Okay," Marina said with a smile, her mood changing quickly.

"Thanks," Keith said with a sigh. "I'd rather not have a meltdown today."

"I think everyone would rather not have a meltdown today," Pidge said with a roll of her eyes. "But you're welcome."

"Aunt Allura!" Camilla called out as she saw Allura heading into the backyard with two gift bags in her hands. The twins rushing over to greet her with a hug.

"Happy birthday you two," Allura said with a smile. "Wanna go put these by the other presents for me?" Allura asked as she handed each twin a bag. The twins nodded and ran over to the place the bags with the other presents.

Allura made her way over to Keith and pulled him into a hug.

"It's good to see you again Keith," Allura said with a smile.

"You to Allura," Keith said returning her hug.

"The twins have gotten so big, my god," Allura said as she stared at the twins who were playing with Shiro and Matt while the others watched on with smiles on their faces.

"No kidding," Keith said with a sigh. "Feels like yesterday they were barely hours old and now they're turning five years old."

"You've done good to raise them," Pidge said with a nod. "Especially being a single parent, I don't think I would have been able to do it."

"Thank you," Keith said with a smile.

"So, who else are we waiting on?" Allura asked.

"Just Shay, Hunk, and the triplets," Keith said with a sigh. "Then the party princess comes in half an hour."

"So we have to keep five kids occupied until then?" Pidge asked turning to Keith who nodded.

"Basically," Keith answered.

"Alright then," Allura said with a smile. "Better start thinking of ideas to occupy kids."


By the time princess Aurora arrived, the adults were all pretty tired. Thankfully all five kids were all occupied with the princess that it allowed Keith and the others to take a breather.

"Okay, that was harder than I thought it would be," Pidge said with a huff.

"I told you they were a handful," Keith said as he tied his hair into a ponytail to allow his body to cool off.

"They're already double trouble," Shay said with a smile. "We just added three more to that chaos."

"Daddy!" Marina called out getting Keith's attention. Keith headed over and knelt down beside Marina.

"What's up pumpkin?" Keith asked.

"Can I be princess Aurora for Halloween?"

"Halloween is a little ways away there love," Keith pointed out with a chuckle. "But if you want to be princess Aurora for Halloween then you can."

"I'm going to be as pretty as you Aurora," Marina said with a smile as she turned her attention back to the princess.

"You're too kind princess," Aurora replied with a smile. "You are just as beautiful as any princess I know."


The party had ended half an hour ago, the twins were beat. Keith was also beat, it had been a long and busy day for everyone. Shiro and Adam were still over as were Krolia and Kolivan. Adam was helping Keith clean up paper plates, cups, napkins, basically everything from the food.

"Can't believe they're five already," Adam said with a smile as he held open the trash bag while Keith threw garbage in it. "Time really does fly."

"I know," Keith said with a chuckle.

"So, what did the twins say about meeting Lance?" Adam asked.

"Well, Rina was on board right away but Cami wanted nothing to do with him," Keith said with a sigh. "Until a few days ago, she changed her mind and wants to meet him."

"But?" Adam asked as he could see Keith was tense and hiding something.

"She didn't seem convinced herself that she wanted to meet Lance. Almost like she's forcing herself to."

"Do you think maybe it's because of Marina?" Adam asked.

"Maybe," Keith replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "They've always done everything together."

"Have you guys figured a meeting out yet?"

"Not yet," Keith said with a shake of his head. "I haven't even told Lance the girls want to meet him."


"Daddy?" Marina asked as Keith tucked her into bed. "When are we going to meet papa?"

"I don't know yet pumpkin," Keith said with a shake of his head. "I'm going to take to him tonight and see when he wants to."

"You promise papa will meet us right?" Marina asked extending her pinkie. "Pinkie promise?"

Keith smiled. It was such a childish gesture in his mind, a pinkie promise. However, he had children now, he had to be childish. It was part of his job of being a parent.

"I promise," Keith said as he extended his pinkie and shook pinkies with Marina. "Now get some sleep okay?"

"Okay," Marina said with a yawn. "Night daddy."

"Night pumpkin."


"What do you mean Lance has kids?" Michael asked staring at Cassandra like she was crazy.

"I found it hard to believe at first to but he does, twin girls," Cassandra said pulling a photo out of her purse and tossing it on Michael's desk. Michael picked up the photo and studied it, the photo was a photograph of twin girls who very much resembled Lance.

"And these are the twins?" Michael asked to which Cassandra nodded. "If these are Lance's kids, who is their other parent?"

"Do you remember Keith Kogane?" Cassandra asked to which Michael nodded.

"Yes, he and Lance met at Hunk and Shay's wedding and they became close friends," Michael recalled.

"Well, they were more than friends," Cassandra said. "Way more than friends."

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked.

"Lance and Keith were in a relationship Michael," Cassandra said, Michael's eyes widening in return.

"That's ridiculous," Michael said with a shake of his head. "Lance isn't into guys."

"Would you believe me if I said he was hiding it?" Cassandra asked with a smirk. "Lance didn't just go down to Millcreek with Hunk for a road trip, Keith and the twins live in Millcreek."

"But these twins are at least four years old," Michael said as he examined the photograph once more. "That would mean Keith would been-"

"Pregnant, when he and Lance broke up," Cassandra said as she sat down on the leather chair in front of Michael's desk. "Why do you think Lance wasn't exactly himself after he agreed to marry Nyma?"

Michael was silent as he took in the information Cassandra had thrown at him. Slowly, everything started to make sense to him.

Lance had agreed to marry Nyma, then he went to stay over at Keith's for the night, he came back that night looking heart broken. Then a week or two later, Keith disappeared from Cranston, no one knowing where he went, his apartment had been rented by someone else.

Anytime anyone would bring up Keith, Lance would get this guilty heartbroken expression on his face.

Then miraculously, Keith appears back in Cranston to perform at the Children's Hospital fundraiser concert. Michaels recalls the looks Lance was staring at Keith with that night. He also recalls Keith rushing off stage and Lance leaving to go backstage halfway through the performance. Rosa told Michael how she found Lance in the back parking lot, supposedly where Keith had parked his and his family's cars.

Now, all of a sudden, Lance wants to take two weeks away to go on a "road trip" with Hunk, Shay, and the triplets to Millcreek. Where, supposedly, Keith and the twins live.

He thought about Cassandra telling him that Keith and Lance were in a relationship and things start to clear up.

The looks Keith and Lance would send each other, even when they thought he or Rosa weren't looking.

The hours they would spend with one another.

The bracelet Keith wore with their initials on it. Keith had played it off saying it was an homage to his late grandparents which Michael now knew that wasn't true.

"No wonder he postponed the wedding," Michael said with a growl.

"Nyma knew," Cassandra added with a smile. "I knew she was hiding something about Lance, now I know what it was."

Michael had heard enough.

"Excuse me," he said standing up from his desk and grabbing his phone.

"Where are you going?" Cassandra asked as she watched Michael head towards the door.

"To make a phone call."


Song(s) Used:

Love You Anymore

Sung by Michael Bublé, 2018

Birthday Song

From Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses, 2006 (Note: This song isn't on Spotify but I still felt like I should include it in the song list)


Author's Note:

Another chapter!

The twins are five years old and a whole new set of problems have come up in the story.

Thought Question: What do you think Michael is going to do now that he knows about Keith and Lance?

Not much else I have to say this time, I'm pretty tired honestly. Haven't been getting much sleep lately, so we can all thank my insomnia for that one.

Also yes, the song Keith sings for the twins to wake them up is from a Barbie movie. I loved that little scene in the movie and thought I would put it in my story in some way.

Anyways, until the next one!


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