Anime bois x Male Reader

Da camcamwammy

24.8K 545 139


A/N Hey
Bakugo (ft- the Bakusquad)
Light Yagami
Light Yagami pt.2
Light Yagami pt.2 Happy version
L Lawliet
The Main KNY trio
Main KNY Trio pt.2
Nagisa Shiota
Kurapika pt.2

Armin Arlert

1.3K 33 6
Da camcamwammy

Titan shifter reader

This doesn't take place during any major points in the story it kind of just exists around season 1 to 2 

Sorry if Armin is a little ooc it's been forever since I've watched this show so it might be a little off

You had made a promise long ago. One you would never dream of breaking. To protect him till you died. What an odd choice of words you had picked back then but you wouldn't know till much later how true they were.


"Y/N are you crazy?! Why would you join the scouts?" Armin asked as he shook you by your shoulders.

"Because you joined." You said blankly.

"Man your just like Mikasa. I don't need you to watch out for me, I can do things on my own!" He whined.

"I know that. But I made you a promise and I intend to keep it."

"Promise? Y/N! You made that promise when we were kids! We're grown up now you shouldn't have to risk your life for me! The scouts are dangerous!!"

You cupped Armin's face in your hands and looked him straight in the eyes, "I know what I'm getting into Armin. I will keep my promise to you no matter what. You can't change that."

Armin faltered and gave in to you, "Fine. You're too stubborn. But I want you to know if you ever put yourself in unnecessary danger for me I will resent you forever. Alright?" Armin knew he didn't really mean it but he'd say anything to have you change your mind. He didn't want you to get hurt on his behalf. 

You let out a sigh, "Alright."


"Listen up troops here's the plan." Levi said and started giving out roles. 

You were going to journey outside the walls and luckily you were in a group with Armin. That's all you cared about. Outside the walls it was dangerous and you felt much better knowing Armin would be in your sights the whole time. 

"Everyone clear on the plan?" Levi asked and everyone replied with a salute and 'yes sir'.

You walked over to Armin and put a hand on his shoulder, "You ready?" 

He nodded and the two of you met with your assigned group. 

Once you had taken off instead of watching your surrounding you focused more on the blond riding in front of you. You had spent hours upon hours staring at him. Memorizing and admiring his features. But it seemed every time you looked at him he became even more beautiful. 

You were in love with him since the age of 7. Now when you were that young you couldn't put a word to the feelings you felt but you knew you had some strong connection to Armin. He made your heart speed up when he smiled at you and whenever you held his hand everything else in the world faded away and you could only focus on the feeling of his fingers intertwined with yours and when he cried you felt indescribable rage. You wanted to tear buildings apart and kill the bullies who had made him cry. But you always controlled yourself for his sake. He was the only thing that mattered in your life.

He still was the only thing that mattered in your life. Now being 16 you knew well you were in love with him. Even back then you could tell. He was the first person to ever be kind to you just for the sake of being kind. He asked if you were okay and you made sure to return the favor everyday. When you were 8 you promised him you would protect him till the day you died. 

You remembered the day you had made that promise,


You were walking around town looking for Armin and his friends when you finally saw the blond but he wasn't alone.

Two kids had him shoved against a wall and were shouting insults at him. 

You froze and you could feel your blood start to boil at the sight. You ran over to them and shoved the bully off of Armin. The other one tried to throw a punch at you but you dodged and quickly threw one back at him. You hit him square in the jaw causing him to falter and stumble backwards.

You set your sights back on the bully on the ground and you got on top of him, beating his face repetitively with your fists. The second bully recovered from the hit to his jaw and tried to pull you off of the other but you quickly punched him straight in the groin causing him to kneel over in pain.

"Y/N stop! You've done enough!! They've learned their lesson! Y/n!!" Armin yelled and tried to drag you off the bully on the ground but you continued to hit him until finally Armin managed to pull you away. Any minute longer and you would have killed the guy.

Armin dragged you away from the scene and off to somewhere else quiet. "Y/N what was that?!! You could of killed him!" 

"I should of killed him." You mumbled.

That's when you felt a stinging sensation on your cheek. It took you a second to register that Armin had slapped you until you finally took a good look at him. 

He was a little banged up and his hair was a mess. But he was crying and you went to wipe away his tears but stopped when you saw his hand raised in the air. He slapped you again on the opposite cheek and you looked to him for an explanation.

"Don't talk about killing people! Even if they've done some bad things they're still people!" He yelled.

"But they hurt you." You said.

"Who cares? I could of handled it myself."

"I care." You said and looked at him. "I never want you to get hurt."

He stared at you and lowered his hand, "That's just how the world is sometimes. You get hurt."

You couldn't agree with that. You cupped his face in your hands and with the most serious voice you could manage said, "I will make sure you never get hurt again. I promise I'll protect you till the day I die."

"Y/n you can't promise that." Armin said sadly.

"I just did. From this day Armin I wont let anything hurt you."


You didn't know how hard keeping that promise was going to be.

"Titans approaching from the west everyone remain on guard!" Jean yelled as he rode up to your group.

"Head to the nearest trees and maybe we can take them!" Someone in your group yelled.

"Levi gave us strict orders to stay on course!" Someone else yelled.

You looked to the west and saw what Jean had warned them about. 5 fast approaching titans. 2 of which looked to be abnormals. 

The two soldiers were still arguing about what to do but by the time they could make a decision the titans would be on them. You didn't know which was better, follow orders or stray from the path in hopes of killing the titans.

It didn't really matter to you, you could take the titans either way but you considered what would be better for Armin.

"Head to the trees! Our odm gear is useless out in the open!" You yelled and headed towards the nearest woods to your right.

The rest of the group seemed to follow. But before you could even reach the woods one of the titans had caught up and snatched a soldier right of their horse. It wasn't Armin so you kept heading towards the trees. 

Once there your group split up trying to thin out the titans and defeat them. You, Armin, and 2 other soldiers went right while the others went left. You raced through the trees keeping an eye on Armin and the titan running after you the whole time.

You were so focused on Armin you didn't notice a second titan sneak up behind the first and lunge for you. You had managed to dodge it's grasp but we're sent flying from your horse. 

"Y/N!!" You heard Armin yell as he flew towards you using his odm gear.

"NO!!" You yelled as the same titan that had lunged for you grabbed Armin midair.

You got up and tried to kill the titan but you couldn't get a clear shot at its neck. 

"Y/N get out of here! Don't let us both die!!" Armin yelled.

The titan held Armin up to its mouth and slowly started to move forward to bite him.

"I'm not letting you die!" You yelled and landed on the ground, "If this goes wrong, I want you to know something!"

"Y/N we don't have time get out of here!!" 

"Shut up and listen to me!" You yelled, "I love you Armin and I'm sorry!"

Armin didn't get to ask what you were sorry for before there was a crack of lightning and in your place stood a 15 meter titan with sharp teeth and h/c hair. You let out a war cry before grabbing the arm that held Armin and ripping it off the titan. You set it down on the ground before tearing the titan apart.

You then went to kill the other titan that had been busy fighting off the 2 other soldiers in your group. Both soldiers were dead already and the titan was feasting on them. You bashed the titans head into a tree before looking around for Armin.

You spotted him hiding out on a tree branch and you went to reach for him but then pain shot through your body. As your vision went dark that last thing you heard was Armin screaming.


Armin had tried to stop the soldier before he could slice the back of your neck but his cries did nothing to stop the soldier. He cut a deep clean chunk from the back of your neck and Armin felt a pit in his stomach.

He had killed you, there was no way you had survived that. You were gone. 

"Y/N!! I love you! Y/N!!!!" He yelled desperately as your titan form fell to the ground.

He repelled down to your disappearing titan form and tried to dig around in the cut of the neck for any sign of your body. He ignored the protest from the soldier who had killed you. 

That's when he saw it, the brown, green, and white uniform. He cut the muscles from around you and with all his strength pulled you from the titan form.

But when he got you out he almost fainted. Your arm was missing and so was a good chunk of your head. Based off Eren he knew your arm could grow back but there was no telling about the head.

He laid your body down on the ground then started to go off on the soldier who had killed you. He yelled and yelled until he couldn't talk anymore and his eyes were all out of tears. 


You woke up with a start. You had died. You were sure of it. So why were you alive?

You looked around and were meet with cold steel walls and chains wrapped around your wrist and ankles. You yanked on them but they were sturdy.

You were in a cell. But why?

"OH! He's awake! Would you look at that?!" You heard someone yell from the outside of the cell. Based on the words and pitch you assumed it was Hange.

You looked towards her and noticed Levi stood behind her with Erwin behind him, "You have a lot of explaining to do."

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