Journey For The One Piece

Por angle99999

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Prologue: A Unique Auction
Chapter 1: Time To Set Sail!
Chapter 2: Gloomy Prison Pt 1
Chapter 3: Gloomy Prison Part 2
Chapter 5: An Island of Mermaids Pt 1

Chapter 4: Goodbye Ilisia Kingdom, Hello New Crewmate!

892 57 65
Por angle99999

Kiyotaka: So, you have an idea, where we can procure a ship. It doesn't have to be big. 

Ryuen, feeling his wrists, smiled. 

Ryuen: We can take the old man's favorite sailing boat. That fucker loves to go into the seas and catch fish. He won't be doing that once we take it, kukukuku. 

Kiyotaka: Where is it?

Ryuen: In his personal harbor. 

Kiyotaka: I wasn't aware he had a personal harbor.

Ryuen started laughing. 

Ryuen: Kukukukuku. Captain, let's just stop with all this talking and wreak havoc. I've been cooped up in there for too long.

Ryuen's hands started to ignite, as he continued to smile. 

Ryuen: Now, let me let loose, kukuku. 

Bringing his hands together, he unleashed an explosion, breaking apart hundreds of pounds of metals, as he started laughing.

Ryuen: KUKUKUKUKU!!!! What do you think?

Kiyotaka: Could use some control. I assume that's the Nensho Nensho Devil Fruit. Explosive hands. 

Ryuen: Kukuku. So you do know this devil fruit. 

Kiyotaka: I have a certain familiarity with strong Paramecia Devil fruits.  

Putting his hands inside his pockets, Kiyotaka stepped over the ruble and proceeded towards the stairs as Ryuen smiled maniacally, following him out.

The two individuals slowly walked up the steps of the dungeon, passing hundreds of prisoners, begging them to let the out, only for Ryuen to smile and simply follow Kiyotaka, who coldly stared ahead. 

Soldiers, in Sea Prism Armor came through with their spears, as Kiyotaka continued to walk forward. 

Kiyotaka: Fighting sea prism armor soldiers would be difficult for you, Ryuen. So I'll take care of them. 

As they attempted to stab Kiyotaka, his eyes turned red, as the soldiers turned their weapons on themselves. 

Kiyotaka: Your presence is not required here, clear the path. 

At this order, they all stabbed each other with their spears, right through their heads, killing each other instantly. 

The bodies fell to the ground, as Kiyotaka walked over them. 

Ryuen: KUKUKUKU!!!! Ruthless! 

As the two monsters continued to walk up the stairs of the circular dungeon, more and more soldiers flooded inside the dungeon hole, in an attempt to kill the escapees. However, it was useless. Ryuen touched the stairs, and unleashed an explosion, blowing off sections of it, sending soldiers down to their deaths. Ryuen and Kiyotaka simply jumped over the crevasses and broken parts. They kept moving forward, nothing being remotely powerful enough to stop them. 

Kiyotaka: Now where is this royal harbor?

Ryuen smiled. 

Ryuen: Underneath the palace. 

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: Then let's get the boat quickly. It'd be best to stay here as little time as possible.

Exiting the hole, and seeing light, Ryuen relished in the vibrant sun. 

Ryuen: It's been so long! I can finally get a good stretch, kukuku!

Suddenly, they saw they were surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, and one emerged, a normally-sized individual, with a giant long sword, as the two escapees eyed him. 

He wore a black outfit, and had half of his face covered in what looked to be a leather mask. 

Kiyotaka: Ryuen, do you know who this man is? Is her a general?

Ryuen: I don't know, he looks kinda new.

The slightly-masked character continued walking towards them. 

???: I am merely a bounty hunter. I came here for the head of Kiyotaka. 

Ryuen laughed. 

Ryuen: KUKUKU!!!! Looks like you have a stalker, Captain, kukuku!!!!

At this, the man drew his large blade, as it turned black. 

Kiyotaka: So you can also use haki

???: What a funny coincidence. I was hired by King Caezar to protect his castle and now I have the opportunity to get a higher payout!! Your head is worth 125 million berries after all!

Crouching, the rest of the soldiers took a few steps back. 

???: Let's see if you earned your bounty. 

Kiyotaka: And what is your name?

He then posed, holding a hand in front of his face, as he smiled.

Ike: The master swordsman of the West Blue, Ike Kanji! And this will be the last thing you'll ever hear. 

Going to full speed, he rushed towards Kiyotaka. 

Ryuen: Should I take care of your stalker?

Kiyotaka nodded in disagreement. 

Kiyotaka: No, Harriot will. 

His eyes turned red, as inside the palace, a group of scientists were tinkering with the weapon, to little success.


???: Are you sure this isn't just a normal gun?

???: Don't be ridiculous, soldiers said they heard something speaking and patrols recently Came back with the report of a pirate ship being destroyed by a ray of sorts. This gun has to have something we can use!

Harriot, still in perfect condition, layed there until she heard a single sentence coming from her master. 

'No, Harriot will.'

At this the weapon finally spoke. 

Harriot: Master

The Scientists were befuddled as they continued to stare at the weapon. 

???: It spoke!

But they had no time to try anything else as the gun transformed into a canon and set a shot off, send the gun flying out of the palace, and destroying an entire floor, killing all of the scientists inside. 


Outside, the sudden explosion from the palace caused Ike to stop midway in his attack. 

Ike: What was that?!

As this happened, the soldiers looked up and saw a falling golden pistol, as it went all the way down towards Kiyotaka, as he grabbed it midair. 

Ryuen: So this is Harriot? You named your gun, kukuku!

Harriot: Fuck off heathen. 

Ryuen put both his hands up as he couldn't stop laughing. 

Ryuen: A gun with sass, you're definitely weird, captain. 

 Ike: A gun? 

Kiyotaka: Right on time. 

Pointing it at Ike, he sped towards Kiyotaka, as He held his blade perfectly parallel to his shoulder. 

A single bullet fired from his gun, as it missed Ike. 

Ike: Die!

The bullet hit the ground, as it bounced back and went right through Ike's right leg and then his left one, as he fell to the ground, clutching onto his legs. 

Ike: AAA-

Ryuen came up to him and kicked him right in the face, knocking him out. 

Kiyotaka: He was pretty quick. He almost had me there. 

Ryuen: Yeah right, kukukuku. 

The soldiers, completely terrified, attacked as they aimed their spears and swords towards the two monsters. 

Ryuen's hands started to combust. 

Ryuen: I'll show off my special move. 

He waved his hands around, as balls of controlled explosions were created, and levitated off the ground. 

Ryuen: Explosive debris!




A circle of destruction surrounded the palace, as fires began to spread around. Corpses that were mere body parts and chunks of meat, filled the grounds. However, a single man survived the entire attack. 

It was Ike, the master Swordsman! And he was now... still unconscious.

Ryuen: Oh, looks like one person survived. I'll finish him off. 

Kiyotaka: No, it's unnecessary. 

Ryuen turned back and smiled. 

Ryuen: Fine. I didn't wanna dirty my feet anyways. 

Walking away, Ike lied on the ground, defeated. However, this wouldn't be the day this master swordsman would die. Rather, far from it. 

As the two walked towards the palace, Ryuen ignited his fingers and touched the ground, sending an explosive tremor into the ground, breaking apart a hole into the palace, of which covered a large flight of stairs close to the dungeon hole. 

Kiyotaka: Interesting. 

Ryuen: This way, captain. 

Walking down the stairs, Kiyotaka could sense and hear footsteps desperately running towards the entrance leading into this secret harbor. 

Pointing his gun, it transformed into a ray gun. As soon as there was a single soldier in sight, Kiyotaka fired, annihilating a dozen soldiers, and sealing the entrance. 

Ryuen: Well, they won't be coming ever again, kukuku. 

The set of stairs, that was illuminated by some unknown green light, continued for a few stories down until they reached a metal door on the bottom floor. 

Ryuen, about to explode the door, was stopped by Kiyotaka. 

Ryuen: Come on, it's the only way inside!

Me: There's a much more simpler solution.

Transforming his gun into a small, serrated, knife, he turned it black as he stabbed the lock on the side of the door, cutting it in half and unlocking the door. 

Taking the knife back and transforming it into a gun, he put it in his pocket, as he opened the door. 

Kiyotaka: There could be soldiers inside for all we know. 

Entering the chamber, stood a multitude of things. There was hundreds of pounds of gold and jewelry's toppled with what looked to be antique weapons holding onto the walls. And in front of them, stood the famed sailboat Ryuen told Kiyotaka about. 

Ryuen: Kukuku. There it is. Oh wait, look there. That fucking old man. He stashed it here. 

Walking up to the wall of antique weapons, Ryuen reached out and took a halbert that had a blue serrated blade for it's top. The rest of the halberd was black in color. 

Ryuen: I didn't think that bastard would put it in here. But who cares?! I got it now. 

Swinging it around, he held it in his hand, as Kiyotaka walked up towards the sailboat that lied on top of water. 

Kiyotaka: There must be a contraption to reach the surface. 

Ryuen: There is, the old man keeps his levers right h-

Just then, An arrow was sent flying towards Ryuen. He caught it, right before it hit his face. 

Ryuen: KUKUKU!! You thought that would do anythi-

The tip of the arrow popped into a green mist that made Ryuen hit the ground at a scary speed. 

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: Sea Prism Mist. How clever. 

From the shadows, King Cezar, alone, stood in front of Kiyotaka. 

King Cezar: I don't understand. I should have expected you would try something after you didn't even try our chess match, but now you're trying to take my son away?! I won't forgive this, not even if it's you, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji!!!!!

In an instant, Kiyotaka's entire body became black, as his eyes went crimson red. He instantly grabbed King Cezar's face, as he looked in sheer terror. The floor began to tremble, as the room lost all light, color, and shape. All that could be seen, were the crimson eyes of Kiyotaka, as his entire body was like a shadow, black as the darkness of his eyes. 

Kiyotaka: I must apologize for my sudden behavior. But I don't much fancy someone calling me that man's name. I have forsaken that name for 10 years. And I don't intend to hear it from the likes of you, Cezar. 

Kiyotaka's hand let him go, as Cezar, seeing the sight of Kiyotaka, screamed out in total terror. He ran around, hitting things from every angle of the room. He then grabbed his head, and rammed it into the wall, trying to blind or knock himself out, whatever came first. He then collapsed on the ground, as his entire head was covered in blood.

Kiyotaka released his monstrous transformation, as he grabbed Ryuen's body and brought him to the sailboat, putting him inside. 

Kiyotaka: Now, where is this lever?

Harriot: I wouldn't know the location of it, master. 

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: I was moreso talking to myself, Harriot. 

Harriot: Understood. 

Looking around the room, he saw a lever and pulled it. At this, the water began to rise, as the section with the sailboat, was being walled off. 

Kiyotaka quickly entered the boat, as it is enclosed in a chamber. And in an instant, it started to zoom up towards the surface. As it did, it stopped and went forward, through a enforced glass tube, leading to the outside. The entrance opened, quickly bringing the sailboat to the surface, as if it were shot out by a whale. 

Now on the open seas, Kiyotaka opened up the sail and woke up Ryuen. Slapping him in the face, Ryuen got up and looked around as he held his head. 

Ryuen: Fuck, my head hurts. 

Kiyotaka: You were hit by sea prism mist. You should regain your normal strength in an hour. 

Ryuen lied down on the sailboat as Kiyotaka moved around the sail so it would go quicker. 

Ryuen: Who was the dipshit that shot me?

Kiyotaka: Just a regular soldier. I took care of them

Ryuen: Well, looks like I'm finally in open seas now. You have an idea where we're going captain?

Kiyotaka: Wherever I guess. I'd like to acquire 2 other crewmates before going into the Grand Line. 

Ryuen: KUKUKUKU!!!! Where are ya gonna find two more? You were lucky enough that I wanted to get the fuck out of there, kukuku. 

Kiyotaka: I would prefer more muscle into the group, and possibly a caretaker of our future ship. 

Ryuen: So you mean a chick?

Kiyotaka: Anyone that's qualified enough. 

Ryuen: What about the name?

Kiyotaka: Name of what?

Ryuen: Your crew, clueless captain, kukuku.

Kiyotaka: You can decide. I never really had a preference. Just don't make it the butt of a joke.

Ryuen put his hands together and laughed. 

Ryuen: How about, 'The Barbaric Pirates'?!

Kiyotaka: No. 

Ryuen: I thought I was picking?!

The boat continued, farther and farther away from the kingdom, as Kiyotaka checked the compass.

Kiyotaka: I said a decent name. 

Ryuen: What about 'The Gentleman Pirates'?!

Kiyotaka: No

Ryuen: The 'Emotionless' Pirates?!

Kiyotaka: No. 

Ryuen: Kukuku. Come on! Doesn't that sum up your dull and stagnant face, captain?

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: Do you really want to be called, The 'Emotionless Pirates'?

Ryuen: Why the fuck not? It sounds pretty cool. 

Kiyotaka crossed his arms beneath his head as he stared up at the beautiful blue, sky. 

Kiyotaka: Fine. Better than listening to anymore of your suggestions. 

Ryuen: KUKUKUKUKU!!!!!

The two continued to sail into the deep, blue, sea, as Kiyotaka acquired his first crewmate.

And this would be the start, of one of the fastest climbs to the top, in the history of the world, as two of the present ten core members of the 'Emotionless Pirates', were founded that day. 

And their exploits would be known throughout the entire world.

But that was still distant in the future. 


----West Blue, 'Will-O-The-Wisp Island.'-----

An island, farther away than where our two pirates came together, was in a festival frenzy. The island was flourishing with stunning vegetation and prehistoric clothes and customs. It's inhabitants, were filled to the brim with Beautiful Mermaids, the likes of which was unparalleled from any other region.

The island was surrounded in yearly whirlpools, making anyone who tries to cross that region, perish. Hundreds of ships with thousands of crew members have lost their lives in this region. 

There used to be Fishman that mated with these mermaids, but it has been thousands of years, since their extinction. Now, all that populated this beautiful island were these beautiful mermaids. Water and rivers were all over the island, making travel around possible. 

However, despite there only being mermaids, there was a being that should not have been there. It was a human. He was on a hammock, completely naked, as he drank from a coconut. dozens of mermaids swam to him and gave him flowers, food, and drink, as he relaxed. He also loved to take advantage of these women as well, by groping them and playing around with dozens at a time. He, was essentially, in a paradise. 

???: Ah, what a beautiful day. 

A mermaid came right next to the individual as she kissed his cheek.

He smiled. The mermaid asked him. 

???: Would you like more coconuts?

Koenji: Who do you think I am? I'm Koenji Rokusuke. Every time you visit me, I expect an offering. 

???: Yes, my lord. 

Koenji Rokusuke, a normal human, was living the life. However, in the coming days, events would transpire, which would change this man's life forever.  


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