Your Best Friend, Huggy Wuggy...

By __Tasukete__

21.3K 449 200

(I do not own any characters from poppys playtime. and this a au!) player has been stuck in the work shop for... More

Bad Day
The Huggy Wuggy Hoodie
(important message!)
Frustration PT2
Frustration PT3
Frustration PT4
Frustration PT5
Frustration PT6
Frustration PT 7
Frustration PT 8
frustration PT 9
frustration PT 10

The Tater Tots

3.5K 76 77
By __Tasukete__

As you were walking to the cafeteria you couldn't help but feel tired from running around with bron and the others.

Yet you wondered where huggy wuggy was, you hadn't seen him since you woke up. Normally you would run into him by now.

As you got to the cafeteria you noticed the small kitchen looked cleaner then normal. Yet that didn't bother you as much.

As you finally got into the small kitchen you thought you should make something. As you were thinking of what to make you look into the freezer.

Then you see it, tater tots.
You dont ever remember anyone in here ever trying them. Then again can they even eat? Might as well try.

As you reach to get the tater tots you see how many things are covering it. You were just lucky enough to even see it, from how much was on it, it was nearly invisible.

About the time you finally get the bag half of your body is in the freezer, to the point you can't even feel your feet touching the floor.

As you struggle to get back out, you realize you are kinda stuck. That makes you panic a little but you stop yourself. As you finally calm yourself down, you try to move again.

Nothing, you couldn't even move an inch from the stuff laying on you. And you were starting to realize how cold it was getting.

Now you were panicking, as you try to force yourself out, you yell out in pain. You Tried to push yourself so hard that it felt like you are stretching yourself to death.

And with the weight of the other freezing food, it was starting to get really cold.

You were thankful to feel a little warm on your legs. But your upper half was struggling, by the time you hear someone, you feel like you're stretching your whole body and with the cold it didn't help.

As you were starting to give up you feel yourself get yanked out of the freezer. Out of shock you grabbed the bag of tater tots harder as you finally were out of the freezer.

As the freezer door closed, you saw that it was a yellow glove that closed it. At that moment you knew it was huggy wuggy.

As huggy wuggy finally puts you down on the floor he looks at you as worried as he can look.

Im fine buddy, you said to huggy. He looked at you like he didn't believe you. Then he looked down to your arms and looked confused, curious?

You were also confused at what he was looking at until you remembered why to got stuck in the freezer.

As you look down, right their in your arms is the tater tot bag. As you let out a little chuckle surprised that you didn't let go of it when huggy got you out of the freezer.

You smiled at him and giggle. He looks at you confused as he tilts his to the side.

As you walk by him you see the microwave, you put the tater tots on a plate & put them in the microwave, and turned it on.

As you look back at huggy wuggy when you hear the noise of the microwave doing its magic, you see huggy wuggy look at you weird.

It looked like he was trying to figure out what you were making. You giggle at his reaction, as he gains focus from your giggle, he walks over to you so he can sit down next to you. He then hugs you.

As he hugs your side, you smile at how such a big softy huggy was. Yet still terrifying when he wanted to be.

You pet his head for the time being, he purrs at your soft touch. It sometimes surprises you at how humans could make something so dangerous yet so adorable at the same time.

As the microwave finally beeps telling you its done, you stop petting huggy to get it out. Huggy lets you go from his hug as he moves out of the way, still confused and curious about what you made.

As you pull it out you put the tater tots on the small counter. And you smile at huggy, he smiles back.

You can try some if you want huggy I wont mind, you say to him as hes looking at the tater tots.

He looks right at you before nodding his head and moving closer to the plate of tater tots.

As you sit down and watch the show, you wonder what his reaction to the tater tots will be.

As he picks a tater tot up, he looks at it for a short amount of time before looking at you as a sign if he could eat it.

As you shake your head yes, he turns back to the small tater tot in his hand before opening his mouth wide and throwing it down his throat.

After awhile its just silence, he doesnt move nor make a noise. And your starting to regret your decision, what if its bad for him? You thought as you sat up and walked over to him to make sure he was okay.

As you got closer you put your hand on his shoulder as a way to tell him is something wrong.

He slowly turns to you as you see his big eyes wide. He slowly smiles at you and looks back at the plate, then right back at you as a way to say if he could eat more.

You sigh of relief as you shake your head yes, as you shook your head yes, he went to town on the tater tots.

He grabbed the plate of tater tots and shoved the hole thing in his throat, including the plate.

As you looked at him worried that maybe to glass broke in his throat, you were happy to see him spit the whole plate without the tater tots on the table.

Now the plate was completely covered in huggy wuggys spit, That looked disgusting.

As he looks at you he smiles like a happy puppy. You guess that means he likes it. You sigh happily as you walk closer to huggy and giving him a hug.

Huggy wuggy hugs you back and purrs from the attention. You smile as you look up at him and ask, would you like more buddy?

His smile widens and he shakes his head yes. You smile right back at him even though you feel the spit in your hair.

You make more for huggy wuggy and after awhile he stops wanting more tater tots as he sits down looking pleased with himself.

You smile at him and walk over to him so you could sit next to him.

As you sit next to huggy wuggy, he pulls you closer next to him. As his arm is on your waist and your face is on the side of his chest, you can't help but feel happy.

As you and huggy wuggy hug more, You Realize you're getting sleepy, as you look up at huggy wuggy he looks at you tilting his head.

Im tired can we go now buddy? You say to him. He nods as he picks you up and starts walking to your room.

Your room wasn't really a room, if anything is was just a random room in the place that you claimed as your room.

As huggy wuggy sets you down on your bed you ask him, hey buddy you wanna lay down with me for awhile?

He nods his head happily as he starts to get on the bed and sit next to you. And eventually you and huggy get comfortable.

As you're starting to get closer to passing out you feel huggy wuggy hug you. As you put your head on his chest you can't help but feel even more tired.

As you look at huggy wuggy one last time you smile. Soon you finally start slipping out of consciousness, as everything starts turning dark you can't help but be happy that you decided to come back.

There was nothing out there for you anymore, but in here? Everything was right here, right were you belong.

You smile one last time as you finally pass out.

You're happy huggy enjoyed the tater tots...

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