My demon girlfriend - Lauren...

By MorganJohnson703

26.6K 808 91

you like to explore abandoned buildings on free time and one day you went to a mental hospital alone that was... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
please read
The End

Part 1

4K 94 5
By MorganJohnson703


I am at home with three of my friends we recently discovered a mental hospital that was abandoned the story is that a women that had a mental illness she was abused tortured, and raped. She now haunts the building she wants to get revenge on people that are nurses. She didn't actually have a mental illness though she was a lesbian but she lived there in the 1800s and back then it was not find of to be gay. So i decided I wanna go tonight. "Alright I got my stuff packed let's go." I say walking in the living room with my friends they all looked at me scared. "We aren't going with you" my friend Ally says and I look at her shocked "y'all were so excited what happened?" I ask and she got up walking to me. "That demon we read about is strong enough to kill people we aren't going if you want to then go alone bye" she says and walks out my friends follow her. I take a deep breath and then walk outside. "Guess I'm going alone" I say to myself. I start driving there after an hour and a half I make it. I got chills right when I got in the property of the mental hospital. I then get out my car parking it in front of the building I walk in and it's is really cold in here. I walk around with a flashlight and feel like someone or something is watching me I then see a shadow next to me move really fast then disappear. "Hello?" I ask scared. I then keep walking to find the room that the women stayed in I learned her name is Lauren. "Lauren I'm not here to hurt you I just want to learn about you maybe ask a few questions if that's ok!" I say calmly not wanting to make her feel threatened. "I know you were treated terribly here I wish I could take that pain away" I say I soon find her room and it is untouched I said on the bed and set up all my stuff I have a flash light that if something touches it it'll go on. I also have a rod thing that when something touches it lights turn on. "Lauren if you are with me right now you can touch this light to turn it in or the rod with this red light it will turn different colors I am not here to hurt you in any way" I say softly not wanting to scare her. I then see the flashlight turn on. I do get frightened but I calm down. "Ok when I ask questions you will touch the flashlight for yes and the rod for no ok?" I say and the flashlight turns on for a second then off again. I smile. "I know you are lesbian that's ok I am too" I say and the flashlight turns on again then off. I giggle "we're the doctors abusive to the other patients too?" I ask and the flashlight goes off again" I look at it "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" I say sadly "my dad abused me when her found out I'm lesbian he walked in on me kissing my ex girlfriend and he yelled at me and disowned me telling em I'm going to hell he tried raping me to quote turn me straight" I say and the flashlight goes off I then feel something cold touch my arm I get kind of scared. "Lauren was that you that touched me?" I ask and the flashlight goes off. "Oh well that's fine hun" I say. "Can you show yourself to me?" I ask and I see a girl standing by the flashlight she has long black hair, pale, full black eyes blood dripping down her lip. "You are beautiful Lauren" I say and she then stayed in somewhat human form I go to walk to her making her back up. "You don't have to be scared if me I promise nothing will ever hurt you again" I say softly she then takes a step closer. "She stared at me blankly I stare into her eyes "can I touch you?" I ask and she doesn't reply she just stands there blankly looking at me. I slowly move my hand to her arm she looks at it watching she seems scared like she had never felt a soft touch before. I run my hand up her arm slowly then resting it on her shoulder and my other hand on her waist. "Why do I feel like I know you?" I ask and she opens her mouth like she is trying to talk. "I- " she tries speaking I smile at her "it's ok baby you don't have to force yourself to talk" I say. She closes it. "Do ghosts have emotions?" I ask and she nods. I smile "can I kiss you?" I ask and she didn't reply I get on my toes cause she is taller than me I kiss her softly she kisses back and I feel electricity flow through my body. I then hear a voice down the hall. "HELLO WHO'S HERE YOU CANT BE HERE!!!"  A man yells Lauren then disappeared. "Lauren?" I whisper I feel her I just can't see her. I know she is here she got scared by the man. "Why are you here? This is private property ma'am you need to get the fuck out or I'll force you out" I refuse to leave and sit in the bed "I'm not leaving her" I say strictly "leaving who?" He asks "Lauren" I say he chuckles "she is dead rotting in hell burning you need to leave!" He yells roughly grabbing me and I scream from the pain he then gets thrown across the room being slammed against the wall. I watch wide eyed "Lauren calm down" I say she then showed herself again yet more demonic I back up scared if her now she looks at the man then me seeing me scared she then walks to me I try backing up until now I'm trapped in the corner as she gets close right in front of me. She then leans by my ear. "protect" she whispers to me and pulls away looking at me. I furrow my eyebrows confused. "protect?" I ask she grabs my hand putting it over her heart then to mine. I smile and calm down. "Stay" she says in a whisper and I realize she doesn't want to hurt me she is saying she will protect me. She then goes back to the man that is saying some prayers she grabs him and throws him out the room then chases him as he runs out the building and I start grabbing my stuff about to go home until I hear a whisper "where leaving?" She whispers and I turn around seeing her "I have to go home Lauren I can't stay forever I promise I will always come back here to see you" I say and she disappeared I then see a chair get thrown across the room and then hear loud bangs "LAUREN! Ok calm down baby I'll stay ok I'll stay I'll go home tomorrow though and I promise every night I will come and visit you ok?" I say she then appears in front of me sitting on the bed. "Stay" she says and I nod. I lay down on the bed and then pull the blanket over me. I can't believe this is happening to me right now. "Stay" she whispers and she walks around the room. "Protect you" she says "can you only say two words at a time?" I ask and she stops to stare at me "yes" she says "energy ... Alot" she say again I smile "it's ok baby it's cute though" I say and I then feel tired I close my eyes and feel someone watching me so I open them and see Lauren right in front of me face inches away I jump slightly "ok can you not do that it scares me" I say and she backs up and walks out the room. I get scared being alone but I know she is watching over me.

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