By feechi17

968 204 544

Six humans bearing Allira's crystal. Unlike kindred souls, Kristol and Neve each claim their own. Earth will... More

¶Invitation Letter¶
¶Settling In¶
¶Ground floor¶
¶Let the Games Begin¶
¶The First Story¶
¶Fire and what else?¶
¶Adoption Tales¶
¶Playing with water¶
¶A game of balls¶
¶Actions and Consequences¶
¶Time's essence¶
¶And there was one¶
¶Giant Jenga¶
¶Up ahead¶

¶Round Two¶

17 6 9
By feechi17


As soon as Eryk walked into the game room, he knew the second game would be nothing like the first. All the materials from the obstacle course had been cleared to make space for a wide projector along with a smaller one by the side which contained the names of the housemates. In front of the large projector, a leather chair shining with rectangular crystals sat backing them while other wooden chairs sat near the timer towards one wall of the room. More wooden chairs were placed at the area they stood, and one of the guards told them to sit. The only similarities with the state of the room during the previous game were the walls and the ceilings, as well as the floor.

Someone snickered behind him. "All this room is missing are blinding lights from all directions to turn it into a proper game show." Eryk agreed, the setting reminded him of the game show: Who wants to be a Millionaire.

He stared at the small projector and scanned through the names before abruptly stopping, one name in particular caught his attention: Ace Swizzard. The name was familiar to Eryk, but he couldn't remember where he knew it from. He turned to look at the owner of the name glaring at the bright projector like it would vanish if he tried hard enough. No such luck, buddy.

With only the two projectors in front of them and a set of chairs arranged separately, he could only guess it would be about questions and answers of some sort. Eryk didn't like his situation much, he wanted to be sure of what he was up against.

Luckily, Mr. Han stepped into the light from the projector and gestured to them. "I welcome you all to the second game at Crystal House. Today's game is not about strength nor agility, but quick thinking and logic." He drew both hands of his suit forward, and looked at each of them, before turning back to the projector. "You'll each be asked a set of ten different questions, riddles, puzzles to solve within a time limit and as usual the one with the lowest points will be asked to leave."

Mr. Han paused again, and this time everyone started talking to themselves, or to others. It was expected, unlike the game presented before them. Now that Eryk was sure about the game, he couldn't care less because there was no way he would perform so poorly that he would be asked to leave. Besides, his logic and IQ were quite high and frequently being put to use.

Beside him, Florian raised his hand, "In what order are we going? Will it be in the order our names were listed?"

It was only when Mr. Han picked a small glass bowl beside the smaller projector that Eryk realized something had been there, atop a small black table. He thrust the bowl towards the housemates. "There are placards with numbers 1-10 here, pick a number."

Eryk and his fellow housemates went forward and got a number, which obviously represented the order they were going. His number was five, a lucky one for him.

After that, Mr. Han spread his hands. "Let the games begin." Immediately, light from all angles bathed the room, most of it centered on the chair. The Hot Seat.

The first person went forward, and the masked guard led her to the crystal chair. The chair was fully positioned to back them so Eryk couldn't see the facial expressions of the Number one, nor whisper any answers (which was probably what Mr. Han wanted to prevent). The first question appeared on the screen of the large projector, and he heard gasps. Eryk's face crumpled slightly, he couldn't be so sure of his first place anymore.


Mareike's beautiful luck had struck yet again, giving her the Number 1 spot. After the amount of wishes and prayers she had done from walking from her seat to the Mr. Han's bowl, Mareike still felt the warmth of the hot seat first, tightly clutching her unlucky number as she faced only the projector. A small microphone was strapped to the chair along with a red buzzer by her right side.

Mr. Han smiled at her. "You're to provide an answer to each question in three minutes, or you'll get zero points for that question. Each correct answer is five points, and points will be awarded based on how you answer. Do you understand?" Mareike quickly understood rules, but that didn't mean her ability for logical thinking was dominant.  Then for her benefit, Mr. Han added in lower tones. "You'll do fine, Mareike. After all, you're a star. I hope you're ready."

A buzzing sound echoed through her ears and the first question showed on the screen. Mareike was only mildly aware of the sounds behind her, more focused on the puzzle before her with the timer ticking to her left and the tension seeping through her bones. She looked up at the screen: It has many keys, but cannot open a single lock.

Mareike pressed the buzzer quickly and spoke into the microphone.

"A piano."

Claps rang around the game room, and she saw five points beside her name on the second projector. Mareike flipped her long hair and rested her arms on the sides of the chair, pushing herself further into it. One down, Nine to go.

The second question showed, and this time no one made an audible sound. Runs around a backyard, yet never moves. She certainly knew this one, so she pushed the buzzer immediately.

"A fence."

Mareike heard the automated claps again, and grinned at the screen. As long as the questions were easy stuff like this, she had no problem. A good part of her teenage years had been spent doing online games and riddles with bots.

Mareike gasped along with the other housemates when she read the third question. Wiping the smile off her face, she sat up and studied the screen.

A man who lives on the tenth floor takes the elevator down to the first floor every morning and goes to work. In the evening, when he comes back; on a rainy day, or if there are other people in the elevator, he goes to his floor directly. Otherwise, he goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to his apartment. Explain why.

"Why would he go seven steps, then go all the way?"Mareike ran her hands over her forehead and picked up the sparkling water set on the table beside her. This question was unfamiliar, but she knew the answer was glaring right at her. Now that she needed it, her brain couldn't connect the seventh floor to the man and the elevator. She glanced at the timer and then the screen, only ten seconds to go. She pressed the buzzer. "I guess it's because he needs people to be with him."

This time, there were no claps and only two points were added to the number besides her name. Mareike released a breath, at least she got something. Two was way higher than zero but when the large projector showed the correction, she wanted to slap herself. It was so obvious, the full points were just a little above her reach.

Answer: The man is of short stature. He can't reach the upper elevator buttons, but he can ask people to push them for him or he can also push them with his umbrella.

Instead she shrugged, and the next question came on. This time, she had to think fast and smart.


Chiara didn't want to relive the second game at all. Partly because she got only half of the points, and her roommate had both more strength and brains than she did so she would be staying put.

Immediately the last person walked down, it became obvious who would be leaving today. As the masked men dimmed the bright lights in the game room and switched off the projectors, Mr. Han walked towards them.

"That was a lovely game, wasn't it?"

He was answered by grunts; it was lovely for some and woeful for others like her. Thirteen points out of thirty was humiliating, for a college student like her. Her questions were easy, even Mr. Han admitted it, but she still flunked most of them. She looked at the score board where her name stood at eighth position, her father would be disappointed.

The co-ordinator ignored the housemates and continued. "

"Sometimes, life is also about being able to think outside the box and seeing what's hidden in plain sight. However, someone will be evicted from the house today. Florian, please pack your bags and exit the house." Mr. Han said, staring pointedly at the poor guy.

After he left, Mr. Han continued. "Now, it's down to the nine of you. The next games will be in two days from now, and only the best will proceed to the next level. Good night and goodluck." That was his form of dismissal, and everyone left the game room.

Her roommate pushed past her without a word and walked into their room. After their argument the night before, Lola had been looking for an opportunity to get back at her without drawing the attention of the organizers nor Mr. Han. Stepping on her foot during the morning exercise, splashing water on her 'accidentally' in the bathroom, making rude comments, and now pushing her. Chiara was reaching the threshold of her patience level and she didn't want to get there. The effects, as she remembered, were always disastrous.

For now, she sighed in temporary defeat. She had to play by the house rules and to make matters worse; Lola was yet again eligible for the AHOH position this night and, if she won, she didn't want to think about it.

If only she could wish her away.



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