The Wind's Solemn Requiem - P...

By OcEaNm4n

30.6K 727 351

Percy was a wind spirit. Quite a powerful one too. When Ouranos, the primordial of wind was usurped and dethr... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII

Chapter IX

1.5K 45 27
By OcEaNm4n

Chapter IX

The three-winged Anemoi descended from the sky, bringing with them an aura of might and glory—the presence of divine beings. Their wings were stunning, with intricate patterns and designs that made everyone on the battlefield stare in awe. Be it monster, or demigod.

The demigods were understandably confused. Staring at the three beings with confusion and shock evident in their faces.

As the three descended slowly, their wings tucked, their respective winds slowing their descent. The whole battlefield was shocked, watching in stunned silence.

The trees billowed with the wind, its leaves rustling from the sudden breeze that the wind gods emitted. The battle would continue even with divine presence. The shock wouldn't last forever. Except for this time, the demigods had backup.

The three wind gods shared a look, a smile present on all of their faces like they haven't seen each other in quite some time.

And with that simple greeting, they dug in.

Eurus flew immediately to the battlefield, summoning forth his spear of divine origin and hacking and slashing at whatever monster he saw. None of the monsters could move, shocked at the sudden engagement of the wind gods. All they could do was watch in shock as the speedy wind of the east fought on the battlefield.

Soon Zephyros would join, extending his arm and materializing a sword of green; the sword of spring. The demigods could feel their wounds slowly start to heal simply by being in close proximity of Zephyros' weapon. The demigods could feel their weariness and fatigue slowly fade away as the sword cast a positive aura around the demigods.

Notus would soon join the bloodbath, summoning a dagger made of storms and thunder. A symbol of the stormy winds and chaos. He surged forth in tremendous speed, slicing at monster after monster with a strength unparalleled with each slash of the dagger bringing forth a crack of lightning and striking a nearby monster.

It had been so long since they fought together. Everyone one of them—except the self exiling god of the north—would meet together every once in a while. Yet it had been years upon years since they last fought a battle. It was exhilarating.

But even after all the years devoid of practice. They moved like a well-oiled machine, covering each others' weaknesses and improving upon each others' strengths.

Notus ducked, avoiding an arrow from the now active monster army. He twirled his dagger playfully, hurling it at a nearby monster archer, the trajectory of the dagger sparking storms across its path, creating havoc and collateral damage along the way.

Eurus grunted, messing up one of his signature tactics due to lack of practice. He clutched his spear and thrust it forward, the spear extending with magic and impaling three monsters that were unlucky enough to be in its path.

Zephyros, the god of spring would snap his fingers and almost instantly all of Eurus' wounds and gashes were healed with no consequences. Zephyros was without a doubt the weakest fighter of the four. But he was undoubtedly the most important part of their team. He was the glue that held them all together.

Eurus who now was getting more and more accustomed to the battlefield seemed to weave himself in tactical positions that gave him the best position to take out as many monsters as possible. He ducked, avoiding the arrow aimed straight at him with ease. He turned towards the source, clutching his spear and throwing it with all his might, the force of the throw causing a boom of power and destroying the land around him.

The three fought with vigor that hasn't been seen for centuries. A passion like never before, slicing and dicing through the monster army like they were made out of butter. 

He ducked, avoiding an arrow that was meant to strike him straight in the face, and thrust his right-wing forward, stabbing a hellhound mid pounce. 

It had been so long since they last fought together. It had been too long since they last battled for something worth fighting for. The return of their dear old friend seemed to spark the confidence in them that has long since died out. The day that their brother in arms left without warning.

Their slashes were deadly, their movements sharp. Their teamwork unparalleled, helping each other and covering their weaknesses whenever possible.

As the three wrecked havoc among the monster army, a strong gust of ice-cold wind seemed to pass through the battlefield, causing the monster army to look around in confusion. 

Even the three Anemoi present were confused.

From the sky seemed to be a blur of white and icy blue, descending from the sky and landing on the ground with a large boom. A pulse of snow and frost seemed to emit from the landing, freezing all of the monsters on the battlefield—ensnaring all of the monsters in a cube of ice

The three shared a look, expressing their delight.

Boreas landed on the battlefield, donning his signature battle regalia, in his hand were his signature weapons, two deadly sharp sickles that emitted a cold and deathly aura that made everyone in the immediate vicinity shiver.

"Glad you could join us Boreas," Eurus seemed to say nonchalantly. 

"But we were doing great even without you," Eurus seemed to joke, twirling his spear. 

Notus slapped Eurus in the back, hard.

"He's still not the brightest of the bunch," Notus seemed to sigh.

Boreas seemed to chuckle.

"I thought you were still in your emo phase?" Notus asked. "Did Tempest finally snap you out of it?"

"More or less," Boreas shrugged. "More or less." "I wasn't exactly planning on helping."

"So were we," Zephyros admitted.

"Admittedly, every one of us couldn't care less," he seemed to say. "when he originally left, we almost abandoned any promises we had with him."

"I'm guessing you went through the 'Let everyone die, I don't care anymore' mindset for a while?" Eurus pipped up.

"I guess you could say that?" the wind of the north seemed to say. "I was mostly indifferent."

"Yeah, been there done that." Eurus rolled his eyes, earning a chorus of groans from the rest. Boreas could only chuckle, missing the talks he had with his fellow friends.

"How'd you pull yourself out of it?"

Boreas rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I've come to terms with him leaving for a while now, years even. But I was still rather indifferent with everything the rest of the time."

"So that's why you never came to visit when we invited you?" Zephyros asked.

"Yeah, that's on me. I had no energy, nor even planned on leaving the castle," Boreas admitted.

"Well we're here now. I'm guessing our dear old friend seemed to light that long snuffed-out candle in you?" Notus seemed to ask.

"I guess so."

"Yeah, he does have a way for speeches." Zephyros pipped in.

"Anyways, onto the matter of hand." 

"Should we clear the battlefield now?" Notus seemed to say, looking at the frozen monster army unable to move. The three seemed to nod, all pooling their power and immediately disintegrating the monster army in front of them. All of the Four Winds combined were definitely a force to be reckoned with. Not only are their strengths amplified, but their weaknesses are covered.

"Oh right," Boreas snapped his fingers. "As I was flying here, I saw Nyx's lieutenants marching straight through the forest. They seem to be heavily armed, and well equipped for combat."

"Hm-" Zephyros seemed to think. "that's going to be a bit of trouble to deal with."

"A bit? That's going to be a whole lot of trouble, don't you think?" Eurus crossed his arms. "And frankly, I'm still quite surprised that Boreas showed up at all!"

"I'm cold. Not cold-hearted."

"Well we'd best prepare ourselves," Notus added. "When do you think they'll arrive?" 

"Any time now," he answered, checking his nonexistent watch humorously.

"Well, we have some time to kill I guess," Notus joked, earning incredulous looks from his fellow brethren. "I have to ask, does Tempest seem a bit strange to you guys?" 

"Strange in terms of?" Zephyros raised his eyebrows.

"Talking to himself."

Eurus clicked his tongue. "Yeah. Right before I left for Camp, I overheard him talking to someone, yet no one was there."

"Like full-fledged conversations with no one, right?" Zephyros added. "And I'd definitely know if there was someone there."

A loud roar seemed to echo from the woods causing the Anemoi to groan, their time for respite already over. The generals of Nyx were close. 

"Be careful," Zephyros warned. "These monsters are empowered by a primordial. A simple misstep can cost us our lives."

"You guys ready?" Eurus seemed to ask, holding out his hand, the spear that lay planted on a monsters' chest seemed to float towards him, gravitating towards his hand in blinding speed. Like Thor calling upon his hammer. 

Notus snapped his fingers, a thunderbolt descending from the sky and bringing forth with it his signature dagger. The dagger of storms reappeared in his hands in all its might and glory. Zephyros clutched his weapon, an aura of healing surrounding them and healing all of their wounds.

Boreas clutched his two sickles, stretching his purple wings and finally embracing his fellow brother in arms. Finally leaving his self-imposed isolation and joining with the rest of his friends. His family.

"No." the three said in unison.


Thunder flashed and lightning roared, a single bolt of lightning descending from the sky and striking the ground with a deafening boom, causing the area to quake with power. Nyx watched the show of bravado with a blank and emotionless expression, her midnight black eyes locking onto the silhouette of a man appearing from the smoke.

"Zeus," the primordial of night seemed to call.

The god of the skies looked at the opposing force, his movements calculated and cautious, careful not to let his guard down for any possible ambushes.

"I've been waiting for you Olympians to show yourselves."

Nyx scoffed, mockingly waving her hand. "You can't expect the demigods to do all your work now, can you? They are after all, mortals."

Zeus stayed silent, staring at the primordial.

"Why are you doing this Nyx?"

Nyx seemed to raise her brow in an amused manner.

"Why start a war with us?" he seemed to ask. "We never had any quarrel with you."

She chuckled deeply, waving her hand dismissively. "You gods still don't realize?"

"Your inaction and pride," she said, "the cause of death of my son, and many other demigods before him."

Zeus could feel his fists curl up, feeling the tense air around the area. They were treading deadly water. He could feel his brain trying to dig up the past, trying to find the memory of when they struck down a son of a primordial.

"Still clueless?"

"I'll jog your memory a bit," she said. "You gods are so selfish and arrogant that you send out quest after quest for demigods to do your bidding."

"Unfortunately, my son wanted to prove himself. To prove that he could be of use, that he was someone worthwhile. To prove that he was worthy of being at Camp Half-Blood" she explained.

"He went on the quest that you Olympians could do so yourselves without any trouble."

"But the quest went awry. Things didn't go to plan and they were near death's door."

"He sacrificed himself so that the other demigods that went on the stupid quest could live. He stayed back so that the demigods could complete the quest and live out their lives."

"All for what? A quest that you lot could do rather easily?"

"His blood is in your hands. For your lack of inaction. For your lack of care to the mortal realm. Your arrogance and pride."

"You sit atop your throne, thinking anything below you is unworthy of attention. You send quests to demigods to do your bidding, knowing full well that they're risking their lives for what would essentially be your daily chores."

"The death of my son was the straw that broke the camel's back," she chided. "What about the other demigods that died for your petty squabbles? Your offspring? Do you even care  for your children?"

"You gods disgust me to no end."

Zeus couldn't speak. For he couldn't muster the courage to even think of moving his mouth. She was right. 

"We are in the wrong, I have to admit," he raised his hands in defeat. "But is it worth risking the lives of thousands of innocents for our mistakes?"

Nyx scoffed. "Since when do you gods care for the lives of the innocents?"

"The reign of the gods is over. It's time for the sun to set on your petty corrupt empire."

Blinded by grief and sadness, she wouldn't listen to logical reason. Blinded by rage and anger, the only thing fueling her was revenge. Revenge for the death of her mortal son. She failed to realize that by waging the war, she would subject hundreds of innocents to the same fate as her son.

But she didn't care. After all, why should she when her son is no longer alive. Any semblance of morality died when the son that she hoped she would visit every chance she could get, died. And just like that, the world itself seemed dead to her.

"Ready your weapons Olympians," she waved her hands, prompting Zeus to summon his master bolt. "For this will be the battle to end all battles."

All around him, bright flashes of light slowly started to appear, surrounding the King of the Gods. She stared at the light show with an unimpressed face, showing not an ounce of emotion.

The Olympians all appeared in their full regalia, donning their battle armor and their respective symbols of power. The combined forces of the gods and all their might, versus the overwhelming power of the personification of the night. The fight for their lives.

Zeus took the first initiative, clutching his master bolt and hurling a powerful bolt of lightning towards the primordial.

She instinctively ducked with ease, avoiding the bolt with elegance and precision. The bolt flew past her, striking the tree behind her, turning the once healthy tree into a smoking mess of ash.

Her form dissipated into shadow right as two arrows of silver and gold came whizzing towards her, barely missing her already disappearing form.

Her form reappeared right behind Ares, coiling her arms as shadows seemed to gather around her fingertips. She raised her fist, ready to attack until a trident came hurtling towards her, causing her to sidestep, the trident throw most likely saving the god of Wars' life.

She dodged and weaved, avoiding all of the Olympians' coordinated attacks with elegance. The Olympians were chaining attack after attack, making sure she couldn't get any hits in. She had to admit, they prepared well.

Her form disappeared in the shadows, buying herself some breathing room, trying to come up with another plan. All she had to do was take one of the gods down. If she took one down, the rest would crumble along with them.

She reappeared near a shadow of a tree, raising her hands and sending tendrils of darkness towards the Olympians. Apollo caught on rather quickly, clutching his bow and firing flaming arrows in the air, the arrow exploding in a bright orange inferno and dispelling the darkness right in its tracks.

Nyx was swift in her movements, not staying in one place for too long, moving with exceptional speed, and sending projectile after projectile towards her enemies.

Athena was assessing her movements quietly, trying to formulate a plan of attack, figuring out the primordials' pattern. After what seemed like an eternity, it clicked.

She clutched her mighty spear and threw it at a certain spot on a tree, anticipating her movements ahead of time. The spear looked like it was about to hit nothing when a shadow appeared and Nyx materializing right in the spears' path.

She gasped, turning her form to shadow, barely avoiding the killing blow.

"I got to admit," she called out, her form hidden in the shadows. "You Olympians know how to fight."

"But I've got a war to win and a son to avenge."

She appeared right behind Athena and with frightening speed coiled her fists and punched her straight in the chest, sending her flying back.

She disappeared once again, avoiding a trident that came hurtling at her.

Hephaestus clutched his hammer and forcefully brought it down on the ground in one powerful swing, causing pillars of flame and fire to burst from the ground.

Nyx scoffed, snapping her fingers as darkness and shadow consumed the flame-like it was nothing. 

As they were fighting, Zeus was floated in the air, his body crackling with electricity like never before. His body started to charge up concentrating his power in one powerful blast. 

As fast as a thunderbolt raining down from the heavens, a boom of electricity seemed to surge throughout the area, causing even the Olympians to step back as a wave of energy fried the area around them.

Nyx however was unaffected. Although she did feel a little spark.  The attack left little to nothing on her.

She moved through the Olympian ranks, causing disarray and blending in with the shadows, attacking them one by one.

Apollo tried to fire his bow but was promptly intercepted by Nyx. She grabbed his bow and snapped it in half, ducking quickly and kicking the god of the sun in his knees.

Zeus prepared his bolt for a strike until tendrils of shadow came hurtling at him at frightening speeds. He clutched his bolt and dealt with the strikes with ease, lightning coursing through the battlefield and repelling the attack.

What he failed to notice were the sharp spikes of shadow that came flying from his back, the tendrils of shadow piercing him in the shoulder.

The King of the gods grunted, falling to the ground in a thud.

Ares could feel a migraine incoming, feeling the bruises and wounds he sustained weigh a toll on him. He clutched his sword and shield, ready to strike at Nyx.

Yet she was faster, twirling her fingers as a cocoon of darkness enveloped the war god, the trap slowly shrinking causing him to howl in pain as the cocoon slowly crushed him.

It was going very rough. They were getting picked off, one by one.

Poseidon ran up to Zeus, kneeling beside his brother, trying to assess the wound in his shoulder whilst the rest of the gods kept Nyx at bay for as much time as they could.

"That's a rough wound." the god of the seas noted, placing his hand over the wound, willing the water to heal the god of the skies.

Zeus coughed out. "No shit."

Hades clutched his bident and blocked a strike from Nyx. Being so accustomed to the Underworld made him more equipped and prepared to fight Nyx compared to the rest of the gods. It seemed like he was the only one to understand where she was going to attack and how to counter it.

"Why do you fight with them? You know of the horrors they do and the arrogance they bathe in on a day-to-day basis."

Hades spun his bident, blocking an attack from Nyx with prowess. "I couldn't agree with you more. But I can't let you murder thousands of people just because of their mistake. Punish them, and not the innocent demigods."

But even with all the reasoning that Hdaes provided, she wouldn't listen. Nyx disappeared in shadows, moving through the Olympians in her shadow form.

She sighed, finally reappearing. "Enough."

A single word. She muttered a single word. The Olympians were sent tumbling back as a wave of shadow knocked them off of their feet, sending them to the ground forcefully.

The Olympians groaned, their energy sapped from the fight.

She snapped her fingers, sharp tendrils of shadow appearing behind her, each one aimed at a specific Olympian, ready to strike.

She trained the projectiles, ready to end it once and for all. 

"This ends now," she said, snapping her fingers and sending the sharp projectile shadows forward with frightening speeds.

A booming gust of wind seemed to surge forward, brushing the attacks astray, the tendrils of shadow hitting a nearby tree and disappearing in a puff of darkness.

Nyx could feel herself sigh as she realized what happened. A sigh of disappointment.

Percy materialized straight from the air, saving the Olympians' asses once again. Apollo could feel himself smile, seeing the signature teal and turquoise appear on the battlefield.

"It was about time you showed up."

"I was beginning to hope you'd let me win the war," she joked.

Percy scoffed, turning to the injured gods.

The Olympians could feel the signature turquoise eyes stare through their soul, the eyes of someone they haven't seen in centuries.

"I'll take it from here. Now get out of here," he said in a low voice, slowly prying his eyes away from the Olympians and onto Nyx. The two having an intense stare down, turquoise green meeting midnight black. Like two nuclear bombs ready to meet.

Athena tried to reason. "We can help you take her dow-"

"Go." he glared, his turquoise eyes boring onto hers. His eyes were serious, devoid of any humour, a violent whirlwind waiting to be unleashed.

"Now," he commanded as a booming gust of wind emanated from him, snapping the Olympians from their stupor.

The Olympians nodded, slowly disappearing in flashes of light, leaving only the two primordials on the battlefield.

The battlefield was silent, the two locking eyes, both of them staring each other down. The wind howled as if sensing the impending clash that was bound to happen.

"It's just me and you now," Percy seemed to say.

"Just like how we sparred back in the day, don't you think?" she seemed to joke, her previously humorous expression slowly turning into that of seriousness. Her black dress grew in length and glowed dimly, like the faint glow of the stars in a pitch-black sky. Her dress turned more regal and formal by the second. A testament to her status.

Percy held his hands out as wind gathered and coalesced into his signature dual gale blades. The razor-sharp gale blades seemed to ripple violently with the wind, ready to unleash devastation.

From his back sprung a cape of teal and azure with borders of dark black, split across the middle like wings, pinned at the middle by an emblem of wind that glowed bright aqua. 

His whole outfit seemed to gain change a bit and gain more of a royal look.

It had been so long since he donned his cape. The cape of his status. His status as the uncontested ruler of the air and skies. The sovereign ruler of the wind. 

The undisputed queen of the night, battling against the sovereign ruler of the wind.


He spun his signature gale blades, adjusting his grip. The wind howled throughout the area, his cape billowing violently with the wind.

"Just like old times."

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