kings and the beasts: war of...

By Aashu7897

101 32 7

The story revolves around the Ten Kings of the East Kingdom. They all had formed an alliance to go against th... More

Transformation - 5
New-Born: Age of new Era - 6
The Cursed Prisoner - 9
The Dark Forest - 10

Nature's Beauty - 11

2 1 0
By Aashu7897

The master in the camp sensed it. They knew something bad was going to happen, but they cannot leave the camp.

They were in the midst of creating the binding barrier to protect the children. They looked at each other. Master Gordon said, 'As the barrier will finish, we need to move out of here.'

When King Lowell was moving towards King Gilbert's Kingdom, he thought he should go to his Kingdom first and meet with the strange person. He wanted to know more about power. By thinking about this he turned towards his Kingdom.

His health keeps improving. His dull face got fit. All the marking got vanished. He had a scar on his head; it seemed to be an old injury. It got reopened a bit.

When he reached his Kingdom, there was a messenger sent by King Gilbert. He told King Lowell to get ready as soon as possible and return to the Kingdom of King Gilbert. He added, 'You were missing for five days. All the kings are waiting there for you.'

The messenger used his magical power and rotated his hand. Blue color energy came out and in all nine Kingdoms, the message of the arrival of King Lowell was sent. They all got ready to move towards King Gilbert's Kingdom.

When the message was sent King Lowell said, 'Ok, I will come, just wait for a bit.'

By saying this, King Lowell went straight into his chamber. He halved the blood of the dark forest's beasts and put it into two vessels, one for him and the strange person and the other for the nine Kings. He also took the beast's red shining heart with him to place it under the glowing thing. Both of them left to move towards King Gilbert's Kingdom.

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All kings already arrived before King Lowell. They were discussing the prisoner and the crime committed by King Lowell. King Ridley and King Admant were ready to take his place. They were like a snake.

King Gilbert said while thinking, 'If the prisoner comes back now, then what he will do?'

When King Gilbert was saying this, King Lowell came and said, 'Now he cannot do anything, I have killed him and brought my medicine too.

If you do not believe me that I have killed him, then go down and see. All kings went down and look at the body that King Lowell had brought with him.

King Gilbert saw him and said, 'Yes, this is the same prisoner.'

Then King Snelling said, 'It's fine, but you have done some serious crime this time, due to which you will get the punishment of death. You broke the rules of the organization, did not maintain the code; you intentionally went against King Gilbert's will and freed a prisoner and killed his warriors.'

King Lowell laughed and said, 'I did everything because I was close to death. None of you have faced it. It was this close, I could not tell you how I was feeling. If any of you had faced the same problem, you would have done the same thing.

Well leave it, tonight there will be a celebration in the joy of my escape from death and in the happiness of this prisoner getting killed. We will continue this talk the next day. I am tired from the five-day-long journey.'

King Lowell added that he will return to his Kingdom after the celebration just for one day. After that, he will come back the next day to talk about that.

'It seemed fair; all kings got agreed with this.'

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King Ridley was continuously thinking, if King Lowell was charged as guilty then he had to die and he would put pressure on every other king to give his Kingdom to him. He also made up a good explanation about it in his mind. He was going to use the rule by saying, his Kingdom was the nearest among all other Kingdom and he can take care of both the Kingdom. He became ambitious just like King Lowell. He thought, the moment I will get King Lowell's Kingdom, I will join the army of both Kingdom and infiltrate others. By keep increasing my army, I will get hold of the entire east Kingdom and nature's beauty in just a few months. After that, with the joined force of the East Kingdom, I will attack the other Kingdom and capture them. He was laughing and drinking his wine.

King Lowell saw everyone's belly get filled with food and all they had left is to get drunk.

He thought it's a good idea to mix the blood in everyone's wine. He said, 'Today, I will make wine for everyone with my own hands on the occasion of my new life.'

'He prepared everything.'

King Lowell mixed half of the blood inside the whole wine and the juice, and shakes it well, the color of both of them was red and of the same contrast. No one could know this. They all were already a little drunk. They could not even find the difference in taste.

King Lowell gave the wine to everyone, one by one. He was smiling as everyone else was drinking the wine.

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Both sons of King Gilbert came and said, 'Father, I also want to drink this.' They keep repeating those words. King Gilbert was trying to make them away as it was not for the kids.

King Lowell stood up and said, 'Don't worry King Gilbert, I will take care of this.' and by saying this, he poured the mixed juice for the princes. King Lowell got very happy to see that both of King Gilbert's sons are now bound by the blood and will be under his control.

'The younger, ten-year-old prince runs away from there and drinks it in secret.'

As for the elder son, he was drinking the juice with every king and was laughing. The fire around the room was flattering because of him. The pressure of the air was getting a bit high. All of them were enjoying this.

Suddenly, the younger son of King Gilbert falls to the ground on his knees and starts to feel something. He kept his hand on his head. He felt anxiety and fear around him. He closed his eyes and started screaming.

The torches of fire start flicking in all over the castle. All at once, his mind went blank and he heard the hissing sound. He saw something at that time. The vision was blurry. It seemed he was dreaming. He keeps seeing the golden glowing thing.'

When he opened his eyes, his father was standing in front of him.

King Gilbert asked moving his hand on his head with love, 'What happened?'

His son said in a painful voice, 'I felt too much pain in my head for a bit. My vision got blurry and something appeared, but now everything is fine.

King Gilbert said, 'Go to sleep, It will be all right.' He removes a locket from his neck and puts it in his son's neck and said, 'I love you and I will be always with you.'

'Okay! You go ahead; I'll come and tell you the story.

In King Gilbert's eldest son's eye, King Lowell was a great man. He wanted to become strong as him. He was walking behind him.

                                                                                           ||| 4 |||

King Lowell needed to finish the final step at the midnight. The sky had no moon like a lunar eclipse. The time was running very fast. He needed to put the beasts' hearts under the glowing thing, but King Gilbert's eldest son kept following him. He did not know how to avoid him. He took a different path but still, he followed him. In the end, he decided to take him to the glowing thing.

He said, 'Let's go somewhere else.' He led the prince to the glowing thing. The prince seemed to be happy after seeing this. King Lowell had already cleared his line at the wall. The guards were sleeping away from there.

King Lowell took out a dark cloth. In that, he was hiding the heart of those beasts and a small vessel filled with beast's blood. The black smoke was still moving near to the red heart as it gets brighter. He told the prince to stop at the wall and start moving towards the glowing thing.

The glowing thing starts affecting his brain. He felt this magic source was somehow different and similar at the same time to the dark forest. The golden glow starts getting dim.

'The balance was getting off again.'

The red glow was increasing as the beast's heart starts beating. Its glow was also increasing as King Lowell was getting closer to nature's beauty.

As the golden glow was vanishing, other kings in the castle felt it. They along with King Gilbert came out to the top of the palace to see what was happening.

They saw King Lowell was moving towards nature's beauty. He was one of them who cannot go inside the wall but he was still going in and got surrounded by the black smoke. Because of black smoke, no one was able to see what was happening there. They also saw King Gilbert's eldest son was there, he looked scared. The black smoke was in front of his face.

'King Gilbert screamed and sat down on his knees.'

He did not know what to do. His son went behind King Lowell and both of them had reached the pit-water and got vanished in the dark mist.

As King Lowell put his feet in the pit water, the water got frozen. The river got solidified and the temperature begins to rise up.

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The black smoke came outside from the glowing thing and the golden glow got vanished. King Lowell's body was leaking green smoke around him. It had made a protective barrier around him. King Gilbert's eldest son was also in that barrier. They both did not feel any more mind-freezing power affecting their brain.

King Lowell took the heart in his right hand and placed it between the cracks of the glowing things and pours the blood from the vessel on it. At the same time, the black smoke came out of the glowing thing and the red heart floated in the air. It turned the red burning heart into small black seeds.

All the seeds were floating in the air. In a moment, the seeds got transformed into tiny little plants. As the plant was formed, the black smoke starts coming out of those tiny plants. Both the plant smoke and the black smoke of glowing things were combining together. Within a short interval of time, the black smoke created a double barrier around the glowing thing. The plants that were floating in the air started getting back to their place. They were placed in a circular pattern at an exact similar distance between them.

Their combined energy got overloaded at one place and it got burst. The burst released a high-intensity wave consisting of magical power. It was dark reddish in color. The wave did not stop at a certain radius. It keeps getting bigger and bigger and touched the entire planet. A sound came again.

The entire population of the planet falls unconscious. It acts as a sleeping wave that had occurred earlier when the master and nature's beauty had landed on the planet. The wave contained high magical ability in it.

King Lowell was very happy.

He screamed, 'Now no one can stop me.'

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When he turned, he saw the eldest son of King Gilbert had fallen there. His eyes got completely filled with black smoke as if it had possessed him. King Lowell went away from there.

On the other side, the masters saw everyone getting unconscious and that dangerous illusion wave. They understood, 'Everything on the planet is going to end.'

They also felt the dark power had started its work to reach its peak.

'Seeds are set; it just needed to grow as a tree.'

Now no one could stop him from destroying the entire planet. All of this was happening around the golden glowing thing. It was happening due to the black smoke barrier and those magical seeds.

Shortly after King Lowell's departure, King Gilbert's younger son woke up. His room was shining bright with golden dust. All the people out there were lying on the ground unconscious. King Gilbert's eldest son was also unconscious near the golden thing. When King Gilbert's younger son went out of his room, he saw the darkness was spread all around.

He may look conscious but in reality, he was like a puppet. All the golden dust of his chamber came out and went into his body.

It makes a protective layer around him similar to the protective layer that was made of black smoke around his older brother's body. His eyes were filled with gold dust.

He was moving towards the glowing thing. He was lifeless and all of his movement was happening because of the golden dust. It was as if again the glowing thing was trying to stop the incoming in its own way. As the younger son of King Gilbert was passing, all the torches start burning, and inside of it, the golden dust came out and everyone starts getting their senses back. They felt weak and were not able to move. They felt a huge amount of energy getting drained from their body.

The golden glow of Prince Griffin did not finish at all. He slowly passed through everyone, and in a few minutes, he reached in front of nature's beauty.

'It was shining bright red.'

Actually, Prince Griffin was sleeping at that time. For him, it was a dream. This time, the golden smoke was coming out. It was trapped in the middle of a golden thing under the black smoke.

The smoke reached Prince Griffin's body. His body was continuously emitting golden dust and it was going inside the trapped golden smoke. The energy keeps getting stronger inside it.

'Both the golden thing and the red thing were shining bright.'

All the unconscious people were still feeling dizzy and weak.

All the masters were disturbed thinking about the black plants. They knew it will grow up any moment. When it will become a tree, everything on the planet will be ruined. They were still busy completing the barrier. It had protected half of the children when the wave hit the camp. Those children were their responsibility so they cannot leave them alone and travel to King Gilbert's Kingdom. Their energy was running low as the barrier was made using their energy.

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The collective golden smoke created its own barrier while being trapped. As it goes overloaded, the barrier released the golden wave and it covered the entire planet. The wave put the thing in another direction. This time the golden rays got rebounded back to their original position. When the rays came back to their original position, the golden barrier gets created and the black smoke barrier was trying to overload the golden barrier from outside.

'The power got misbalanced.'

Due to the massive amount of two kinds of power in one place, a strange event starts occurring. This magical reaction has bent the time. Sometimes the sky got dark; sometimes it shines bright as day, winter, rainy and summer, all weathers came and passed in a moment. For a second, it was a day then night, if someone was conscious, they could not understand this.

'The time was passing like a light speed.'

The sky got filled with strange things. It looked like some beasts are coming out from some shining thing, in the very next moment the sky appeared in colorful small cubes, in the next moment everything was heating up, and in the end, the sky went up completely filled with few shapes and symbols in a pattern then A spectacles wearing male picking something appears, and then something attacking here and there, a tree moving here and there, the burning animal, the two similar people and three strange child one wearing strange costumes, one healthy person on a vehicle and one with lines passing through his eyes and many other things appears and keeps changing.

'The masters saw this strange thing.'

'It looked as it was passing like a memory.'

It seemed lots of years passed on other planets except for that planet, the master talked with each other.

King Lowell and the strange person went to the highest elevation of their castle. They were outside standing on the terrace. Both of them noticed it too, but King Lowell did not care about it. The strange person starts laughing loudly when he saw the dark black in the sky at the end of the flashes. They took their glass in their hands filled with beast's blood and drink that.

As they drink it, the black barrier went straight to the sky and the golden ray followed it. The lightning starts shinning. The dark clouds keep moving towards King Lowell's Kingdom. It was mixed with the black smoke. The golden smoke was not able to reach out that long. The black smoke with a dark cloud gathered on the top of King Lowell's castle.

When the lighting strikes the gathered cloud with a bang, the black smoke travels in the air straight to King Lowell and the strange person's body. It ripped the clothes off their body. It went deep inside to their bones and skin. Their eye turned in black. The scar of King Lowell got healed as his disease marks from his hand. The strange person was also feeling better. King Lowell was screaming when it was entering him and the strange person was laughing like a madman. The soul of the prisoner and those beasts that King Lowell had killed, also went into their body. They got the strength of the other kings and dark memories and their plot.

When the power got into King Lowell and the strange person's body, the black smoke keeps coming out from the glowing thing with high speed. The golden barrier got time to get stronger.

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Both the barrier was connected from the sky to the land. When they both again collided together, another energy wave emerged. It went outside in every direction and it shook everything. All the flashes again appeared in the sky in reverse order. It was as if the time was tracing his steps back. At the end, when the wave effect ended and got vanished, the time went back to normal as they were on every other planet.

The golden thing had changed. It had half-golden, half-black smoke on the four directions of the glowing thing, and the same thing had happened with the black plant.

After seeing the wave, all the Masters in the camp got relaxed. They knew now the black plant will take time to grow up. Its speed to grow got decreased by the golden dust force. The barrier was formidable and able to hold the black smoke for a while. The masters also understood that there is someone on this planet that can save the planet, but they did not know where he or she was. It can be anyone. The golden things always keep changing their way of doing things. If they chose one to do a task then it does not mean others cannot do that thing. When the time closes, it can use anyone whether they were ready or not.

'Everything got settled up finally.'

The masters got their energy back. It was sufficient to get out on the journey. They needed to do it. They went to every Kingdom to make another batch of children to teach them. They knew they had very little time and in such a time they had to bring every child in the camp as they could. They had to find that one who could reverse the effect and stood up. They already knew the dark forces had made their move and the uncertainty can happen anytime, anywhere. They first spoke to all the children of the camp.

On the other side, both sons of King Gilbert were unconscious near the golden glowing thing. Both the brothers were lying on the ground facing each other. When the wave hit the entire planet they both got fall behind the danger wall. They were safe there. Both of them were getting their consciousness back. When both of them opened their eyes together, the elder brother's eyes were black and the younger brother's eyes were golden. Both the energy got released from their eyes and collided with each other. It had canceled both black and golden dust remaining inside their eyes. After that, both of them got back to their senses. They started playing together as they woke up.

When King Gilbert and the rest of the kings woke up, they saw, both sons of King Gilbert were playing in front of them. They noticed everything around the glowing thing got changed. It looked like the three circular barriers were rotating around the glowing thing. The black smoke barrier was in between the golden barrier.

King Lowell was not there, nor did his dead body, all of them understand that King Lowell is not dead. They were not happy with his work.

They were angry at him as King Lowell put everyone's life in danger again.

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King Lowell was now completely healthy. He got healed from every injury. His strength had increased dramatically. He was trying to use his new powers. Both King Lowell and the strange person got completely cured.

The strange person was teaching King Lowell how he should use his powers, while he was teaching; he got distracted with the thought. He was thinking that there is someone among children on the planet who wields a different nature of power, due to which he could not fulfill what he wanted. He wanted to spread the impact of dark power on the entire planet completely, but it did not happen. He felt the presence of golden power around the glowing thing.

He asked King Lowell, 'Tell me one thing, what happened there?' King Lowell told him everything that had happened.

The strange person tells King Lowell that he does not have to be happy. There is a small factor that can defeat him, a certain someone who can wield the golden dust's power.

The person told him to find him or her and kill them then only both of them could rule over the entire planet without any fear. He asked King Lowell about King Gilbert's sons and their powers.

King Lowell tells the strange person that the younger son of King Gilbert does not have any powers and his eldest son had gone with him to the glowing thing, due to which his eyes were turned completely black.

Now no one can stop me from ruling all Kingdoms. I will go to King Gilbert's Kingdom in the evening and try to find out who is with me and who is against me. Whoever will be against me, I will hold them captive as my prisoner.' King Lowell was going to his chamber to take sleep. He stopped at the gate and said, 'It's my time to make move.'

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