The Rogue's Mate

By CeCeAnnT

3.3M 72.9K 12.5K

Alpha's aren't all that. Trust me. More

The Rogue's Mate
Eyes Of A Killer.
Playing With Fire.
True Or False.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
Painting & Plotting.
Blackmail At It's Best.
Party Gone Wrong.
Trouble On The Horizon.
Somebody I Used To Know.
Expect The Unexpected.
Mind Over Matter.
The Devil In Disguise.
Wide Awake.
Dancing With Danger.
Portraying Innocence.
Kiss Me Slowly.
She Will Be Loved.
If I Die Young.
Misery Loves Company.
Seven Nation Army.
The A Team.
Love & Be Loved.
Forgive & Forget.
The Truth.
Rogues on the Run - The sequel is up!

In The End.

92.8K 2.1K 325
By CeCeAnnT

 Please read the AN at the end of the chapter! Thank you and enjoy the last chapter of TRM. x

 Not fully edited. 

        The scream rings in my ears, making the blood in my veins run cold.

I stare in the direction of where the scream came from. I'm frozen. Completely frozen and stiff and I certainly don't need a mirror to know my face is turning blue just from holding my breath. 

My legs itch for me to run while my mind screams at me to stay. It could be a trap, after all. I bet Alpha Beckett was doing this to lure me. To get me to come to him and then make me watch as he slaughtered my father.

I bet he would enjoy watching me as I pleaded for my father's life. And as much as I hate to give him that pleasure, I can't just stand back and let my father die. I have to go to him. I have to, I have to, I have to.

"Ronnie," Liam calls to me, anticipating my motives. "Don't."

The sound of desperation in his voice pulls at the strings of my heart. I'm tempted to comply to his command or well, plead. But I can't. I can't when my father's life is being waved in my face. I don't want him to die. I don't want to be the blame of another person's death.

Anna nor my dad didn't ask to be mixed up in my problems. It was time I took responsibility. Even if it meant putting my life in Alpha Beckett's greedy hands. I'd do it not to play hero, but to avoid letting Alpha Beckett take another person I loved away from me. He had already taken my mother and Anna. My dad wouldn't be the next. 

So without another thought, I shake my head at him, turn, and begin to run.

I run and run, hearing my dad's battered screams in my ears.

My legs burn and my hair whips around me as I swat away at branches and leap over fallen trees and roots. In the distance, over the horrified screams of my father, I hear Liam yelling. Telling me to come back.  

But the sound of him calling me is soon over powered by the blood pounding in my ears. And all I can do is hope he has enough common sense to stop chasing after me and go retrieve Stella and Jeremy.

Because, obviously, our plan of escaping has ultimately been canceled. There is no doubt in my mind that tells me I will be drawn into a fight with Alpha Beckett and perhaps the Purgatory. I was stupid. Stupid for believing that we could run away from them. This whole fight was inevitable. I just wish I would have realized it sooner.

Now I'm running into this fight completely blind sided. Not to mention, Beckett has the upper hand. He has my father and he knows I will submit to merely preserve my dad's life. He has me right where he wants me. But I'm too panicked and overwhelmed to stop and perhaps debate a plan of any sort.

So I keep going, keep striving forward to get to him. 

"Dad!" I shout, nearly tripping as I stumble over a tree root, "Dad!"

My heart slams against my chest as I near the scene, swatting away at the last branches that hide my father and Alpha Beckett from my sight. But before I can break into the clearing, something - someone - rams into my side. And in result, I'm sent flying to the ground.

I impact the ground hard. Face first. And not even a second later do I feel the throbbing in my side from where I took the hit.

Despite the pain, my mind screams at me to get up. To keep going. 

I roll onto my back, looking up and meeting the angry eyes of an unfamiliar wolf. Though he seems to recognize me, since he snaps his teeth at me and lunges forward. 

My reflexes quickly kick in and I dodge the attack, rolling away from the wolf and hopping to my feet. 

But the unfamiliar wolf isn't quite keen on giving up, so once again, it lunges at me. I avoid the attack once again, but I skid back, desperate to avoid it's sharp teeth from sinking into my skin and in result, I find myself standing right in the middle of the clearing.

Where there isn't only one wolf, but more. Much more.

They surround me like a swarm of bees and I'm trapped. Evidently trapped and I know who's behind this all once I turn and find myself staring right into Alpha Beckett's eyes.

I hold his cold and calculating gaze for a minute or two, that is, till I hear a strangled gasp and my eyes instead flicker to where the sound came from.

And there I see him. My father at his knees and numerous gashes decorating his chest.

I flinch when the smell of coppery blood reaches my nose and I stare as more blood oozes from the many gashes.

As I glance beside him, I look to see several black duffel bags, all ripped open with my father's clothes scattered around him and Alpha Beckett and the other two men that are currently restraining my father from moving.

Weakness and desperation leaks into my system and unable to resist, I take a step forward and reach my hand out to him. "Dad," I breathe.

But my action is halted when the wolf in front of me growls and snaps at me, forcing me to take a step back although my legs itch to run to him.

"I wouldn't come any closer, Ronnie," Alpha Beckett warns, a twisted smile spreading across his lips. "Unless, that is, you want one of your former pack mates to take a chunk out of you."

Former pack mates, huh? I do a complete 360, slowly making a circle and staring at each and everyone one of the wolves. Most of them I don't recognize, probably because I never really saw them in wolf form, but some I do.

Like one wolf, with honey brown eyes and golden brown hair. Mandy. 

And then the wolf next to Mandy. Green eyes and blonde coat. Jessica.

And then the next one is all too familiar. Black hair and cold hazel eyes. Cliff. 

My fist clench at my side at just the sight of him. At the sight of Anna's supposed boyfriend and the one who set her up from the start.

Vaguely, I wonder if he ever really liked her. If he ever cared for her like Anna cared for him. I wonder if he knew Anna was going to die. I wonder if he simply let it happen or if he wanted to stop it.

Who am I kidding? Cliff was just following orders from Alpha Beckett. He never cared for her. He never liked her. He didn't care if she died or not.

I grind my teeth together, my fist clenched tightly at my sides as I stare down at him. I hate him, I determine. I hate him and he wil lbe the second life I will take beside Alpha Beckett's.

That is, if I can even manage to somehow worm myself out of this predicament. 

"I would think it's hurts, you know, to have your whole pack turn on you," Alpha Beckett says abruptly, catching my attention. I glance over my shoulder at him, once again meeting his twinkling eyes filled with amusement. "But then again, you turned on them as well."

For some reason, I can't find my voice to speak back. To object to his words, but I guess it's because I realize his words are true. I have turned on them, just as they've turned on me.

But I don't feel guilty about it. 

Because then again, we were never truly a united pack. They never had my back, just as I never had their's. They would have never risked their life for me, just as I wouldn't have risked mine for their's. We were selfish people, I suppose. Only caring about ourselves and never about one another. And that's where Alpha Beckett doesn't realize the flaw in his pack.

I bet they'd turn on him twice as quick if they weren't so blinded by the monster that leads their pack.

And I want that chance. I want the chance to expose Alpha Beckett for what he truly is. A monster. A murderer. A liar.

But I fear I might not possibly get that chance. And can you blame me? My odds of getting out of this situation is zero to none.

And as I look out towards the forest, into the thick brush, I detect no movement. Which means Stella, Jeremy, And Liam aren't close by. Which means I might be in this alone.

Don't be stupid, Ronnie, my mind whispers, they wouldn't leave you to fend for yourself. Especially Liam.

That's true. Liam would never leave me to fend for myself. Perhaps Stella and Jeremy wouldn't either. They're probably just thinking out a plan.

And all I can do is hope they think out a plan oh-so-quickly.

"Looking for them, are you?" Alpha Beckett muses, "He's not coming, Ronnie. He's a rogue. He doesn't care for anyone but himself."

Something in me snaps and I whip around to face him. "You don't even know what you're talking about."

Alpha Beckett merely laughs, despite my harsh tone of voice. He takes a step forward, raising his hand off from my father's shoulder and joining me inside the circle of wolves. "Farley made you believe he cared for you. That he liked you. Perhaps even loved you. And you were that foolish to fall into his little trap. And now where is he?" He gestures to our surroundings."Nowhere! Nowhere to help you!"

"Liam's my mate. He couldn't leave me behind, not even if he wanted to." I spat in defense. Alpha Beckett waves me off.

"From what I've heard, Liam has left you behind in the past. Numerous times. And for what? For revenge on the people who killed his beloved pack."

I swallow roughly. I can feel the angry scowl slipping from my features, only to be replaced with wariness. "You don't know what you're talking about," I echo. It's the only thing I can think of to say.

"I do," He replies calmly. "Liam's going to leave you behind. Just like your mother."

My angry edge is back just at the mere mention of my mother. "My mom didn't leave me behind! You took her away from me!"

Alpha Beckett eyebrows shoot up. Yeah, who's what they're talking about now? "Took her from you?"

"I know everything, Beckett," I hiss lowly, edging closer to him and pointing an accusing finger in his face. "You killed her. I know. You killed her just because she didn't want to be with you. Because she didn't want to have a monster's child."

I know I've hit a nerve when Alpha Beckett's clenches his jaw tightly. "That's all a stupid lie. The Purgatory killed your-"

I cut him off, "Why would her own pack kill her? That's the thing, they wouldn't. That's why the Purgartory hate you. That's why they hated our pack and targeted us! Because you killed the Alpha's daughter!" I pause, sucking in a shaky breath and exhaling just as shakily. "You're the reason the Purgatory hate us. You're the reason many of us have died due to fighting the Purgatory. You're a monster. A murderer. And my mother realized that."

"And she got killed for that reason! She got killed because she refused! And you're going to end up just like her. Dumb and dead." He hisses back just as cruelly.

And before I can stop myself, I suddenly fling myself at him with an angry cry, swinging my fist at his face. 

My fist doesn't even make impact with his face. He quickly catches my hand and twists my arm behind my back.

I manage to break free by elbowing in the ribcage, but as I spin around, I'm too late to realize his hand is flying at me.

He backhands me straight across the face. And hard. 

I stumble and reach up, pressing my hand across my cheek and desperately trying to swallow down the wail of pain that climbs up my throat. 

"Stop!" My father cries. "Stop, please, Alpha Beckett. Please."

 Alpha Beckett turns and I have a feeling that the cold and calculating attitude he once had has vanished. For good.

"Stop? You want me to stop?" Beckett hisses, inching closer to the bleeding man known as my father. "You're partly at fault for this, Lucas. At the beginning, you promised she would comply to my wishes and mate with Adam. I told you to make sure she didn't get out of hand. You failed. And then you tried to run like the wimp you are." Beckett took a step closer, kicking a stray black duffel bag aside. "Maybe you should have listened."

He begins to walk closer to my dad and that's when the panic builds up in me. I start after Beckett, but of course, the wolf in front of me stops me from moving any closer and possibly helping my dad.

Even after these people have heard the truth, they still decide to stick with Alpha Beckett, I duly glance down at the wolves around me and shake my head. Maybe it's because they're monsters too. Or they're scared. Scared just like Adam. 

As Adam's name repeats in my head, I look around, wondering where he is and if he too had decided to run off and avoid the fight.

And even if he did decide to run off, I wasn't mad. Because at least he had told me the truth. He told me the truth when no one else would. And for that, I was grateful.

Grateful to know that this whole time, Adam was afraid. Afraid of his father and I could only wonder what Alpha Beckett did to put so much fear into him. It must have been traumatic, because when we were little, before my mother died, he wasn't afraid. Not of his father and not of the world. He was brave and daring and so was I. Maybe that's why I was so reluctant to let go of Adam and our friendship. Because he made me stronger. Braver. More confident.

I cared for him beyond belief. And I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty for making myself stop caring about him once we got older. I should have seen the signs. I should have realized that Adam was only trying to please his father and avoid getting hurt. I should have realized. Yet I was blind and just as foolish as Alpha Beckett claims I am.

I am dumb. I am foolish. I am weak. And I'm going to be dead soon enough.

The tears build in my eyes as I watch the two men release their grip on my father and let him fall. I flinch when he makes impact with the ground and let's out an agonized groan. 

Before I can comprehend what's happening, the two unfamiliar men - probably new recruits- are marching their way over to me. They grab both of my arms, holding me back and I don't realize why until Alpha Beckett sends a hard kick to dad's side.

I let out a strangled gasp, shaking my head and just beginning to fight against the men's grip once Alpha Beckett kicks my dad again. Harder this time. So hard that I can hear his ribs crack under the force.

"No," I breathe, the tears becoming more persistent in my eyes. "No. Stop!"

My pleas are useless. They fall deaf to Alpha Beckett's ears and all I can do is watch as he slowly lures my father closer to his death.

I let out useless cries, the tears running down my cheeks as I flail in the men's arms, trying desperately to get to my dad. To somehow stop Alpha Beckett. But I quickly become limp in the men's arms when I realize there is nothing I can do. I can't help my dad because I'm weak. All too weak and out numbered. 

So all I do is cry. It's the only thing I can do, then again.

Liam? Where are you? I scream in my mind. No reply. I get no reply and I stupidly begin to believe Beckett's words. I believe that Liam has ran and taken Stella and Jeremy with him. Maybe he realized I wasn't worth fighting for. Maybe he realized I wasn't worth all the trouble I brought with me.

It isn't till my father is coughing up blood and beaten battered that Alpha Beckett steps back with a low laugh. 

He roughly digs his bloody fingers into dad's hair, pulling his head up and snarling in my father's face. "You brought this on yourself, Kevin. You should have listened. You should have listened!"

Beckett bangs his head against the ground, nearly giggling when my father cries out in pain. He releases him, stepping back and whipping his bloody hands on his shirt. And then he glances at me, taking in my tear stained cheeks and horror filled eyes with a smile. A sick smile that makes my stomach churn.

He stops to where he's at eye level with me and hesitantly, he reaches out, tracing a finger down my cheekbone. And with this simple action, it reminds me of Liam. Because Liam has a habit of doing that. Especially when he wants to catch my attention.

Just the thought of Liam makes my chest clench in pain.

I banish Liam from my head, meeting Alpha Beckett's eyes as my stomach churns, my chest hurts, and my cheek stings. Beaten. I am beaten down, not only physically but emotionally.

The tears run down my cheeks more quickly now, making my eyesight blurry. I choke out a sob, causing Alpha Beckett to laugh at my obvious distress.

"You look so much like her, Ronnie," He mumbles tauntingly. "And you are so much like her. Weak. Pathetically weak."

I want to reply, to simply say that he's already mentioned this before, but I can't. So I only resort to letting out more pain-stakin' sobs and cries and falling helplessly to the ground once the men release me. 

I begin to crawl towards my father, and when the wolves around me go to stop me, Alpha Beckett stops them, letting me pass and reach him.

Once I do, I let out another loud sob, gripping the back of his shirt and trying to flip over, just to see him. To know that's he breathing, at least.

I manage to flip him onto his back and I'm almost relieved to find familiar grey eyes staring back up at me. Almost. 

I take notice of how shallow his breaths are and how much blood he's exactly losing.

I grab his head, placing it onto my lap and brushing the black lock's of hair that are coated in his blood. I cradle his body close to me, peering down at him and watching as the tears fall from my cheeks and onto his face.

"Stay awake," I whisper. "Stay awake. Stay with me. You can't leave me alone. You can't."

"You're not gonna be alone," He gurgles. "Liam... you'll have Liam."

"Liam's gone, dad," I cry. "He's not coming."

"He is," My dad argues, raising his voice and attempting to push himself up. He fails, falling back into my arms. "He's not leaving you. He's not leaving you behind like I did."

I shake my head weakly and bite down on my lip. So hard that I draw blood and soon enough the taste of coppery blood fills my mouth. "It wasn't your fault. You were hurt and-"

"There's no excuse, Ron," He cuts me off gruffly, heaving up more blood. "No excuse for what I did. Liam isn't going to screw up like me. That day... with Tara... he looked at you with an emotion I couldn't understand at first. That is, till I went home that night and thought about it.." He trails off momentarily, his murky grey eyes drifting off towards the forest. "He cares about you a lot, Ronnie. I didn't believe it at first, but you are mates. True mates. He's not going to leave you behind because.. because he lo-"

He's cut off. Not by someone or something, but by a sound. A sound in the distance. I raise my head up, searching in the direction of where the sound came from, my eyebrows furrowing, along with Alpha Beckett's.

He, too, looks puzzled by the sound. So puzzled that he doesn't even begin to bark orders at the troubled wolves.

I strain my hearing, trying to detect what the sound is. A stampede? 

A stampede of what? More wolves?

It's footsteps. Thundering footsteps. And I wonder if Alpha Beckett is just playing dumb or if he is truly behind the whole cause of the sound.

It has to be more wolves. No humans can make that sound. Those thundering footsteps that are nearing closer and closer by the second.

I look down towards my father, surprised to see a grim smile slipping onto his lips. "Told you," is all he says. And I wonder what he means by that. I quickly get my answer when the familiar twinkle of laughter reaches my ears and I suddenly catch movement out of the corner of my eye.

 At first, all I see is her long, straight brown hair flying around her. It isn't till she looks away from the direction of where the sound is coming from and looks towards me, a devilish grin on her lips that only promises danger.

It's Stella. Crazy Stella Prescott. Laughing her head off as she looks away from me, to the wolves surrounding us, then to Alpha Beckett.

"Heads up, Beckett," She says in a sing-song voice, "You've got trouble."

And then she's off again. Her hair flying around her and her musical laugh following.

And we're all left completely confused by her statement, but it isn't till the thundering footsteps are only feet away that the awful stench reaches my nose. Purgatory.

Why would Stella lure them here? Was she stupid? Was she crazy? Or both?

Before I can come up with a possible conclusion, the Purgatory emerges. All of them. 

The familiar blonde and black-eyed man is the one leading the pack and he seems to be the only one in human form. That is, despite another familiar person in the back, lurking behind one of the big wolves.

It isn't till they shove this person forward that I realize it's Adam. Adam? 

The nameless man grabs him roughly by his neck, thrusting him towards Alpha Beckett. "Now, tell me, Beckett, why the fuck did I find your son on my property?"

"On your property? What?" Alpha Beckett asks, astonishment clear on his features. And though I am not the one bit pleased to see that blonde haired, black-eyed monster once again, I am relieved that he's at least distracting Alpha Beckett.


This is the plan! It has to be!

Unable to resist, I look back down at dad, gripping him tighter to me and lowering my head to whisper softly, "We're going to be okay, dad. We're going to get out of this. Hold on."

He gurgles an incoherent response, shutting his eyes for a second or two, before opening them again and offering me a reassuring smile. Though it does nothing to put me at ease, I glance away from him, long enough to see Adam on the ground with the blonde haired man lurking over him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I stutter, Alpha shit face?" The blonde haired man mocks angrily, "He was there. On my property. And when the little fucker ran and we finally managed to catch him, he claimed that you sent him. You sent him to scope out on us, when we had an agreement to never step onto each other's lands, that is, unless you wanted to start trouble. Did you?"

"No! Of course not!" Beckett bites back, "I never sent Adam there. I didn't. Adam wouldn't say that, either, would you, Adam?"

Alpha Beckett directs his attention to Adam, who raises his head and meets his father's gaze, unwavering.

Wait, I think, was Adam apart of the plan? Was this all just a set up?

"Your kid begs to differ," The nameless man snarls. "Tell him what you told me, kid." The Purgatory leader roughly nudges Adam, but surprisingly, Adam doesn't falter, nor emotionally or physically. 

His features remain in a calm expression and it stays that way as he meet's his fathers eyes. "I told them everything, dad. About how you've been sending me to scope out on them for a while. I can't lie anymore. I can't do it."

Alpha Beckett's features twist into horror, unlike his son's calm expression. "What? Adam! I haven't.. I didn't.." He trials off, unsure of what to say. The Purgatory leaders snarls.

"Even your son is tired of your shit, Beckett," He hisses, "I should have known something was up once you started giving us tips about Farley and his mate. You probably just wanted to distract us and take care of your problems as you planned to start another war with us. This time, I bet, you were planning to take us down for good."

"It's not what you think!" Alpha Beckett objects, shaking his head, "I-"

"Don't worry, Beckett," The man snarls. "You want a fight, we'll give you one."

And that's when all hell breaks loose.

Suddenly, the man shifts and the Purgatory are charging at Beckett's pack. And as they clash together, all I hear is the wails of pains and growling and howling and then the sickening sound of flesh being ripped apart.

I watch as the Purgatory leader clashes on with a newly shifted Beckett, though Beckett quickly manages to squirm his way out of the fight by sending in his pack mates to fight for him.

And then it's a blur. Incredible blur as I realize Alpha Beckett is running towards me. Probably because he's angry. He knows Adam isn't behind this entirely. And I bet he's blaming this all on me. 

Before he reaches me, my instincts quick in and I shift as well. You can't run away from this situation, Ronnie, my mind screams and I vaguely agree. It's time to fight.

And that's the reason I meet Alpha Beckett head on. Ramming into him with all the strength I can muster, despite my panicked father screaming my name.

I knock him back due to all the force I put in the hit, but it doesn't take long for Beckett to retaliate and suddenly, he's running at me again, snarling and growling.

I scurry out of the way, jumping around him and watching him come to a skidding stop to realize I've avoided his attack. 

He charges at me again and by a stroke of luck, I dodge that hit as well. But it isn't long that Alpha Beckett finally manages to knock into my side, making me impact the ground and Alpha Beckett takes the chance to jump right on top of me.

He snaps his teeth dangerously close to my face and I do the same, snapping my teeth at him while squirming to get away from him. I manage to do so, bucking him off me with an angry snarl.

I jump up, ready to run around him so I can hit him where it hurts, but he anticipates my motives, and I am not as quick as I think I am, because he catches my leg in his jaws and bites down. Hard. 

So hard that I feel his teeth sink into my flesh and it isn't long that I can feel the familiar trinkle of blood running down my leg.

I yip in pain, trying to shake him off my leg and for a minute, he releases me, only to knock me right back to the ground and this time, I don't get the chance to fight him off, because the next thing I know, his teeth are scraping up my stomach, following up the path to my throat.

I desperately squirm underneath him, despite the pain that hits me like a ton of bricks. 

But I can't break free and I can only watch in horror as his his raises his hand up, then brings it back down, clamping his teeth right around my throat.

I release a loud wail, feeling him press down on my windpipe with his sharp canine's, but before he can crush my air way, the pressure is suddenly gone. And it isn't until I blink and hazily peer around that I notice he's been knocked off of me.

I catch the sight of coppery brown fur and that's when I know it's Liam. Liam. 

I shouldn't be surprised, really. Because whenever I'm in a time of need, Liam always seem to appear. But I am surprised. Because my dad's words are true. Liam wouldn't leave me behind. He wouldn't. And perhaps I was foolish to ever think that.

Too weak to hold up in wolf form anymore, I shift back. And as I go to possibly move, I stupidly remember that I can't. I can't because when I glance down at my body, I realize that I'm bleeding. And quite profusely.

A large gash runs from my navel right up underneath my breast. The blood stains my white tank top and when I reach up and touch my neck, I feel hot blood under my fingertips. Though the wound on my neck isn't as bad as my stomach and bleeding leg, it's still worrying. Mainly because I am losing way too much blood.

My head spins and my vision blurs momentarily. Despite the blurry figures swaying around me, I manage to catch sight of a familiar red head boy.

"She's losing a lot of blood, Liam," Jeremy states the obvious, and I hear Liam respond, but I can't make out what he said. His voice sounds far away. So far away.

My limbs feel as if they weigh a thousand pounds and so do my eyelids. But I fight the sleepiness and instead try to push myself up. To fight the numbness that is slowly spreading throughout my body.

My eyes roam the perimeter, hazily, I see fighting figures and Alpha Beckett, who lays unconscious next to Liam, who is now in human form.

I know he's not dead when I look towards his chest. Rising and falling. Rising and falling.

I glance away from his body, to Liam, who crouches down next to my numb body. He strokes his fingers across my cheeks and I watch as his lips move, forming my name, although I can't hear him.

My thoughts are hazy and so the only thing I manage to do is furrow my eyebrows at him. And then suddenly, as if a light switched has been flickered on, the sounds around me come back quite forcefully and I am once again awake and aware of what's going on around me.

"We have to get going, Liam," Jeremy says, "We can't stay around. We have to leave before we catch both the Purgatory and Beckett's pack attention."

"I know," Liam gruffly replies, "Stella is coming around with the van. She ran back to the cabin to pack everything up. She's close."

"Guys!" I hear an familiar  voice shout and once that the person that the voice belongs to get's close enough, I realize it's Adam when his voice comes into my sight. "Guys, what are you still doing here? You have to go. Now!"

"We're going, idiot!" Liam hisses spitefully, "We can't exactly move Ronnie without flaring up some kind of pain."

"Well, it's either you let her lay here to die or you pick her up and take her to the van and get her some help. You don't have many objections here, Farley. Get moving!"

Liam cusses at him but quickly comes to recognize that Adam is right. If they leave me here, unattended, I am sure to die.

Jeremy goes to help lift me, but Liam warningly growls at him. Jeremy backs off, very quickly, I might add.

Liam slides his hands under my mid frame, hoisting me up, despite my slight whimper. Once I'm secure in his arms, he raises up slowly and unable to control my body's movements, my head lolls to the side, to where my eyes are directly focused on my dad. My dad's unmoving body.

"Dad," I breathe. And suddenly, Liam is walking away from him. We're walking away from him. "Dad," I repeat louder. Louder that I catch the attention of Liam and Jeremy and Adam as well, who is only a few feet away from me.

"I'll take care of him for you, Ronnie," Adam says, though his voice quivers. "For as long as I can. Take care of yourself and stay safe."

"No," I shake my head. "Please, just take me to him. Please." My words are slurred but somehow Liam understands me.

"Ronnie, you can't see him. We have to go."

"Please! Just quickly! Please!"

"Ronnie, you're bleeding, you can't stay any longer!" Liam argues.

"Just give her to me!" Jeremy suddenly snaps, reaching his arms out to me, though Liam steps back and raises his lip up in a snarl. "This might be the last time she sees her father, Liam. Give her to me, go find Stella, come back, and we'll go as fast as we can. There's no time to waste. Hand her over!"

Unable to argue any longer, Liam hands me over and as Jeremy carries me over to my dad, I watch Liam sprint off into the huge mass of fighting and then shift.

I look away once's I get close enough to my father's body. As if Jeremy reads my silent pleas, he settles me down next to my father and I do not hestiate to weakly slide my hand underneath his head and bring it right back onto my lap.

I don't care about the pain anymore. I don't care if I'm bleeding to death. All I want is to see him. To know he's still awake and he hasn't slipped away from my grasp.

"Dad?" I whisper. And in response, he opens his eyes, glancing up at me with glossy eyes. "You're still with me."

I'm slightly relieved, that is, till he opens his mouth to say something but can't. He's choked up. Not with tears or words or whatever, but with more blood. The horrifying thought of my father dying leaks into my mind and I can't get it out once it seeps into my thoughts.

"It's okay, you'll get help soon enough," I mumble, my voice cracking and tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. "You'll get through this. Maybe you can come with us. Maybe-"

"I can't." He manages to choke out, "I can't."

I furrow my brows at him, "Of course you can," My hazy mind argues. "You-"

"No. He'll find me. You go. Go find help." His utters out, coughing up more blood. I watch as a trickle of blood runs down his chin.

"I can't leave you behind," I choke out. "I can't just leave you here to die."

The tears run down my face as I weakly clutch him to me. Maybe he won't have to die here alone. Maybe I'll die here with him.

I lower my head, pressing my face into the crook of his neck and letting my tears splatter against his unnaturally cold skin. 

"Let go, Ron," He murmurs. "You have to go."

"No," I whisper. "No. I'm not going. I'm staying. Staying here with you."

I hear the pounding of footsteps and then uneven breathing and I don't even have to glance up to know it's Liam. "Stella's here with the truck. We have to go. We're catching Purgatory attention. They're coming for us and Alpha Beckett is gonna wake up soon. His pack members might be down for now, but they aren't down forever. We have to go."

I feel Liam shuffle around my father and I and it isn't long that I feel his hands on my back. "We have to go, Ron. Come on."

And then, before I know it, I'm being pulled away from my dad. And I'm not strong enough to possibly hold onto him. 

"No, please, take him with us. We can't leave him!" I screech, but all Liam does is shake his head and so does my dad.

"No time. We have to go, Ronnie. I'm sorry." And then once again, I'm being pulled away from my dad. Towards the van. Towards Stella. Towards, perhaps, my future.

But in result, I'm being pulled away from Adam and dad. Hopeless looking Adam who stands next to my father's body. "Ida Walsh!" He shouts, "Wisconsin. Good luck."

My brows furrow at his words but I vaguely note what he's said. Ida Walsh. Wisconsin.

And then I look back towards my dad, staring at his unmoving body. And then the panic is back and I'm suddenly wailing and screeching and clawing away at Liam. To somehow get back to dad. To somehow save him like I planned to from the start.

"No!" I scream, "No! Dad!"

My screams are inhuman and blood curling and the tears are pounding down my face twice as hard. My eyesight becomes blurry once again and all I can make out is my father's face. My father's grey and glossy eyes as he watches me being carried away. The last time. This is possibly the last time he will see me and I will see him. And it only causes me to scream and cry louder.

"Dad! Dad!"

The van door opens and I'm placed in. Liam tries to soothe me, but I don't listen. I don't listen as the blood leaks from my side. I don't listen when my cheek stings and my head spins and my leg throbs. All I do is bring my bloody hands up to the window, banging my fist on the window and screaming for him, over and over again.

And somehow, in the distance, I see his mouth move and I'm able to form out the words. I love you, sweetheart. 

My heart breaks and my hoarse sobs fill the air as Stella fires up the engine and we rocket off. Into the thick brush of the forest. Away from Portland. Away from home. Away from Adam. Away from Beckett. Away from my childhood memories and most importantly, away from my dad.

And all I do is scream. Scream as I bang on the window and watch my father disappear from my sight. Perhaps for forever.


The end, for now. ;)

Yes, one hell of a crazy ending, I know! But I felt it was the right way to end the first book of TRM. 

And if you're confused about ANYTHING that happened, leave a comment and I will answer.

And yes, just to let you know, Adam did help out with helping save Ronnie. (: He was apart of the plan. 

If it's not too much to ask, do you think we can get to 200 votes and then the sequel will be posted? :D

I have so much in store for you guys in the second book, trust me. MANY things about Liam will be revealed.. and more truths about Ronnie as well. So stick around, k? xx

I want to thank you for all your support on the first book, and especially to those who stick around from the start. I know I probably don't say it enough, but I truly appreciate you guys. Each and everyone of you.

I thank you for your immense support and can't wait to see you guys in the second installment of Ronnie's story, ROTR. <--- The initials of what the sequel will be named. Anyone care to take a guess? :D

Much love, 

- CeCe. 

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