Hello Love, You Flew Right By...

By AhnRieJin

11.2K 785 210

✯Finished✯ Lan Zhan spent his life loving his childhood friend. One day the other needed to leave the other h... More

Part Zero [Chapter Zero]
Part One [Chapter One]
Part Three [Chapter Three]
Part Four [Chapter Four]
Part Five [Chapter Five]
Part Six [Chapter Six]
Part Seven [Chapter Seven]

Part Two [Chapter Two]

1.2K 95 17
By AhnRieJin

Lan Zhan sat in class rather diligently today, still his heart was cowering in fear as he felt the pressure inside the classroom. He hated people. He wrote in his notebook when needed, he listened to every word that was necessary but the pressure of eyes landing on him was different. He needed to get out of the classroom but then he saw his wrist. Pressing the gem as he slowly breathed out. Wei Ying saw his gem light up bright red, pressing on it for five seconds as the signal was sent back. Lan Zhan saw that Wei Ying had seen the alarm, knowing that he'd come here as soon as the morning lessons have ended. Truly, he can never be more relieved to have Wei Ying in his life. He looked at the clock as it ticked and moved the big hand. People said don't rush things but he badly needed to see his other half. As both hands, small and long stroke tweleve, Lan Zhan was happy even though he showed no remarks of happiness. After saying goodbye to the teacher he ran to the school playground and sure enough, on the castle there stood Wei Ying. A happy smile as he undone his necktie, Lan Zhan ran to him and hugged him tight.

"Ahahaha! Lan Zhan! How did it go? Were you scared?"

"So much..."

Wei Ying furrowed his brows and hugged his other half tighter.

"I'm here now, we're together now."

Wei Ying smiled at him, so bright. Lan Zhan can only give his best small curve.

"Come on, Let's eat! The food is inside the castle."


They held hands as they entered their castle. Shared food as they fed each other. For them, this is their wonderland. They've got lost in it. They pretended that this would last forever.

"Lan Zhan, we'll be in middle school next year. Do you think we'll be in the same class?"

"Mn. Will make sure Wei Ying will be with me."

"You know the school is unfair."

Wei Ying pouted his lips while his mouth was filled with food. He looked like a duck.

"No talking while eating, Wei Ying."


They continue to eat, after that they lay inside the castle as they look at the ceiling. Wei Ying drew pictures on the ceiling with crayons to tell the same story to Lan Zhan over and over again. The other not getting tired. As they lay there with hands intertwined, they smile.

They were Nine back then.

Lan Zhan could never be more happy to see his bestfriend stand on the stage with a medal being hanged on his neck. Wei Ying has won the art completion yet again, at first place. His illustration was priceless, it was so beautiful and detailed. After Wei Ying jumped down from the stage, he immediately ran towards Lan Zhan and hugged him tightly as he jumped up and down.

"Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! I won again! I did this for you!"

Lan Zhan smiled as he hugged Wei Ying even tighter.

"Congratulations, Wei Ying."

Lan Zhan didn't move for the moments later. He could feel all the stares that were given to them. It was so suffocating, everyone was looking at them. Every eyes were plastered on them. Wei Ying felt this as he let out a sigh and glared at the people looking at them before he cupped Lan Zhans' cheeks and stared into his eyes.

"Lan Zhan, look at me. Hey. I'm here."

Lan Zhans' eyes scanned the area but he stared back into Wei Yings' eyes. He calmed down as he gripped on tighter to his uniform. Wei Ying let out a smile of relief before he leaned in and placed their foreheads together.

"Lan Zhan, look at me only okay...? Don't mind them. I'm here."


Lan Zhan forgot the fact that people were around because all that he could see was Wei Yings' silver eyes and bright smile. All he could see was his other half and not the people that surrounded him.

"Do you think I did good with the picture?"

"Mn. Wei Ying always does his best."

Wei Ying smiled at him before he closed his eyes and hugged his other half. He drew circles on his back while Lan Zhan leaned on him with his eyes closed.

It's only Wei Ying here. No one else. Just Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan convinced himself and when he opened his eyes, the gym was empty and it was only Wei Ying that he could see. He let out a breath of relief before his hands crept up and hugged the other tighter. He calmed down from the panic and that's because of the calming presence of his other half.

They were Ten back then.

Wei Ying was learning the flute as he sat down on the bench below the magnolia tree. Lan Zhan laid on Wei Yings' lap as he read silently. Wei Ying was playing with his flute, before stopping and leaning back on the bench. A magnolia flower came down and landed on his nose, making the other grin and the other to notice what happened.

"Lan Zhan, look here."

Wei Ying took the flower and placed it on Lan Zhans' ear, making the other glare at him.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because Lan Zhan is pretty!"

"That's just ridiculous."

"Come on!"

Lan Zhan just sighed, leaning in more to Wei Yings' lap.

"Fall is coming again, my birthday is near."

"Will celebrate with you."

"Will you get me a present?"

"Of course."

"What kind this time?"

"Something Wei Ying will like."

Wei Ying grinned at Lan Zhan before pinching his cheeks.

"You're so cute!"

"Stop it."

"What? Aren't I allowed to be sweet my Bestfriend?"

"You're just being shameless."

"Lan Zhan, you're hurting my feelings."

Wei Ying pursed his lips before he crossed his arms and looked away. Lan Zhan sat up and placed his book away, looking at Wei Ying with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry."


Lan Zhan sighed before he scooted in and took Wei Yings' hand, pressing it up against his cheek.

"You can still squeeze it..."

Wei Ying turned around and smiled at Lan Zhan softly.

"Seriously! You're so soft, I can just tease you everyday!"

"Wei Ying always teases me. He's a bully."

"No! I will never bully Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan is my Bestfriend!"

Wei Ying shook Lan Zhan before it was his turn to lay on Lan Zhans' lap.

"Lan Zhan, I heard Huan-gege started to learn at highschool."


"What did he take?"

"He's taking STEM."

"Ah! I see. He'll be a nurse or an engineer!"

"Mn. Gege will be a nurse because he likes helping other people in need."

"What about Lan Zhan? What do you want to be when you become an adult?"

"Mmm... Be a Doctor."

"Really?! Then I'll be a nurse so I can assist you!"

"No need. Wei Ying chooses what he wants."

"It's because I choose to be with Lan Zhan forever!"

Lan Zhan felt his heart thump so loudly. It was deafening as his face started to heat up and his eyes displayed hearts. They swore to be together forever that day.

They were Eleven back then.

Running on the stone path as they hear other children screaming as well.

"Lan Zhan! Let's try the carousel first!"

They were at a newly opened amusement park near their houses. Lan Huan had accompanied them, looking after his little brother and his bestfriend.

"A-Ying, A-Zhan. Don't run."

"Okay, Huan-Gege!"

Wei Ying grinned at him, the other just smiling at him in response. Lan Zhan held on tightly to Wei Ying as they pass through the crowds, their hands bound so tight it felt like they were tied together by a strong string. Wei Ying bought his own money today, he walked over to Lan Huan and gestured him to come down. Lan Zhan was confused when he saw Wei Ying whisper something to Lan Huan and the older one just smiled back in return.

"Come on, Lan Zhan!"


Wei Ying pulled Lan Zhan along as they made their way to a spinning stable that had wooden horses. Wei Ying took out his money and paid for the tickets, Lan Zhan wanted to stop him but the boy just grinned at him. They enter the stable as they sat on horses, Wei Ying smiled at Lan Zhan as the stable began to spin around slowly. The fairy lights made everything seem so magical, being side by side as they held hands, Lan Zhan only staring at Wei Ying who was enjoying the ride. His eyes shined as he watched the boy smile so happily, it was true love and understanding. Wei Ying glanced at Lan Zhan as the stable still continued to spin, his smile growing even more brighter. Lan Zhan could see something other in his eyes, a picture of a male who rode a donkey but he shook his head and stared at the boy who held his hand tightly.

"Lan Zhan, are you happy?"

"Mn. Very."

Wei Ying grinned so widely. The ride came to a stop after five minutes, they got off, hands still intertwined as they walked back to Lan Huan who had snacks in his hands.



Lan Huan smiled at them before he gave them both cotton candy.

"So what do you guys want to do now? There are plenty of rides and games here in the carnival."


Wei Ying looked around when he saw two big rabbit plushies hanging from the stall, he tugged on Lan Huan and pointed at the rabbits.

"I wanna play! I wanna play that!"

"Okay, A-Zhan, A-Ying, let's go."

Lan Huan lead them to the stall where Wei Ying took out his remaining money and offered it to the man before the man gave him a bow. The game was to shoot three perfect strikes in the middle to win the twin black and white bunnies. Wei Ying just smirked as he drew one arrow and aimed it at the target. A loud bang was heard, Wei Ying closed one eye and successfully hit the middle. Lan Zhan and Lan Huan were astonished as they praised Wei Ying. The boy drew one more and it was a perfect hit in the middle. The last one striking the goal as the man gave him the twin rabbit plushies. Wei Ying smiled so widely as he gave the black one to Lan Zhan, the lad blushing in the ears.

"That's for Lan Zhan and this is for me!"

Wei Ying giggled, he saw a string attached to the white rabbit he had. It was a ribbon in the color of white that had clouds on it. He smiled softly before he took it and tied it around Lan Zhans' wrist.

"Thank you, Lan Zhan."

They were Twelve back then.

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