The Unholy Gift of the Serum...

By TheStryTellr

27.8K 985 147

The Super-soldier serum. A break through for it's time. A serum that could turn any man or woman into a maste... More

Unexpected Guests
The Road to Nowhere
The Russian Soldier
Agent Six
Facing the Facts
The Hit

Task Master

2.6K 111 39
By TheStryTellr

We stay there for a moment. Yelena just holding me as I cry. She makes me feel safe. Her eyes on me just makes me feel safer. She then grabs the side of my face with both hands, making me look at her. She then wipes the tears from my face with the pads on her thumbs.

" It's ok. Shhh. It's okay. They can't get you." She soothes and I calm down a bit.

" But they can. I don't know who has the book." I shake my head.

" What book?" She asks softly.

" There's a book. It has all of the trigger words for all of the Winter Soldiers, including mine." I tell her and she nods.

" That book, the United Nations has it after Zemo's visit to Bucky." She tells me and I give her a confused look.

" Really?" I ask with all the hope in the world.

She just smiles, giving me the answer I need. I smile so widely my face hurts as I pick her up and spin her around making her laugh. I then put her down us just smiling at each other.

" I could kiss you right now!" I exclaim in excitement.

" Well, why don't you?" She questions, making me turn to her.

We just stare at each other, our eyes flickering from each others eyes and lips. She puts her arms around my neck as mine, as if acting to not be in control, move around to the back of her ass. She then moves her hand, brushing some strands of hair out of my hair. I then slowly start to lean in and she does the same. Slowly inching towards each other's lips. Our lips then meet as they gently touch. We both then pull away, our eyes flickering open as we look at each other.

Yelena then grabs the sides of my face, smashing our lips together. This catches me by surprise but I quickly reciprocate the kiss. She then steps forward, her body flush against my front as my pants start to stir. I can feel her smirk against my lips because of this. I then squeeze her ass, making her gasp and I use that opportunity to explore her mouth with my tongue. She then moves her hands to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss.

" Finally!" We hear from the house, making us both turn to see Nat.

" I really wish we had more time for your make-out sesh but, we gotta go. You know? The Red Room." Nat shrugs, making me sigh.

We pull apart from each other, walking towards the house to Nat. Yelena is the first to walk in, a prominent smirk on Nat's face as she walks by her. I go to follow when Nat puts a hand on my chest to stop me. She then pushes me back, stepping outside as I watch her curiously.

She then comes forward, gripping the front of my suit and pulling me down to her level in a threatening manor, a hard look in her eye. She takes a second, just holding me there, letting the fear factor sit in.

" You ever, hurt her..." She says harshly.

" I will cut off your little wiener dog." She threatens, making me audibly gulp.

" Do you really think you are strong enough?" I ask.

" No, but I have a real sticky girlfriend." She says, taking me back.

" Understand?" She asks, making me nod.

She then grips my suit harder, hardening her glare on me.

" Understand?" She grits again.

" Yes." I answer and she lets go, putting on a fake smile, walking back into the house.

" Nat, what did you do?" Yelena questions her sister.

" Nothing. We were just having a friendly conversation." She shrugs.

I walk back into the house, seeing them all looking at me, everyone taking back their seats. I take a my seat at the end of the table, opposite Alexei, him glaring at me as if to kill me. I look down at the table, feeling a pair of eyes on me the entire time.

" Your agent six, aren't you?" Melina questions, making me look to her.

" My name... is Xander." I grit and she flinches.

" That voice..." she breaths.

" You know, it's getting late. I'm gonna get some rest." I say standing up, going to walk away.

" You know, Melina only has two spare rooms." Alexei says, getting my attention.

" Fine. I'll stay on the couch." I say, going to walk away again.

" No. That is where my pigs sleep." Melina says, and by this point, I'm starting to get ticked off.

" Fine. If you need me, I'll be in the plane." I grit, walking to the door, grabbing me bag just beside it.

" You're leaving? What about the Red Room?" Yelena asks, getting up and walking over to me.

" What about it? We don't even have a plan." I sigh.

" But, I- But I though we were going to do this together?" She asks, eyes glossing over.

" And we will. As soon as we have a plan." I say, opening the door.

" If you figure out a plan, you know where to find me." I say, walking out the door and closing it behind me.

It's still light outside. But the sun is starting to set. I walk out the gates of Melina's home, setting on the course back up the hill and to the plane. Well, what's left of it.

I just have to get away. Not away from Yelena. But just away in general. It's one thing for you to know what you did as Agent Six, but it's another to see someone be afraid of you because of it. Sure, people are scared of me. I'm Russian, people are scared of my accent. But with Melina, it was different. I don't know why though. Maybe it was because she is close with Yelena. But I I'm still not sure. I'm not sure I'm sure of anything anymore.

As my mind rambled, I made it to the plane, the sun now set. It looked worse then it did when we left. Maybe that could have been because it's dark now. I make my way towards it more when two men walk out of it, guns in hand. I quickly move, hiding behind a tree. Another few soldiers walk out from behind the plane, flashlights in hand.

" The aircraft is clear, sir." One soldier says to the others.

" Good. That means they are all still with Melina. She said that her estate is only down this path." The other one says as a jet comes over with some others.

They all hover around a little bit, one landing, letting the soldiers in before flying back up, all of them heading back the way I came.

" Melina." I grit angrily, turning around sharply.

I make my way back down the hill, heading back for Melina's. She set us up. She called them in. Why? Why would she do that? She doesn't owe them anything.

I can see the house in sight, the jets circling it, spotlights trained on the house. I reach into my bag, pulling out my sniper rifle, getting it set up. I aim for one of the jets, shooting one of its routers, making it crash. I aim for the another jet, readying myself to take the shot. I take a deep breath, setting my finger on the trigger. Just as I am about to pull it, I sense something behind me and spin around just in time to catch the shield of Taskmaster.

I look around, there still being no sight of him. A whizzing is then heard and I am struck with a grenade, sending me flying off the hill I was hiding out at and to Melina's garden. I pull myself to my hands and knees as I heard the boots of Taskmaster growing closer. I look around for any of my weapons but they are all in my bag at the top of that hill. He gets closer to me, his knee contacting with my stomach, making me roll a few feet away. I then hear the jets inclose on my location, the spotlights on me. I pull myself to my feet, facing the Taskmaster as they just stare at me.

I advance on him and he stays put. I throw the first punch and he dodges it, going to hit my but I block his shots. We start to fight, both blocking and throwing hits. I get a good hit on his stomach, sending him a good distance away. He then gets back to his feet, drawing a sword. He swings the sword and I dodge it, hitting him in the stomach, then the knee him in the head, making him fall to the floor and his sword into the air. I catch the blade, holding him on the floor with it. I then examine the blade.

" Vibranium, huh? It's strong..." I state.

I then take the blade in both hands, bending it with ease, throwing it to the grass below.

" But not indestructible." I shrug.

I take a step forward and lasers are now pointed at my body from all different directions, more soldiers. He then climbs to his feet, advancing on the group of soldiers. He takes one of the weapons off one of the soldiers, coming over to me. He then shoots me in the stomach, making me double over. The others then open fire, shooting tranquillisers at me, and I pass out.


I stir awake, my body sore and achy. I open my eyes, realising I'm in a cell, but not like the ones in Hydra. I sit up from the floor, clutching my stomach in pain. I put my hand on where the bullet it, flexing my abs as a flat metal disk dislodges itself from my skin, falling to the floor. I pick up the small disk, examining it before throwing it across the cell, taking a deep breath. I then stand up, looking around the cell. It's just white, nothing but a bed.

" You like the cell?" I hear behind me, making me spin around to see Dreykov.

My cell looks to be attached to his office, him and Melina looking at me.

" It surely is an upgrade to that Hydra cell you used to have." He chuckles.

" You son of a bitch. You set us up!" I shout, moving towards the glass, pounding on it where Melina is.

" Skyscraper." Echos through the cell, and I immediately back away to the back of the cell, making Dreykov chuckle.

" Ah, so you do remember your words. You see, this glass here, takes twelve hits to break, even from you. But with each hit, a trigger word is played through the speakers." He tells me, making my fists clench.

" Why are you doing this?" I question.

" Why? Because, once Hydra know I have their prized possession here, they will pay a hefty price to have you back." He says, moving around his office, Melina staying put.

" So you're using me as what? Bait? Leverage?" I ask.

" Oh no. I'm here to help you." He says, making me scoff.

" Help? How can you help me?" I ask.

" Don't you want to know who you are? Who you really are?" He asks, confusing me.

" What do you mean?" I question, making him laugh.

" Come on, Agent Six! Hydra said you were smarter. Do you really believe that your name is Alexander Kuznetzov could you?" He chuckles.

" Do you wanna know who you are? Because it seems that I, know you better then yourself." He says.

" Come on them! Enlighten me. 'Cause all I've heard so far is a load of shit." I shout.

" That 'load of shit' came from a Hydra folder." He says, walking over to his desk and picking up a folder with the Hydra symbol printed on it.

He then comes over to the cell, putting it in the the window, dropping it on the floor and sliding it closed. I walk towards it, seeing it have 'Agent Six' written clear as day on it. I open the file, the first thing being a picture of me.

" My work here is done. Lock it up!" Dreykov shouts and a steel cover comes over the glass, blocking Dreykov and Melina from sight.

I sit down on the small bed, finally reading the file.

Winter Soldier Program

Agent Six ( Rogers, Christian)
Level: Six
Height: 6,2
Weight: 240 Lbs
Danger: Extremity. Take extreme caution in the presence of this soldier, death is inevitable.
Details: Skyscraper, Cliff hanger, eighteen, Abolish, Destruction, Diner, Empire, Savage, Diabolical, System.
Handler: Red Guardian (Shostakov, Alexei) Strucker, Von

" I'm.... I'm a... I'm a Rogers?"

Hey beautiful people!!! Hope you're having a great day!!!

Man, first cliff hanger and chapter in nearly a month 😂. Sorry I haven't been posting, School is kicking my arse, but I though why not. I know chapter is short but I just wanted to update something cuz I started two more three more stories 😅 sooooo......

Bye <3


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