Facing the Facts

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I look down at the file, still in shock. I knew that what Hydra had done had erased my memories, but for over a hundred years, that is psychotic. I don't understand, Nat told me that the Winter Soldier got all of his memories back, but I can't even remember my name. Maybe I was used more, had an undercover mission in Russia for a few years and that's what I remembered.

I flick over the page, going to the next page, and the next, and the next, all of them saying the same thing, just a different year. I then get to the last page, it being different then the rest. I take in the page, reading it intently. It was my 'project report'.


Project Report

Trial Run No. 42
April 24th, 1945

Subject: Agent 6 (Rogers, Christian)
Professor: Arnim Zola.

Trial: Injection of super-soldier serum #23

Results: Enhanced speed, strength, rapid regeneration, unbreakable skin, physical body structure change.

Labs: Traces of metal in blood, discovered as vibranium. (Placid)

Outcome: Success.


I close the file, tossing it on the floor. I get up from the side of the bed and pace around my room. I tried clearing my mind, remembering that I am still in the Red Room.

"I can't worry about this right now. I gotta find a way out of here." I say to myself.

Just as I said that, the entire cell jolts. I can hear fighting going on in the room next to me. It's muffled and quiet, but it's there. I be as quiet as possible, getting closer to the noise. Just as I did that, I heard a gut wrenching scream, sounding like it came from Natasha.

My face immediately drops to a concerned one. I punch the cell wall, trying to get to her, and I don't hear any words. That jolt, whatever it was, knocked out their speakers. I hit the wall, again, and again, cracking and chipping away at the concrete. The wall then crumbles, making a big enough hole for me to climb through.

When I get out the other side, I see Nat on the floor, being assaulted by a group of widows. Dreykov isn't here, he must have left. As soon as my feet touch the floor of Dreykov's office, some advance on me, but I make light work of them, heading towards Nat to make sure she's ok. As I get closer to Nat, one of the widows shots a widow bite on my back, stopping me in place as more come over and try to take me down.

I get kicked in the back of the knee, making me go down on one knee as I'm punched in the face from the one in front. More widows come over, all of them taking their turns in hitting me before something is thrown over our heads. We all stop, watching as it explodes and red powder comes from it, landing on all the widows. It was the antidote. They all look around, clueless as to what's happened as I stand up, making my way over to Nat.

" Hey, Nat. Talk to me." I tell her, helping her to her feet.

" The next time you touch me, will be your last." She threatens, making me already fed up.

" And, she's back." I joke, looking around to see Yelena at the entrance.

Once she sees me, we lock eyes and she runs at me. She jumps into my arms, pulling me into a hug as I catch her and do the same. We stay like that for a second 'til she pulls away, looking into my eyes as she grips my cheeks, pulling me into a kiss to witch I immediately reciprocate. We stay kissing until a clear of a throat breaks us apart.

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