rafe cameron [smut collection]

By MyMalfoy

30.4K 167 231

Whoring Rafe out to every character in the obx, but mostly Barry. More

[x fem oc] you just fuck better when you're mad
[ x barry ] you'll do anything for money
[ x barry ] cocaine nights
[ x barry ] just homeless thingz
[ x barry ] daddy issues
[ x barry ] an eye for an eye
[ x barry ] not good enough to touch
[ x barry ] 12 steps
[ x barry ] officially his bitch | non con
[ x barry ] fool me twice
[ x barry ] bounds
[ x barry ] greener grass awaits

[ x cleo ] moan and i'll cut you

3.6K 15 7
By MyMalfoy

5681 words
[ knife play ]

Happiness was a feeling Rafe had lacked for most of his life and he hadn't expected to get a glimpse of it ever again, hadn't dared to hope for it. But as he was leaning over the metal railing of the cargo ship, feeling the wind in his hair and tugging at his, well actually, his fathers shirt, he felt pure bliss. His dad was alive, his family whole. The gold was saved and he, Rafe Cameron, had singlehandedly retrieved the cross of Santo Domingo.

I'm so proud of you, were the single words Ward had said as he hugged his son, seeing him for the first time again and Rafe had tried to hold back the tears. He was holding them back even now. Ever since he killed Peterkin he had felt the wrath of god on his back, had felt that he was no longer deserving of such luck as a family, or happiness, not that he ever had been. But now, now that he had the cross it seemed like god had changed his mind, had given him back his father, his family, his freedom and happiness.

It couldn't cure Rafes addiction though and he retreated back to the inside of the ship, looking for a quiet place to do a line. Somehow, he ended up in a room full of heavy, loud machinery but it was empty and that was all he cared for. Quickly, he dumped some of the white powder onto the cold surface of a control panel, anxiously looking at the amount of powder still in the plastic bag. It wouldn't last for the journey, it couldn't. He would go into withdrawals and there was nothing he could do about it. Rafe tried to ignore the thought, for now, hastily spread the coke into a messy line with his credit card and put his nose down without a straw.

"You can't be down here"

He bent up so quickly he saw black spots before he could identify the girl in front of him.

"Shit", he cursed, eyes narrowing down on the girl. She was pretty, delicate and her features soft, yet the image was destroyed by her harsh voice.

"This is staff only, can't you read, man? Don't you got a room to do your drugs in?"

"I, uh, shit", Rafe mumbled. He looked down at the line of coke he had just wanted to sniff, back up at the girl, her black skin glowing in the red lighting. "You want some?"

Her soft forehead was split by deep wrinkles as she frowned at him, arms crossed in front of her chest. "Get out", she said, rolling her eyes.

Rafe scratched the back of his head. There was no way he was just gonna wipe the line away, not with the shortage of coke he was facing anyways. He glanced up at the girl again.

"Do I know you?", Rafe said, all of the sudden, taking a step towards her that Cleo almost immediately took back to keep the distance between the stranger in front of her. Because for all she knew, she hadn't seen this boy in her life. Cleo was sure that without the machinery, she could've heard the gears in his brain rattling.

"Don't think so", she said indifferently and the way the boy was looking at her now, studying her intently made her uncomfortable but before she could snap at him again, he opened his mouth.

"Are you a hooker?", he blurted.

"Is that the only way you pathetic little kook know girls or what?", Cleo responded, not feeling particularly attacked by the statement but Rafe was afraid he offended her anyways, felt for a second of horror that he didn't want her to be offended, didn't want her to dislike him.

"Shit, I'm sorry", he shrugged and looked down on her again. "You're way too pretty to be a hooker"

Cleos mouth didn't twitch an inch at the compliment.

"I mean it", he tried again, taking another step towards her that send Cleo over the edge. She retrieved her knife within the blink of an eye holding it up to the boys throat in front of her.

"You should get going, I'm not in the mood for flirting", she said and watched the boys face light up in horror as he looked down at the knife in her hand. Not because he was scared, it was because he knew, he knew now. He recognized the knife from the last time she'd held it up against his throat.

"You stole the gold from us", he said, slowly.

Cleo looked up at the boy and she remembered, too. The grip around her knife thightend.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Cleo lied and watched Rafe chuckle, trying to back out but she followed his movement with the knife just inches from cutting his throat and he stopped.

"Take the knife down, you're not gonna cut me, alright", he said then and Cleo hesitated. "And I'm not gonna turn you in to the police either"

"No you ain't, cause you stole it in the first place", Cleo hissed and Rafe rolled his eyes. Cleo finally lowered her knife but kept it close enough to stab him before he could even attempt to start any shit.

"Is that why you're here? Are you planning some shit again? Trying to take what's mine?", Rafe asked and it was intimidating, the way he talked, moved, but Cleo was no girl to get intimidated.

"If I was, would I have just walked up on you like that man?", she argued. She'd had no idea Rafe was going to be on this ship and if she had, she would've pretended to be sick to stay on shore for the trip. She was tough but not fucking stupid.

Rafe was getting angry. You could see it by the way his jaw hardened, his shoulders tensened and his hands clenched into fists.

"You stupid cunt, tryna steal from us"

Cleo realized she was gonna have to do some damage control, because she sure as hell didn't want to fight him, or actually stab him. She could only imagine the mess it would cause if she did.

"Look, I didn't even know it was gold in these boxes, and I didn't know it was you on this ship. Back then I was just following orders from my boss, alright, I was just trying to get by, man, which might be hard for a kook like you to understand", Cleo said and she flipped her knife around in her hand, trying to signal to the boy she had no intentions of harming him anymore.

"Yeah well then maybe you should've just become a hooker, instead of stealing gold from honest people, bitch", Rafe hissed and Cleo crossed her arms.

"Come on now, I thought I was too pretty to be a hooker man", she said, pretending to be pissed but Rafe ignored her, finally walking over to the machine and leaning down to take his line he'd been desperate for. He leaned back up, sniffling and said: "I'm gonna walk out of there now", he pointed at a door. "And I'm gonna talk to my dad about this. And you're not gonna stop me or use your damn knife or it's the last thing you do, I can tell you that much"

Cleo believed him. Sarah had told her enough about the two lunatics for her to realize Rafe was dead serious and more importantly, Ward was the real threat to look out for here.

"I changed my mind, I actually do want a bump", Cleo said now, smiling innocently and Rafe drew in his eyebrows.

"Are you not listening? I'm gonna talk-"

"Don't", Cleo said, still smiling and she took a step towards Rafe, looking up at him. It felt like standing next to a time bomb, ready to diffuse at any moment, he was just so damn tense. "Let me apologize for the trouble I caused you at the Bahamas, will you? I wanna make amends"

Rafe didn't get it. He looked down at her, got caught up in the hazel eyes piercing his. "Amends..", he mumbled.

"Yeah, you know", Cleo let her knife slip back into her pocket and placed her free hand on Rafes waist, pulling him and lifting her face up to his. "Make up for what I did"

Rafe was kinda slow in the head, but he did get it now, couldn't breathe for a moment, and Cleo felt it, his lips so close to hers she could feel him holding his breath. And she knew she had him, weak, in her hands. She closed the distance between them, putting her lips on his and her hands in his neck. It was soft, only for a moment, until Rafe reacted and pulled her closer, one arm around her waist and the other hand on her cheek, immediately pulling her into a kiss so passionate, for a moment she forgot who she was kissing.

"Alright, alright", Rafe breathed, pulling away to look down at her. "You can make amends, yeah"

Boys were too easy.

Rafe looked at the girl in front of him, his blue eyes dripping with a sort of Hunger you'd see reflecting off the screen of a wild life documentary. The sort of hunger of a predator, ready to push its teeth into its prey, a deer, maybe, or a rabbit. Or a pretty girl like Cleo.

It's not like Cleo hadn't seen that look before. She worked in a male dominated field, not a good one, as a young women and well, men are trash. If there was one thing Cleo had really learned from her years on different ships it was just that. Men are trash.

She smiled up at Rafe. „I'm sure you have a room, don't you?"

Rafes eyes narrowed down on her.

„How do i know you're not gonna slit my throat, huh", he asked and it seemed a genuine concern for him, because he was stupid but not so stupid as to trust a girl that had tried to steal from him. Then again, what shit could she pull while he was fucking her? What danger could she be, her pretty face stuffed with his dick? The thought got him hot and sweaty.

„You don't, man, that's the fun", Cleo grinned widely. She got closer to him again, wanted to make him uncomfortable, make him nervous and it worked just fine.

It was hot down that machinery room and that was probably what got Rafe so damn worked up, what had him feeling crazy to touch this girl because he was already sweating and so was she and her body was hot against his but not enough, it could be even hotter if he got to pull her in, got to rip those baggy clothes off and reveal what's underneath. If he got to feel her sweaty skin against his.

Cleos rested her hand at Rafes neck and looked up to check if he was up for it and he seemed torn, but he didn't pull away and she could feel his pulse under her thumb, racing. It was cute, kind of.

She moved her lips up to his, brushing against them ever so slightly and moving away and placing a faint kiss at his jaw line. It almost was painful how light it was. „I would never cut a pretty face like this", she slurred and Rafe grabbed her face with a sudden movement that made her gasp, his hand tight under her jaw as he held her in place.

Her light teasing annoyed him and he was even rougher therefore, lifting her face in a stern grip before pressing his lips onto hers.
The both of them were out of breath when she pulled away again. „Let's go find your room, my colleagues are fucking perverts"
Rafe chuckled, and he felt weak on his knees from anticipation.

Rafe lead her through the ship into the small room him and fucking Wheezie had been assigned to. That's right. Sarah got her own room. And she didn't even want to be in it. While Rafe had to share a goddamn room with his 13 year old sister for God knows how long.

Cleo didn't expect Rafe to turn around so suddenly after she closed the door behind them, pushing her up against the cold metal at her shoulders, his hands naturally slipping further up to her throat as he pushed his lips onto hers. That's the way Rafe knew things. He just took what he wanted. Pressed his body against Cleos, enjoyed how weak and small she was against his size, enjoyed the softness of her lips and then, all of the suddden the sharpness of her knife pressing right under his chin ever so slightly, not hard enough to hurt him, just for him to notice and pull away from her lips.
He breathed heavily, was unsure whether to tighten or loosen the grip around her throat and Cleo could see the fear flashing in his eyes.

"Are you gonna kill me?", he gulped and God, he hated himself for how easy he'd been pulled in, how he'd let his lust take over his mind so easily but dammit, the coke didn't help. It was funny to see him like this, the despair written all over his face.

"Take your hands off me, sweety", she whispered and Rafe let his hands fall down, though his tall figure was still trapping her against the door. Cleo smirked.

"You really know how to listen, don't you?", she grinned. Rafe felt helpless. Nothing he could do would be quicker than her jabbing the knife right up into his brains. "I know you listen to your daddy just fine". There was nothing he could do.

"How do you think this works, huh? You're just gonna walk out there and take my cross?", he growled.

"What cross?", Cleo sighed and gave Rafe no time to react before tracing her knife down to his neck and guiding him back with ease, until she was free to go. "I just want the bump you offered me, man", she grinned, Rafe letting out a breath of relief and she flipped her knife in the air, catching it and spinning it between her delicate fingers. If that's how quick and skilled her hands were with a knife he could only imagine-
His cock had involuntarily hardened and he felt how damn sensitive he was when he reached into his pockets to pull out the coke.

He tossed it through the air and Cleo caught it with ease, opening the baggy and scooping some out with the tip of her knife as Rafe watched intently. He felt intoxicated by this girl, like watching a damn good movie high as a kite and wondering what was to come next.

Cleo sniffed the coke off her knife, and as she saw the impressed smirk on Rafes face, she scooped some more out and held the knife out for him. Rafe seemed hesitant as he looked at her. This was weird, but it was hot, goddamnit and he leaned forward to snort the coke. He threw his head back into his neck and sniffled a few times before looking back down, a wild hunger in his eyes.

The admiration on her felt good, the coke felt fucking good and Cleo stepped forward, one hand delicately holding his pocket open as she put the coke back, so damn slowly, so carefully and the touch was so entirely platonic right next to Rafes dick it turned him on even more, the way she pretended there was any other intention behind than turning him on, the way she innocently looked up as she stepped back and Rafe finally felt like he could breathe again, letting out a sigh.

She had been so close and now, she was so damn far away again. Rafe felt his head spinning. This girl had him wrapped around the blade of her knife.

„You really should've become a hooker", Rafe noticed. Cleo just chuckled and let her knife slip back into her belt, before she pulled the top she was wearing over her head. Rafe didn't hesitate to follow, unbottoning his black shirt and tossing it onto the floor.

Cleo stepped forward, and Rafe didn't feel like he could just grab her anymore, as much as he wished to just grab her, toss her onto the bed and fuck her until she was a whimpering mess but he didn't feel he could, or at least not without getting his throat cut.

He stood frozen and Cleo was satisfied, guided him back with a hand to his shoulder and pushed him down onto the awfully small bunk bed, determined but slow and soft, so he wouldn't hit his head. She climbed onto him as Rafe hit the wall behind him, cold against his naked back and he put his head in his neck to look up at Cleo hovering over him.

"I wanna apologize", Cleo murmured and Rafe wasn't even listening anymore. Apologize for what again? He forgot. He wanted her. "But we're gonna do this my way"

There was a strictness in Cleos voice that made the statement indiscussable and hell, Rafe didn't want to discuss, he was fine with her way, as long as it ended with him getting to release all that damn built up sexual tension boiling under his skin. Cleo was surprised at the lack of resistance Rafe had towards anything she did and she sensed there was something deep inside him, a undying urge to serve, to listen and be obedient, a trait he must've developed over all the years trying to please his father.

She leaned down to kiss Rafe, one hand in the back off his neck, grasping for his hair while the other one rested freely, within reach of her knife. It always did. That was a trait Cleo had developed, without a father though. Rafe couldn't seem to get enough, eagerly kissing back, pushing for more and he placed his hands on Cleos ass, cupping it over the fabric of her cargo pants.

Cleos trait came in handy by then, she pulled her knife and had it up against Rafes throat within the blink of an eye. "I don't like it when men touch me like that, man", Cleo said calmly and then Rafes trait came in handy and he immediately pulled back his hands, his face open in confusion. Cleo didn't want to explain things, she'd been a young girl working at ports and on ships where the men were the lowest scumbags of this damn society but Rafe didn't need to know all that. He just needed to know that Cleo didn't like being touched, although she did like touching a pretty boy once in a while.

"What do you want me to then, huh, cause I'm fucking horny right now, alright", Rafe muttered and the blade laid flat against his throat, pressing cold against his thumbing pulse. He didn't dare to move.

"What I want, is for you to stop complaining, man", Cleo said and she teasingly moved her hips on Rafes.

"Do you like blood?"

What a weird goddamn question to ask. Who the fuck liked blood? Rafe did. But it was still weird. Rafe loved blood, thought it was beautiful and he loved to see it flow and drip, from another guys nose, from an accidental cut on your ankle, around a body that had been shot. Blood was just reliable. It was always the same and it reminded Rafe that he was human, when he tasted iron on his tongue after taking a blow to his face.

"Y-yeah, yeah sure", he nodded and looked at Cleo in anticipation. She grinned, tracing her knife along Rafes neck down to his shoulder, back along his collarbone, so light it scratched but didn't leave a mark. It felt goddamn thrilling, the threatening danger of a sharp knife that didn't do what it was supposed to do, that stroked him ever so sensually instead of hurting.

Cleo could see Rafes heart beat under his chest and that's the spot she chose to set her knife, drawing it across his muscular chest with firm carefulness. Rafe gasped and let out a serious of short breaths. He got it now, he got why it was so damn hot. Cleo had been working him up, made him all sensitive and desperate for touch, had his body aching for another sensation and then she'd stopped. The pain of the cut, was more sensation he could bear now.

"Holy shit", he breathed, throwing his head back as he felt his blood drip from the cut, his blood rush into his middle and into his cheeks too. Cause wasn't it fucking embarrassing to pant like a boy who got touched the first time at the sensation of pain, at a sharp cut on his chest. He looked back down, could see the cut now. Really, it was harmless, just about two inches long and not particularly deep and he could see Cleos glowing face after she'd witnessed his reaction with satisfaction. She bend down, giving him a lascivious look and put her lips on the cut.

Rafe let out a breathless chuckle. Her soft wet lips on his skin had the same effect as the knife, it was like every nerve in his body just concentrated on that very spot and Cleo started sucking the cut clean. She steadied herself, one hand on Rafes hip, the other at his neck and licked over the wound to stop it bleeding, before she got up again, placing her lips at Rafes.

And he knew she'd told him to hold the fuck back but he was turned on now, he was so turned on it hurt, not just his hard cock pressing against the fabric of his jeans, but it hurt inside, like anger that needed unraveling, like an itch in his fist. He kissed her back hard and pulled back only for a moment, his hands placed on her naked back, one finger under the strap of her bikini.

"May I?", he breathed and Cleo smiled against his lips. "You're such a good boy", she mocked and Rafe blushed even more. That's not the way he was used to having sex but it felt so right. "Go ahead"

Like a child in Christmas Eve, finally being allowed to rip open its presents, Rafe untied the bikini top and flung it away. He bend forward, his hands on her waist, to place a kiss at Cleos collarbones, kiss down the middle of her chest and the soft skin of her breasts and she let him work, enjoying the sensation before grabbing a handful of hair at the back of his head und pulling him back to look up at her. When she had his attention, she smiled. "Get undressed"

"Oh thank fucking god", Rafe breathed as Cleo climbed off him to get out of her own pants and Rafe eagerly followed. He knelt up in the awfully small bed when Cleo pushed him back into the pillow with her hand at his chest, the right side and Rafe let it happen. "My way", she whispered and Rafe nodded.

"You gone ride me?", he asked and his cock twitched at the thought of it. Cleo didn't answer, she'd sat down next to Rafe and put her hand around his dick. And Rafe had been fucking right. Her thin fingers were as quick and skilled as they were with a knife.

Cleo enjoyed the moans she could get out of Rafe but she stopped anyways. "I don't know what kinda mansion you live in but the walls on this ship are thin as paper", she said and Rafe let out a sigh and nodded, pressing his lips together to trap his moans. But Cleo didn't continue anyways. She picked up her knife again.

"Woah, woah, woah, that seems kinda dangerous", Rafe panicked as Cleo rested her hand with the knife on his thigh, just inches away from his hard cock. "Are you scared?"

"N-n..YES, I'm fucking scared bitch", Rafe hissed and Cleo grinned. "You shouldn't be. Relax, man"

She bent down and kissed at his inner thigh, Rafe falling back into the pillow because what did it matter if he was scared? He was also horny and with the coke, the latter was much more dominant. His breaths got shorter as Cleo exchanged her lips for the knife, trailing it across his thigh, scraping ever so lightly, trailing it up his stomach and Rafe closed his eyes, tense in anticipation.

His chest was visibly rising and falling as Cleo let the tip of her knife run down again and when she reached the bottom of his shaft, he held his breath all together, afraid of moving just the slightest inch.

Cleo knew her knife as well as the tip of her finger, she knew how much pressure to apply, she knew not to hurt Rafe, as she let it run up the faint line that vertically split his dick in half. When she pressed down the flat blade again his sensitive tip, Rafe let out a sound that could only be described as a whimper, a cry of some sort, packed with lust and fear and he was so goddamn afraid the incredible tension would make his cock twitch from lust.

Cleo ran the knife down ever so slowly, and when she was back at his thigh, Rafe finally felt he could breathe again.

"Gawd..fuck", he groaned out of relief, remembering what Cleo said about the walls and resorted to anxious short breaths, his mouth open in a relieved smile. "Holy fucking shit I'm-", Rafe panted and held up his hand, shaking visibly and as Rafe was still calming down, Cleo seized the moment and pushed her blade into the sensitive skin at the inside of Rafes thigh.

Rafe suppressed a scream by biting down on his hand and his eyes widened at Cleo. Exhausted, he let himself fall back into the pillow still biting down hard on his hands as he could feel the blood running down his thigh so incredibly sensually.

"That's so fucking hot", he breathed as Cleo licked the blood off his thigh again. The amount of foreplay drove him crazy. As if he hadn't been hard enough just from the start. And he wanted to complain and tell her to fuck him already, well, not tell. With how things were it would've been begging but whatever, he would do that too but Cleo climbed up to his face anyways, holding the bloody knife out in front of his lips.

Rafes mouth twitched into a smirk as he opened it, trailing his tongue along the bloody blade as he looked up into Cleos eyes. This was it. He was officially fucking crazy, crazy for this girl to touch him, to tell him what to do, to fuck him.

She did all of the above, in that order.
Pulling out a condom and wrapping it over his cock with skilled fingers before she picked up her knife again and whispered: "Be quiet now, or we're gonna have a problem"

Rafe swallowed thickly and nodded and Cleo knelt up high over his hips, positioning herself over Rafes cock before pressing his tip into her wetness. His hand shot up to his mouth again and he bit down on his fist so hard it would leave a mark and squeezed his eyes shut as Cleo slowly lowered herself onto his dick. It didn't help. He groaned anyways. Rafe had never learned to contain himself, in any way.

And Cleo didn't react at first, was too busy herself to get accustomed to the big cock stretching her out and she tried getting her breath under control before she started moving, teasingly slow and Rafe immediately moaned again.

Cleo sighed, resting still and Rafe opened his eyes again.

"Let's do it this way", she said and Rafe nodded before knowing what she was about to say. It didn't matter what fucking way, his cock was pulsating against her wet pussy and his brain had stopped working. "You put your hands here", she ordered and guided Rafes hands to her hips. Rafe liked that. "And I put mine here", she continued and had one hand at his throat, the other one holding her knife against it just above. "And if you make one single noise, I'll cut you"

Rafes mouth twitched into a grin as he felt the knife against his throat. Sick fuck. He didn't know how serious she was and he wasn't up for testing it so he bit down on his lip hard as Cleo started moving on top of him again.

It was hard to stay quiet despite how turned on he was, but the knife against his throat was a good motivatior..and it turned him on even more. The danger of it all. The thrill.

Eventually, Cleo started picking up on pace, had gotten used to the sheer size of Rafe inside of her and started bouncing on his cock, trying her hardest herself to keep quiet and Rafe helped her, guiding her hips up and down, careful to follow her movements instead of deciding on his own, like he was used to.

To be out of control, was something Rafe had been afraid of for a long time but now, it was relieving. It was hot, how his pleasure depended enterily on Cleos mercy.

He tried so hard to contain the moans, in the end, much more pathetic sounds left his mouth. Between biting his lips so hard he could taste even more blood and grinding his teeth down on each other, when the pleasure became unbearable, he whimpered and whined deeply from the bottom of his throat and got Cleo throbbing, and she enjoyed seeing him blush in embarrassment just after.

It were those desperate whimpers trembling off Rafes lips, it was his tense throat agaist her knife, it was the blood in the corner of his mouth, it was his hard cock thumping that send Cleo over the edge and had her come on top of him.

She kept riding him as the orgasm washed over her body, having her tremble on her knees, her eyelids fluttering and as she was shook by the orgasm, the knife pushed deeper against Rafes throat, not cutting the skin just yet. When she noticed, she bend down, carefully kissing at the spots where her knife had pressed into Rafes throat, licking over them apologetically.

"No", Rafe panted. "No, it's doesn't hurt, alright. Keep riding, I'm fucking close"

"Don't tell me what to do", Cleo said but she did sit up again, and began circling her hips painfully slow, watching Rafes reaction intently, watch his cheeks flush red again, his breath get shorter. "Faster, come on", he groaned and Cleo placed her blade at his lips like a finger. "Shh"

Cleo didn't listen to Rafe. She kept working him up teasingly slow, because she wanted to be in control, wanted a steady hand when she felt Rafe getting closer and closer to climax.

He kept getting needy and needier, pushing his hips up to go deeper and when Cleo felt he was close enough, she carefully slit the tanned skin at his chest again, Rafes eyes rolling into the back of his head at the sudden sensation.

It was too much, simply to much, to have the sudden sharp pain after all that slow controlled riding and the cut had been like cue to Rafe.

Cleo pressed her hand onto Rafes mouth just in time to keep him from moaning, as he came, bucking his hips up and pushing deep inside her once more. And she leaned down, to replace her hand with her lips and kissed Rafes breath away.

They made out for a while, Rafes cock getting soft and almost fucking hard again inside of Cleo, coming down from their orgasms and all the tension they'd felt, before Cleo pushed herself up again, her hands next to Rafes head.

„That was amazing, man", she whispered and shit, Rafe couldn't have put it any better. He just nodded, at a loss of words.

„Let's do it again", Cleo continued. „Sometime"

Rafe thought about it. He'd let this girl cut his entire damn body open to fuck her again. And maybe, maybe if he had her, he'd get through this awful trip without the coke.

„Yeah, yeah alright", he breathed and Cleo climbed off him, sitting at the bed and picking up the knife again to play with it in her hands, spinning it between her fingers.

She let it slip with a flick and it landed in the wooden wall above Rafes head, slinging from the force. Rafe glanced up in shock.

"Don't tell your daddy I'm on the ship then", Cleo said and Rafes eyes shot from the knife to her. He had forgot about the whole thing with the gold and shit.

"Ah shit..I have t-", he started but Cleos hand shot up at his throat and she bend down close to his ear. "Don't tell your father"

Rafe nodded slowly. "Alright, I won't"

I originally posted this anonymously on ao3 because I was kind of ashamed and also afraid people would judge me for shipping Cleo and Rafe but yk, I ship him with everyone which is kind if the point of this collection. One thing about me is I like Rafe desperate and needy (although dominant Rafe smut is in the works) and Cleo is the perfect girl to make him... I think there is sooo much more potential in exploring the two if them, like that's the kind of enemies to lovers im looking for.

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