Dark Times For The Bennett Wi...

By WannaB_Bennett

472 24 6

New Begin For The Bennett Witch sequel. ( On Hold ) If you read the book above, you'll know that Bonnie and K... More


Episode 01

184 11 4
By WannaB_Bennett

Previously on New Begin For The Bennett Witch

"Good morning, Miss Bennett," he greeted, while admiring how she walked as if every being in the universe was beneath her. In honest truth, they were.

Bonnie chose to ignore him while walking down the stairs and turning to make a run for it.

"Don't worry, you are more than welcomed to ignore me all you want after you've explained yourself," he said, making the witch stop on her track, turning to meet his beautiful ocean blue gaze.

"Explain what?" she asked.

"How you found Charles," he stated, making her roll her eyes.

"Volunteer committee," she answered causing Klaus to chuckle. "Will that be all?"

"No, just a recommendation, choose your next lover wisely," he teased.

"Bite me," she muttered, aiming to leave.

"Anytime, love. Just let me know when," Klaus said, provoking her and of course it work since she turned around again.

"Screw you!" she snapped.

"Now or later," he snapped back with a smirk.


The Beginning Of The Previous Timeline

"Klaus, never a pleasure," she said as she walked out the exit. "Hope to never see your face again."

"I'm pretty sure she also won't mind." With that she was taken aback, but marched on to the exit.

It had been about a few hours since the witch left, but it was still early in the morning since she ran away very early. They finally made it downstairs for breakfast in the kitchen. Kol and Davina were assisted by Freya on the stove, making sure that everything tasted A okay.

Hope passed her father who was on the couch in the foyer without so much as a morning greeting or any sign of acknowledgement. She appeared to be on a mission when she matched to the kitchen like a soldier given an order, but with a smile on her face. He soft amber hair bouncing on her shoulders with her dark summer dark green dress flying in the air.

She requested to her aunts if they could have breakfast in the foyer since it was a beautiful day. They obviously agreed since they hardly dined together, especially while dealing with the Hollow and other dilemmas that came along. They all knew that it was a matter of time before something goes wrong again.

Klaus watched everyone carrying white bowls, Elijah with two large jars of orange juice and placed them on the coffee table while Marcel and Rebekah got plates, cutlery and napkins.

"I'll get Bonnie," Hope said cheerfully after everything was ready.

Klaus stopped her just after she turned to the stairs, missing the excitement radiating through her. "She's gone."

Just as the child was going to respond, Marcel bet her up to it. "It's nine in the morning, where could she possibly go at this hour in a city she hardly knows?"

"She went back to Grand Isle," Rebekah stated while filling her plate from the couch next to Klaus. "And I'm guessing that the witch left him on the very spot we found him on."

"She's gone?" Though her voice was soft, Klaus was confused by the sorrow on her face.

"Yes, my littlest wolf," he said as he tapped a place on his other side for her to join. "She is. She has a life remember." Everyone else just made themselves comfortable while digging in except for Elijah who just up and left without saying a word.

"You mean had!" She snapped before her father raised an eyebrow and others watched a rare father-daughter moment. "She had Charles who was using her. They were getting married and now, she's returning to an empty home while explaining the disappearance of her fiancée to her human neighbors. Did you even thank her for helping us, helping you?"

In his many centuries, Klaus always knew that he was a piece of shit and to say that he did not mind was an understatement. Now, now he has a daughter. He knows what he would do to anyone who did not show any appreciation towards his daughter.

"Did you, Daddy," Marcel teased biting his bacon after placing himself on an arm chair next to Rebekah, "did you thank Ms Bennett for saving your life?"

Rebekah interjected as Klaus attempted to breath a word out. "When did he," she muttered while chewing her toast. "Old habits die hard."

"Hope," Freya asked, "are you not going to eat something?"

She shook her head as she stood up. "I'm going for a walk."

As as he frowned while glaring at his daughter storm out but decided to not say anything since she nodded her space, he found that they were all staring at him. "Go on right ahead, I can take it."

"No can do," Kol spoken for the first time. "Not with the dangers of being boxed on the way."

"That does not sound like a horrible idea since you've all done everything you could to spoil Hope's mood."

"Don't you mean Rebekah and Marcel," Davina jumped in, avoiding Marcel's stare. "We've been minding our own plates ever since we've sat here. You on the other hand, just projecting your feelings toward the rest of us like Rebekah had always said."

Damn, Marcel thought.

The brunette was saying all that while poking her eggs with a fork while forgetting who she was speaking to. Davina would have died a very quick death if she wasn't Kol's significant other, also if Hope did not know her.

Well, the Mikealson witch was just thinking that while analyzing the look on the hybrid's face, then turned to Kol who was smirking all the way, proud of his girlfriend.

"Nik," Rebekah asked, "you do remember where Hope ended after her last exploration."

"She might find another blast from the past that will end up ruining what's left of your social manners," Freya stated while scratching her hair and gazing down on her plate.

"And that's coming from her!" Davina exclaimed. "Which should mean something."


Outside The French Quarter

The girl had been walking for hours, furious with her father's sufficient manners. Something he was forcing her to get used to like the rest of their family.

She was not, so much so that she didn't pay attention to were she was going. Startled by a car that almost hit her since she was walking in the middle of the road, not know how it came to be.

More startled by the voice that came out of nowhere. "You should really look where you are going, child." She turned to her right to find an old lady standing on a mid size porch, a cave house. The whole place was filled with cave houses. She was in the bayou.


Grand Isle

He arrived and just banged the door like a beast he truly was. Not surprised at all when he could not hear voices, or any other sounds coming from inside the house. He had been at it for the longest time, questioning himself whether his daughter will forgive him for snapping the Bennett witch's neck for keeping her away for so long. By long, he meant a till after sunset.

Just as he was about bang one more time, he heard the sound of an electric door. A black Ford mustang appeared in the driveway from the street, pulling up in the garage without giving the intruder on her front porch a sideway glance.

Taking her time to get out of the car, grab her purse before walking out the garage to find the intruder waiting impatiently by driveway. The nerve, she thought.

"Where is she?" His voice left no room for a debate nor discussion, causing her to roll her eyes.

She felt him before she started driving away from work, finding spells that will assist with everyone's memory of Charles. Something she hoped wasn't the reason he was there since it was already annoying for her.

She cared for him, she truly did, but at the end of the day, it appeared that they were both using each other.

"So, you came all this way to play guessing games with me? Okay," she nodded, "I'll go next. Who's ass will I be setting on fire before I start melting his knee joints, if he doesn't get off my property."

He chuckled as he took two steps closer. "Will that be before or after I use your head as a yoyo?"

"Neither," she said while passing him,  heading to the front porch and avoiding his attention seeking tactics.

"Tell her to come down now," Klaus said whilst turning to her, "we are going back home right at this moment." The witch did not say anything, just unlocked the door before slamming the it after walking in. He heard the click of her stilettos stop as she started walking around barefoot before playing a slow jam he did not recognize with enough volume to not frustrate the neighbors.

Just as he was about to probably kick her door open, his phone rang. Relief filled his lungs as he answered. "Where are you," he hissedhave you been?"

"Hey, dad. How have you been?"

He hissed.

"I got lost taking a walk. No biggie."

"No biggie?" His tone calm as ever. "No biggie!" He yelled so loud that neighbors started to steal glances from their windows while having their dinner.

"Yes," Hope said cheerfully, although she was terrified. "I'm in bed now. Where are you?"

"Grand Isle, looking for you!" She rolled her eyes. "Which was were you adventured when no one was looking."

"You making it sound like I was touring the place. I when to seek out the notorious Bonnie Bennett to come help our needy and helpless family."

The hybrid slowly removed the phone from his ear to exam it. In his lifetime, no man nor species had referred to his family as needy and helpless. Even when they were just vikings. "What did you just say?" He asked after placing the phone back.

"No offense dad, but if it wasn't for her you'll be dead already. Did you thank her since you already there?"

Lie or not to lie. If his senses were not deceiving him, he can tell that his daughter had taken a liking in the Bennett witch and hated it, or he will hate it if it turns out to be true. "Not yet," he said, trying to do both while soothing his black chinos.

"Oh, okay. What did you get her, flowers, chocolate, a pot of gold?"

Fuck, he thought. It was unfortunate that it was his daughter on the line or he would made sure it echoed through the next town. "Uhm, well..."

"Dad!" Hope exclaimed. "Who raised you?" Oh no she didn't, he thought. "Just take he out to dinner."

"Sweetheart, she just came back home from work. Maybe next time when she does not feel fatigue."

She knew exactly what he was doing and wasn't going to let up.

"Macdonald's is twenty four hours at different locations as she gather her thoughts together and rest a bit," the Original hybrid rolled his eyes as he sighed. "That will do while you think of an appropriate gift, gifted by my father, Niklaus Mikaelson." With that, she hung up on him.

He left to give the witch a minute like his daughter said. If she refused to have dinner with him, Hope will definitely blame him. So instead of banging the door like a psycho again, he decided to knock.

Slowly opening the door and wasn't surprised at all that it was him. She has changed into a short silk summer dress with long sleeves.

"Finally knocking like a civilised man, I'm shocked to the core." Her face revealed her sarcastic nature in a stunt mockery.

"I will like to thank you for aiding my family in times of need." She blinked a couple of times checking for any sign of humor, but there was none. "I was advised that dinner will do for now as a show no appreciation."

He was serious. She had no idea how she fell on the floor and clenched her stomach, dying from one of the best laughter in her life. The hybrid just stood there annoyed as ever.


The Bayou

"Call me Grams, that's what your mother refers to me," the old woman said.

"But my mom is dead." Hope knitted her eyebrows as she watched the young woman pour all three mint tea.

"I'm not talking about the one who birthed you, but the one your father will only mate with after his 1000 years of existence." She nodded to her ancestor as she sipped her tea, then returning her attention to Hope. "She will be you new mother, but not replacing your blood. You will both love each other just the same."

"O...kay," Hope muttered after taking her tea.

"You need to be aware of the love they will share for each other and what it will bring," the third party said, "no matter what, destiny will have to run its course."

"So, you will be manipulating their feelings? I thought that magic does not fabricate love," Grams asked.

"It does not. It only dwells were even a glimpse of it has been nourished, and feeds from it's desires," the third party identified a while back as Qetsiyah said.


Grand Isle

"Damon killed Ben and Luca. But for Luca, it was a different story since did not explore the dilemma of our attraction since he was looking for his missing sister." She took a bite from her fries. "You do remember her don't you," her voice leading, causing the hybrid not help but grin at her tactic, "I believe her name was Greta Martin." The grin fell off as hers was born.

They had been at it after taking their seats with their meals, decided to drive separately since Bonnie did not want to see him again after all this, which was what she referred to their dinner.

They started debating about how the other was at fault for the other's losses and failures.

"No," he lied, "not really. It was a long time ago." He went in to take a huge bite of his Bic Mac burger and Bonnie watched as he licked the sause from his upper lip. "What," he said as found her staring, "I stand by my word."

The witch quickly snapped out of it. "Right. What did you stand on when you killed Charles, and did also apologize to Marcel for killing his last descendant?"

"He did not care about him," he spat after tossing the half eaten burger on the tray.

"Right, like how Mikeal did not care about you?" He stiffened, keeping face his neutral. "Like how you've apologized to your siblings for killing your mother?"

"They understood why I've done it, what she had taken from me," his voice slow and steady, "besides, I had no control the first time."

"That may be so, but did you ever consider what they felt for their mother. They lost their mother, you've taken her away from them, you've taken their parents away from them. Even as Mikael was coming for you, you have killed their father. Did you ever apologize?"

This was the many times he was happy that had a dead heart. He did not want to answer the noisy witch, but at the same time, wanted to since she was so good at making him feel things. In this lifetime, or should one say some timelines, he had no idea that this was what she did for a living. Hope forgot to disclose the memo.

"They understood since I was protecting us."

"Mikael wasn't after them, but you for killing his wife."

"They understood, that is why they stood by my side," his voice steady, but she could sense the temper creeping in.

"And ended up in coffins if their loyalties were ever questioned."

He shoot up from the booth and dusted crumbs from his clothes. "Hope told me to thank you with dinner, certainly not a third degree." As he about to walk away towards the door, which was behind the witch, she grabbed his hand as tightly as she could.

"When you're ready to apologize for killing my fiancée in front of me, regards of what he had done, I promise to forgive you." One could tell he did not know what to make of this predicament as his face clenched. "And when you ready to apologize for kidnapping and threatening me almost two decades ago, I promise to forgive you."

He unconsciously closed his eyes as he softly rubbed her palm with his thumb for a while before letting go, not even certain if he heard a gasp escape her lips.

Just as he opened the door, he heard her whisper in her seat. "Just so you know, I knew you were not going to kill me that day," she whispered as the glared at her soda as he stood by the exit still holding the doorknob, "The reason is unknown. Maybe it was due to Caroline or something else, but the fear you instilled in me, failed to convince me otherwise."

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