Angel Eyes

By Alchemygirl8

6.9K 200 57

Keith and Lance were soulmates. They could tell. But one day, Lance up and breaks up with Keith to take over... More

Breaking Up Is Never Easy
Mystery Solved
I'm Keeping It
New Job and A Friend?
Can You Keep A Promise?
Another One Gone
Our Last Summer
The Twins
The Concert
The Twins Choice
A Dilemma
It's You
A Date
Too Good To Be True
A Promsie
The Planning Begins
The Bachelor Party
With This Ring
When All Is Said And Done

Blast From The Past

308 8 11
By Alchemygirl8

It had been a few days since Keith had returned back to Millcreek with the girls. He'd never been so happy to be home, after his run in with Lance at the park, he wanted to get the hell out of Cranston. Krolia and Kolivan had stayed down at Shiro and Adam's place to spend a few more days with them, they tried convincing Keith to stay a few more days but Keith refused. They didn't push it more, especially after Shiro and Adam told them what had happened at the park.

"Daddy?" Keith was pulled from his thoughts when Marina called his name. Currently, the girls were in the bathroom brushing their teeth before bed, Keith leaning against the doorway making sure they were actually brushing their teeth, he didn't want them to get cavities after all.

"What is it pumpkin? Did you finish brushing your teeth?" Keith asked kneeling down in front of Marina.

"What are we doing for our birthday?" Marina asked, handing Keith the brush and turned around so he could brush her hair.

"Well, what did you girls wanna do for your birthday this year?" Keith asked, turning to face Camilla as she placed her toothbrush back in its place and stepped off the step stool.

"I want a bouncy castle!" Marina cheered with a smile.

"Bouncy castles are fun," Keith agreed with a nod as he tied Marina's hair in a ponytail with a band around his wrist. "What about you Cami? What were you thinking?"

"Can we have a princess? I heard a girl at the park say she said Snow White at her party," Camilla asked.

"A princess huh? And would you want Snow White to?" Keith asked as he handed the brush back to Marina and stood up.

"No way!" Camilla exclaimed with a shake of her head. "Snow White is boring! And her voice is annoying."

"Don't let uncle Shiro hear you say that," Keith said with a chuckle as he led the girls out of the bathroom and down the hall to Camilla's bedroom. "She's his favourite."

Keith remembered the one time his mother took him and Shiro to Disney Land for Shiro's birthday. He wouldn't stop staring at Snow White and acted so shy around her whenever she talked to him. Yet, it took forever to pull him away from her when their time was up.

"Okay, if you don't want Snow White, then who do you want?" Keith asked as Camilla climbed into her bed, Marina snuggling in beside her. Though, he had a feeling who, the recent princess they've both been obsessed with was-

"Aurora!" the twins exclaimed at the same time. Keith rolled his eyes with a chuckle, yep, just as he thought.

"I thought that's what you both would say," Keith said with a smile.

"So can we?" they asked.

"I'll think about it, you're birthday isn't for another week," Keith said as he pulled out the book the twins wanted him to read tonight. "Now. Once upon a time..."


Ten minutes later, Keith finished the story and set it down on the bedside table.

"Alright, time for bed you two," Keith said as he stood up from the bed and put the book back on the bookshelf. The twins shared a groan before they burst out laughing. "Come on Marina," Keith said turning back to the twins, holding his hand out for Marina to take. "Say goodnight to Cami."

"Goodnight Cami," Marina said with a yawn, rubbing her eyes, her bunny in her other hand.

"Goodnight Rina," Camilla called back with a yawn.

"I'll be back in a minute," Keith said as Marina took his hand and followed him out of Camilla's room and to her own bedroom. Marina climbed into her bed and Keith tucked her in, kissing her forehead before shutting her lamp off beside her bed. "Goodnight Rina."

"Goodnight daddy," Marina said with another yawn before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Keith spared her one last look before he headed back to Camilla's bedroom.


"You loved him, didn't you?" Rachel asked as she walked into Lance's bedroom. Lance jumped and turned from where he was working at his desk.

"Who?" Lance asked as Rachel closed the bedroom door behind her.

"Do I look stupid? I saw the way you were staring at him at the charity concert," Rachel said with a roll of her eyes. "Let me guess, you broke up after you agreed to marry Nyma and he left town and you realize you still love him. How right am I?"

"Spot on," Lance said with a sigh. "Except you didn't mention that he was pregnant when we broke up and he had twins, twin girls."

"Holy shit you're a father," Rachel said with wide eyes. "Wait, you broke up while he was pregnant!? Lance! That's a dick move!"

"Hey! I didn't know he was pregnant at the time," Lance protested with a glare. "Then again, I don't even think he knew himself. Probably found out after he already left town."

"How long have you known?" Rachel asked in a hushed tone, sitting down on Lance's bed.

"Known what?" Lance asked.

"That you liked guys," Rachel said with a sigh.

"Since college I guess, I found out a little bit after Veronica..."

"After she got kicked out," Rachel finished with a frown. She remembered that day, crystal clear, like it happened yesterday. She missed her older sister dearly. "Is that why you hid it for so long? You and Keith? And your sexuality?"

"Yeah," Lance said with a nod. "I was scared and let their expectations scare me into doing what they wanted. And as a result, I hurt Keith."

"Do you still love him?"

"Of course I do," Lance said with a soft nod. "I don't think I ever stopped, probably never will."

"Then why are you letting him go?" Rachel asked.

"He doesn't want to talk to me," Lance said with a shake of his head. "I tried and he told me to stay away from him and the girls."

"Then keep trying," Rachel said with a soft smile. "You told me never to give up on something I truly wanted, so don't give up on hope."

"God you sound like mom," Lance said with a chuckle. "Stop growing up."

"Very funny," Rachel said with a smile. "By the way, Millcreek."

"What?" Lance asked in confusion.

"Where his mother lives," Rachel said pulling out a file. "If he went anywhere, I'd bet everything on Millcreek."

"How did you-"

"Veronica, her girlfriend works in the police force and offered to help," Rachel said with a smile. "And before you ask, Veronica reached out to me last week and wanted to catch up. She asked about you as well. I gave her your new number."

"She's always there when we need her to be," Lance said with a smile. "Even when she's been away for so long."

"So are you going to Millcreek or what?" Rachel asked, placing the file down on Lance's bed. "I'd be thinking of an excuse to go and tell mom and dad why you'll be gone for a while."

"I'm going, geez," Lance said with a roll of his eyes and getting up from his bed and heading to his door.

"Lance!" Rachel called out, Lance turned back to his sister. "By the way, I'm bisexual."

"Hi bisexual," Lance said with a smile. "I'm gay."

"Oh my god!" Rachel called out with a laugh, she grabbed one of the pillows from Lance's bed and tossed it towards him. "Just cause you're a dad doesn't mean you can make dad jokes!"

"Love you to Rach!" Lance called out as he dodged the pillow and headed downstairs.


"And you're going to Millcreek because...?" Lance's father Michael trailed off staring at Lance as he waited for an answer.

"Hunk is going down to visit, an old friend, and wanted to know if I wanted to come with him, Shay, and the triplets," Lance explained to his parents. "We haven't done a road trip since college and..."

"You're going to just leave? Lance we-"

"Oh come now Michael," Rosa said with a sigh. "I'm sure Lance can take some time off, this wedding planning is hard on everyone, we can take a little break while everyone recuperates and recharges," Rosa said giving Lance a smile.

There were a few moments of silence before Michael spoke up. "Alright fine," he said with a sigh. "I suppose a little break is alright, how long will you be gone and when do you leave?"

"A week, maybe two at the most," Lance answered with a shrug of his shoulders. "Hunk said we'll probably leave in two days."

"Very well," Michael said with a soft nod. "Be sure to tell Hunk and Shay we said "hi" for us."

"Will do," Lance said with a sigh.

"Let me bake you some cookies before you go," Rosa said with a smile. "I'm sure Hunk has missed my cookies, I'll make some tonight."

"Yeah," Lance said with a nod, "I'm sure Hunk would like that mama."


"I'm not sure about this plan of yours Lance," Hunk said with a sigh. "If Keith told you to stay away, you probably should."

"I know," Lance said with a soft nod. "But my heart is telling me to go to Millcreek and try."


"Come on Hunk, buddy, my man," Lance whined with a pout. "This is the last time I drag you into keeping a secret for me."

"I've heard that one before," Hunk said with a roll of his eyes. "Fine, I'll help you."

"You're the best!" Lance cheered and hugged his best friend. "I owe you one."

"But if this fails and Keith finds out I helped you, then I'm haunting you for the rest of your life," Hunk threatened with a playful glare.

"Hunk, we both know that's not true," Lance said with a shake of his head, a smile on his face. "We both know that you hate ghosts and would be scared of yourself."

"Okay yeah, you have a point there," Hunk said with a shiver. "Then we'll have to figure something else out."

"Have fun trying to figure out what my punishment will be," Lance said with a playful chuckle. "I know you'll think of something creative."


"What do you mean Lance left for two weeks?" Cassandra asked as Nyma told her the news.

"He needed a break Cass," Nyma said with a sigh. "We all do, me, mom, Rosa, Lance. We all need a break for a little bit."

"I guess," Cassandra said with a pout. "Did he say where he was going at least?"

"He said he was going with Hunk, Shay, and the triplets down to Millcreek," Nyma said as she pulled the ponytail out of her hair and tossed it on her vanity. "Said Hunk was going to visit an old friend, that's all."

"As long as he doesn't postpone the wedding again, I'm fine with it," Cassandra said with a sigh.

"If that's all you came to say then can you get out of my room?" Nyma asked turning to Cassandra with a stern look. "I'd like to enjoy some peace and quiet."

"Fine," Cassandra said with a roll of her eyes. Cassandra then turned and walked out of Nyma's bedroom, closing the door behind her.

"Cass!" Cassandra turned to find her boyfriend of eight years, Dominic, walking up to her. In his hands was a beige folder. They shared a quick kiss before Dominic's face turned serious. "I have what you need."

"Follow me," Cassandra said grabbing Dominic's hand and pulling him down the hall to the guest bedroom. "Well?"

"There was a Keith Kogane who lived in Cranston four years ago and he matches the photo you sent me, except that his hair is a little longer now."


"He used to live in Millcreek and moved to Cranston eight years ago with his brother to go to college and eventually permanently moved here. Until four years ago when he up and disappeared but get this, he works at a bar now and performs at it to."

"Four years ago is when Lance agreed to finally marry Nyma," Cassandra said as she tried putting puzzle pieces together in her head. "Wait, did you say he used to live in Millcreek?"

"Yeah, lived there with his mother," Dominic said with a nod. "She still lives there. Why?"

"Nyma just told me Lance was going on a road trip with Hunk and his family," Cassandra said, a smile slowly forming on her face. "Hey Dominic, wanna take a trip down to Millcreek? We have some investigating to do."


"I can't believe I missed four years of my kids' lives," Lance said with a sigh. Currently, he was sitting in Hunk's van. Hunk was driving, Shay was in the passenger seat, one triplet was sitting beside Lance, and the other two were sitting in the back. "All because I chose to make my parents happy instead of seeing how happy I was with Keith."

"It wasn't your fault," Hunk said with a shake of his head. "I'd mostly say it's your dad, always wanting you to live up to your expectations. Keith knows that."

"Does he?" Shay asked, turning to stare at Hunk with a judgemental stare. "Does he really?" She sent a glare to Lance through the mirror, she hated being in the car with Lance after what he did. However, she bit her tongue because he and Hunk were best friends.

"Okay, maybe he doesn't," Hunk said with a sigh. "But maybe he will, you just have to be honest with him and tell him the truth."

"How? He refused to talk to me at the park and he probably wouldn't even let me near him," Lance said with a shake of his head.

"I'm gonna die for saying this, "Hunk said with a sigh. "Use something he cares about."

"Hunk," Shay said turning to her husband with a glare. "You're not saying-"

"How else is he gonna get close enough to Keith to talk to him?" Hunk asked staring his wife down.

"You want me to try and use the twins," Lance said with a sigh as he figured out Hunk's plan.

"Not "use" per se, more like talk to them and get them to talk to Keith," Hunk said with a shake of his head. "If there's anyone Keith will listen to these days, it's those two."

"You really think that will work?" Lance asked.

"No guarantee but it's worth a try."

"I'll try anything at this point."


"Keith!" Natasha called out with a smile as she walked up to the bar. "You're up love."

"Right, give me one sec," Keith said with a nod as he finished making his customer's drinks and then untied his apron and headed upstage, nodding to Ryan who was on D. J. today filling in for their usual.

"And up next we have our house favourite, Keith!"

The crowd cheered and Keith started singing once the music started.

"We're all creatures of habit

We spill all our tragic thoughts in their little black boxes

Turn our love switches off

In the morning when freedom is calling

And all they can hear are the sounds of the haves and have-nots"

Keith heard the sound of the bar doors opening but focused on his song as new patrons walked in.

"They'll break you ten ways to Sunday

And eleven to Monday, my dear

They'll break you ten ways to Sunday

And eleven to Monday, my dear"

Usually his songs would just be sung with a backing track that he made but tonight Nat's cousin was in town and volunteered his band to play in house. Hence, why the bar was a little busier than usual.

"Don't give 'em your hearts, give 'em your bullets

They'll hurt less when they throw them back at you

Hope less romantics

Come on, hope a little less romantics"

Keith could see the crowd was enjoying having the band in tonight. He had to admit, it was fun having a live band. The last time he sang with a live band was probably at Hunk and Shay's wedding.

"He never smiles when he's laughing

But gah there's a passion

You feel when he's gasping

We sleep with the monsters we make

In the evening, when curses have meanings

And every demon's just some other angel's mistake"

One person in the crowd caught his eye and his eyes widened. It was someone he never expected to see again.

And no, it was not Lance.

It was James.

"They'll break you ten ways to Sunday

And eleven to Monday, my dear

They'll break you ten ways to Sunday

And eleven to Monday, my dear"

Their eyes locked and Keith could see the gaze James was giving him. He had a bad feeling about this. He turned to Nadia who had just picked up empty glasses a few tables away from James and motioned towards him.

Nadia, luckily, got the hint and nodded. She headed off to drop off the glasses and to get Nat.

She hated James as much as Keith did. Nadia, Ryan, and Ina used to be good friends with one another. However, when they learned what happened between Keith and James and what James said to Keith.

"Don't give 'em your hearts, give 'em your bullets

They'll hurt less when they throw them back at you

Hope less romantics

Come on, hope a little less romantics"

Well, let's just say that they didn't take it well and they were no longer on speaking terms with James.

"Don't give 'em your hearts, give 'em your bullets

They'll hurt less when they throw them back at you

Hope less romantics

Come on, hope a little less romantics"

Keith's gaze turned to the door and his eyes widened seeing who walked in.

'What the fuck?' he thought as his heart started racing. 'Two exes in one night, are you joking me?'

"So bleed those wrists, and purse those lips

It's never getting any better than this (I'm afraid)

All endings are tragic, it's not that dramatic

They're so cause you wrote them that way"

Yep, you heard right.

The person who just walked in was none other than Lance.

"They'll break you ten ways to Sunday

And eleven to Monday, my dear

They'll break you ten ways to Sunday

And eleven to Monday, my dear"

Lance turned to the stage hearing a familiar voice singing and felt his heart race seeing Keith on the stage singing. He headed to the bar and tried to disappear into the crowd before Keith could see him.

"Don't give 'em your hearts, give 'em your bullets

You'll never feel the trigger if it's you that pulls it"

As Lance listened to the lyrics of the song, he knew immediately who the song was about.

"Hope less romantics

Come on, hope a little less romantics

Don't give 'em your hearts, give 'em your bullets

They'll hurt less when they throw them back at you

No surgeon will patch you

But at least love, you'll still have your heart

At least you'll still have your heart"

As the song ended, Keith could see James stand up from his table and disappear into the crowd. If Keith could have, he would have let out a sigh of relief. However, he didn't know if James was gone or still in the bar so he wasn't in the clear yet.

It had ended horribly when they broke up and Keith didn't feel like running into a shitty ex. Not while both of his exes were here.

"Hope a little less romantics

Come on, hope a little less romantics

Hope a little less romantics"

The song ended and the crowd cheered. Keith gave a small bow and then swiftly exited the stage. His only thought was to go take his break and get some air out back. He was almost to the hall to the back of the bar but a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Keith yelped as he was pulled into a chest and his eyes moved up and his breath hitched seeing it was James who had grabbed his arm and who still had a grip on it.

"James," Keith said with a shudder. He could smell the alcohol reeking off of James.

"Keith, I wanted to talk to you," James said.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you," Keith said with a shake of his head. "So you're shit out of luck."

"I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for what I said to you when we broke up," James said with a frown. "You were right, you were still trying to move on from your ex and I should have been more patient with you."

"We're not having this conversation," Keith said with a glare, trying to pull his arm away. "Now let me go, you've been drinking and aren't been thinking straight."

"I am," James said with a nod. "And I want you back, I've been miserable without you."

"That's not my problem," Keith said searching Nat out and waving to her frantically. "Now let go of me."

"Why? So you can go and find some other guy to whore around with? Not a chance," James said with a glare. Keith could feel a bruise forming on his arm as he tried to pull away but James's grip held firm. He could see Nat walking towards them with a bodyguard.

However, before they could stop James. Someone else did.

Keith watched as Lance walked up and punched James, right in the cheek. James let go of Keith and fell to the ground, a hand to his cheek as he lay on the ground dazed.

"He said to let go, next time listen to someone," Lance said with a glare.

Nat walked up and the guard grabbed onto James and lifted him back on his feet.

"James, honey, I love you but you need to leave," Nat said with a glare. James looked back to Lance who was standing protectively in front of a shaken up Keith who was holding his arm.

"Fine," he said with a glare to Lance before shoving the guard's hand off of him and headed to the exit, the guard following.

"Are you okay Keith?" Nat asked turning her attention to Keith.

"I'm fine, I just..." Keith trailed off with a sigh. "Need a few minutes."

"Of course, take as long as you need. If you want to go home, go ahead," Nat said with a nod, she turned to Lance and studied him up and down. Keith watched as realization flooded her eyes and she turned to Keith once more. Keith nodded softly and Nat nodded back. "Since this is your first time here, I'll leave you with a warning."

"Consider me warned," Lance said with a nod. Nat gave another nod before she reluctantly left after someone called her name. Lance turned back to Keith but found the space beside him was empty where Keith used to be. He turned around and saw Keith heading outside where the staff parking was.

He debated his options before deciding to follow after Keith. He found Keith dressed in his black jacket and leaning against the brick wall, staring up at the starry sky. Beside him was his bag, Lance knew Keith would be heading home so this was his only chance.

"Hey," Lance said softly, he walked a few feet until he was a few feet away. Keith spared a glance at him before his gaze lowered to the ground.

"Hey, um..." Keith said softly. "I-thank you, for helping me."

"Of course," Lance said with a nod. "Who was he exactly? I heard a little of what he was saying but not all of it."

"Why do you care?" Keith asked turning back to Lance, seeing as Lance didn't respond Keith let out a sigh. "He was my ex, we dated when I was about five months pregnant, we broke up when I was nineteen weeks pregnant, it ended horribly."

"And he drunkenly decided to confess his feelings again in the hopes you would take him back?" Lance said with a huff. "Not the smartest plan."

"No, not really," Keith said with a breathy chuckle. "Not after he's the one who broke it off in the first place. Guess that always happens to me when I date someone, it's always them who breaks it off in the end."

Lance winced but he guessed he deserved it. First he broke it off with Keith, then James broke it off with Keith.

"I'm sorry about how it ended between us," Lance said with a sigh. "I wanted it to be different, I didn't want for you to find out how you did."

"If you have something to say then say it," Keith said turning to Lance with a soft glare.

"I want us to try again," Lance said. "Not just for us but for the twins as well."

"Don't bring them into this," Keith said with a shake of his head. "And aren't you getting married? Our time is over Lance, get over it."

"But have you?" Lance asked which made Keith freeze.

(Note: Word = Lance, Word = Keith, and Word = Both)

"Where are those happy days?

They seem so hard to find

I try to reach for you

But you have closed your mind

Whatever happened to our love?

I wish I understood

It used to be so nice

It used to be so good"

Keith shook his head and grabbed his bag. Curse his luck that his car was parked at the entrance of the parking lot. As he walked to his car, he could hear Lance behind him continue to sing.

"So when you're near me

Darling can't you hear me?


The love you gave me

Nothing else can save me


When you're gone

How can I even try to go on?

When you're gone

Though I try, how can I carry on?"

Keith tried to block out what his heart was saying. Maybe Lance was right? Had he completely moved on from the good times from their relationship? Or did he still-

"You seem so far away

Though you are standing near

You made me feel alive

But something died I fear

I really tried to make it out

I wish I understood

What happened to our love

It used to be so good"

Keith placed his bag in the back seat of his car and leaned his back against the car as he closed the door. He knew Lance was on the other side of the car, standing a few feet away but he knew he was there.

"So when you're near me

Darling can't you hear me


The love you gave me

Nothing else can save me


When you're gone

How can even I try to go on?

When you're gone

Though I try, how can I carry on?"

"I can see it in you, you haven't moved on, just like me," Lance said with a frown. "I want to be there, I wasn't there then but I want to be now."

"It's not that simple," Keith said with a shake of his head. "Not now, not like how it used to be."

"So when you're near me

Darling can't you hear me

S.O. S

And the love you gave me

Nothing else can save me


When you're gone

How can I even try to go on?

When you're gone (When you're gone)

Though I try, how can I carry on?

When you're gone

How can I even try to go on?

When you're gone (When you're gone)

How can I even try to go on?"

"It's not up to me," Keith said with a shake of his head. "If it were, you wouldn't come near them. Ultimately, it's up to them, whether or not they want to meet you."

"I understand," Lance said with a nod. "If they don't want me then I'll stay away."

"Deal," Keith said with a nod. "I guess I'll need your number to let you know. I changed mine when I moved."

"Right," Lance said digging up his phone and writing his number on a scrap piece of paper. "I'm here for two weeks so if anything changes."

"I'll uh, I'll let you know," Keith said as he closed the back door and opened the driver's door. "Thank you again, for earlier."

"Anytime," Lance said with a smile. Keith spared him one last glance before he got into his car and pulled out of the parking lot. Lance watched his car pull away before he headed back into the bar.

Unbeknownst to either Keith or Lance, Cassandra and Dominic were around the corner. They had seen what happened in the bar and followed the pair outside, though they took the front entrance and rounded to the staff parking.

"Twins huh?" Cassandra asked with a smile. "I'm sure Rosa will love to know she had grandkids."

"Should we head home or keep investigating?" Dominic asked. Cassandra huffed and rolled her eyes. She loved Dominic but sometimes he could be a little stupid.

"Obviously we stay and keep investigating," Cassandra said with a sigh. "As much as I hate this dump of a town, we need all that we need before we tell everyone."


Song(s) Used:

Hope Less Romantics

Sung by Make Out Monday, 2014


Originally sung by ABBA, 1975

Covered by Pierce Brosnan and Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia! 2008

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