The Forgotten Child

De Little1Writer

2.5M 70.6K 18K

"Actually I do. I'm working", I said with no emotion at all. They didn't deserve it. They don't get to know h... Mai multe

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63.6K 1.7K 294
De Little1Writer

I got back home at around half 10, which was early enough for me to pack all my stuff up, which brought me to around 3 in the morning. I didn't realise how much crap I had until I started to put it all into boxes. I donated all my old clothes to the charity bin down the road, as well as some blankets and other bits and bobs I wouldn't need.

I was sweating by the end of it all. I had about 6 or so boxes with all my stuff inside it, everything I would ever need. I decided to rent a safety deposit box to put all my extra valubles. I knew my brothers would want to take things away from me if I pissed them off, so I would put all my precious stuff locked away where they wouldn't be able to find it. It's kind of the same thing not being able to have them, but I would rather they be in a box in a safe bank than in the hands of Stone.

It was 4 at night now as I sat in the middle of the living room just sat with my arms wrapped around me. I was extremely nervous to be living with them all, I mean last time didn't go very well, but I was also pretty curious about where they went to after they left. I wouldn't be afraid though, I will be strong and confident.

I checked the bank times and it opened at 8. I decided to clean until 5, until I tried to go to sleep. I couldn't of course, I was way too nervous sleep , overthinking about the future really wakes you up. The bank for a two or so hour drive away, so I got up, chucked some shoes on and headed out to my car. I also had to quit my job today as I knew that Monty will be confused if I just stopped showing up, and it was pretty rude to not tell him.

I headed to my car when William appeared by my side. I jumped when he did as he looked at me with concern. 

"Jesus William, you could of killed me", I said, with a playful smirk as he shakes me off.

"Where are you off to so early?", He asked. I didn't want to tell him, he would tell Stone right away where I went, he would then know where all my goodies were, it was in a bank but I didn't know the power that he had. I had thrown my most valuble things into a small box that was right infront of him, he could snatch it away if he wanted too so I hugged it tighter to my body.

"Just to the charity boxes", I said with a smile. He nodded and headed back to his car. I took the chance to get into my car as quickly as possible and race down the road. I saw him sprinting to the car as I did. I headed to the bank and was there by half 7. I stopped off at the local 24 seven open target and grabbed a sandwhich and a drink. The sunrise was coming up now and it was alot less dark.

I took the sandwhich and headed off to the nearby park as I waited for the bank to open. I sat on a bench looking out to the tiny lake in the centre, eating my sandwhich little bits a time. I didn't even realise the group of boys coming towards me, they were much older, about 18 or 19. It was pretty evident they were drunk as they kept swaying side to side. Maybe they had a night out or something.

"Well, well lookie here", The main one said, slurring his words as he spoke. I started to grab my sandwich and my drink. I had left my box in the car, hidden below the back seat. I went to leave but another two boys surrounded me, making we trapped between the six of them.

"Look just let me leave", I said, wary of all of them as terror flew though my body over and over again, like neon lights. They all laughed when I said it and the main one strolled over to me, putting a hand out to touch my face. 

I swiftly slapped it away in which he stumbled in shock.

"Oh a feisty one, nothing I havent dealt with before", He said with a sadistic smirk, walking towards me as the others laughed. I punched him hard in the nose and ran behind me, in which I was dragged back by my hair and thrown onto the floor. I put my arms over my head as they all kicked me at once.

On my ribs, my back and my legs, laughing as they did. After a few minutes they all stopped and ran off, well they nearly fell over as they did, laughing the whole time. I pulled myself upwards, and got my phone out. It had a new crack in it now but as long as it worked I didn't really care. I opened the camera to see that I didn't have any bruises on my face, thanks to my hands blocking them off.

I could hardly move, as I groaned as I got up. It was now 8 and the bank was open. I slowly pulled myself up, ignoring the pain for now until I got what I needed. What would be the point in going to the police? A girl getting beaten up isn't exactly a main priority.

I got up with a groan and walked to the bank. I grabbed my box on the way, making sure that those boys weren't around. I went in and made an account (which took forever might I say) and they finally gave me access to a box.

"What will your safety word be?", They asked. I thought for a second before giving them one I knew my brother would never guess. They nodded as I brought my box forwards. I put in my necklace from my aunt, the teddy they got me, my new jacket from granny, all my awards that I got and things that I knew they would take to teach me a lesson if I behaved.

That's what they did when I was younger if I pissed my dad off, so then I just hid everything that I loved, like my mums photo.

After I went to the local pharmacy and grabbed what I needed. I was use to it with my dad and everything so I knew exactly what I needed to clean my wounds. I knew I was bleeding a little on my arms, so I went into the bathroom of a Mcdonalds that was near the bank. I got quite a few looks of pity which made me worry even more about what I looked like.

I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I gasped at what I looked like, with blood stains on my arms and my jeans with cuts all in them from when they kicked me. I lifted my shirt up to show a stomach full of purple bruises and my ribs looked fucked. I could tell they wasn't broken, as I pushed down on them to check, which made me cry instantly and make is hard to breath but I had to do it.

Nothing was broken like I guessed, and I cleaned up the blood with baby wipes and took some pain killers. I walked out this time looking alot better, you could hardly tell those guys beat the shit out of me. I walked back to my car with the stuff and headed back home.

It was around 11 when I pulled back up to the apartment. I got out with a smile, only to see three black SUV's waiting for me. As soon as I got out the car all five of them got out of theirs, Stone and Millian together, with Ravy, Rome and Lucian in the other one, William was sat watching me get out. He also got out and leant against the car.

Stone came storming up to me.

"Where the fuck were you?", He asked, obviously extremely angry. I just looked at him with surprise whilst my other brothers surrounded me as well. I put my arms over my chest.

"For a walk", I said calmly, going to push past them, which surprising they let me.

"Really? Cause William said you went to the charity boxes", He said from behind me. I could feel his smirk from here. I just shrugged.

"I did, then I went for a walk", I said going up the stairs. They were all following me as I did, I saw a moving truck placed round the back of the Motel. When I stepped into my apartment everything was gone, all my boxes and the stuff from the kitchen. It still had all the furniture in it but it looked like no one had ever lived there.

There was a strong smell of bleach and cleaning products.

"Where's my stuff?", I asked Stone, who motioned to the moving truck. I just nodded.

"Are you excited?", I heard Millian ask, which made Lucian scoff and the twins roll their eyes. I just deadpanned him as I wandered back to my car, them following as I did.

"Whats your address?", I asked bluntly as I grabbed my backpack from the car with spare clothes I put in earlier. I went for my keys before Lucian swiftly grabbed them from me.

"What are you doing?", I asked his straight away. He just shrugged and put them in his pocket. I ran after him as he started headed to William. I jumped on his back and snatched the keys from his pocket. 

"Ha.", I said with a smirk and headed back to my car. Stone moved in the way so I knew they wasn't going to move.

"Your going with William, we will get someone to bring your car", he said with a smile. I just rolled my eyes knowing for a fact that they won't let me drive no matter what I do. I headed towards William and got into the back seat, slamming it shut to show that I was pissed off. 

I slumped down as William got in.

"You ready Kid?", He asked. I just nodded and grabbed my headphones from my backpack and threw some music on, ignoring the world as it went by.


What do you think the password was?

Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter :)

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