Deer in headlights | Bonten X...

By omi7from7tumblr

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When people are in a state of extreme surprise, fear, or confusion, we say they are like deer caught in headl... More

Part 1: meeting Sano Manjiro
Part 2: meeting Sanzu Haruchiyo
Part 4: Meeting The Haitani Brothers
Short Stories
Short Stories: Of scars and festivals
Short Stories: Kokonoi won't give you money
Short stories: The first time Kokoboi trusts a Bimbo
Short stories: Scary dogs
Short stories: Driving lessons
Short Story: An uncertain future
Short Stories: Sanzu's new weakness
Short stories: You already have your own
Short stories: Coffee and a carnage
Short stories: Strange sounds
Short stories: Tipsy visits
Short stories: The tattoos fiasco
Short stories: It's cold
Short story: A good intention
Bonus - DIH Headcanon | They take care of you when sick
Short stories: Not one normal meeting
Short stories: The Photobooth in the office
Short stories: Dirty tricks
Short stories: Dream a little dream of me

Short stories: That one time the Haitani brothers took you away

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By omi7from7tumblr

Warnings: Reverse harem, some kissing, fluff 😣 (like a lot), foul language, I'm bullying Takeomi but with love🥺💕, everyone is here and I had a headache with so many characters 😂😂. Nonsense, you will cringe, Not edited and no beta

A/N: Is set after , like at the very beginning of this weird romance xD. More stuff that happened... that helped their relationship grow.

With the little time they knew you; the Haitani brothers were infatuated with you, enchanted even. For some reason, they would call it destiny, Ran and Rindou were the only ones that met you outside of Mikey's schedule, outside of their Bonten agenda. Yes, Ran still remembers your lovely face when you bashed that bag of pads in that bastard's face.

That's why they are here, outside of your apartment door, because they couldn't get you out of their mind. Rindou was bouncing on his hills in excitement. "Rindou, stop that," Ran couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed with his brother's behavior. "You look like a dog wagging his tail at its owner."

"Shut up, like you aren't excited too," Rindou huffed. "Why do you think she's taking so long?" Rindou changed the subject to one more present problem.

"I don't know," Ran scratched his chin, "Did you tell her not to tell anyone about this?" he asked his younger brother. And silence settled in the hall. "Rindou..."

"Fuck, I forgot, okay? B- but I don't think she has told anyone yet! It's been," the purplenette checked his wristwatch, "fifteen minutes... Fuck." if Rindou was nervous before, now he was anxiously worried. What if you decided not to go? He asked himself.

"Fuck indeed," Ran let out, "I think we should go in."

"Me too," Rindou agreed.

And that's how now you were screaming at the top of your lungs when two figures broke down your door. "What the hell!!! Ran?!? Rindou?!?" You held a lamp in hand as both brothers stood there as if your door wasn't hanging from one hinge.

"You weren't opening the door," said the eldest.

"And we got anxious," followed the youngest.

"B- b- but! My door! And I told you I was packing!" you showed them the half-empty suitcase.

"Oh," both simultaneously let out.

"Oh, aha," you rolled your eyes as you let down the lamp that you previously sought for protection.

"But you should have let us in," argued Rindou, eying the opened suitcase to see if he could get a pick of what underwear you were taking.

"Seeing my door right now, I guess I should have," you chuckled at Rindou's not-very-subtle attempt at peeking, "anyway, about this trip, who else is going?" you asked while turning around to close the suitcase, not seeing the looks they threw at each other.

"About that..." Ran saw you were about to pick up the suitcase and snatched it away from you, "we don't know, but you shouldn't worry about that. How about we get going?" his long legs took him to the broken door un a couple of strides.

You nodded, "let me grab my phone, and we can go; I have to text Sanzu," at that, Rindou jumped in your way, almost knocking you down if it weren't for one of his arms circling your waist.

"Ran will get it! Let's go!" And once again, you were being carried like a small lap dog, and Rindou was your rich owner. As Rindou marched with you under his arm, Ran saw the phone but decided to leave it there. You wouldn't need it anyway.

"Why do you have to carry me like this?" You wiggled in Rindou's hold.

"It's fun," both brothers answered at the same time.

"And if I walk behind you, I have a nice view," Ran liked the shape of your butt, and that's why Ran let Rindou walk ahead of him.

"Ran!!" you felt your cheeks heat up.


While you sat in the Haitani brothers' car, on your way to whatever place they thought would suit this not-kidnapping adventure, you were unsuspicious of their true intentions.

Your forgotten phone kept ringing back at your place. And a worried Sanzu kept pacing back and forth in the Bonten office building. Sitting in a chair not far from him was Kokonoi, who eyed the pinknette with a curious look.

"Any news?" asked Mikey's voice coming from a different phone. He and Mochi had been on a business trip that just so happened to begin today.

"No," Sanzu has been calling you nonstop, "but they should be there by now," he informed his boss about the other two executives that he sent to check your whereabouts.

"I'm taking a plane as soon as I can; keep me informed about the situation," Mikey ended the call. Mikey wasn't worried, not as much as Sanzu at least, because he had a vague idea of what might be happening. This whole mess smelled like the Haitani brothers, and if he is correct, then you were safe with them. Besides, He somehow was happy you were being accepted, and this would be a good lesson for everyone.

Sanzu, on the other hand, threw the phone against the wall. Not mad at Mikey; he could never. But furious at who might have taken you. Why those two always do whatever they want. He remembers how Ran and Rindou back in Tenjiku wanted their own uniforms. "Petty bastards," huffed the scared man. "Why Y/N?!"

"She's pretty," Kokonoi commented out of nowhere.

Sanzu's sour mood changed drastically, "is she now?" He bitterly chuckled, "We wouldn't be in this mess if you had accepted to spend the day with Y/N, to begin with!"

"Don't blame this on me! I said I could go and check on her after I was done here!" Kokonoi wasn't going to accept he was running away from you. It wasn't that he didn't like you, but you were such a delicate thing. He didn't know how to approach you most of the time or open up to you, afraid of damaging another good thing in his life.

"Bullshit!" Sanzu was also on standby, by Mikey's orders. With him gone, most of the decisions and orders were coming from him. "Why haven't they reported anything yet?" Bonten's number two decided to ignore Kokonoi as he called those two. The ones that were supposed to inform him why weren't you picking up. Or more like confirm his suspicion.

"What?!" A rough voice said; sanzu could hear them panting, and some echo in the background.

"Don't what me, Takeomi. Where is Y/N?" Kokonoi saw the pinknette start pulling at his shirt out of nervousness, the disheveled look now complete.

"The elevator was out of service! We're using the stairs!" Kakucho screamed towards Takeomi's phone.

"You're going through the stairs?" Sanzu stood dumbfounded in the middle of the office.

"Stairs? Doesn't Y/N have the last floor of the building?" Kokonoi looked perplexed as well.

"I'm too old for this shit," Sanzu heard a breathless Takeomi complain.


Meanwhile, in the car where you sat peacefully looking out of the window. Ran briefly looked at his brother.

"Rindou," Ran whispered.

The younger haitani hummed in response; he was busy admiring your face through the mirror. "I forgot to tell you that I disabled the elevator in the building to give us some time," a half-smile adorned the older Haitani's lips.

Rindou never ceases to be amazed by his brother's ideas. How he hated it wasn't his idea.


"Did you arrive yet?" Sanzu has been on the phone hearing Takeomi and Kakucho's footsteps and heavy breathing, for god knows how long.

"Yeah, her door should be- fuck! Takeomi!" Kakucho, who had snatched the phone from the other man a couple of minutes ago, was the first one to reach the top of the stairs, and as soon as he approached your door, he saw it barely hanging from the frame.

"What!" came from the emergency door that leads to the stairs.

"Her door is broken! Hurry up!" After hearing those words, not only did Takeomi have a surge of power propel his legs towards Kakucho's voice, but Sanzu, still on the line, felt his soul leave his body.


"Ran," Rindou called his brother; the older haitani nodded without taking his eyes off the road. "We left the door destroyed... Do you think they will-"

"Nah, they will be okay," Ran dismissed Rindou's worries.

"Uh, guys, I wanna go to the bathroom," you murmured

"Oh, okay, wait, let me," Rindou pulled a map from the glove box and began to unfold it, "let me see if there's a place-"

"Rindou! I can't see!" Ran pushed Rindou's arm away since he was invading his space.

"Why don't you use your phone-" and you were interrupted.

"No!" both simultaneously said. They couldn't tell you that their phones were off and yours wasn't here either.

"It's fine! Rindou knows his way with maps!" Ran awkwardly laughed. "Right, rindou?"

Rindou looked at his brother like he had lost his mind. "Yeah, right."

They were doomed.


"Report the goddamn situation!" Sanzu screamed to the phone for the hundred time.

"Sanzu, give them a sec," Kokonoi was beginning to get anxious from the pinknette's behavior.

"Shit," Takeomi picked up the phone Kakucho dropped before entering your place.

"What, Takeomi? What!?" Sanzu was about to lose it.

"I think I busted a lung," Takeomi held his chest with one hand as the other held... Sanzu, in a way.

"Then stop smoking! Now, What's happening!?!" If it weren't for Y/N, Takeomi would have turned around and punched the living hell out of his hysteric younger brother. but he's a patient man, and everyone was tense due to the situation with you, or so he keeps repeating to himself.

"Nothing," a breathless Kakucho popped out from the inside—gun out and holding your phone in hand.

"You heard him, Sanzu. She's not here," Takeomi spoke to the phone. "But there sure is a mess in here," the older man saw your clothes everywhere. The place was kind of a disaster.

Where the fuck is Y/N? A question that ran through everyone's mind at that moment. Except for one person who sat busy on his computer.

"Ran, you fucking idiot," Kokonoi chuckled at his screen.

Hearing the man beside him, Sanzu told Takeomi and Kakucho to go back down and wait for orders.

"Not the fucking stairs again," Takeomi wasn't having a good day.


"I didn't know there were 7-eleven so far out of the city," you mumbled, struggling to pop the head of your Ramune.

"Give me that," Rindou snatched the carbonated drink out of your hands and easily popped the marvel in the bottle, then gave it back to you. And you murmured a thanks as you smiled at him.

"So..." Ran sat down next to you on the concrete. A bag of miscellaneous items from the store hanging from his fingers.

After Rindou found a 7/eleven on the route, of course, not before getting lost and asking people for directions. You got a bathroom break, and the three of you decided to eat some Konbini food. Something that the Haitani brothers haven't done in a long time.

"What did you get?" you peeked at the bag that Ran's was holding and saw a variety of food. From onigiri to some anpan, trays of different kinds of obento and some fruit sandwiches. "Oh my god! I always saw my classmates eat these together after school," you unconsciously let out.

"Yeah? And you?" Rindou asked as he took a couple of onigiris from his brother's bag. "We didn't really go to school, but we ate these a lot when younger," Ran nodded at his brother's statement—the moment bringing memories of their youth.

"I- I didn't really have anyone or any reason to... It must have been nice," you realized what you just said, "oh! No, no! I mean having each other, that sounds nice," you dropped your head on Ran's shoulder out of embarrassment.

"Well, you have us now," Ran patted your head.

"Yeah, we are here to stay," Rindou said as he munched the mixture of rice and dried salted plums. "Even if you don't want us to," that last part you didn't get to hear since he murmured it, and three cars abruptly stopped in front of the three of you—bright lights shining in your faces.

At that, both brothers stood up, covering you from whoever was inside the cars. Drinking your soda in one big gulp, ignoring the bubbles burning your throat, you also stood behind them, trying to see what was happening.

Four doors opened, revealing four figures; two had their guns raised.

"You fuckers! Better start praying to whatever you believe in!" you knew that voice... Was that Sanzu? You couldn't see well due to the lights pointed at you.

"Ran, you're an idiot. Next time don't pay with your card," and that voice belonged to Kokonoi, which means the other two must be Kakucho and Takeomi.

"The fuck, Koko? Why did-" Ran got interrupted by the long-haired man.

"Because I can!" Kokonoi let out.

"That doesn't explain how you knew Y/N was with us!" Rindou's hands reached for yours and gave it a little squeeze.

"You got her Ramune! You two don't like carbonated drinks anymore!" Kokonoi was really into this verbal discussion.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Koko!" You intervened—happy that Kokonoi remembered so many details. You always thought he didn't care. And another detail to take in was that he was here.

Your voice sent Kokonoi into a nervous breakdown; he fastly went into the vehicle, forgetting his prior dispute. Overlooking the silver-haired man, Sanzu's killer intentions were back after hearing you. His intent was directed towards the pair standing in front of you. "Y/N, come here. And let us have a nice chat with Ran and Rindou."

You weren't dumb. You knew that Ran and Rindou weren't in good terms with everyone right now and that it has something to do with you going with them. They didn't really took you against your will and you didn't want them in the receiving end of Sanzu's gun. So you did what you thought was right.

Pushing your way in between the brothers, you stood facing the four other men. Ran and Rindou tried to push you back, only for you to swat their hands away. "Le- Rindou!" you shoved his hand down, "let me handle this!" you whispered-shouted at the two.

Kokonoi's head peeked from the car's window. Seeing you try to hide two big men behind your small form was hilarious.

"Y/N, I don't think-" began the older Haitani.

"Look, they don't-" at the same time, the purplenette said.

"Shush!" You didn't even turn around; besides, they should have more faith in you.

"Great Y/N, now walk here!" Kakucho lowered his gun as soon as he saw you standing there.

"No!" you refused.

"What do you mean by no?!" Sanzu didn't have the patience nor the brain cells to discern anything right now.

"Young lady, come here!" Takeomi was about to go there and get you himself. Today wasn't an easy day for him.

"No!" you shouted again. You heard Rindou try to conceal his laughter and Ran hitting his brother in the side. "This getaway was my idea! And lower your gun, Sanzu! Don't be unreasonable!"

"That's not true!" Kokonoi shouted from the window.

"Koko, shut up!" The two loud voices behind almost made you stumble.

"I am being reasonable!" Sanzu shouted back.

"Can you all go fight somewhere else!?! You're scaring the customers!" The store's employee appeared with a broom in hand. Everyone stood there, not knowing how to react to the sudden intrusion.

"Oh, sorry, yeah, we- we'll move," you responded. The young man went back inside, not sparing a single glance to all the guns and very suspicious men.

"What does he mean by customers?" grumbled Ran.

"Yeah, there's not a single soul out here," Takeomi commented, "now, he is the one being unreasonable."

Kakucho lowered his head in shame while Sanzu looked offended.


The way back was another battle. Sanzu wanted you on his car, Kokonoi disapproved, saying that why him. Then Kakucho and Takeomi argued that you should go with them and used that Takeomi almost died twice as an argument.

"I almost died!" said the older man.

"But you didn't!" Rindou countered.

Meanwhile, you refused to leave the Haitani brothers' side. So you ended up sitting with them at the back of Takeomi's car as Kakucho took Ran's.

"Why?" Takeomi asked, breaking the silence in the vehicle. "Why won't you leave them?" The question was sincere and didn't have an ounce of hostility on it.

"I don't want any of you to hurt them... and I don't want them to hurt any of you...." you didn't hesitate with your answer, but it did take a lot from you to respond. After all, it was the truth. A heavy one at that. It wasn't only you acknowledging their capabilities or intentions, but yourself accepting that you cared for them. All of them.

Such a heavy statement didn't go unnoticed by the three men in the car.

"That did it," you confusedly turned toward Ran. Before you could comprehend what he meant, you had his lips on yours. His lips were warm—moved slowly against your scared lips. It wasn't his usual demanding kiss; somehow, you felt Ran aimed to reciprocate your words but with actions—almost... thanking you.

You weren't given a second to breathe as Rindou pulled your head in his direction, connecting your mouth to his awaiting lips. You felt Rindou sigh in contempt as soon as his skin touched yours. Just like with his brother, you didn't know where to put your hands, not until you felt his fingers open your fist and place your hand on his chest. "You're so good to us," you felt Rindou's heart go into erratic beats.

"I'm not complaining, just—just don't do anything more than kissing on my car," Takeomi would have jumped through the window if it was someone else in his back seat.

"Wanna have a go? Let Rindou drive," suggested Ran.

"Okay," that was all it took to convince Takeomi.

Rindou, now in the driver's seat, was looking for a good song to drive with on the radio. Trying to ignore your whines as you sat on Takeomi's lap, squirming when his lips traveled to your neck.

"Oh! Rindou! That's a good song! Leave that one on!" Ran pointed out.


"Oh, those bastards! Why is the car rocking!?!" Sanzu observed from his car.


Meanwhile, Mochi glanced over to Mikey, both sitting on a plane on their way back home.

"So, will you do anything to those two?" askes Mochi. Not too long, Sanzu had informed them about your retrieval.

"No," Mikey had also spoken with Takeomi on that matter, "for now."

Mochi feared for the Haitani's fate.

Fun facts:

Takeomi and Kakucho were settling scores with a growing gang in the area that was messing with Bonten's canals. But once Sanzu called about your unknown location. They killed everyone. Bonten's footmen executed even the ones that weren't present.Once you got home, with multiple new hickeys, the Haitani Brothers were on cleaning duty at your place. Under Koko's watchful eye.Sanzu pulled you aside, only to leave marks of his own on your thighs.Kakucho called for a shower with you, which turned into a very wet make-out session. Nothing more.Kokonoi "reluctantly" dressed you up for bed, saying that you should be tired, so there is no other choice for him other than to help you.Both of you fell asleep on the couch.Takeomi picked you up just in time to see Mikey arriving from the airport.Yes, everyone was still mad and tense, but because Takeomi told them about your real intentions, they let it slide. (for now)

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