Plus Ultraman (BNHA x Ultrama...

By Gojiron54Titanus

9.5K 99 40


BIO (updated)
THE PROLOGUE (updated)
CHAPTER 1 (PT1) (updated)
CHAPTER 1 (PT2) (updated)
A/N'S NOTES (please read it's important)
so many reads, wow
Merry Christmas! + review for No Way Home
A/N'S NOTES (my serious break)
sorry... but good news!
Rewritten version in development


631 10 3
By Gojiron54Titanus



A/N: "Before you read this chapter, I am going to take a break after Pt. 1 of this chapter because I have been writing nonstop so I deserve a rest. But anyways let's continue!"


"Kai P.O.V"

"The Kai Squad went back to the Tadashi Residence after they saw the news, they begin eating their ordered donuts to watch some more news about Aegus"

Female Reporter in TV: "Would you like to clarify who is this vigilante that has popped up days ago?" "she asked the sleepy hobo underground hero"

Aizawa in TV: "The vigilante is a criminal, he may have saved a lot of civilians out there but he still illegally broke the law. Whatever he did is only for recognition, for crime and must be captured." "explained to the reporter while in the background some heroes and workers repairing the damage"

Female Reporter in TV: "But unlike other vigilantes, he doesn't stay for fame, would you care to explain that? "she asked again"

Aizawa in TV: "He is just pretending so you can fooled by his doing." "he said before casually walking away"

Mako: "Damn, they seriously wanna hunt you down little bro." "he said while he was leaning against the wall and eating his donut"

Amaya: "So does that mean you're going to be a vigilante for awhile?" "questioned her friend"

Kai: "Well obviously I did broke some of the rules so yeah I am. "responds in honesty"

Mako: "So what are you gonna now since Aegus has given you powers?"

Kai: "I'm gonna-"

Amaya: "Hey guys look at the TV!" "she cuts of Kai's sentence as both of them looked at the Tv in concern"

Female Reporter in TV: "Hey! You! What do you think of the vigilante?" "she asked the civilian"

Female Citizen in TV: "The Vigilante? He just save many people even my son, the villain would continue demolishing through Mustafu if he didn't show up."

Male Storekeeper in TV: "He may have killed somebody a few days ago, but all that matters is I owe him for protecting my shop, I wouldn't have pay my wife's hospital bills if it weren't for his help." "he said proudly"

Child in TV: "He is awesome! He has a quirk that can lift things! And shoot beams out of his hand!" "broke in with enthusiasm"

Mako: "I... guess not everyone wants you in jail, that's some good news at least, you got yourself some supporters bro." "he told his brother while he was regretting what he said in thought."

Kai: "sighed proudly"

Amaya: "Okay, for the second time, I agree with you." "she responded which made Mako sighed gladly"

Akane: "opens the door" "Hey boys I'm home!" "she shouted at the door echoing as she walking inside while was holding groceries" "Ah! Amaya!"

Amaya: "Oh! Hi Miss Tadashi!" "waves her hand"

Akane: "I see your watching the news about the vigilante? Are you?"

Kai: "Yeah mom, how did you know?" "he replies"

Akane: "I have already saw the news while I was buying groceries sweetie." "she replied back" "I am giving you kids some space, I am only taking a shower okay?"

Kai and Mako: "Yes Mom!" "they said at the same time and bows"

Amaya: "laughs" "Do you knuckleheads always listen to your mom?"

Mako: "Of course Amaya! She is literally the best mom ever!"

Kai: "And pretty much a hero before as well..." "he added as he stopped"

Amaya: "Yeah I have heard about it already, her hero name was 'Phantasm' right?" "she guessed"

Mako: Yep you're correct." "he responded"

Kai: "Was thinking about last time when his mother retired"


"an argument was playing by Akane, the principal and Kai's father"

Akane: "I am retiring as a Hero today."

Kai's Father: "A- Akane are you serious!?"

Principal Stone: "You're kidding right?" "was in disbelief"

Akane: "Yes! I am serious!" "she said it back to them"

Kai's Father: "Why are you retiring?" "he asked her wife"

Akane: "Because I got attacked by a powerful villain and my quirk is temporarily gone honey! If I use my quirk a couple of times, then my illusions won't be efficient anymore!" "she stated"

Kai's Father: "he was in shock" "That's the reason why your retiring?" "he replied"

Akane: "Yes.."

Principal Stone: "sighs" "As a friend, I must agree with your wife Ren." "he interrupts which made him shocked even more"

Ren: "Woah, Woah, Woah, come on Hideya! Why are you siding with her all of the sudden?"

Principal Stone: "Hey, I'm not siding with anyone all I'm trying to say is she is right, she needs to retire. Have you not listen to her explanation?"

"as they continue to argue, young Kai was secretly spying on his parents and the principal of Hiro High, his eyes were widen as tears starting go down"

"Ends Flashback"

Kai: "sighs sadly" "Don't worry mom, I'll make you proud someday. Like dad said, I just need to never give up." "he said mentally"

Aegus: "Yeah I know you are." he encouraged to his host"

Kai: "Thanks Aegus." "smiles lightly"

"meanwhile at U.A"

"3rd PO.V"

"As the Class 1-A walking in the cafeteria, the students of the prestigious school were mumbling, talking about the vigilante, As for them, they already knew about the story"

???: "That vigilante really grab their attention huh..." "Mashirao Ojiro, a guy with a tail, he said in surprise while the other Class 1-A students were also surprise"

Mina: "Yeah no joke, their expressions didn't even changed a bit since that incident occurred." "she agreed"

Kaminari: "Really?"

Jirou: "Haven't you notice dumbbolt?" "she insulted him with a nickname"

Kaminari: "Wha- Hey! Don't you try to insult me! I'm just curious!" "cried out"

Sero: "How long did this happen?" "he asked one of his classmates"

Asui: "Eight days ago." "she reminded"


Male U.A Student 1: "Hey, have you heard about news already?"

Male U.A Student 2: "Yeah, I did. A new hero appeared today."

Female U.A Student 1: "Are you sure he's even one? He just executed a villain!"

Male U.A Student 3: "I agree with her, the new hero could be a vigilante or possibly a villain."

Female U.A Student 2: "I don't think so, many civilians were save by the giant by eliminating him right?"

Male U.A Student 4: "Who knows? maybe the government send the hero to defeat the villan."

Female U.A Student 3: "He's kinda... hot to be honest."

Female U.A Student 4: "And dreamy too."


Mineta: "HOW DOES THE VIGILANTE HAS THE LUCK TO GET HOT LADIES WHILE I CA-!" "got stung by jirou's earlobes"

Jirou: "Be quiet you short disgusting pervert!" "she said angrily as Mineta kept screeching in pain"

Uraraka: "Hey guys, I heard the police, the Pro Heroes and even our teachers are going to arrest the vigilante including Aizawa-sensei." "she said which shocked everyone"

Toru: "What? They're genuinely not kidding aren't they."

Iida: "Since the vigilante have done a heroic act few days ago, but what he did is vigilantism! He broke the law by the authority and destroyed half of the property, they're could have been casualties! Shame on him!" "he yelled while chopping his arm and made class 1-A frighten by his sudden speech "

Midoriya: "Woah Iida calm down! I know you are upset because of what happen eight days ago, but calm down you're scaring us." "he reassured him while the Deku squad except for Todoroki also calming him down"

Iida: "I see... I apologize from my sudden behavior." "bows apologetically"

Bakugou: "ARE YOU GONNA KEEP TALKING ABOUT THAT DAMN HERO WANNABE OR WHAT! I'M GOING TO EAT!" "he yelled but they ignore his insult as he start to walk away"

Kirishima: "Hey Bakubro wait for me!" "he starts walking as well as it cause a chain reaction"

Midoriya: "The vigilante doesn't seem one though, what is this feeling?" "sighs" "I hope I will get some answers from the giant someday." "he said in thought"

"26 minutes later"

"Class 1-A were still eating but half of them are finish to go back to class, Midoriya was eating katsu don yet was still thinking about the vigilante until..."

Monoma: "Well, Well, Well, if isn't our rival, Class 1-A." "he said mockingly"

Awase: "Oh no..." "he face palms irritatingly"

Monoma: "So you talking you are talking about that vigilante huh... Don't get victorious and cocky just because you wanted him to enroll in the Hero Course and in your pathetic class." "he offended" "But someday he will join my class and WE! CLASS 1-B ARE GOING THE SUPERIOR OF CLASS 1-A AND YOUR SPOT WILL- ACK!!!"

Kendo: "Sorry about him!" "she apologized as she was dragging unconscious Monoma while Midoriya along with the others were sweating profusely"

Awase: "Sorry about Monoma since that vigilante appeared, his obsession is getting far worse." "he apologized as well"

Kaminari: "No worries man." "he reassured to the 1-B student"

Awase: "Well then, see you guys." "begins to follow the president of 1-B"

Uraraka: "We aren't mentally thinking about recruiting the vigilante, right?" "she said as the remaining class 1-A students who were still eating nods in agreement"

Midoriya: "Yeah... yeah..." "he silently said" "I wonder we'll get to see the vigilante again soon." "mentally said"

"a timeskip"

"Kai Squad P.O.V"

Kai: "was simply walking on a sidewalk with his friends back to their residence"

Aegus: "Hey Tadashi? Mind if I ask a question?" "mentally asked his host"

Kai: "Sure why not."

Aegus: "What are those... moving things?" "was referring to cars"

Kai: "That?" "pointed the cars with his finger" "You mean cars?"

Aegus: "Yes... Cars... What are cars?" "questioned"

Kai: "thinking for a definition" Well... Cars are automatic mobiles that can carry heavy supplies or people and were created by humanity." "explained to Aegus"

Aegus: "So these 'cars' are like a transportation system?" "he guessed closely right"

Kai: "Uh... Close enough." "accepts with the answer"

Aegus: "Earth is really something else huh... But this dimension with superpowers? Still something else." "he acclaimed"

Kai: "What do you-? Oh yeah right, I forgot that there are dimensions without a quirk society."

Aegus: "And also I forgot to ask, What are quirks? I know there like superhuman abilities but is there more information to that?" "questioned again"

Kai: "Quirks are possessed and manifested within our bodies." he said while Amaya and Mako were perplexed" "In the beginning, a baby was born with the power to radiate light, then the whole world starts to spread tremendously giving the people to gain different types of unique-." "was interrupted by his brother"

Mako: "Hey bro, you're talking to yourself you alright?" "worryingly asked while the Kai Squad stop walking"

Kai: "sighs annoyingly" "Mako, I wasn't talking to myself, I was talking to Aegus."

Mako: "Oh! My bad! Sorry little bro." "he apologized as he was shamefaced"

Kai: "Well anyway, people gain different types of unique natural abilities like fire coming from your palms, lifting things with telekinesis, or controlling the weather." "finished his explanation" "But as for me... I'm quirkless."

Aegus: "Quirkless? You have no unique abilities?"

Kai: "Yep- sighs"

Aegus: "I see, so the birth of quirks happen because of a baby?" "he said as Kai nodded" "This is quite astonishing, my friends have never heard a dimension like this, but Kai even though you're 'quirkless' you still have fight within you and the motivation."

Kai: "smiles happily" "Yeah I know."

Amaya: "What do you mean 'Yeah I know'?" "questioned"

Kai: "Oh, sorry about that Amaya, I was talking about quirks and cars to Aegus." "he said"

Mako: Of course! Aegus said this is his first time in earth right?"

Kai: "Yes Mako." "responded to Mako"

Amaya: "It's kinda weird yet shocking that quirks don't exist in other dimensions." "she admits while Mako agreed"

Mako: "Your not the only one, I feel the same way." "he admits as well until he notice something" "Hey don't you think today is... too peaceful and ominous?"

Kai: "Since there no aliens invading yet then I guess you can say it's peaceful- "he stopped talking as he notice a meteor in the sky" "What the heck?"

"People were beginning to look at the unidentified object before it lands and created a huge shockwave making the citizens grunts, gasps, and knocked back by force except for half of the crowd, Amaya, Mako, and Kai"

"After the impact, a flat platform as covered with a fog of smoke and people were confused at first, but it wasn't like a normal meteor... It was an unexpecting alien (Kelbeam)"

"3rd P.O.V"

"music starts"

Citizen 1: "What is that?!" "shouts and was horrified"

Citizen 2: "A VILLAIN! RUN!!!" "he yelled terrifyingly as all of the people running and screaming in fear"

Amaya: "Great... Thanks for jinxing it Mako!" "she furiously shouted at Mako"

Mako: "Wha- Hey! That wasn't my intention alright!" "shouts back"

Kai: "Guys come on! You need to get these people safe, I'll do what I can!" "starts to find a right spot for his transformation"

Mako: "Hey Bro! You can't leave us here!"

Naomasa: "All units, evacuate all civilians now! I repeat, evacuate all civilians right now!" "talking to the officers through the radio" "Mt. Lady, try to slow the villain down."

Mt. Lady: "It's my time to shine my debt!" "was running towards the villain preparing for an attack" "CANYON CANNON!" "she did a flying kick at the villain as it did nothing to it"

"monster didn't flinch at the heroine's move, then return to it's rampage which made Mt. Lady annoyed"

Mt. Lady: "Why are you ignoring me! How about this!" "try's to stop the villain by grabbing it's tail" "was grunting while she was trying to hold her position"

Naomasa: "Ryukyu, Hawks, assist Mt. Lady." "he said as the flying hero and dragon heroine were already in action"

"Hawks launch a barrage of feathers at the eyes of the villain while Ryukyu was using all her strength to push back the villain"

Naomasa: "Eraserhead! Are you finally in position?" "he asked to the teacher"

Aizawa: "Almost there." "was running fast at a stairway inside an empty building"

"The alien was getting more aggressive at the red winged human as before it launches a fireball"

Hawks: "eyes widen" "he was going to dodge from it's attack, the fireball barely hits him and instead it demolished the top of a random building"

Naomasa: "Hawks! Are you alright?!" "exclaimed"

Hawks: "Yeah I'm okay, Ryukyu and Mt. Lady won't last down there, better hope the plan works." "he reminded as Aizawa arrived the top of building"

Aizawa: "Naomasa, I'm finally in position." "he notified as Mt. Lady doesn't have the might anymore as the villain uses it's tail to send her flying and crashes into a building making her revert back to normal while Ryukyu decided to flee to let Aizawa erase the villain's quirk" "At the same time obviously Aizawa you have no idea that your quirk is useless lol"

Naomasa: "Aizawa now!" "he shouted through the radio"

Aizawa: "It's time to send you into prison, villain." "he said before activating his quirk"

"Once Aizawa triggered his eraser quirk... It did nothing"

Aizawa: "What? Impossible, my quirk should temporarily erase his quirk!" "he was shocked in disbelief"

"Suddenly the villain observed Eraserhead, as it roared wildly before attempting to kill him with it's claw even Aizawa has the chance to move"

Hawks: "Gotcha!" "managed to save Aizawa in time as the villain clawed the building"

"The alien was continuing it's savage destruction at the distance while Kai managed to find a empty hallway"

Kai: "was checking his surroundings then looks at the Aegium Rise"

Aegus: "Kai, let's show that monster freak we got!"

Kai: "Alrighty then! Let's do this!" "he shouted with determination but nothing happen"

"stop music"

Kai: "Uh... Why aren't we transforming into a big goliath like you know an Ultraman?"

Aegus: "Well that's because we haven't use the Crystalline Keys yet." "he said"

Kai: "Crystalline Keys? You never told me that before!"

Aegus: "Sorry for not telling you, but eventually I will teach you how to use the keys." "he reassured before the mental dimension blocks his Kai's view"

Kai: "So how do we start?" "questioned the alien warrior"

Aegus: "Take this." "as light starts to flash at the right side of Kai's belt"

Kai: "A holder?" "he said in confusion as he opened the holder with slots with one crystalline key" "So this is what the crystalline key looks like?" "he asked"

Aegus: "Yeah." "responded to his host"

Kai: "Why is there a crystalline key that symbolizes you?"

Aegus: "Cause I have different forms and this key is only my original form." "he simplified"

Kai: "You have other forms?!" "he yelled out"

Aegus: "Let's not get into that discussion yet we have a situation to deal with." he mentioned"

Kai: "Right, let's get this over with." "he seriously said"

Aegus: "It's quite simple, there is slot in the Aegium Rise and you put the key inside the slot." "explained which made Kai dumbfounded"

Kai: "That's it?"

Aegus: "In the future, there is also another slot right at the bottom of the Aegium Rise and unlocking more keys in the future as well."

Kai: "Okay then." "puts the key inside the Aegium Rise as a grunt of Aegus can be heard" "What was that?" "he questioned"

Aegus: "Eh... Just a cool effect." "he said as Kai shrugs and decides to ignore Aegus' grunt" "Alright now... Raise your hand and call-!" "Kai already knew what to do"

Kai: "ULTRAMAN AEGUS!!!" "he shouted with encouragement as the bracelet flashes white and blue particles as the screen turn black"

Aegus came closer to the screen and the background had changed

Aegus: "SHEERAGH!!!" "after the transformation, the situation goes on"

"Aegus punches the villain in the air and rolls before turning the villian with a battle stance after the monster roars at the giant"

"to be continued"


A/N: "Okay if your curious about what are the Crystalline Keys I'll tell you, Basically it's like blade of the Knight Brace from Ultraman Hikari, but it has an image of any ultraman. But anyways I will be back after a few weeks (hopefully) and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!" "Gotta go bye :)"

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