Greed Fischer (BXB)

By armonici

10.1K 458 64

I shook my head, "don't do that again." "Of course, Firefly." He bowed his head slightly. "I mean it, Gre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

429 23 25
By armonici

My knees sunk into the damp soil as Greed's hips settled against my thighs. The soft grass tickled my ankles as a cold, dead silence fell over the clearing.

The tears fell more freely, dripping down my jaw, staining the collar of my shirt with wet drops. Gradual Agony. Burning into my stomach, my throat, my heart, consumed in the fire.

"D-did you love me?" I pressed my hand to his chest, where the confident beat of his heart underneath my palm reminded me of what I had to lose.

Greed didn't answer and his violet eyes darkened the longer I stared into them.

"D-did you?" I faulted this time, worried that my deepest fear had come true. That even after all this time, I was just the only person Greed had, not the person he loved.

"I do." Came his deep voice.

The knife he pulled from the pocket of his jacket, glinted in his hands, catching the small light slipping from the crescent moon, and shimmering with nefarious darkness. I bit my lip tightly as more tears streamed down my cheeks, my heart burned achingly and my hands shook as I clutched his shirt in my hands.

"I'll bleed out..." He sharply inhaled as dark violet eyes never left mine, "I'll only have a few minutes, Iniko..."

"I can't..." I whispered brokenly, "I can't. I can't kill you, Greed..."

But I didn't have a choice.

He wrapped my fingers around the handle and it felt heavy. I couldn't breathe. My eyes dropped to my hands.

"Look at me, Baby Cobra..." He said quietly.

I frowned harshly as I fought back the increasing burn in the back of my throat. I wiped away my tears roughly, only for them to be replaced by more.


I lifted my head. I remembered the look he gave me on the bridge that night and the similarity was uncanny. Greed was ready to die and he had been since that night. My knuckles turned white around the knife's handle.

His hand wrapped around my fingers. I watched with bated breath, my fingers shaking underneath his calloused palm as he pressed the knife against his stomach.

My bottom lip quivered and I swallowed down the fear bubbling in my chest.

"G-Greed..." I whispered brokenly as his hand tightened around mine.

I watched, felt like I was watching from someone else's eyes, like this wasn't my body, like nothing bad could ever happen because Greed was invincible and Greed couldn't die. I watched, I felt, my hands, the knife was in my hands, I watched as it sunk into Greed's stomach. I watched as his teeth gritted and a sheen of sweat gathered on his forehead. As he grabbed my hand tighter, bone-breaking tight, the knife sunk deeper. I tried to pull away, the tears dripping from my eyes, never ending, the burn permanent in the back of my throat. Greed Fischer. Please.

The blood oozed from the stab wound as the knife slid from his stomach. I couldn't feel my hands as they dropped it on the wet grass underneath me.

"G-Greed..." My voice cracked.

Dark violet eyes stared up at me, "I-Iniko..."

There was so much blood. My hands shook uncontrollably as I pressed them against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but there was too much. I couldn't feel my fingers as they pressed down harder.

Every second that passed, my heart exploded in my chest, I watched as he grew even more paler, as his eyes grew lidded, as he stared up at me one last time.

"G-Greed, please..." I cried out, clutching his shirt tighter as I leaned my forehead against his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut as the tears fell uncontrollably and stained my cheeks.

"I-I-I..." I lifted my eyes to stare into his, one last time. If this was the last time, what did I say? "F-fuck! Greed, I...I love you."

I didn't know what I expected. Desperation clawed in my chest, as more red, more red, seeped into the grass beneath him. A soft touch on my cheek.

"I know." He said quietly and he looked at me one last time, violet eyes gentle and before they fluttered closed. His heartbeat faded underneath my palm.

My fallen angel.

Greed Fischer was dead...dead.

It seemed like hours later when I stood up, my hands dried with his blood, his pale skin gleaming in the darkness, like he was sleeping. Peace.

I plugged my earphones in robotically, LIFE AFTER SALEM, cold and unforgiving in my ears as I picked up my skateboard and walked down the trail, numbly.

It was when I jammed my hands into the pockets of Greed's jacket, that I found the note, I was almost halfway home, too late for anyone to walk by, too late for anyone to see the blood on my hands.

I opened it with shaky hands, and I couldn't read it until the tears had stopped and my hands had steadied.

Polar Bear,

I hope you forget about me. It's hard to hear, to think about, because a part of me hopes that you never forget me and that every time you hear the name Greed Fischer, you still care, even after that knife.

I told you that if I had a choice, things would've been different. But, I'm not sure they would, because even though my father was a cruel man, he led me to you.

I wish I could hate you – Fuck, I do hate you. I hate your stupid earphones, your skateboard. I hate that you never listen to me. And I hate that you never think first. I hate how hard it was to say goodbye to you.

My father knew your face, your name, where you lived and your father. I'm sorry that I let him hurt you, but I wish you had of listened to me, and stayed away.

I couldn't die if he didn't die, because that amount of evil couldn't stay in this world. Because I couldn't let him hurt you again.

I hope you never think of me, but the other part of me hopes you never stop.

Iniko, you were my angel, but life is cruel and I'm sorry...

I'm sorry that I couldn't find another way out.

I love you, Little Angel

Greed Fischer



The car door slammed, before I heard his footsteps. "What're you doing out here?"

I looked down at my hands, where the blood had washed away so easily in the sink, where they shook around his note. His note.

The tears dripped down my cheeks, never-ending, my heart was tearing inside of my chest and every breath was painful.

I couldn't speak.

It was almost morning and my father had returned from his night shift, the bags under his eyes were still sickly purple and he frowned down at me, eyes tired and worried.

"Niko, what happened?"

His eyes slid to my skateboard, which had slipped down the gutter a few meters away, before he slid down beside me, where I was sitting on the gutter.

The note slipped from my hands and I watched as he picked it up. I wiped away the tears slowly and I tried to make amends with the pain that was tearing through my chest...tried.

I looked up at my father, watched as he read the note slowly, eyebrows furrowed, and lips pursed. He looked up at me, and the worry and sadness in his eyes had me struggling to breathe.

"Niko...I..." he inhaled sharply before his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me against his chest, "I'm so sorry, buddy."

I felt small in his arms, reminded of the times when I was younger and I would fall off my skateboard and he would hold my hand until I stopped crying. Or the times when mum would scream at me and he would come home to find me crying in the bathroom, and he would talk to me through the door until I came out.

My father was a good man.

My eyes dropped back to the note that my father folded and handed back to me. Greed.

Rest in Peace, my Beautiful Demon.


I just want to say  thank you so much for reading Greed Fischer, I hope you enjoyed and I really really appreciate all your support ❤

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