Greed Fischer (BXB)

By armonici

12.1K 598 86

I shook my head, "don't do that again." "Of course, Firefly." He bowed his head slightly. "I mean it, Gre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

370 20 0
By armonici

"Iniko! Goddammit!" Amari snapped as he grabbed me by the collar.

I smiled drunkenly at him. The music was loud – like it was in my chest. Matthew Fletcher passed me another beer as I stumbled against the counter.

"No! Don't fucking give him that!"

I frowned at Amari, in his crutches, his face slightly pale as his knee twisted painfully. What was he doing here? How did he get out of hospital?

"What are you doing here?" I slurred as I touched his face, "are you my...imagination...?"

"Inia told me to fucking pick you up because you're a fucking idiot!" He growled as he slapped my hands away, "and no! I'm not your fucking imagination, dumbass."

I closed my eyes slightly and leaned against him. My blood felt hot and my head was spinning. Why was I here again?

"Why the fuck has Greed called you like twenty fucking times?" Amari glared down at my phone and I felt my stomach drop at the mention of his name.

I wiped the taste of beer from my lips. I put a finger to Amari's lips, "shhh..."

Jaz stepped up from behind him and placed a gentle hand on his arm, "baby, we gotta get him home."

"I'm trying..." He said softly.

I felt tears well up in my eyes at the sight of them. I wiped them away angrily and reached for the beer that was on the counter.

"Hey, put that fucking down, you idiot!" Amari reached for me.

The liquid was warm on my tongue and I frowned as the beer spilt on Greed's shirt when Amari yanked it from me. I was wearing Greed's shirt?

"Are you crying, Niko?" Jaz frowned in concern at me.

"No!" I laughed back as the tears dribbled down my cheeks, "w-why would I be crying? W-why would I be crying...?"

"Fuck, Tyreece, can you help me?" Amari gestured to Tyreece. Who was Tyreece?

"Tyreece!" I smiled as a large man wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me out of the kitchen, "wait! I was having fun! I w-was...I was having fun! No!"

"Shut the fuck up, Iniko!" Amari snarled as his eyes blazed with anger, "I thought you went home with Greed?"

Greed? Greed? Greed? Greed?


Amari placed a gentle hand on my back as I threw up into the bush. My body felt faint and my hands shook as I tried to keep myself from falling into my own vomit. My head felt hot and tears blurred my vision. I panted harshly as Amari wiped my face with a bottle of water and my – Greed's shirt.

The water he gave me was cool on my throat and I slumped into the grass as Jaz held me up.

"C'mon, babe..." Jaz whispered gently to me, "it's time to go home."

"I-I can't..." I said brokenly.

"Jaz, can you call Greed?" He asked her quietly, "we can't pick him up."

Where did Tyreece go?

He passed her my phone and I watched as she held my phone in gentle hands and put it on speaker. It dialed loudly and I wondered how Greed knew I wasn't beside him.

"Iniko! Iniko, where the fuck are you?!"

"Greed? It's Amari and Jaz, we need your help..." Amari leaned on his crutches as he talked into the phone.

"S-stop! D-don't call him! I don't want to see him...I don't want to...not him..."

The grass was cool against my cheek as I laid down on my side. The stars glittered in the sky and the night breeze wafted over my flushed skin.
"Greed will be here in five minutes, Iniko, honey, okay?" Jaz gently stroked my face as she helped me back into a sitting position, "how are you feeling?"

More tears dripped from my cheeks and I wiped them angrily. I hiccupped loudly, "I'm w-wearing his f-fucking shirt!"

"Greed's?" She frowned down at me, "Iniko, what happened?"

"H-how did he get out of hospital?" The world felt like it was spinning as Jaz grabbed my shoulders when I went to collapse back into the grass.

"He's allowed out until surgery..." She murmured softly to me, "Iniko, why are you here?"

"B-because...I w-was...I was...why am I here?" I frowned darkly.

Headlights blinded my vision until Greed's truck was parked on the street. The door slammed loudly and I watched him through blurry vision as he stalked towards us with murder on his mind.

"You!" He gripped my shirt tightly and yanked me off the ground and against him with immense strength. I stumbled into his chest and felt my head spin at the sudden movement, "you fucking idiot!"

"I-I don't want to see you..." I cried out as I tried to weakly push him away. His grip on my shirt tightened and his violet eyes blazed with fury.

"I don't give a fuck, Iniko." He snapped as he dragged me roughly to the car. I tripped over my feet multiple times as I struggled to keep up with his pace.

I looked back to see Amari and Jaz watching with slight concern. He yanked the passenger door open and slammed me against the seat with a hot palm on my chest.

"G-Greed! S-Stop!" I thrashed in the seat as he wrapped the seatbelt around me.

"Stop." He snarled, anger dripping from his tone, "shut the fuck up, Iniko!"

Severely intimidated and drunk, I shrunk back into the seat and tried to stop the next onslaught of tears that threatened to spill.

"Don't fucking move." He spat.

The door slammed closed and I watched as he turned to Amari and Jaz, who were huddled slightly over the footpath.

"Do you need a lift?" His voice was muffled.

Amari shook his head before he gestured to me, "what happened?"

Greed clenched his jaw tightly and butterflies erupted in my stomach. The taste of bile was still ever present in my mouth so I turned away from them and took a big gulp from the water bottle that was sitting in the console.

"He's upset with me..." I heard Greed murmur, but I wasn't able to catch the rest.

I leaned my head against the window as tears streamed down my cheeks. I rubbed my eyes angrily, drunk and angry at myself for crying more.

Why don't you tell them about how you want me to fucking kill you??? I don't love you! Fuck, I don't love you!

"He threw up before you came. He just needs a bath and some sleep." Amari nodded and shook Greed's hand in that weird guy way, "thanks for coming to pick him up."

Greed nodded, before turning to the car. I watched Amari and Jaz walk away, guilty, sorry and drunk for causing them so much worry.

I would text him later.

Greed's knuckles turned white around the steering wheel as his jaw clenched tightly.

The window was cool against my burning forehead and I felt the vibrations of the car on my head as he reversed onto the street.

I sighed and shrunk back into my seat. Dread oozing into my stomach as deafening silence engulfed the car.

The air felt heavy and I took a shuddering breath as houses and street lamps flickered past us.

By the time we pulled into the driveway behind my father's car, I was sober enough to realise that tonight was about to take another turn for the worse.

I stumbled out of the car, and didn't say a word as Greed grabbed my bicep in a death grip and yanked me into the house.

My father was standing in his night time robe with slippers on his feet. He was tired, the large bags under his eyes were indicative of his lack of sleep, and I felt guilt drip down my chest.

"Mr Warren." Greed nodded and pulled me up against him when I swayed on my feet. His chest was warm against my back.

My mouth felt dry as I met my father's hard green eyes, "D-Dad..."

His mouth set into a firm line and he raised an eyebrow, "Iniko, I can smell the alcohol from here."

"I-I'm...sorry..." I whispered. My face felt sticky with tears, "I-I...I'm sorry."

He shook his head in disappointment.

My heart squeezed painfully and I sniffled slightly.

"D-don't touch me!" I snapped at Greed, when he pulled my – his shirt over my head, "you don' don't love me!"


"D-don't call me those...those stupid names!" I struggled out of his grip, but he effortlessly shed my jeans and I shivered as the cold air from my open window wrapped around my legs.

"Stop." He whispered deathly quiet in my ear, "not another word."

I swallowed uncomfortably as he yanked me into the bathroom.

I looked up at him through tear-stained eyelashes. He was angry, angrier than he had ever been at me before. His jaw was tight, his violet eyes hard as they twinkled in the bathroom light. His entire muscular body thrummed with dominance. Fuck me...

His body was so close to mine, and I felt that hot liquid in my stomach, felt my lips tingle as his forehead brushed against mine.

"D-don't kiss me..." I struggled out as his violet eyes glared down at me.

Greed's fingers trailed over my jaw softly as his warm palm rested on the small of my back.

"You're drunk..." he said mockingly, "and you smell like vomit, Little Churro...I won't kiss you."

I scowled and went to yell at him, but the warning look he sent me had me biting my tongue.

He pulled my briefs down my legs and I was naked against him. I could feel his sweatpants on my hip, his soft shirt against my chest.

All the blood that rushed to my cheeks made me feel hazy and I licked my dry lips as a rush of dizziness washed over me.

His calloused, warm palm slid from my lower back to my ass. I grabbed his forearm tightly and tried not to think about the fact that he had fucked me only hours before and I wasn't going to stop him if he fucked me right now.

"Get in the shower, Pink Kitty..." He ordered in a low tone.

I bit my lip, "l-look away..."

Greed laughed mockingly and I felt my cheeks grow even more red, "you sat on my dick just hours ago, Honey Pie...and now you're shy...?"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Greed manhandled me into the shower and slammed me up against the porcelain tiles with a dark look in his eyes, "don't test my patience, Rescue..."

He moved away before I had a chance to reply and leaned against the sink, one arm crossed over his chest and the other glaring at his phone.

I stared at him with wide eyes as I tried to calm my beating heart down.

"Iniko..." Greed warned after a few minutes of me not moving. He didn't look up from his phone.

I let out a shaky breath and turned on the shower. The water was warm and I washed my hair quickly, trying to ignore the man who was currently ignoring me and hoping to God that my erection would soften before he looked up.

When I was finished, Greed wrapped me up tightly in a towel, and dried my hair roughly.

He pulled a shirt over my head and helped me back into some boxers because I was still a bit unsteady on my feet.

"How mad are you at me?" I bit my lip anxiously and sat on my bed, whilst Greed rummaged around in the bathroom. He turned the light off when he was finished and the warm glow of my bedside table lamp lit the room.

Greed looked down at me, "go to bed, you're drunk." 

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