Only time will tell

By BeBe1918

49.5K 1.5K 173

"If you do that again, I'll throw you off this bloody tower you - what on earth are you doing?" "Checking how... More

Tell Me About Tomorrow
Playlist/ Aesthetics
Chapter one - How to run from the mess you made
Chapter two - I Call Shotgun (Said the Dead Man)
Chapter three - The Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface & Go Fuck Yourself
Chapter four - Laughter in the tombs
Chapter Five - Our Old Friend Death
Chapter six - Emotions are for children
Chapter seven - Things Go Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly wrong)
Chapter eight - Words To Live By
Chapter nine - 100 Times a Therapist was Needed
Chapter Ten - 50 shades of your blood
Chapter eleven - Today on Dr Phill - A Traitor
Chapter Twelve - Possession or Obsession ?
Chapter Fourteen - The Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie

Chapter thirteen - The Good, The Bad and The Okay I Guess

1.2K 37 6
By BeBe1918

WARNING - Explicit detail of torture. Mentions of rape. 

Valley of Geysers - Russia - Unknown Hydra Base

Darkness cascaded the room. The bitterly cold wind howled through the gaps in the wall. Shadows danced on the walls like ballerinas pirouetting to their deaths. Fallen angles of Lucifer's army.  Ready to steal the souls in the dead of the night. The distressing putrid smell of moulding copper blood strangles her senses.

Her mind ran wild with agitation and trepidation of the unknown future. The filthy walls seemed to close in on her causing panic to fill her system. However, action refused to comprehend in her brain. The benumbed, grubby chains around her ankles and arms weighed her down. Compelling her to scream for help from anyone, anywhere. Her fate was set in stone.

Her voice was hoarse, like sandpaper, all she wanted was something to drink. She didn't even know how long she had been there. Days. Week. Months. 

She remembered the day Hydra had stolen her from her home in Stark Tower. The avengers had been out on a mission. Pepper, her mum, was in a business conference. She had been left at home to prepare for training tomorrow. Her uncle Nick Furry had been coming to collect her late that evening. 

She had heard the shattering of glass. The heavy footsteps echoing through the hallway. Her heart had leapt out her chest. She knew what her father had told her, but it didn't seem to comprehend. Her mind had gone blank.

She had hidden in an air vent waiting to see what would happen when she had felt an arm grip onto her from behind. Dragging her down the vent to the opening. She had been ready to fight back. To run as fast as she could. But as soon they were out a sharp pain had pinched her neck and everything had gone black and blurry.

When she had woken up here. In a disgusting cell she had screamed for hours, banging her fists on the door. Threating promises of pain and death to come. And then when her fists were covered in blood and her voice no longer apparent, she had cried. Silent tears. Hoping for her father to show up and save the day. But he wasn't going to. No one was. She was alone.

Now, however many days later, she spent her time imaging what might happen. Who might be holding her capture? Her father had a lot of enemies after all.

The rumble of the heavy, steel door was what awakened her thoughts. She looked up to see three nameless faces of hatred staring at her. A grim smile of what must have been the ringleader.

Мисс Старк, я надеюсь, вы довольны своим размещением." (Miss Stark, I hope your happy with your accommodation.) The one with the greasy blonde hair sniggered as he said this. Laughing at her pain.

"Get fucked you bastard. I have no clue what you're saying to me right now."

"You don't speak Russian."

"Obviously not dick face."

"We will have to fix that."

"Fuck off. What do you grease monkeys want?"

"Miss Stark, you are in the perfect position right now for us to bring Hydra back to its once glorious reign. With the right time we are going to create our own super solider, one that will bring shield to ground. And you my dear sweet girl - are the perfect candidate."

"You can re-fucking-think that plan. I'd rather stick bleach in my eyes than work for you."

"She has spirit. We will have to break it."

Florence watched as they all circled in. 

Picking her up as she kicked and screamed, biting into one of their arms. 

"Get off me dickhead."

Laughing the carried on walking her down the corridor.

When arriving at a bright red door she stopped a sharp sting in the back off her neck.

"We will fix you Miss Stark. Greatness will succeed you."

That was when darkness overwhelmed.

--------------------------- Time Skip ---------------------------------

She had woken up to being strapped to what looked like a dental chair. 

Her body was paralysed and her mind blank. It had been like this for the last few days. Waking up to no one there. Not being able to move. She would be fed stale bread every three days she had worked out. 

However, today she could feel something different in the air. When being fed the man had seemed more excited. More on edge.

She had no clue why, accept that it would end up in pain and misery.

That was when she had felt it. This excruciating burn carry through her body. It started in the tips of her fingers. Then reached her arms. Her legs. Her feet. It enveloped her body. Constant burning. 

Tears formed in her eyes and a scream left her throat.

But it didn't stop there. 

Her throat started to close. And she felt herself sputter water all over floor. Buckets full of water were being thrown up everywhere. The feeling of drowning. 

Then the ground started shaking. Large rumbles radiated everywhere. 

Objects flew around, crashing into the walls.

Florence was completely lost in the pain and confusion.

In that moment she begged for death. Craved it infact. Anything to stop the agony. 

It felt like someone was stubbing cigarettes on her skin but then putting freezing cold water on top. Steam smoked from her. 

It was like this for four painstakingly long hours. 

And then everything stopped.

The objects fell to the floor.

The fiery pit inside her cooled down.

The salty sea water which had been caught at the back of her throat swallowed down.

"What the hell is going on?"


"Let me out."



No answer. 

"Just let me out. Please."

It went on for days. Overwhelming emotions devouring her and then all sudden burning pain throughout her body. 

Every. Single. Day.

Over the next the next few days she was had been moved back to the cell. She was stripped bare, throughout the freezing temperatures with only a thin dirty blanket as a barricade. Every two days she was given mouldy bread rolls and cold cans of random food to nibble on. Her stomach was gnawing away constantly aching. 

The same recording had been repeating again and again. She remembered when it first started. The monotone words installed in her brain.

"You will give up. You are weak. You are pathetic. You are alone. No one is coming for you."


And again.

Her hope slowly slowly slipping out of her hands.

Random instalments of noise would pop up. Loud causing her to not even be able to think. It drove her crazy. She had tried to plug her ears and pretend it wasn't happening but that didn't work. Then came the thumping of her head into the wall. Trying to block it by concentrating on something else. Again, that didn't work. She had begged, screamed, cried for help. For them to stop. 

Then there were the times when they would randomly storm into her room and test of new form of torture on her. First it was sensory deprivation. Not being able to hear. Locking her in small spaces for days on end. No clock. No light. No calendar. She had no clue what was going on.

Next it was the waterboarding. An extreme technique of phycological torture where a person if tied to a board a board and has water poured over their face/ nose to simulate the feeling of drowning. Physical effects include dry drowning, extreme pain, lung damage and brain damage. After long periods of time psychological effects can be extremely overwhelming and long lasting. The men had laughed at her while she yanked on the restraints trying to get free. Claw marks covered her skin.

And finally, when she was completely broken. Her will to live gone. They built her up. Piece by piece. She was officially Hydra's new weapon. A super soldier with the power to summon and manipulate the elements. She was taught many languages. Russian. French. Spanish. German. Romansh. Latin. The list went on. She was taught how to kill a man with just her bare hands in 25 different ways. She was taught how to make empires fall with just a few taps of a button. 

Every day she trained with the Winter Solider. And nearly every day for the first 6 months she was shoved on her arse. Bruise after bruise. Blood, sweat and tears. Him ignoring her whenever she tried to talk. Constantly pushing her past her breaking point. Two years in and she was a master in many styles of fighting like Aikido and Taekwondo. She had learned how to fight with many weapons like knives, guns and bow and arrow (I know very Katniss Everdeen). Her strength and agility were higher than any other member of hydra. She was above everyone else.

But although she was physically stronger than she had ever been, mentally she was dying. There was nothing left. An endless abyss of nothingness. She was so damn tired. 

Every night she would just sit there in the corner trying to stay warm remembering her family. Wondering what they might be doing now. Were they still looking for her? Did they even care? Had they just moved on? 

She would wait.

Every night her heart would race terrified of what might happen. Baron von Strucker would come in angry and drunk. Angry with her about a mistake she made. Or just the fact that she was Tony Stark's daughter. He would walk over backing her into the corner. The smirk on his face was true evil. He smiled at her pain. Laughed at her screams for help. He got off on the fact that she was helpless underneath him. 

She remembered the first time he had come in. She had been sleeping on the cot she had been given for good behaviour. She had terrified when hearing a heavy thud of the door swinging open. She had tried to act as though she was asleep. That she wasn't always on edge in case something might happen. She felt his hands roam her body through the thin fabric of her nightie. He started with a slight brush against the leg to see what would happen. Then the grab at her breast. He started roughly pushing her about. Grabbing and touching the places she had always been taught to keep covered. She remembered when he ripped the covers off and started to get on top of her. She remembered the exact moment she realised what was about to happen. The panic and pure fear which had rushed through her body. She had started thrashing and pushing him away. Screaming as he had aggressively ripped off her clothes and placed dirty rough kisses on her body. Smiling as she screamed for help from anyone. 

It lasted for hours. Him repeatedly getting pleasure from her fear.

He broke her.

And it would be like this for months. 

She had never cried more than that night. It was the night that truly broke her. She lost all hope of getting out. She had given up. She wanted to be dead.

There had been a moment where she tried. She was so ready for it to end. The torture. The constant emptiness. It had been the winter solider that had stopped her. Some may say saved her. She, of course, would not agree. She never thanked him. Infact most of the time she fought him tooth and nail. Never telling him the truth. But after every beating and lashing he would be there to clean her wounds. After every wiping of his memories, she would be there to remind him of his past. Both supporting each other throughout every step of the way.

The two formed of bond of brother and sisterly love. Bucky would take her punishments if he could, and she would write down his former lives' memories for him. And when he found out what had been happening at night in that dark cell of terror, let's just say there weren't many survivors. It had been the first time Hydra had ever seen his true power. He true potential. He left Von Strucker for last. He had taught how to torture a man to insanity until they were begging for death, and she did exactly that. Relishing in his screeches and howls. 

When arriving back at the Avengers compound it had been both of pure happiness yet misery. The two had stuck together like glue. Holding hands at all times and whispering in Russian about what to do. She recalled the moment she had seen her dad. How she had ran into his arms breaking down on the floor in front of the others. The bags under his eyes. The distinct smell of alcohol. He remembered seeing how sickly thin and pale she was. He remembered the first time seeing her scars. How truly terrifying it was knowing that his daughter had suffered because of him. He still didn't forgive himself.

Now (Malfoy Manor) Florence's POV

Silence echoed around the room. The tension could be cut with a knife. I watched my father's (I mean Tom's) face for a reaction. I saw the way James sat by me with his wrapped around my waste tightly. A few tears escaping. I watched as Sirius perched on the windowsill chain smoking a pack of cigarettes. Then there was Remus in the corner full on crying while being comforted by Regulus. It was weird seeing them all like this. Feeling sorry for me. It made me uncomfortable.

"I, um, don't feel sorry, well, for me. It's in the past."

As if I had offended them all, there heads snapped towards to me. Anger and shook stricken on there faces. That was when Tom came over to me, crouching down. Taking my face in his hands.

"My dear, sweet girl. I am so sorry for not being here. For leaving you. I vow on my own very life that I will protect with everything I have. You will never come to harm again. Even after my inevitable death I will make those men suffer in hell even if that means getting the damn devil on my side. Do you understand?"

"Yes father."

"Well then I guess it's time to take that bitch Dumblewhore down. Bellatrix fetch my coat we have a Stark to visit."


Thank you so much for reading. I hope your enjoying it. I'm sorry this is late I've just had exams. Don't forget to vote.

Lot's of love, BeBe xxx

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