She's My Best Friend and I Lo...

By xXpeaceXx

227K 2.5K 629

Mali is BI and is in love with her best friend Ziva who is straight but she knows Malis feelings. Mali has Be... More

Shes My Bestfriend and I Love Her
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

9.8K 108 7
By xXpeaceXx

Chapter 10

Mali's Pov

I was waiting for someone just someone to come up to me and make fun of me make a comment anything.

But nothing happened

Its third period  and no one has said anything glared at me NOTHING

I was starting to feel very weird i mean really has no one heard i mean Ziva or Izzy probably would have said something right?

But no no one has said anything the only gossip that involves me is the gossip between me and justin but thats it

So by lunch time i was still treated normally sortof

"Justin has anyone said anything"

"nope" he said popping the P

"I cant believe no one knows yet"

"well i told you you had nothing to worry about" he said putting his arm around me and pulled me in to kiss my head.

Then some girls walked by whispereing and one even sat next to him,"Hey justin youve changed alot, but in a good way i mean you are HOT" she said smiling

"well i know this and you can stop with this act im not getting with you im with Mali"

her face was pure shock

"WHAT are you SERIOUS shes into girls plus shes not even that pretty god"

That seemed to piss Justin off

"Shes into both and she is the most beautiful girl in the school as far as im concerened and all you are are some white trash slut so you can find some other douche bag to go bang!" he was standing over her towering her and she was trying to act pissed but she was too scared to talk back so she just did alittle omff and walked off with her other sluts

"im sorry"

"dont be sorry im glad that you did that you stuck up for me and yourself and i love you for that" i kissed him on the nose and his face grew bright red.

After lunch things didnt exactly go so well

Those sluts Justin pissed off and stood up against were out to get me.

the rest 3 classes i had had either 1, 2 or all 3 of them in my classes and it was torture

I had things thrown at me i was kicked tripped and i was called a few not so nice names but i didnt care

So when the bell rung i was more than happy to be the first one out those doors. Acctually once i was outside i ran to the car and jumped on him and gave him a huge hug and a hig kiss.

"woow woow woow whats up"

"nothing i just love you so much plus this is the first day i get to actually be with you without all of my drama" i gave him one more kiss

"oh well id deal with your drama all the time if i get you loving me" I tryed to wiggle my way back down but he only held me tighter

"oh no you dont"

"ughh justin" i whined

He placed me in the car and we quickly drove off

Well that was sudden

He passed his house and then soon my house

"umm Justin were are we going'' he glanced at me and and smiled shyly

"youll see"

"ughh justin just tell me" i whined again but he stayed quiet

UGHH fine i slumped back in the seat and crossed my arms and looked out the window

I layed my head against the cool damp glass and eventually fell asleep and then being shaken awake and i felt like i only had been asleep for maybe 5 - 10 minutes

"come one we are here"

I looked around and saw a playground and it was the playground at our elementary school

Why is he bringing me here

"umm justin why are we here"

he looked at me in disbelief

"remember in 6th grade when we were going out the first time"

"uh yah we never did much"

he sighed and he took my hand and we ran up to the little blue table at the top of the hill and he sat on the top of the table and i did the same

"do you rememeber now"

"no just tell me' i whined again im feeling whiney today SUE ME

"tell me you dont remember when we held hands here the first time"

"oh yah" i blushed

"Yahhh and i remember people saying we were so cute also i remeber holding your hand in the sky like a complete dork"

"yah and you embarressed me also i rememebr pulling our hands down and people said it looked like i was grabbeding your butt"

This time he laughed really loudly

"i know that was hilarious do you remember that right after that the next day they put out a NO PDA rule or whatever and people would like touch each other with a finger saying OH PDA and we joked bout it all the time"

"oh my god i know that was insane do you remember when we all were gonna hold hands and go on a mini riot"

"oh yah i do remember that"

"i loved Elementary"

"yah" he caressed my face," it holds the sweetest memories

"Kiss me" i whispered

and he did

-Authors Note-

ok well the memories at the blue table thing those really did happen in 6th grade oh how i loved 6th grade XD well its short sorry im sick though and tired lol well hope you liked it Peace XD

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