kings and the beasts: war of...

By Aashu7897

101 32 7

The story revolves around the Ten Kings of the East Kingdom. They all had formed an alliance to go against th... More

Transformation - 5
New-Born: Age of new Era - 6
The Cursed Prisoner - 9
The Dark Forest - 10
Nature's Beauty - 11


6 3 1
By Aashu7897

'500 Years Later...'

The organization will complete its 500 years in the upcoming days. For the last 500 years, this day is being celebrated with great enthusiasm and honor. Everything is done in the way that those ten great kings had made to live together in peace and harmony.

When the organization was made, some rules were made, under which all the kings and their people had to live and their next-generation also have to follow.

All the rules were made by taking approval from all ten kings and they all had promised to each other that their descendants would keep this till their last breath. Whenever work needed to be done it will be done if necessary. If anyone refuses then they cannot proceed with the plan. If a king ever tries to cheat with someone, it will consider an act of treason; then his Kingdom will be passed to the Kingdom next to them.

The era of the tenth descendant of that organization was about to end and the new era is about to start, the eleventh generation. Soon, the new organization is going to be established.

There will be all-new kings in all Ten Kingdoms. They will have to obey all the rules laid down by their ancestors. They had to give respect to each other and support them in time of need and act when something goes bad in their kingdom. Their personal feelings will keep aside. The punishment for betraying was already set and no matter which family the culprit belongs to, they will be punished for their crime.

'A true king always thinks about their people, not about himself.'

'To help the others is the sole goal of this organization.'

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Many children come here every year from every Kingdom to learn the art of war, politics, and medicine and to set their future as high-level master spects. All the children give their ten years of their life to learn the new art of work and polish their skills. They learn here everything they want and when their education is completed they went back to their Kingdom to support them in the way they can.

'It is the duty of every kin to cooperate with his King, but if the king is wrong then everyone should support the truth.'

In the morning, you all will go from here to your Kingdom. If you want to attend the festival you can attend it. Those whose education has been completed will stay at their Kingdom and start their new life as men and women, and those whose education is incomplete; they will have to come back again after the festival.

'You are the eleventh generation of the keepers of the east.'

All princes will be crowned and named king on that day. Along with that, the new organization will be formed with the young King. It is a set rule that no king will rule after his organization's time come to end. A king had fifty years of his reign to lead and leave a good impression on their people.

There will be many things at the festival, many games will be played but do not let your guard down for a moment. Enjoy the festival. The new king will handle their work after taking the oath. Raise the glory.

You all had become king before your time because of an accident. Your education remained incomplete at that time, but as for now you all have learned and your time has come to leave this camp. You all had worked hard on your education and face danger at an early age to protect your Kingdom. I hope you keep protecting them and help each other.

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The grandmaster of the camp was telling the whole story to them all, especially to the ten kings who had become the king five years earlier from their actual time but were not able to run their own Kingdom at that time.

The grandmaster told everyone about past and present then left everyone with his blessings.

The next day, all the kings and the children move to the East Kingdom. They all were happy to celebrate the festival.

As they entered the East Kingdom, everyone was there. They were waiting for their Kings. They were cheering for them when they arrive in happiness. The whole area was decorated with beautiful flowers. Food stalls, aiming games were set up for the festival.

Everyone wants to see their King. All the kings looked at their people and smiled at them. They invited them to celebrate the feast. The whole festival was set up in the castle which does not fall under anyone's Kingdom. When the alliance was first made, they put up a big wall in the mid of the whole east side of the planet. It came in handy whenever the beast tried to attack any Kingdom. The big wall was acting as the first line of defense. The security at that place was quite high.

'No one can get in or out with proper checking.'

The entire Kingdom was approximately at the same distance from that castle. They have set up many different types of security systems like multiple arrow throwers, spear throwers, flame throwers, ropes, and net throwers.

All of that was arranged at the different buildings at top of the place. It had covered all ten directions.

They can attack and defend themselves from any kind of ambush. All of the buildings were connected and only a few of them were allowed to cross from one pace to another.

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At night, everyone was enjoying themselves.

The candles were burning in the entire hallway. Tons of food, vegetables, meats, and drinks are present on the table for everyone.

'Look at them, how much happy they are', King Ridley said looking at the laughing faces.

'They have to, we are their Kings. They have to laugh whether they want or not King Leanwood said in a drunken mood and laughed. The rest of the king knew he was just pulling legs.

'Happy? Look at everyone. This is madness. I do not find anything so much laughable. What are they getting from this? If I alone could take decision.....' King Lowell stopped himself and said, 'I am off to sleep.'

King Graves said while thinking. 'I do not know why King Lowell is like that. He always got angry.'

'Leave it, man. He just does not like to drink and have fun. I am just imagining what would have happened when he got drunk', King Leanwood was babbling and unable to control himself.

He dropped the full glass of wine of King Graves's head.

'Ooh...I'm sorry. Forgive me.'

All the kings were laughing by looking at King Leanwood's face. His eyes got close and looked a pea shape when he laughs. His cheeks wiggle and made him look ugly. King Graves hold King Leanwood's head and smashed it to his food lying in front of him and said, 'apology accepted.' He laughed when King Leanwood moves his face up. King Leanwood took a glass and throws the liquid on his face to clear it up. King Gilbert switched the glass of water with the wine right before he picked it up. The wine went straight into his eyes and he felt his eyes burning. His face turned funnier again as a newborn baby. Everyone was laughing and beating the table. The table was shaking.

After a while, when King Leanwood's eyes were feeling well, he was coming back to the Kings, but he got trapped in their own feet and lost his balance; he directly went on the burning wood. First, he did not feel anything but when the heat reached his skin; he got up and run away quickly from there and falls into the drain instead of jumping into the clean water.

King Leanwood got wet from top to bottom and was stinking. He went straight to clean the water falling side and got clean. He took a glass of wine as he was drinking it he stepped his naked feet on the nail. He felt the pain; the glass dropped from his hand and spitted the wine. He said, 'Oh boy' and starts screaming and running here and there. He got hit by the door and passed out.

Everyone enjoyed it very much. King Gilbert was laughing so hard. He hit the man who was serving on his back, he fell down. Every king was drunk. They went to their chamber and fell to sleep in their bed in a minute.

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In the morning, there was a cool atmosphere and the sky was covered with dark clouds. The sun was hiding behind the cloud. The king of the ten Kingdoms woke up and got ready to attend the big day.

The entire Kingdom was decorated very well. Especially the main ground, it was surrounded by all ten directions. There were lots of pillars standing tall and big weapons installed on them. It was made in a way that the soldier who was on guard can do their duty and enjoys the arena matches.

It was made as to the maze. If any beast or Kingdom tries to attack them then they can easily locate them and kill them. It was like a watchtower, they named it 'The Eyes of the Eagles.'

That day, the securities were tightening. The king and their people from other outside Kingdoms were welcome to join. They are welcome to participate in the event. It always comes with risk when they open their arm to accept others. Back in the day, there had been many attempts happened on that day at the same place but it stood strong. Attacks after the attack, the kings of the organization kept minimizing the eagle eyes blind spot. The stage was set for the event. According to elders, this type of event never happened in a long time. Everyone was ready and got out of their home and was moving and wandering in the festival till the arena matches start. The loud music and instruments were being played.

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The weather took a unique turn on that day. It was getting darker and darker in the daytime. Some different lights can be seen through the naked eyes. The sky was filled with strange lightening with different colors as green, orange, blue, red, black. All the color comes for a few seconds and got consumed as all that was remaining was a black dark cloud. It may look as if some war was happening in the sky for a while. It did not matter for the people of that planet. No one even noticed that light show in the sky. They were busy with the festival and happiness.

Soon the time has arrived. Everyone went to the arena. They went there after they heard the announcement of the upcoming arena matches. They all reached there and waited till all the king came. They started cheering for them. All kings took their place. Firstly, the coronation ceremony was held and then they formed an alliance as they stand together and repeated the words. They were holding the holy flame.

After they got settled, they all give their green signal to start the matches. With the loud voices with the roaring sound of instruments, the mighty warrior of the arena began.

The match started with a solo fight. In the first round, the champion from every Kingdom can participate. The winner will go to the next round. The next round was filled with all the winners from the first round. They all had to fight with each other in the arena. The game had a special round, the top three players have to fight with the captured beast. They had all types of weapons from short-range to long-range as bow and arrow, swords, spears, knives, axes, wooden and Iron logs, heavyweight weapons, lightweight weapons. The contestant can choose any type of weapon at any time. The rule was simple they have to knock out. They cannot kill any of their opponents except the beast. The winner of the final round will earn the mighty warrior of the arena title and will be provided the rank.

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The game had reached its peak. The second round was on the battle between the first-round winners. Everyone was cheering for their champion. The whole arena was covered with happiness and enthusiasm. The warriors were doing their best to win and kept entertaining others. The sun was out a bit in the sky. As time passes, something happened. The sunlight got blocked by something. First, the kings thought it was due to unstable weather but soon they saw the shadow of a big beast. He was hovering here and there hiding behind the dark clouds. First, they saw one shadow hovering in the sky, soon the numbers start increasing. The audience got panicked by that. Before they could attract the attention of the beast, the kings ordered their soldiers to evacuate everyone civilian. The sound of musical instruments kept playing to lure the beasts away. They want to buy some time for evacuation.

King Leanwood threw his ice bag which he was using on his face. He got hurt in a late-night drunken show.

He said, 'Get ready to slay those beasts. I am coming for you.' He took his sword in his hand and got ready. All the other kings were with him. They decided to wait until they discover what kind of beasts they were dealing with.

The soldiers get into the formation. They were ready to face any kind of problem. They had their weapons in their hands. The beasts seemed like big flying animals. The kings easily predicted his high speed by analyzing his movement. Before they could do anything, the beast attacked the soldiers in the arena at his full speed. Few soldiers got burnt in a moment. The soldiers on the high ground on the pillar start hitting that beast with spear-arrow, the lightweight fastest, and sharpest weapon in the whole Kingdom.

As the beast got distracted, the soldiers changed their position and save the soldiers who were alive but got hurt.

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They were ready to slay the beast without holding anything back. Suddenly, they heard someone crying. Everyone looked at the audience's place. A child was crying loudly. They saw the beast moving towards that child. His eyes were locked on that child. Few soldiers run to save the kid. A soldier jumped and grabbed the kid and fall down. He saved the kid. As he turned, his fellow soldiers got swallowed by the beast in front of his eyes. Three more soldiers got died. Some of them got in his way when the beast was taking off. He released high intense fire and brunt more. They got burnt to the ashes. He continued his attack and burned the whole ground by attacking randomly.

The beast came down to eat more. The soldiers used the other soldier running away from him as bait and released the net from the opposite direction. The beast got trapped. The net thrower continued their attack to hold him down. The soldier got out whose life was in danger as the rest of the soldiers went straight to the beast to kill them.

The beast called others by screaming. They came out of the cloud and freed the beast. The whole arena was full of dark forest dragons. They broke everything in their way and burnt everything. The whole arena went down. More and more soldiers got killed; they burnt the village close to the main castle. Few of them got hurt by the combined force attack, but they were not able to do anything more.

They remained standing as everything was burning. They do not have a chance to think before everything happens. The dragons got away. All the people were ordered to return to their Kingdom. The other kings who were not from the East Kingdom were also requested to return along with their people. Firstly, they honored the dead and agreed to meet at the main castle in the evening.

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They went to their Kingdom to assure the safety of their people along with them. They ordered the soldiers to guard the Kingdom with their life and to remain alert. Few rules were made and the people were taught how to react if a similar kind of accident happens. After finishing, all kings return to the main castle of the East Kingdom as they agreed.

The night came up. The stars were shining in the sky. There were strange lights in the sky. The sky looked not so calm so did the king's brain. They were very upset about the accident in the arena.

They were silent, nothing was to say. It was a big failure on the big day and most of all, after everything they have prepared it still remained less in front of the beasts. They felt helpless. They started talking to lower the heavy atmosphere. King Lowell stood up. He took the wine in the glass and drink it in one go. He starts babbling moving from one place to another.

'Those filthy beasts, they have brunt our men and women. We are not food for them. They cannot attack us when they feel hungry. I was there, but I could do nothing. Shame on me, he drinks another glass of wine and throws the glass on the ground in anger.

'I agree with King Lowell. We need to make some plans to protect ourselves. Those beasts have thick paws and I think our weapons do not have any effect on those thick skins. We need to upgrade our weapons. We cannot face them with low-grade weapons.' King Snelling said.

'And his teeth...' before King Snelling finishes his words, King Leanwood said. They were made of something else. I took a close look at those teeth when he passed from me. No one can survive its small injury. His teeth were so pointed that he could easily cut a tree and it was full of strange shapes. The look on his face was capable of creating a never-ending nightmare. The blood was dripping from the mouth, King Leanwood made a strange look and shook his whole body and spoke, 'I do not know how the fire came out, from inside them. When they come next time, I will tear their belly and see from where all the dragons release the fire.'

'What should we do?' King Arsvoth asked.

'We do not need to think about it anymore. We should prepare ourselves to go to war. We will show them how powerful we are. They should also know who they are fighting with. We will show them no mercy.' King Lowell spoke loudly; his anger was increasing while saying this.

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King Lowell was speaking standing near to the window, looking at the sky. His voice got changed in the last few lines. His lips were shaking in pain from the dead soldiers. His tears came out of his eyes. Everyone was looking at King Lowell.

King Gilbert said politely, 'I am sure everyone in this room is agreeing with you. Come on, sit here and we will find the solution for how to kill those beasts together as one.

King Ebonnywood stood up and show his meat piece in the air and said, 'I will cut off his foot and cook it and eat like this. They harmed us by using those feet.'

King Gilbert said, 'They have wings that help them for easy escape. It will be hard to track those dragons. They can come whenever they want and attack us with intense fire in a moment. We can do one thing to minimize the gap; we need to attack their wings first. It will make them helpless.

We can attack them when they are on the ground and well trapped. Once their wings go out of the picture, we will kill them with all the sharp weapons. The weapons we need must be lightweight with sharp edges. It needed to be fast and we can throw it with our machines. They will cut their wings and make them fall to the ground.

King Leanwood got thrilled and said, 'The plan is alright. It can work very well but the main question is where will we get such types of weapons? We do not have achieved any new weapons from the order of master spects.'

'We will order them to make this type of weapons.' King Lowell said and supported King Gilbert's plan. He continued, 'We will issue a special order to the order of master spects. They have every Kingdom's best high-level spects working together. I am sure they will figure out something in time.'

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'When those weapons will get ready, we will attack those beasts when they come. We will protect our people.' King Gilbert said.

'This is the right option, I agree with it.'

Now their blood will flow. They will die and scare us. Lots of blood will fall on the soil. The soil will turn in red with their blood in this war. We will leave no one alive. We will kill everyone till they go extinct.

While saying this, King Lowell closed his eyes and imagines the scene of the war. The homes were on fire, everything was burning and the blood was flowing from every side. His fellow kings were dead on the battlefield. All the dragons seemed angry and they were attacking in every Kingdom. They chew someone's head, someone's hands, and someone's leg and sometimes ate the whole men and women. They have brunt few with the intense fire. They were using their tails to snap someone's neck and remove the obstacles in their way. There was blood and blood everywhere. All the soldiers seemed to be bathed in the blood, more than half of them were injured, and still, they were fighting. They were following the plan, cutting their tails first and killing the dragon when they fell on the ground after trapping them.

'This is not the safe way. I sense more danger in this way. We will have to suffer if we follow that. Many of our people will be killed if our people will get killed and we will win in the end then what we will do with this kind of victory? To whom we will celebrate this? We are supposed to protect those lives, we should not lead them to get killed. Whatever we are doing we are doing it for them. I agree with King Gilbert's idea. We need to protect ourselves when they attack us. Tailing them is not an option for now.' King Graves put his point on the table. He was angry with King Lowell's vision.

King Lowell shouted in anger, 'we will win and we do not need to be afraid of them when the war will be over. We will live in peace and happiness in the end. Those beasts from the dark forest will think before they dare to attack us again.

'Who will live with peace and happiness when there will be no one left alive to live? In the end, only a few people will survive that madness. Lots of blood will be spilled on the ground. Many of them definitely lost their family at that time. Only dead bodies will be laying on the ground, half-burnt, half sliced from the head, from guts, from legs. How can we live happily after that? It is better we protect and attack only when they attack us. This is the only way remaining. Finding them is like calling for more trouble.' King Gilbert raised his voice.

Listening to his words, everyone gave a thought. Few kings wanted to adopt King Lowell's extinct idea and the rest was supporting King Gilbert's play-safe idea. As the views of every king were different and they could not end on the same life, the final decision was kept on hold.

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As the talk was happening, lightning shines in the sky. The kings noticed that. This time the lightning shines brighter than before. All kings stood up and went to the window. They saw something shining coming towards the planet. Everyone's mouth was left open. The sky which was as clear as water was now filled with different light green, orange, red, yellow, and black as before.

'The whole sky was filled with colorful lightning.'

They had never seen a view like that. Suddenly, a glowing thing appeared from that colorful lightning. A few seconds later, five more things appeared like that behind the first one. All six of them were moving quickly toward the planet.

All kings thought that the stars were falling on the planet. Its speed was very fast. It was so fast that it had created a layer to its surrounding as it was covered with fire. Before the kings could have said anything, the first thing touched the ground along with the others. There was a difference between them. The size of the first was different from the rest of the five. They all collided with each other and had fallen in a different direction.

As all those things fell on the planet, a high-frequency wave emerged from it. The energy of the wave started to cover every inch of the planet within a second. Every living thing on the planet fell unconscious as the wave reached them. It was as if the wave was trying to connect with everyone on the planet. Something mysterious was bound to happen. All the kings fall down in the main castle and the people of the Kingdom, all animals of the planet, and the beasts of the dark forest. The wave has covered every ground in a few seconds and they all fell unconscious at the same place and whatever they were doing.

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The sun came upon the head on the next day. Its light was falling on the eyes of all the kings through the open window. On that day the sunlight was much sweeter than ever. It was not filled with intense temperatures as always. Cool breezes were flowing over the entire planet. Like the sun, the air had brought something special too. It was filled with amazing smells. Together they formed pleasant weather on that day. The leaf of the tree was trying to sneak into King Leanwood's nose. As the leaf entered he shrinks his nose and moves his mouth like a cow for a bit. The wind blow again and pushed him like a friend. This time the leaf entered into King Leanwood's nose a little deep and he wakes up shouting in shock. He sneezed loudly.

The sound of sneeze had broken everyone's sleep. They all woke up. As soon as he gains his consciousness he shouted again. King Saliveth asked, 'What happened?'

King Leanwood pointed his finger out where King Arsvoth was sleeping. All kings saw there. For a few seconds, they did not find anything but they noticed something strange in the main castle. There were the branches of the tree coming into the main castle's room through the window. All of them got surprised by that. The plant did not exist till the last night. They went straight out to the top of the main castle. Their eyes remained wide open as were their jaws.

The saliva from King Leanwood came out. He tried to catch it. They had never seen something like that till that day. All the land was filled with greenery green everywhere. They went in every direction to check and found out as far as their eyes can see everything was covered with green plants, trees, ponds, and the river. It seemed as if the day before that day, the planet was just a drawing drawn by pencil and now it got filled with lots of colors. It all seemed like a dream.

They did not believe in their eyes. All the Kingdom of East Kingdom was filled with green trees and plants, along with that, the river was flowing. Everything was present in abundance. The whole planet was reborn as new. All the places were looking beautiful than ever and the center of attraction of all of this was in the direction of King Gilbert's Kingdom. It was looking like the most beautiful place on the entire planet from the main castle. Everyone remembered the last things they have seen. They remembered those flashy things that were coming down with different colors of lightning. Perhaps one of those things may have fallen in King Gilbert's Kingdom. They assumed it may have to do with those things. All the kings got ready and move towards the Kingdom of King Gilbert.

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When the ten kings arrived in King Gilbert's Kingdom, they saw all the people were enjoying the natural greenery. They were giving water to the plant, and they were decorating them. The Kingdom got busy and filled with people. The fresh and new fruit were on the market. New types of food were on the menu. The atmosphere in the Kingdom was changed. Everyone was engaged in their work and seemed very happy.

The palace of King Gilbert was already amazing from the very beginning, but now the trees were grown all around that castle. A crystal layer had appeared over his castle's rooftop and made it look very attractive.

When King Gilbert arrived near his castle, he saw some people were gathered there and they were looking at something. The soldiers of King Gilbert had made a circular barrier and no one was allowed to enter into that premises. The soldiers were holding back the people around that barrier. When they saw their king coming they left the space for all the Kings. As people went away and cleared the path, they saw a magnificent thing.

'A glowing golden thing was set up in the middle of the water on the snowy black-green color rock.'

It was shining very bright in golden color. There was a red piece of something in between at the center and on both sides, there was something that looked like golden feathers. Both of them were connected with each other. It was stuck inside the ice and was shining very bright. The golden thing was above the water, it was affecting all the water flowing from there. The watercolor had also changed a bit and that water had turned into a very big river. It was connected throughout the whole planet. All the greenery had started from the same place along with the river.

At first, King Gilbert ordered his soldier to move it from there. They tried to do that but nothing happened. King Gilbert and others took a look at the Kingdom and saw how it had affected the entire Kingdom. They were all concerned with each other and called everyone for the big dinner to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the organization. They announced the glowing things as the 'Nature's gift.' It was the main point of attraction for the big feast.

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The night was young like this for the first time. Everyone from different Kingdom came to enjoy the food. Traders, local merchants, master level spects, soldiers, and all the kings were present there and they were enjoying their new meals.

When everyone was enjoying those spectacular meals, from the outside some people were breaching the walls of King Gilbert's Kingdom secretly, hiding behind the trees, jumping from one rooftop to another.

'They were five in numbers.'

They were seemed to be very skilled at sneaking. They comfortably reached the place where that glowing thing was present by dodging every soldier. They sneaked right in front of their eyes without knowing them as if they were a ghost.

They were wearing black tight clothes and hide their face by tying them with clothes. Their swords looked very sharp and different from the others. They all had different types of weapons with them.

Under the full moon in the sky, they all looked like vicious murderers. Slowly they went near to the water. One of them looked around to check whether anyone was present or not. That time, the thing was not glowing too much. Its glows were less in presence of snow around it. They pulled their weapons out.

The first man takes out his long chains and throws them into the air when it was moving towards the glowing thing; the lightning came out from it. It seemed as the man wanted to destroy that glowing thing into pieces with the help of his chains.

After his attack, the second one rotated his hands in around and made a small tornado in the sky just above that golden thing. He went to his knee as he put his energy into that attack but nothing happened. The glowing thing remained stuck to the ground.

The third one pulled out his sword. First, it looked like a sword but suddenly its length grew in a snap and it got converted into the hot red long sword. He attacked with that with his strength on the golden thing but it got slipped from the ice. It got hit to the nearby area and the water splashed in the air and got spread all around.

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A soldier was roaming on the castle floor came outside for the fresh air. He caught those five strangers attacking the golden glowing thing. Without wasting any moment he knew they were trying to destroy that golden thing. He ran and told King Gilbert and all the kings about this. All the kings stood up as they heard and move towards the golden thing with their soldiers.

On the other side, the fourth one rotated his hands while saying something. His hands got covered with shining greenish circular things; the rays went out from him to the tree. The branches of the tree grew up and get a hold of the golden things strongly. He tried to pull it with force, but the branches got broken. He also got failed.

'They looked at each other.'

'They all jumped and went to five directions.'

Everyone pulls out their swords. Their swords turned into five different colors blue, yellow, black, red, and green. They enchanted some words as all the swords started to glow. The first one with the red sword released his attack, the ultimate fire. It burnt the golden thing. The second one used the yellow sword; it released the high intense air and supported the fire to get more flammable. The third one used the green sword and the glowing thing got covered with the plants and tried to pull it in opposite direction. The fourth one used the blue sword, it released the high-pressure water on the golden thing and the last one used the black sword, it converted the water into ice.

'All the strangers came back and stopped to take a look. When the smoke got cleared, they saw their attack had no effect on it.'

One of them said, 'There seems to be something wrong with this place. Try to get out as soon as possible.' In the meantime, all the kings arrived there. Some soldiers attack them with a sleeping dart. They become unconscious immediately.

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After some time, they got their senses back. They all looked old in age. Two of them had grey hair on their face. The dress they wear was not similar to any Kingdom. No one had ever worn that kind of dress before.

They saw their hand-tied and all the ten kings were sitting in front of them. When all of them finally gained their consciousness, one of them said, 'You are going to be in a very big crisis.'

King Leanwood laughed and said, 'We are going to be in trouble?'

'How can this be true?'

'You are the one in crisis. How dare you try to steal our gift of nature?'

'Who are you? Where are you from?' King Saliveth asked.

The second stranger said, 'The thing you understand as the gift of nature, it will destroy everything by using you, fools.'

'Hold your tongue, first, you try to steal nature's gift, and now you are calling us fools. It had already prospered the entire planet. 'King Lowell said that and continued in anger, 'If I alone had to take the decision, then I would have separated your head from your shoulders. Why do you think it will happen like this?' King Lowell said in loud voice.

What do you know about this? King Saliveth asked.

The first stranger laughed, 'We know everything that is about to happen on this planet. We are not from this planet. We have come from the planet where this golden thing has come from and we were destroying it before it occupies this planet.'

King Lowell stopped him and said, 'you are lying. It had given us only joy all over around, now if we look at any direction it gives us new food, plants, and trees.'

'It's just a matter of time.'

'Slowly-Slowly everything will change in few years. Such a beautiful-looking Kingdom will turn into the worst. Everything will fall and be burnt to the ashes. The war will be on. The sun will turn as bloody red. Blood will be scattered everywhere. There will be a difference in everyone's thinking. It will lure you; manipulate you to do its bidding. It did the same with our planet.'

The fifth stranger explained the about to happen things to all the kings that may take place. A dark cloud came in front of all the Kings. There was a black circular thing that appeared around his tied right hand. He showed them a few scenes using his ability but the ten Kings thought it was an illusion trick.

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King Admant said, 'You have made a good story to avoid your punishment and what an illusion trick you have shown to us, our master-level spects can pull this off. They already had smoking things like that. No one lives on the other planet. There is no life on other except this one.'

Everyone laughed at the five stranger's stories.

Soldiers, Throw these five prisoners into the prison. We will hang them and deliver everyone a message. 'Those who try to steal nature's beauty, if they got captured they will be hanged like this.' King Sawyer said.

The soldiers were going to put them into the cell. Before they could have done something, one of the strangers said in loud voice, 'Look, there is a very bad and dark power present here. Everything will change and you will not be able to do anything.'

All five strangers hold each other's hand then the smoke appears in front of them and it covered them. When the smoke gets cools down, the five strangers got vanished.

One of the strangers used his power to escape from there. They managed to escape. King Lowell ordered the soldiers to capture them. He was very upset. The Kingdom was being sounded loud for high alert.

The strangers went back to the same place where that magical golden thing was. They wanted to give it one more try. They had already used most of the magical powers they had and were feeling tired.

'Then five of them used their left power together.'

The water got surrounded all around the golden thing and it was pushing it up. The wind appeared as well as the grown trees, frozen ice, and fire to destroy it, but the golden things remain untouched. All of them got tired. They decided to go back.

As they started running away, the soldiers spotted them and alert others with a sound signal. Some soldiers came in their ways but their dodging skills were quite high. They were just attacking to bypass them not to kill the soldiers. They used a few tricks with their left energy creating little wind, fire, used the plant to clear their way, ice to make them slip and fall. They moved forward without fighting. In the end, they successfully crossed the East Kingdom main castle's wall.

The fifth stranger was missing in the end. They have seen the commander of King Lowell attacking them with the arrows. He took most of the hits on his back to protect others. They all knew the fifth stranger was killed in action.

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