The Nerd Has A Boner 2: Summe...

By summerainfxll

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"Something about this feels better than any other time," he whispers in a rush. "We're being wild," I gasp... More

Copyright @Alex's Books/ Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Part One & Two
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Sixteen

35 7 0
By summerainfxll

"Lovers can make up. Lovers can fight. Lovers can shower their needs through passion. Lovers can keep afloat if their love is strong enough."-Anonymous

Fredrick Gonzalez

The guards have been watching every single breath, noise, sigh I make. I'm not sure when I will have a chance to break free from their murderous staring I can feel from behind me. Darcy hasn't come into the basement since she told me her revenge plan.

They check my wrists every night before leaving me in this dark basement. I don't want to re-live the moments when my stomach grumbled in dire hunger. Anything sounds good right about now. At night, I don't sleep. I think of every scenario that can happen if I try to escape. I practice at night on untying my wrists in hopes one day the guards might slip up.

In the daytime, I stare at a blank wall for twelve hours. It has dawned on me every day that I did not get to graduate. My father would be disappointed in me. So would my mother. She died giving birth to me. Her face from photos I can picture is a look of regret and shame for me. I don't even know what the weather is like or how anyone is doing.

I'm in a fucked up situation because of my actions and for being Sarah's friend. She has no clue what will hit her next. Juliet will not stop until her twisted friends take everything. The way Darcy spoke seems like Juliet isn't able to do her dirty work. That must mean she is either arrested or on the run.

These fucking guards are so sick that they sometimes laugh and make jokes. Everyone in town must know I am missing for who knows how long. It's hard to keep checked when you're a kidnapped ex-drug dealer. I bet it's hot outside or raining pouring.

As a kid, I loved the rain because my dad would tell me stories. Mostly of when he was younger. We didn't have the money to go outside and go places every day.

My father used his savings to buy that house. He worked as a customer service representative before he was fired and let go. Just like that, my father had no job. The reason was he didn't want me to grow up in Oceanside and feel like I didn't belong.

My father did a lot, and in return, I thought getting cash would help him. Then, I got into partying because school was becoming stressful. His job help us not have to worry about having electricity cut off. We made things work. I have a lot of time on my hands now to think about every life choice I could have done better.

Well, procrastinating is not going to get me out of here. I'm going to have to fight back. The smart way.

Sarah Hill

"We can't do this here. I'm sorry," I halt Oliver's hands that play with my top.

"You're right. We can at my place. My Mama is out at work and Audrey is at Summer camp," Oliver buttoned one of the buttons going down my shirt. He leans back from me to look into my eyes, letting me make my decision.

"We could go but I feel bad leaving Max here by himself," I say, unsure.

"Another time, maybe?" He asks. They say you should take a spontaneous risk now and then and, this is mine. Just as Oliver is asking me, I hear keys jingle and Papa's footsteps. I'm glad the door isn't locked or closed. I walk out there with Oliver. Max runs down to see what he got.

"Mom would love these," Max says as he looks through the different books. He's also got Canoli in another bag which Max has already gotten his hands on.

"Go wash up and I'll put it on a plate. Sarah, I saw Oliver's-" Papa turns to watch him. Max walks up the stairs and past us to the bathroom.

"Oh, I saw your car and was wondering what you were doing here...alone with my daughter." Oliver gulps and scratches his neck.

"Sir, I was just-"

"You were what?" Papa asks while giving him a firm smile. I walk down the stairs.

"They were having a bad argument," Max tattletales. I look at him with my eyes glaring and teeth-gritting. He sticks his tongue out at me. I guess we can't fool him. Oliver meets me at the bottom of the stairs behind me.

"Papa, we disagreed. That's all," I explain myself. Papa laughs.

"I heard that before with your Mother. As long as you don't hurt her or be reckless, we don't have a problem," He goes to the kitchen and unwraps the Canoli.

"I've decided to give you multiple chances because you may know that my patience is short. Very short." Papa lets the plate hit the counter with a clang. Max watches us like a new blockbuster. I put my hand on Oliver's.

"Am I allowed to go over to his place?" I ask. I feel my heart thudding loudly. Don't get angry. Don't get angry.

"You can and only if you come back in time to help me set up stuff for this storm coming. I'll also need you to buy you know before everywhere sells out," He eyes me. He means Max's present. Stores have been selling out like Black Friday so it is best I get it now than later. We can make a stop at the store on our way there.

"I will. Thank you," I pull Oliver with me to the door. Oliver nods and says goodbye and a quick apology to both Papa and Max. He acts too nice sometimes. We finally have time. Limited time.

"Let's go," Oliver takes out his truck keys to unlock it. We hop in the truck and keep the windows rolled down. It's so hot and humid. He drives us to the nearest mall which is Browdy's.

Once we park, we walk in and go to the elevator where I take it to the children's section. There are different stores for furniture, babies, wall art, kids clothing, toys. We head to the toy store and look around. Oliver picks up a hoverboard. There's a lot that a boy Max's age would like but he already has a toy I got him. I'm still browsing the aisles as I come across something he'll love.

It's a sleep set that comes with glow-in-the-dark pajamas, remote control superhero, custom book. This is perfect. I spend half my pay on the present and buy a gift bag while I'm at it. We both pay and make it back in fifteen minutes. He unlocks the door and I put the bag in front of my feet.

"I think we still have an hour and ten minutes before they get home," Oliver states. I nod and lean back to soothe my muscles. They usually ache after doing small things like this.

"Are you good?" Oliver asks as we move out onto the main road.

"Yeah." He continues driving in silence as I watch out the window.

"I know he'll love the sleep set and the hoverboard we got him," Oliver smiled. I write in the custom book for Max a story Mom and I used to tell him. The story of Jack And The Beanstalk. I sign my name except Mom's. Just maybe, they could allow her based on how she's doing and can sign it herself. I wish she was here to see how we're doing.

We make it to his home in minutes. Oliver grabs the stuffed bear we left last time to place it near my gifts. He smiles mischievously. "I'll take it home but I'm not using that thing." He laughs and gets out of the truck. We head inside. I take him up the stairs as we go to his room. Oliver locks it and brings me close to him. He presses his finger along my muscles and I whimper at the ache going away.

"Is it there that's hurting you?" Oliver presses again in a circling motion. I nod and he gives it another press and I feel the pain leave.
I turn myself to him. His eyes watch me cautiously as I thank him. I'm secretly thanking him for everything. He leans to kiss me. I press my lips to his and let them feel the softness of his actions. I look at my uniform shirt and start unbuttoning it. Oliver helps take it off me.

"I just got back from work so-" I look at the bathroom. I should have showered since I reached home but he came unexpectedly. My face is pink like strawberry syrup. Oliver runs a finger behind my ear.

"It doesn't matter," He grins. I smile and shake my head.

"Right." His lips place a long kiss along my exposed collar bone. My hand moves from my chest to his tee.

Oliver pauses to pull it off and resume instilling a kiss on my skin. I don't think I'm in the right mind to care. We deserve to take time on each other. Sweat builds on my forehead from the rush of pulling off my shorts.

"It's cute on you," Oliver takes his finger to trace the material of the bra. My breath hitches. I don't know what I should be doing after this. His words made me being naked, seem easier to do.

We kiss to the electricity starting to grow between our legs.

Oliver's sculpted body flexes from the sudden gust of wind from the open window. It's a humid breeze that makes me tingle. I take that time to stop being nervous. I let Oliver take me near his bed. It's smaller than mine and has a lot more pillows.

The rush of everything real coming to me. My bra falls on the bed. My breasts stand erect against his chest.

"I love when these beauties get hard like that," He breathes against me.

A fervent thump comes from my core. I move around to feel any contact with it.

I've never felt this hot and bothered for someone before.

"Slow your roll, cowboy," I giggle.

"Mhm, it's your first and I want to leave time for you," He nibbles my cleavage on the last word he says. His undeniable lustful words strike me with heat. I take my hand onto his hair to tug on it playfully. He has my bra slipped off.

Oliver slips his pants off. He leans down to kiss around my shoulders and down my collarbone, which makes me smile. His lips leave their love on my hand and down to my stomach. I know he wouldn't take the risk of leaving a mark.

His other hand fondles my breast. A single hand makes me move about on the bed. The tingling sensation adds to the thumping of my core. A cry of my lips is blocked by a chaste kiss.

"More?" Oliver takes every one of my moans. He is hungry just as I am.

"More," I say with a loss for words. Oliver licks a circle around the bud and I arch myself to his mouth. He sucks and nibbles one before going to the other. All the while I'm standing there feeling the humid breeze on my skin and a drink daze from the pleasure. Oliver's back in view.

"I'm having a hard time explaining my love for you," I move my hands to his hair, giggling lightly from his lips. He puts his fingers to rub along my stomach.

"Is that bad?" He looks at me.

"I'm not sure. It makes me happy to know that there is love but love isn't a name. It's a word. We're just Oliver and Sarah." I shyly place my arms around his naked chest. My hands run along him and he breathes out.

The hot atmosphere of the room and the low groans of Oliver, send arousal to my nether regions. I run my hand up and down his bare, hard, back. The dips of his back send chills down me. My other hand brings his face up to me. Oliver locks in the space between us. I kiss him tenderly. His tongue is rushing me with love and to be in sync with mine. I feel a moan slip past my lips. Oliver takes me onto the bed. The spare pillows are kicked to the edge of the bed. My hair sprawls out and Oliver moves on top of me. My feet dig into the sheets.

Everything he is doing is making me forget about being nervous. What if things happen too fast for me to hold on to?

"Are you still with me?" Oliver brings his other hand to tangle in my hair.

"I am. I'm just afraid this will go by too fast.  I won't remember the memory of it," I confess. Oliver massages the roots of my scalp. I close my eyes and lean my head into his neck.

"You will. It'll be a good memory." I nod softly.

"You aren't a rich spoiled girl. You're Sarah Hills, nothing else. Anxiety and Anorexia has nothing on you. Everything happens because you care," He presses a tender kiss to my breasts. My heart keeps leaping at his acts of forgiveness. I press my knee up to his bulge. Oliver moans a bit from the contact. I press my knee up along his length and he moves rhythmically.

"You're so hard." I'm not trying to dirty talk but that's exactly how he feels. Oliver moans. His hand slides down to touch my core while his mouth still works magic on my breasts.

I lean back. The daring of Oliver's eyes coming back to my core hit me. My legs cross and I slap my hand over the front. Oliver's face is like a puppy.

A series of pecks are prodding my hand to move. Then a small nip of his teeth causes me to pull away. I laugh silently, distracted by the sting of my finger. Oliver puts one hand on each of my legs. He let the edge of his finger tickle them.

"Okay, okay," I thrash about.

Oliver beams to himself. My legs are open once I look down. He hesitantly touches my core with light traces. The traces pick up my wet slickness. His sea-green eyes came back up to see if I am okay. I nod hurriedly. The thumping of my core wouldn't slow down. I've not seen a frown cross his face. He's not mad at me. His dick twitching against his boxers says otherwise.

A drastic sensation moves me from my calm position. Oliver drops his head to dive between my folds. I feel my stomach clench to the heat of his tongue.

The warmth of his tongue doesn't cease to amaze me. They glide delicately from my folds up to my clit. Every fiber of heat I feel intensifies.

"You taste so good, shit," He groans. I moan from his breath so close to my heart. A loud moan erupts from deep inside of me. It was obnoxiously loud, to be honest. I don't like the sound of them. The moans keep threatening to come back up.

Oliver moves from my pussy to take a breath. "You don't have to be quiet." He uses his finger to collect what I haven't felt sliding down. My arousal keeps coming because of his hot tongue. That same finger passes onto his tongue. Oliver licks his other fingers in delight.

I laugh a little and he laughs. After, he went back down again. This time, his tongue feels more coarse and the rest of him lays his stomach down on the bed. Oliver keeps his tongue moving at a faster pace. My body is starting to twitch more often.

"Fuck," I writhe from side to side. The lack of space traps me to be his. The playful way we have been acting is gone now. The pulse and thump of my core are calling out for him. Oliver decides to make me wait and take his time.

"Oliver," I say in a warning tone. He ignores me and takes his hand to my cheek. Two can play at that game. I press my hand to the head of him. That not only gets a response but a wanton groan out of him. I move my hand and wrap my leg around his waist to try and create some friction. A huff passes through my lips. He immediately pulls back to give me a smirk.

I closed my eyes. My mouth parted with a loud moan. I couldn't stop my hand from reaching his mountain of hair. It is being tugged by my quivering hands. That's when it clicked. I'm close to climaxing.

"Mhmm. Faster, Oliver. I'm close," I warn him. I would hate for him to get cum in his mouth because I'm not sure how he would react. He hears my pleas and speeds up his movements. My orgasm catches me off balance. I feel my legs push into his back.

My back arches for more of him but my mind is overwhelmed. His adoring eyes look at me.

"I'm so proud of you," Oliver said.

"So goddamn good. What a good girl you are,"

The whole time, Oliver kitten licks what flows out of me. I come back from my climax a minute after he stops savoring the taste of me. His messy hair falls to the front.

"There isn't anything wrong with how you taste. I was licking my fingers just now," he reminisces.

It was the anxiety that made me feel he didn't like it. I let it not get me worried. He grabs a bottle after leaning over the right side of the bed. A bottle of lube is in his hands. I lick my dry lips. Oliver kisses them.

"That's for getting through the first part." I hold his face from leaving me. We kiss another few seconds before he pours a small glob of clear lube on his hand. Oliver moves back between my legs. It still feels pretty wet down there.

"This will be cold baby." He takes some to rub between my folds and what I believe to be my opening. The cold feeling causes me to squirm. His other hand holds my legs from moving.

What does he have planned?

Three of his fingers got coated in the lube. He told me simple directions. "Keep your eyes on me." Oliver lovingly rubs my abdomen for a reason I know. A sudden painful prick comes from my core. My eyes look at his still.

Trying my best, I wiggle my waist. That made it hurt even more. The jabbing of his finger slips farther inside of me until he pulls out. Oliver rubs my abdomen again. I hold in any sounds in hopes that Oliver won't stop.

"Sarah, that was one. Just three more baby." His eyes hold sincerity for me. My eyes are slowly growing with tears. Oliver slips another finger in with one. Instead of rubbing my abdomen, he rubs my clit. It lessens the pain.

"Butterscotch, you're doing so good for me," Oliver calls me the nickname that I like the most.

The third finger comes into play. I can tell from the stretch of my walls clinging onto them.

Gradually, I feel his three fingers leave me. Oliver wipes his hand on himself. He comes back up to kiss me playfully. Oliver looks at me.

"You're just bleeding a little," he says truthfully. I grimace at the thought of it.

"I'm sorry about that. I could go clean up before we-"

"No, don't. You don't have to. I don't mind and it's normal," He smiles.

Oliver runs a hand through his hair. I take a condom out of one of the boxes and shut the drawer.

"Let's not make this any cheesier than a grilled cheese sandwich," I hand him the condom. He chuckles and tears the packaging. I crawl to the top of his bed and lay down. He pinched the condom before rolling it down his length. When I look at his dick, it's almost bulging intimidatingly. Oliver leans down and kisses my lips. I feel his hand take my cheek to have my attention.

"I don't think it should hurt but tell me," His eyes soften the slightest bit. I nod and feel him kiss down my neck like he always does. He's going down and everything's fine until we both hear a tearing sound. I push him back and look down at his member. The condom tore apart.

"The condom tore," I notify him. He looks down and swears.

"This big fella is feeling very confident today," Oliver says under his breath. He leans up and opens the drawer fast and quick. Oliver gets up to discard the old condom in the bathroom before coming back and slipping a new one on.

"Didn't know he could possess such strength," I say, looking at his member. Oliver laughs as he leans over me.

"You learn new things every day," he says, continuing where we left off.

"Give me those lips," His hand pulls us into a deep kiss. I sigh at the mix of his sweet mouth and gentle movement. My eyes trail to where his dick lined up at the front of my pussy.

"Don't be afraid to tell me to stop." His whispers cut off because of his actions. He uses more lube to his advantage. I sit and wait for the pain but nothing comes. He hasn't moved and he's watching me.

"Tell me when to go," he says. I bring my lips to tug on his. He opens his mouth and kisses me with full force.

After our mouths have become numb to our careless kissing, I know we'll guide each other to learn how to make our love for each other feel real in more ways than one.

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