How To Survive After

By Sweety_Pie1022

239K 7.2K 310

War changes people, some shut down, some become paranoid that they believe their own shadow is out to get the... More

Act 1
I: Going home
II: Road to the Falls
III: Death's Life
Act 2
I: Meeting the locals
II: The scooby gang
III: The people who just got back
IV: More than one bonfire
V: Its the Apocalypse
VI: Dressed for a Funeral
VII: Lost and Found
VIII: Happy Death Day
IX: Finding the Bodies
X: Dinner from hell
XII: Fleeting peace
XIII: Their night
XIV: A visit from Death
Act 3
I: On the Run
II: The Family's Approval
III: The final moments
IV: It's been 5 days
V: Samhain
VI: A Mornings Peace
VII: Matters Of Family
VIII: The Distraction
IX: Keeping them Occupied
X: I'm Back At School
XI: A Dance with Death
Act 4

XI: Before and After

6K 254 11
By Sweety_Pie1022

Getting home from the hospital, Azalea let out a content sigh as she opened the door.
Plating her hair, letting it fall down her back as it kept getting in her face and from the abnormal heat of October it was sticking to her neck.

The sight of Teddy laughing at the plant pot named Fredrik, who is now able to speak after trial and error, in the window as there was more sun than Fredrik was 'lacking' apparently, was a welcomed sight after the lovely conversation with Bill Forbes as he is now shit scared of her.

Going further into the living room, Kol spotted her and shouted making her freeze "Not another step, darling"
"I have to it's quite an uncomfortable position to stand in," Azalea told him with a pout as she had her left foot up in the air as she was going to move over a pile of books.
Her bag fell off her shoulder and was now in the crook of her arm which had contained some food from work, but she ate it at the hospital as she got hungry after talking to Caroline's former torturer.

Kol had his arms crossed, slightly glaring at Azalea, "What time do you call this"
Looking at her wrist, realising she didn't have a watch, Azalea said with a hopeful smile, "Day time" 

Seeing that Kol wasn't pleased, Azalea mumbled "I sent you a Patronus"
"I got it," Kol curtly spoke, as he stalked closer, "It was brief"
"I was in a hurry," Azalea defended, with her hands thrown into the air

Not liking that answer, Kol snarled "Do you like this Caroline, because if so, you are mistaken as you are mine"
It was the only thought running through his mind since the warm glowing apperation with her voice arrived 

Shocked by that statement, Azalea eloquently spoke "Um..."
After her mouth had allowed her to form sentences and not just sounds, she muttered "Why does everyone think me and Caroline are together"

Kol's nose flared with anger, "It is because you are at her every beck and call"
Azalea's annoyance increased; 10 fold. "It's called being a good friend, and did you even hear the message"

Kol's anger skyrocketed as she spoke so he resorted to angry sarcasm "Yes, but I got very enraged after hearing Caroline and even more so after hearing the word later"
"But at the end there were kisses," Azalea defended with a small frown

Now confused, Kol accused, "There were no kisses just you saying 'X'"
 With a smile as Azalea walked over to Kol placing her hands on his biceps, "Yeah, they were kisses from me to you"
That little bit of information, made a wide cocky smirk appear right on Kol's face as he taunted looking down at her "You want to kiss me, Darling"

Azalea's personality flipped; from the confident young Wixen arguing with an original who is currently on the other side, to a shy young girl with a slight blush on her cheeks.
Kol thought Azalea couldn't more beautiful but when she blushed, he decided that he would try and get her to blush as much as possible and he would relish in it.
All she did was nod and whisper "Yeah, but only when your back in the land of the living"

"But you can kiss me now" This came out like a child-like whine, until Kol thought out loud "Will this be your first kiss"
Making Azalea snap out of her shy personality she quickly retorted "No I have kissed many people"
A scowl was firmly on Kol's face as he thought about all the people Azalea had kissed.
Only to soften, when Azalea said "But you will be the first person I have kissed that I have had true feelings for"

Kol pulled her into his chest, he like it when she was in his arms. Since Azalea was only 5 feet 2 and he was 6 foot 1 her head was in line with his heart.
Leaning his chin on tip of her head, when he was about to continue the conversation when her phone started to ring.
Azalea looked up at him silently asking him to answer, as she was so comfy too. Kol nodded, but when he heard a man's voice on the other side he wanted nothing more than to throw the device across the room; luckily he didn't

Not recognizing the number, Azalea decided to go big as either scare or terrify whoever it was "I did it, but there was so much blood we need a cleanup crew" When Kol heard this come out of Azalea's mouth he couldn't help but laugh loudly, but was muffled by her hand on his lips

On the other side of the call, the cheery yet confused voice of Damon Salvatore answered "Super Nova"

Recognizing the voice she wanted nothing more than to end the call but couldn't stop herself from insulting him "Oh, it's you, Day I don't have time for you like ever so what do you want"

He sarcastically replied, "I love it when you talk dirty"

"I can talk dirtier, like how you would look lovely with your insides on the outside with them hanging in your house"  Azalea calmly told him as her patience was running thin with the vampire. All the while Kol was looking at her with a beaming smile at the nature of her threats, it was like second nature to her and he basked in it

"As lovely that sounds," Damon drawled, covering the shiver of horror that went down his spine as Azalea threatened him so joyfully, "I thought you should know, I have given Klaus the coffins" 

Azalea froze, looking up at Kol who mirrored her hopeful expression, "Is he going to undagger them"

"Probably not," Damon admitted, "But I was hoping I could introduce you to his brother"
Kol was downright murderous at the thought of Azalea meeting Elijah. He could only be the Mikaelson Damon is talking about; Kol was still on the other side, Finn would just have left, and Klaus was already in town and the main focus of the scooby gang's ire

"Nah, I'm good" Azalea replied as she laughed in the arms of another one of Klaus's brothers. Said brother tightened his hold ever so slightly in possession of his witch

"Come on," Damon urged, hoping to have the Wixen who liked him to agree to his plan. "You would be able to get revenge on Klaus" 

"I'll think about it" Azalea answered dismissively, before abruptly hanging up.
She had had enough of Damon's voice for the next 24 hours and tossed her phone onto the sofa as if it burned her to hold it

Trying to leave Kol's arms, Azalea looked at him, seeing the rippling veins down his cheeks looking like crakes marble.
"Kol, calm down"
"You have names for each other" Was the only thing Kol said, his normally chocolate eyes were pitch black in mania

It wasn't a question.
"I want one," Kol demanded, as he stared into Azalea's sparkling eyes, making her knees weak

Shaking herself out of her dazed look, Azalea wondered why Kol was acting like this, "I love your name"
"I still want one," Kol demanded, with a pout which Azalea couldn't say no to

Still not understanding, however, Azalea just nodded "I'll think about a name for you then, if you want you can call me Azalea"
Kol tilted his head to the side and to Azalea looked like a puppy, "Why a flower"
"It's my name," Azalea told him with a shrug 

"I thought your name is Nova" Kol accused, wondering what else she told him was the truth 
"It is, Azalea Nova Potter-Black-Peverell" Azalea told him with her back straight, but there was a small twitch of her lips downwards as everything bad that happened to her was linked to her old name.

 As the thoughts of why she looked so upset about saying her name ran through Kol's head, Azalea left his embrace.
Kol scowled when he saw her head to the front door, even more so when she shouted, "I'm off to get you back alive... Love you my Teddy-bear"
The Lupin Hybrid giggled at his mother when he heard his name
Before Azalea left, Kol laughed loudly as he saw the blush that coated her cheeks when responding, "Then I can kiss you properly, my flower" 

Apparating to the Manor Klaus was building, her hair came undone, but she didn't care.
Using an overpowered 'Bombarda', the doors came off the hinges and landed on the floor with a loud bang.

Walking into the newly renovated Manor through the cloud of dust as if she came to claim the two and pull them to hell, as her presence at that moment could rival the Devil.
Even though she wore hightops, her steps echoed on the hardwood floor making the brothers feel dread filling them.

Her eyes were glowing the colour of the killing curse, lighting up the room, as Azalea walked over the dead heart-less body.
Her midnight black and now bone-white hair whipped around the room from the magic in the air.
Hissing almost slipping into parseltongue, "Where the fuck are they?!"

The Mikaelson brothers could taste the magic coming off her in waves.
Elijah not knowing her; was ready to attack until his brother spoke annoyed at her "Nova, I had just finished renovating"
"Don't give a shit," Azalea countered walking closer making the air thicker, choking them slightly. "Let your family live" 

"I can't do that," Klaus solemnly said, completely ignoring the presence of his brother; despite holding Elijah against the wall
"Yes, you can." Azalea scoffed at the pitiful excuse, "Mikael is dead"

Klaus lowered the dagger, releasing his elder brother gently, after shock hit Elijah around the face.
The suit-loving Mikaelson, not believing the petite woman who walked in like an avenging angel, demanded "What did you say?"

"I killed him" Klaus stated bluntly, knocking the air out of Elijah's lungs even further, "With his own weapon. He's gone, Elijah. Forever"
Azalea scoffed once again, correcting the original hybrid haughtily "I killed him, you watched"

Elijah's shock turned to unfathomable rage, "Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century"
At the mention of Kol, Azalea slightly frowned but as quickly it appeared it disappeared, lucky it went unnoticed as Klaus began his monologue

 "Because of Stefan Salvatore," Klaus spat, "he holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them. There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our mother's death."
He truthfully admitted vulnerably; a rare sight indeed. "Things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me"
As Klaus spoke he turns and heads to a small table where there is a small black urn which is filled with the ash of a white oak tree and removed the lid. He dips the dagger inside then walks over to Kol's coffin

"What are you doing?" Azalea asked in a panic as she saw him heading to a room that was sheltered from her view
Ignoring her inquires, Klaus spoke directly to his brother, "Always and forever. I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again"

Closing Kol's coffin, Azalea walks up to him and punches him again right in the face breaking his nose with a satisfying crunch.
Elijah didn't do anything apart from watching with a ghost of a smile on his lips. 

Klaus growled in retaliation but couldn't say anything as Azalea spat "That was for not letting your family live, you dick. Don't do it again"
Turning on her heel she apparated home to tell Kol all about meeting another family member and leaving to originals stunned not before hearing Elijah's last snide comment
"So since my incarceration in that damned coffin, you have annoyed another power witch, well done"

The next day, Azalea was in a baby blue blouse and a pair of distressed flared jeans with a pair of off-white battered converse, walking through the tunnels to get to the vampire-free area that now housed the last coffin.
She knew about this from 2 different people, Damon and Bonnie. 

Damon told Azalea because he really needed that coffin open and he thought an all-powerful Wixen helping was much better than a newby witch and her mother back to practising after 13 years.
Bonnie told Azalea because Klaus now had the rest of the coffins, which meant she could get help without feeling any guilt for betraying Elena

Just as Azalea got to her destination she heard Bonnie's extremely annoyed voice "Is this the only Grimoire you kept?"
Followed by an unknown one, which Azalea thought was her mother, "It was the only one I needed. So...what is all of this?"

Announcing her presence, Azalea spoke loudly making them jump in surprise, "Hello, Bennett's. A breeze just passed, I'm guessing that it was the Ripper of Monterey"
"How did you know that," Bonnie asked, wondering if the emerald-eyed Potter was psychic
Azalea, misunderstanding the question entirely, stated "Well, I read"
Looking at the teenage witch, as she walked further into the cave"It has been known to happen, Bon"

Bonnie was going to clarify before her mother demanded; trying to intimidate the powerful new arrival "Who are you"
Azalea smirked, "Death's Mistress"

Exasperated Bonnie sighed, scolding Azalea like a pouting child "Seriously, behave"
Turning to her absentee mother as she introduced Azalea with a flourish making her realise she has been spending too much time with her "Mom this is Nova Peverell she is a Wixen, Nova this is Abby Bennet, my mother"

"That's impossible," Abby gawked in awe; she had only ever heard about the witches with pure magic in stories
"Not really, I'm standing in front of you" Azalea did a little bow to emphasize that point.
Which made a small smile form on Bonnie's face which is why she needed some normalcy after everything even if it was from the most childish person she knew

Before Azalea could go on a rant about anything which she was about to do, Bonnie distracted her by pointing to her bag that she never wore as everything she brought anywhere was shrunk in her pockets. "What's in there?"

Seeing what Bonnie was pointing at, Azalea tilted her head as she wasn't entirely sure herself. Rummaging through her bag, Azalea called out, "Food, my notes, Klaus' blood, and an unused nappy"
Wondered when she actually got the final item, "And a pen"

Bonnie couldn't for the life of her think of how her mentor got the big bad hybrid's blood
"Well, I have a baby," Azalea drawled. It was common knowledge, if anything it would have been odd not to have a nappy

Astonished, but inherently more worried that her daughter let Klaus's witch near them, Abby asked with a hard glare with her arm in front of Bonnie "How did you get Klaus' blood"
"Asked him for it," Azalea told them as if she went to get a milkshake from The Grill.
When she saw the hostility in the elder Bennett, Azalea sarcastically quipped, "Why should have I bloodnapped him"

Bonnie knew Klaus wouldn't do anything for free and was worried for her annoying and loving teacher, as well as now pissed with Abby as she was acting as if she had any control in her life.
Easily bypassing the arm of her the woman who abandoned her and asked softly to Azalea "What did you do in return"

"I did a simple locator spell," Azalea told Bonnie with her signature dopey smile that visibly make her shoulders lose tension making her look very tired.
While holding the blood bag out to the Bennetts, she mentioned to them "It didn't work apart from resistance coming from the woods why"

"Why are you holding the blood," Abby demanded the Wixen
"Don't tell me your squeamish?" Azalea asked, but a look from Bonnie told her to shut up.
Clearing her throat, awkwardly "Right, well... This is a Mikaelson coffin, we just thought why not try Mikaelson blood"

 When Azalea finished talking, she looked back at the Original family's story. Prompting Bonnie to answer the question her mother asked before Azalea came in "Family history. About a mother, who loved her children so much, she couldn't bear the thought she might lose them. So she turned them into vampires. One of them is Klaus"

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Azalea said, tracing her finger over each rune.
As she did so, flashes of Rebekah carving her name with Klaus standing beside her. "I have seen this but only in pictures, it doesn't do it justice. This is history" 
In Azalea's opinion, they looked so peaceful, laughing and bantering even if Klaus ended up with a stab wound from his sister.
She saw how different they were from now, which is to be obvious, but they look so carefree and human.

She didn't know how long it was but only was pulled from her visions when Abby told her daughter, "It's the spell I used to seal Mikael in the tomb. I burned it and tried to get it out of my head. Didn't work though. Wait... Do you see this?"
Abby's words made Azalea's head shoot up and turn as she excitedly asked "Ooh, can I see"

Nodding hesitantly at Azalea, as it was only because of the childlike glee in her eyes she accepted.
Pointing to the spell but also to a symbol on the page that you could only see in a certain light. Bonnie mistakenly thinks she is pointing at, "It's a sealing spell. We're trying to open something...Not seal it shut"

Clarifying Abby told her as she lifted the page "No. Right here. On this side. It's a blood knot. It means to bind it you need two generations. A bloodline"
Seeing the confused frown and the irritation and tiredness glimmering in Bonnie's dull leafy eyes, Azalea soothed "Think of it like two keys to a safety deposit box, Bon. You can't open it with only one of them, you need two. Which means you need two Bennetts"

Nodding at Azalea, Bonnie said in hopes she understood "So...unbinding it, would reverse the spell. Unseal it. If we did it together" 
Seeing her mother nod with a frown mirroring her features.
Ignoring her, Bonnie turns to look at Azalea saying with a smile with astonishment clouding her tone, "You were right, it was made by Bennetts and needs our blood to open it"

Azalea's phone buzzed. It was a text from Damon
---Get dressed there is a plan which is dinner and you are needed as a distraction

Speaking to the mother and daughter duo with a wide smirk "Have to go, apparently I'm a distraction"
Winking as she turned on her heel and calling over her shoulder as she disappeared back through the winding tunnels "By Bennetts. Call or text for magical help"

Getting out of the shower wrapped in a fluffy white towel, Azalea walked into her wardrobe to decide what to wear only to realise she can't decide.
Sitting down, in front of her trunk with a mirror perched on top doing her make-up, giving herself time to decide what to wear. 

Straightening her hair with a spell, otherwise, it would take her forever and a day; leaving it down.
This made her now black and white hair stand out as it looks like she was the young Curella.
Her makeup was dark; a navy almost black smoky eye enhancing her big emerald eyes, along with her blood-red lipstick painted over her pouty lips.

Azalea still hadn't made up her mind so she goes to get Teddy for help. When she reached his room only in a matching pair of red lingerie "So Teddy-bear, what colour"
The 7-month-old looked at his mother like she was crazy, as she was waiting for a response. He didn't know.
What he did do, however, was change his eye colour to match his mother's, which gave her some sort of answer "Green it is"

Looking around to find anything green, and that's when she saw it.
Deep forest green trousers that were the same width down which gave the illusion that it was slightly flared at the bottom. There was a matching blazer that had a fitted waist and buttons but she left it undone. 

She saw a white lace bralette that stopped just above her belly button, so she removed her bra in favour of the bralette, which made her mediums sized breasts look amazing.
If she removed her blazer you would be able to see the end of her scar on her abdomen only if you looked closely otherwise you would just see the vines of ivy tattooed around it.

To finish the look she wore a pair of white 4-inch heels, they were open-toed so you could see her toenails. Which she charmed to match her outfit, they were dark green with white flowers that looked like lase on them.
She also did this to her fingernails as well, it wasn't much of a change as her nails were already green and pink.

She left Teddy with Kreacher as there was something in the air making Azalea believe something was going down, most likely some plan. Azalea still hasn't been told what Salvatore brothers were scheming, but had reassured her that everything will be fine.
They did eventually tell her something after her threatening them that if they kept her in the dark any longer she will start removing body parts.
They only said that the dinner was about creating a fake truce.

Still not happy and about to get ready for bed, when Kol commented behind her as his eyes were practically undressing her, "You look ravishing"
"Of course, I do" Azalea smirked.
Her whole demeanour changed when she looked at Kol in the mirror she was standing in front of her, "Should I go"

"After seeing and hearing about the Salvatores, no..."
Not realising Kol wasn't finished Azalea stated with a smile, "So, I won't go simple"
"But I know my brother's," Kol said, hugging her from behind."Even though I loathe them at times they know a good ally. Go show them how powerful you are"
Only receiving a nod and a kiss on the cheek as she apparated to the front of the manor, missing the fond shake of Kol's head

Smiling as Azalea answered as the male testosterone was getting to her, "Yes Care" 

Sobbing, Caroline choked out words that sounded like, "He's dead, Nova my dad is dead"

After she calmed down thanks to Azalea helping her breathe, hesitantly and softly the last Potter asked "Okay, what happened"

"He died at the hospital with vampire blood in his system, not mine though," Caroline told her which really confused Azalea but was cleared up by her next words making her laugh "The doctor apparently bloodnapped Damon... Why are you laughing"

After calming down from her little laughing session she told her with a few giggles escaping her lips, "I told the Bennetts I could of bloodnapped Klaus earlier"

Now slightly confused, Caroline's whimpers had stopped completely, "Why is that funny"

Responding irritably, "It's not it's ironic"
Azalea shook her head, "Now back to your dad"

Taking a breath, Caroline awkwardly stated, "he woke up in transition"

Solemnly, Azalea interpreted, "Bill, didn't turn"

"No," Caroline sighed as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "He said he doesn't hate me, but I think he was lying and yet I still love him"

Thinking back to what Remmy told her after Sirius died, "You will get thrown this. You will grieve. It will be messy and you will be angry but one day it will get better. And until that day comes I will be here to support you in every way"

"Thanks, I needed to hear that"
Caroline truly did, as she knew she wouldn't be able to truly grieve since she wasn't Elena; meaning she will just have to forget about it. But since Azalea came into her life she had made sure she took all the time in the world, just like on her birthday

"Don't mention it?" Azalea told her as she felt a bit odd after saying something so emotional, so she quickly said "Talk tomorrow"

Feeling much better, Caroline said "Definitely. Bye"

"Bye," Azalea muttered

The Salvatore's stopped in front of her, "Where are you going"
"Dinners over, Nova" Stefan answered without any emotion or any more information

"Did something happen?" Azalea asked with a confused pout as she racked her brain for what could have happened in 5 minutes 
"Yes, but it's fine," Stefan told her wanting her to stop talking as he wanted her far away from the Mikaelsons. "Just, family business"

"Okay, night"
Knowing she wasn't going to get any more than that she apparated home. Luckily she missed The Esther Mikaelson walk into Mikaelson Manor shocking her children as she came back to the land of the living

Getting home she calls out for Kreacher, asking if he could make a hot chocolate with marshmallows while she went into the nursery to see Teddy. He had been asleep for a few hours now, gripping a stuffed wolf toy in one hand and in the other a purple blanket that was gifted to him by his grandmother Andromeda.

She brushed his curls out of his face, making her tear up slightly as at that moment he truly looked like Remmy. She sat down in the rocking chair she had brought from the Villa, tugging her blazer off.
As she nearly fell asleep with the hot chocolate by her side, when she heard a knock.
Kreacher left to go back to Grimmauld as soon as he placed the hot chocolate next to her so Azalea went to answer. 

Opening the door, she gapped at the man in her doorway

"Hello, Darling"

With those words, Azalea managed to snap out of her stupor offering a breathy "Come in"
Once he walked over the threshold, Azalea couldn't take it anymore and pulled the collar of his timeless shirt which made his head move down and she on her tiptoes kissed him.

Their lips collided.
Kol was shocked at first but as he had his flowers lips on his, that shock subsided. Her hand went from his collar to his fluffy brown long locks, and his gravitated to her waist.

The kiss turned from longing and hesitancy to feverish and animalistic. He nipped and sucked on her lips, in one particular nip he pulled at her lips so he could explore her mouth.
However she had other thoughts, but his hands squeezed her waist when she denied him the opportunity. A small moan at the feeling made her lips part which allowed Kol's tongue to slip in and map out her mouth.

When they pulled away for air, they were breathing heavily while looking deeply into the eyes of each other
It sounded so vulnerable coming from Azalea's lips and had Kol not been a vampire he wouldn't have heard but he did.

All Kol did was nod as he led Azalea to her room. She changed into a large old band shirt that was Siri's. He took off his clothes and put on a pair of joggers that Azalea took from Neville from when he stayed in the Potter Villa in July.
They got in, under the covers in complete silence, and fell asleep. Azalea's head on his chest and Kol's arms wrapped around her.
They were completely content in each other's embrace, so much so, they didn't move all night

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