The True Pain Of A Ninja (seq...

By annimefreakxx

74.3K 2.4K 722

Kasumi now has her loyality lying with the Akatsuki but Kiba still believes he can bring her back. Only time... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

3.5K 126 16
By annimefreakxx


I was just walking through the forest, it'd been a few days since I'd seen Kiba.

I let out a sad sigh. Anyway, I'm getting closer to Deidara and Tobi, I can sense them near by. 

I let out another sigh. I guess no matter what I try to do, I'll still care about Kiba.. But I need to make him forget me. So the next time I see him, I have to make sure he hates me. 

"I'm sorry! Calm down senpai!!"

I let out a giggle as I heard Tobi. I take it he did something to piss of Deidara and now Deidara's trying to kill Tobi. Typical.

"You bastard!! I'll kill you!" I heard Deidara yell.

Jezz, I thought. They really don't get the idea of a low profile do they?

I suppose I better have some fun.

I appeared behind Deidara with a kunai at his throat, causing him to freeze.

"My, my," I said with a smirk. "You've gotten careless since I've been gone,"

"Kasumi!!" yelled Tobi in his happy, childish voice.

"Oh," said Deidara as he turned his head smirking at me. "I did wonder when you'd show up,"

I giggled and put my kunai back in my pouch.

"Kasumi!" said Tobi as he ran up to me. "Deidara's been trying to kill me! But Tobi's been a good boy!"

I giggled again as I watched a vein pop on Deidara's head. 

"Oh have you now Deidara?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Tobi.." he growled in a deadly voice. "I'm gona kill you." 

I watched as Tobi sweat dropped and ran away. As Deidara was about to run after him, I stopped him by pressing my lips to his. 

He seemed shock for a second but then kiss me back as he wrapped his arms around my wiast.

I smirk and wrapped mine around his neck. 

"It's been a while since I've tasted those lips," said Deidara with a smirk as he pulled away.

"Too long I think," I smirked as I went in and kissed him again.

I guess you could say I didn't know what I felt when I kissed Deidara. I mean when I kissed Kiba everything seemed so.. perfect and I knew I loved him. But when I kiss Deidara... I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I mean when he kisses me all I want to do is kiss back and yeah probably go a heck of a lot further then kissing but... 

Do I love Deidara?

"Oii guys! We still have the Three Tails to catch!" said Tobi as he interrupted our kiss.

I pulled away from Deidara and looked at him.

"He's right." I said as I let my arms fall from his neck and I began walking. "We don't wana keep Leader waiting do we?" 

"TOBI!" yelled Deidara annoyed.

"Hai senpai!" he answered but Deidara had a really evil look on his face. 

"Why would you interrupert me when I'm-"

"Oh come on Deidara," I said pulling Tobi away from him. "Just calm, we can hang out later once we've got the Three Tailed!"

"Yeah senpai!" said Tobi as he decided to carrying on walking ahead.

I smiled and grabbed Deidara's arm, wrapping it round my shoulders as we walked along. 


As we made our way back to the village, I couldn't help but be confused. 


We had stopped at the place where the ANBU was last before he sent the message.

But suddenly, I smelt something on my back. I sniffed again.

No way. I thought as my eyes widened.

This....this is Kasumi's scent

---end of flashback---

I ran my fingers though my hair.

I could have sworn it was her scent but... I didn't see her, not once on the whole mission. There wasn't even one Akatsuki.

I gritted my teeth. 

It was her scent. I just know it was. But... where was she? How did it even get there!?

I know for a fact I didn't imagine it. She...she must have seen me...she just must have...

But for her scent to get on my clothes.. that..that has to mean she would have come up to me...which means..she...she still cares... right?


I could sense them as we neared the lake. There were four ANBU who were supposedly sealing it.

"There are four." I said as I was riding on Deidara's back. 

"Are they anyone important?" he asked.

"No." I said simply. "Just normal ANBU."

"I see," he said. "Well, Tobi you take two and I'll take two,"

"Hai senpai!" said Tobi in a cheerful voice as he disappeared.

"Guess we'll take care of these two," he said montioning his head towards the two ANBU talking.

"Time for a report, huh?" said one.

"Yeah," answered the second. "A mist is forming,"

"According to the team that were replacing, the mist is created by the Sanbi." said the first. "It makes you hallucinate, so we need to be careful,"

I watched as Deidara appeared right behind the one who had just spoken and whispered in his ear.

"Well that's news to me...yeah,"

Both the ANBU quickly turned around whist jumping backwards away from Deidara.

"You! That costume.." said the first, but he stopped mid sentence when one of Deidara's clay spiders jumped onto his shoulder and the same with the other ANBU.

And they didn't even have time to react before they exploaded. 

I smirked and jumped down next to Deidara as we walked up to the now exploaded ANBU.

"Wow," said Tobi clapping. "As expected of Deidara-senpai! That should be all of them right?"

I giggled.

"Yeah it is," I agreed.

"But it's completely different from your intel, yeah." said Deidara with a slightly annoyed voice. "Wasn't there supposed to be a big stand-off between a team from the Leaf and another group over the Sanbi?"

I felt my body stiffen.

That...that must mean that Kiba was part of that group... 

"That's how it was when I left here," said Tobi.

That means...if we'd come sooner...then I would have had to fight Kiba.

"How stange," added Tobi as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "But, it's nice theres no one around to bother us right?" said Tobi now happy. "Now let's go collect our quota while we still have the chance."

I still hadn't moved since Deidara said that. 

Does...does that mean Kiba's ok? I mean.... nothing could have happened to him right?

I mentally shook my head. No. I can't think like that. I have to forget it, I have to forget him.

The next thing I knew I saw Deidara on one of his birds flying towards the lake.

"Gezz," said Tobi with a sigh. "He's such a short tempered guy,"

I laughed

"You could say that again. Now come on, let's make our way there too," I said as I started walking towards the lake with Tobi behind me.

As we got closer, I could now see the lake and then


I heard Deidara's explosions, and I watched as the Sanbi revealed itself.

"Wow," said Tobi. "If you look at it more closely, it kinda looks like a giant turtle. A powerful one too."

I then took another look at it before widening my eyes.

"Hey your right Tobi! It actually does!" I said with a smile.

I don't know how but being with Deidara or anyone else in the Akatsuki, they always managed to make me forget everything else bad in my life and just smile.

By now, Tobi and I had joined Deidara as we stood on the water in front of it and he was on his bird.

"So this is the Sanbi?" said Deidara.

"Actually, I think I'll leave the rest to you Deidara-senpai," said Tobi which I couldn't help but laugh at.

"Tobi, you were accepted into the Akatsuki recently, right? yeah." said Deidara as his bird began moving further upwards. 

"Yeah," I added with a giggle as I also jumped onto Deidara's bird. "You can take care of the rest!"

"No way.." I heard Tobi mumble as he watched us fly further and further away. 

But he then turned to the Sanbi as it flicked one of its tails at him.

"WAAHHHHAAA!" he cried as it almost hit him but he dodged in time. 

I laughed at him and then I looked to Deidara and I cracked up. The look on his face was priceless.

"AHHHAA!! It's coming after me!" cried Tobi as he ran away from the beast. "Since it's a water creature shouldn't we let Kisame handle it!? They assigned the wrong guy for this!"

And with that, the Sanbi jumped on him but he managed to dodge the attack, yet he still ended up under water. 

"He's such an idiot," I said shaking my head as we flew over the lake, following the shadow.

"He's useless isn't he?" groaned Deidara annoyed. 

I laughed. 

"No he's just an idiot."

With that, Deidara brought out a clay fish, throwing it into the lake and explanding it in mid air. 

Deidara then brought up his hand in a sign.

"Katsu!" he called, and with that, there was another huge explosion in the lake and Tobi flying in the air with a scream.

I couldn't help but laugh. 

I watched as the beast floated up on the surface of the water and Tobi landed on his belly. 

"Oh yeah!" he yelled as he stood up with his arms in the air. "Hurray, hurray! Did you see my jitsu Deidara-san?! It was a one hit knockout!"

I watched Deidara's facials change as Tobi carried on ranting about how he did it all by himself.

I could see Deidara getting madder and madder. I took all of my to hold in my laughter. 

"No, the artistic gift of my explosive clay made the outcome," said Deidara trying to keep his cool. "It's my art that deserves the praise here, yeah."

I face palmed. Now your gona go on another rant about art, right Deidara?

"Don't get cocky while forgetting I helped you! As a member of the Akatsuki, shut your mouth, act calm and cool.. To make it simple being cool equals being artistic!"

I couldn't help but smile at Deidara. He's such an idiot, talking about being cool and he's all up himself. But I find it cute. I find him cute. 

"Listen up!" he said to Tobi. "Art is the result of a cool mind giving birth to fiery moment of-"

"Senpai your talking more then me though." said Tobi interrupting him. 

And that did it, I cracked u laughing as Tobi gave some little laughs. 

I then looked at Deidara (>>>>the picture...)

"Hey I was jok-"

"TOBI RUN!" I yelled but it was too late. 



I sat on the Hokage heads with Akamaru looking out at everything. 

I still remember when I brought Kasumi up here and we had our first kiss. 

I sighed. 

" smelt it too... didn't you Akamaru?" I asked him, fear, worry, confusion all in my voice.

He whined slightly before barking in reply.

"Then that proves she had to have been with us but.." I trailed off. 

I hate talking about Kasumi. It hurts so much.

I... I just want her to come home. I miss her.. I miss holding her in my amrs, I miss seeing her smile, I miss being with her.. 

I just want everything back to the way it use to be. 


"Listen up, Tobi," started Deidara as he sat on one of his birds that pulled along the Three Tailed. "Don't you ever get to full of yourself.. yeah?"

 I mentally face palmed. Like you can talk. 

"The Sanbi was all the weaker beacause it didn't have a jinchuuriki." said Deidara explaining. "It lacked the brains to actually harness it's own power."

I let a smile spread across my lips as I saw Tobi just lying there, not giving Deidara a reply. He always knows how to push Deidara's buttons and of course Deidara falls for it, being the inpacient idiot he is. 

"Hey, Tobi!" yelled Deidara in a slightly annoyed voice as he tried to get his attention. "I said shut your mouth and act cool but that's too quiet. At least a reply would.."

Deidara was then cut off by a strange noise from Tobi.

What was that? I thought but I didn't have to think any further as I heard some snores from Tobi before he began sleep talking.

"No..." he said. "Dont do that.. That's too much..okay fine.."

I legit had this face  -_____-

I don't even want to know what's going on in his dream right now and I don't want to.

But before I knew it...


"You little shit!" yelled Deidara. "I'll give you a nice explosion wake up call!"

I covered my ears as he yelled. 

"Don't be so loud Deidara!" I yelled as I saw Tobi fly off into the lake.


Sorry if this chapter is short! Don't worry though cause the next one will be long and thats a promise! :D

Anyways so for now...




Please? x

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