The Deadly Power Within - Son...

Autorstwa ellahols33

4.6K 95 218

Sonic The Hedgehog has always been different. Whether it be he only has memories of the past few months or th... Wiฤ™cej

Chapter 1: A New School
Chapter 2: Making New Friends
Chapter 3: To Tight For My Taste
Chapter 4: A Dangerous Threat
Chapter 5: A Deadly Mission
Chapter 7: Whole Team Together
Chapter 8: One's Black Mind
Chapter 9: Suspicion Is A Priceless Skill
Chapter 10: Manipulation Is Easily More Fun

Chapter 6: I'm So Sorry Sonic

615 12 47
Autorstwa ellahols33

P.O.V Sonic

I coughed harshly, kneeling on the floor as I watched Shadow disappear behind the corner quickly. The only thing my eyes managed to catch was a blur of black and red before I was left alone in the alleyway. I pressed my hands to my chest and whimpered out in pain, knowing there would be a rather nasty bruise there by tomorrow morning and that Tails was going to flip the fuck out. Jesus, Shadow, why did you have to be so damn rough when pinning me down? Stupid bastard looked like he enjoyed seeing me in pain and he pushed down even harder when I wouldn't answer his questions cause ,ya know, I COULDN'T FUCKING BREATH!!! Sadistic bastard, Silver was right about him. How could he say that about all those people who want to be his friends? I've always been bullied at every school I've ever attended in the past. I was always turned down by everyone and not one person even wanted to talk to me but now I have Tails, Silver and all the others so I don't have to feel isolated all the fucking time. It just pisses me off to see so many people trying desperately to be Shadow's friend only to be turned down and called worthless? That's utter bullshit.

I sighed deeply and used the wall's support to help me stand up on my own two feet. I grinded my teeth as I tried not to breath to heavily since it hurt my collar bone. I pulled my arm away from the wall and walked out of that dark, filthy alleyway and headed up the street to the local curry store so I could buy dinner for Tails and I. The amazing aroma hit my face as I entered the restaurant causing my mouth to water a lot. I walked up to the counter and greeted the cute waiter warmly before ordering a large serving of butter chicken curry and some roti for Tails and a small serving of mutton curry with a little bit of rice for myself. Tails's favourite food is chicken curry, he could literally eat it for every single meal and never get board of it. After the waiter took my order he complemented me, calling me adorable and kind. A light blush sprinkled onto my cheeks as I averted my eyes feeling a little flustered. The waiter noticed this and laughed lightly. He was a bright, neon green hedgehog with beautiful royal blue eyes and a light peach muzzle. He had a pair of red sunglasses resting comfortably on top of his head and two scars running across his chest. I wonder how that happened.

The waiter must have noticed me staring at his scars because he laughed out,
"Don't worry about it, I got these in a fight with a rather repulsive opponent."
My eyes widened as I stared deeply at him with disbelief. He only laughed even more at my reaction but I looked up at him with a worried expression on my face while saying,
"Are you ok, that must have hurt a lot."
He stopped laughing and happily sighed before answering my question,
"Yup this sucker hurt like a son of a bitch but I'd rather have massive scars than loose my life ya know?"
Damn, that must have been one hectic fight if his life was at risk and he ended up with scars that huge. I'm grateful I haven't had that bad a fight before, I would have lost within a few minutes.
"Well I've never been in a fight that severe before but I know what you mean about escaping with your life. I'm glad that you're ok."
I closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly to the right, smiling genuinely. The waiter's face turned bright red and he scratched the back of his neck before replying,
"Y-yeah thanks cutie."
My blush grew even deeper when he called me that and I had no idea how to respond so I became a stuttering mess. The waiter chuckled at how his words affected me, reaching for a sticky note and a pen before scribbling something down.

I wondered what he was writing so I leaned in slightly closer to see but my soul leapt out of my body when the sound of a shrill bell ringing traveled down my ears. I hate sudden, loud sounds. They make my chest feel incredibly tight and I want to cry out. The waiter lifted his head after he heard the bell ringing and immediately stared at me with nothing but concern on his face as he asked me worriedly,
"Hey, are you ok? You look completely freaked out, do you need anything?"
I tried to calm myself by practicing my breathing exercises and they helped a little. After I relaxed, my eyes looked into the waiters'. I couldn't help but stare into his beautiful, indigo orbs. They held so much depth and told me so much about who this hedgehog was as a person, it made me feel happy and safe for some reason. I snapped out of my daze and rubbed the back of my head whilst laughing awkwardly,
"Yeah, hahah, I just got a fright so don't worry about me."
He scanned me over skeptically and hesitantly replied,
"Ok, well I'm glad your alright now, cutie, anyways here's your order I hope you enjoy our food."
The waiter handed me a takeaway bag that he grabbed from the conveyor belt in the kitchen. I gripped the food comfortably in my arm and smiled at him brightly,
"Thank you so much, have a wonderful day, ok?"
I lightly bowed and then turned to leave when the waiter leaned over the counter and quickly grabbed my shoulder. I turned my head over my shoulder and gazed at him with a questioning look then I turned to face him fully before asking,
"Is something wrong?"
He just chuckled lightly before grabbing my free hand and thrusting something into it. He closed my fingers around the foreign object before smirking at me and saying,
"Text me later, k?"
I looked at him confused but I just internally shrugged at his comment before uttering out a reply,
"Ok, hope I see you again soon."
Then I waved goodbye and walked out the pleasant little curry shop with my mood much happier after meeting that sweet waiter.

P.O.V Scourge

I smiled rather fondly as I watched the cute blue hedgehog walk out of the store clearly much happier than when he came in. I was staring at the now closed door when the head chef, Vector, poked his head out of the kitchen and smirked slyly before commenting,
"Oooooo somebody has a crush~"
My face heated up at that and I snapped around, glaring at him fiercely. Vector grinned at me and wiggled his eyebrows in a smug like way. I closed my eyes and crossed my arms over my scarred chest before spitting out a smartass comment of my own,
"Hmph, well at least I actually made him blush unlike you who only boasts about yourself whenever you go on a date with anyone which, might I add, always ends with you either getting slapped or kicked in the balls."
Vector stopped laughing and stared at me as if I'd just told him his cooking is shit, which always pisses him off since his cooking is actually some of the best I've ever tasted. He grabbed his spatula and stood up straighter then a ruler, putting his hand behind his head before pointing the cooking utensil directly at my head. He stood in the starting stance for fencing and it looked funny as shit so I started laughing my ass off.

Vector's eye twitched and he pointed his snout at the roof and yelled at the top of his lungs,
Then he lunged at me fully intending to whip me with that spatula and I did not want to be hit in the head by a steel utensil wielded by a fucking crocodile. I quickly dropped to the floor and watched as Vector flew over my body and landed headfirst into the counter before sliding down and falling onto the floor. The contact caused a loud bang and a 'crunch' sounded throughout the restaurant. Espio and Charlie emerged from the kitchen to investigate what all the ruckus was and when Charlie saw Vector, lying on the floor seeing stars flying around his head, he started crying with laughter and slamming his fist on the kitchen's table. Espio was visibly annoyed and fed up with all three of us but when his eyes landed on the damaged counter his entire body turned crimson red. He rushed up to Vector and drop kicked him into the wall before inspecting how bad the damage was, he sighed when he realised that it wasn't to bad at all. Espio sharply turned to me and slapped me upside the head before going over to Vector, who had two pink lumps growing on his head and did the same thing. I felt bad at all the abuse Vector was getting but this whole situation was hilarious to me. Espio glared at the two of us and snapped sternly,
"When will you dimwits realise that the landlady WILL kick us out if we break anything in the shop!?"
Vector and I looked at each other before simultaneously muttering,
"Sorry Espio."
The chameleon changed back into his usual purple colour, an indicator that he had calmed the fuck down but he flared right back up again before yelling,

P.O.V Sonic

On my way home I decided to inspect what that waiter handed me before I left the restaurant. I opened my free hand and saw the sticky note he was writing on earlier, neatly folded in half. I looked at it very confused before using my thumb and forefinger to unfold it since my other hand was busy holding the curry. I spotted a sequence of numbers and furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why the waiter would give me a bunch of random digits. I stopped dead in my tracks as realisation hit my harder than a mother who caught you taking snacks at 2 in the morning. My face glowed bright red and steam erupted from my now very pink ears as I mentally slapped my hand to my face and groaned at my own stupidity. I blushed even harder as my brain fully comprehended the fact that that cute waiter had given me his number and had asked me to text him. This has never happened before, no one's ever willingly given me their number unless they had to or I asked for it! My mind snapped into daydream mode still trying to recover from the shock. I was in this state for the whole walk back to the apartment that I shared with Tails and before I knew it I was standing infront of the plain beige door. I grabbed the cold handle, twisted it and when I heard a soft click I pushed the the door open. I looked down the short hallway into the living room but Tails was nowhere to be found. I was alarmed by this since he should most certainly be watching One Piece and cheering on Luffy as he battles another enemy. It always made me smile to see Tails when he's that happy and hyped, he can act like such a child sometimes but I don't mind one bit. I cautiously walked into the living room and scanned the place for any hint of Tails but I couldn't find any. There wasn't even a couch cushion on the floor from when the orange fox would throw them into the air whenever Luffy would win his fights. The couch was in perfect condition.

I approached the kitchen and carefully dropped the takeaway bag onto the counter and threw my keys into the small glass bowl sitting in the corner of the table. I couldn't find Tails in the kitchen either and I couldn't hear anyone else in the apartment so I started hyperventilating and freaking out. By now I was getting a bit scared so I called out loudly,
"Tails, where are you?! If your hiding come out, it's not funny anymore!!"
When I got no response my breathing became rigid and uneven. Where was Tails, he would have sent me a text if he was going out, he always does no matter the situation. Ever since he moved in with me that's always what we would do, if we were going anywhere without each other we would make sure the other knew we were safe. So when I couldn't find Tails anywhere in the apartment I started worrying if he was in danger or not. I leant against the wall and slid onto the floor before pulling my knees up to my chest. I raised my hands to my head and pressed them against my ears to try and block out all the thoughts that began flooding my head. Thoughts like
He's gone.
He got fed up with you and left.
You're so pathetic he left you alone.
You're weak and worthless.
Even you're own brother ran away from you.
You are a monster.
No one loves you.
No one will ever love you.
Hot tears fell down my face and my body collapsed to it's side as I curled myself into an even tighter ball and started violently shaking. I tried to block out the voices in my head but they wouldn't go away, they kept on saying all these things and I was starting to believe their words. I am pathetic and worthless, I can't do anything by myself. I'm weak, that's why Manic disappeared. He ran away from me because I'm such a disappointment.

I started crying even harder and didn't hear the soft footsteps rushing towards me. I felt a pair of soft hands grab me and lift me off the floor, then a pair of warm arms wrapping themselves around my body. I was gently pulled into someone's chest and squeezed softly while being rocked back and forth slowly. A hand placed itself on my head and began stroking me lightly as the person whispered soothingly,
"Shhhhh it's ok I'm here, I'm not going anywhere I promise. You are not alone, you are loved. I will never leave you. Shhhhh."
Fingers took ahold of my hands, that were still squeezing my ears shut, and very gently pulled them away from my head so that the soft, reassuring whispers could reach me and hopefully calm me down. With those soft words and the person rocking back and forth slowly I started to stop panicking and relax a little, my body began to unfurl itself as I began to sink into the warm embrace. I let go of my head completely and brought my hands down to my face then laid them against the fluffy chest. My breathing slowed down and steadied as my heart rate calmed and dropped. I felt relaxed and safe in these arms that are always there for me and will always hold me when I feel like everything is falling apart. It's because of these warm arms that I haven't gone completely insane yet and that I can still live. I owe everything to these arms and this warm being that is cradling me softly and showing me love when everything else has turned its back. My eyes felt tired and my eyelids became increasingly heavier. I smiled ever so slightly and the last thing I saw before unconsciousness took me captive, was a pair of gentle orange and cloud white tails enveloping me and pulling me closer into this warm, welcoming being that I love so much. Not even a millisecond later, I was gone and resting peacefully as if all the troubles in the world had vanished into thin air.

P.O.V Tails

I rocked my body forwards and back slowly while holding the small lazuli hedgehog tightly in my arms. I continued to whisper soft reassurances into his ears and gently stroke his head. He calmed down slightly so I wrapped my tails around him since I knew that always made him feel safe. I looked on as he slowly closed his eyes and relaxed into my embrace, I caught a glimpse of a small smile before Sonic fell asleep peacefully. I sighed softly and plopped my chin on top of his head, pulling him into me even tighter. It shatters my heart into hundreds of pieces when I see Sonic in this state, whenever I see him on the floor curled in a ball with his hands blocking his ears and tears flowing down his face, I want to cry as well but I can't because I'm the only one who can help him. This isn't the first time this has happened before and every time it does happen the only way to calm him down is if I hold him tightly and tell him how much I care. I know what the voices in his head are telling him and they cannot be further from the truth. He's not useless or pathetic or weak, he's the most precious thing I have and I love him more than anything. Before Sonic came into my life everything was dark and I felt like I didn't have any purpose in life but now I'm really happy and enjoy every waking moment I spend with this hedgehog. I owe him everything and I will always be right next to him whenever he needs me.

I know the agency I work at has very specific rules and one of the biggest ones was that we cannot get attached to our assigned patients but I broke that rule on the very first night that I spent with Sonic. I knew there was absolutely no chance of being able to turn back the moment I took Sonic out of that grass green hedgehog's arms into my own on that night long ago. Ever since I swore on everything that I would love, protect and take care of Sonic, I've managed to become so attached to him that I wouldn't be able to live if he wasn't with me. Ever since that strange hedgehog made me promise to be there for Sonic, then disappeared and I never heard from him again. I'm glad he came to me to take care of Sonic and I have kept my promise to him. I won't let anything hurt my precious kid brother as long as I live, I swear it on my life. I kissed him on the fore head and slipped my arm under his knees before adjusting him so I could pick him up. I moved Sonic's head so it was resting on my forearm and shifted his body vertically. I moved my feet under me and heaved myself along with my brother off of the ground. My eyes widened immediately and I winced at how incredibly light Sonic was, he barely weighed anything at all!! I looked down at him and sadness covered my face as I realised he wasn't eating again.
"Sonic, why? Why are you skipping meals again I thought we were over this. Your hurting yourself, why can't you understand that?"
I softly whispered as tears threatened to escape from my eyes. I walked past the kitchen counter and noticed the bag of food from my favourite curry restaurant. I felt a hard pang in my heart when I realised he had gotten me my favourite meal, his kindness made those tears finally fall from my eyes and land on the blue hedgehog in my arms.

I continued walking into the living room and I effortlessly layed the sleeping blue creature on the couch as gently as possible. My body fell onto it's knees and I watched Sonic's chest slowly raise up and down as more tears freely flowed from my red eyes. I knew I would have to do it again and that he would hate it but I had no choice I wouldn't just sit by and watch as the person I love the most suffers. My sobs filled the apartment as I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a small cloth and held it under the tap of running water, once it was wet enough I rung out some of the water and walked back over to Sonic. I used the damp piece of fabric and wiped away all of the tear stains on his cheeks as well as the dirt on his face from lying on the floor. After that task was complete I headed back to the kitchen and tossed the cloth in the sink before grabbing the bag full of curry and packing it away in the oven. I took a deep, shaky breath and with trembling hands I grabbed a specific key from my set and reached up to a cabinet that was above the fridge. I slid the key into the lock and twisted it open, the door squeaked then came to a halt, reveling a big medicine box. I grabbed the box and placed it on the counter before snapping it open and examining it's contents. There were a couple of capsules of pills, a sharp needle and a few rows of bottles containing a purple like solution. I grabbed one of the capsules and put it down beside the box before reaching for the needle and a bottle of solution. I placed the two objects next to the capsules then closed the box and slid it back into it's place inside the small cabinet. I locked the door and removed the key before putting the set back into my bag. I grabbed a small glass from the dish rack and filled it with some water.

I picked up all the medical supplies plus the glass of water and made my way back over to Sonic, who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch. I put everything onto the coffee table next to the massive seat and knelt infront of Sonic's head. I grabbed the capsule that contained high nutritional supplements and opened it before dropping two pills into my hand. I closed my fingers around the pills then leaned over the unconscious hedgehog and used my free hand to lift up his head slightly. I used my thumb to pry open his lips and I dropped both pills into his mouth. I picked up the glass of water and brought it up to Sonic's mouth then I poured some of the clear liquid down his throat, successfully getting the pills into his stomach. He didn't even move during this process and slept on through the whole thing. Now for the part I dreaded the most. I knew what I was about to do was going to put Sonic through a lot of pain but I had no other choice. My lips began to quiver and more tears started building up in my eyes again as I shakily took ahold of the bottle containing a purple liquid and I twisted the cap off. I hesitantly reached for the needle and dipped it into the solution then sucked up exactly 20 millilitres into the glass holder. I resealed the bottle and placed it back on the little coffee table. I stood up and lifted the blue hedgehog's upper body then I sat down on the couch and layed Sonic's head against my shoulder as I placed him in my lap. I wrapped my free arm around him tightly and I started shacking rapidly, I didn't want to do this again, it hurt so much but I had to or else I could lose him. I started crying again as I brought the needle towards Sonic's neck. I took quick, uneven intakes of air as I felt my brother's soft breaths against my neck. I whimpered when I pierced the needle into his skin and pushed the purple liquid into his blood stream, every last bit and my tears fell off my chin onto Sonic's face. After the needle's glass vial was empty I pulled it out and threw it onto the table.

I wrapped my other arm around my brother's shoulders and pulled him into me as I started crying hysterically, saying the same thing over and over,
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me Sonic, I'm Sorry but I have to, I'm sorry."
I cried those same words again and again while rocking myself and the limp body in my arms. I wrapped my tails around us, one under Sonic's head and the other right beside his face for when he woke up and realised what had happened. I reached for a blanket then covered the two of us before lying down and just like that I drifted off into an uneasy sleep with tears still running down my face, holding the person I hold the most dear tightly in my arms.

P.O.V Fleetway

A shrill voice screamed, it's owner stunned in complete shock and terror.
"Yeah, I'm still getting over all the facts too. It sounds unbelievable but it's true and this is what we have to do. It's the Commander's orders and we both know that he never jokes around about anything."
I sighed out still trying to get over the surprise that Shadow had dropped on me 7 hours ago. I spent the past 4 hours in my lab fully processing all the information and I was even more scared after I realised this shit was fucking serious. I've been shaking slightly nonstop ever since and the only thing on my mind was how this mission could kill me and this hedgehog was capable of destroying everything. My body was filled with dread and fear, I was nervous about what the commander was planning to do. All I know is that Rouge, me and Shadow have to pose as students and keep this hedgehog calm at all costs or else we're all fucked. I hope the commander makes a wise decision and figures out a way to apprehend this being. Right now I was seated on a grey couch in one of the many staff lounges with, my now partner, Rouge. Rouge was a female bat with white hair styled in a boby haircut, she was wearing a pitch black jumpsuit that perfectly fitted her frame and a pair of black leather knee-high boots.

Rouge had just got back from a mission when the commander sent her to me so I could explain everything. I had told her everything Shadow had told me, word for word and at first she didn't believe me but after explaining how serious Shadow was and how agile the commander was acting the truth sunk in like a lions teeth on it's prey. Rouge had the same reaction as me and started to panic about everything too. I tried my best to reassure her but considering I was also loosing my shit, it didn't help that much. She was holding her shoulders and shacking rapidly, her entire body consumed with fear. Rouge looked up at me and faintly whispered,
"What are we going to do Fleetway. If we screw this up...."
I sympathized with the white bat and looked at the ground before answering her question,
"I know Rouge. We cannot fuck this up and we have to be very careful around our target. I've spent the past 4 hours thinking this over and I've come up with a plan of sorts, it's not full proof but it's the best I can think of that won't get us all killed."
I took a deep breath and exhaled harshly, taking yet another attempt to try calm my heart down but I, yet again, failed at the task. The only thing we can do is prepare for as many scenarios as we can and be as ready as we possibly can for this. Rouge raised her eyes and I felt her stare intensely at me, an indicator for me to continue.

"We should keep a close eye on him as per our orders but we should do more than that too. I think we should get close to him. Try to become his friends or something like that because if we gain his trust it will be so much easier to keep him calm. I also think atleast one of us should be with him at all times even better if all three of us are watching him, just to be safe. So we need to sign up as students and attend the school every day and once we get our schedules, we need to get a copy of Sonic's somehow. Once we do that we can compare them and then draw up four schedules, one fore each of us and then we need to switch out Sonic's as well. Today was only his first day so I dought he'll have his entire schedule memorized. We need to specifically designed these timetables so that at least one of us will be in the same class as Sonic at all times of the day. At the end of the day we'll follow him home and find out where he lives and learn his daily routine. This way we can always make sure he's ok and calm without having to restrain him and stress him out."
I finished and placed my chin on my intertwined hands as I thought over my makeshift plan to see if I could improve it at all. I waited patiently for Rouge's thoughts but I didn't have to wait long as she quickly responded,
"Yeah, that is the best course of action. Well done Fleetway, now the next thing we have to do is find a way to get a copy of Sonic's schedule, change it then switch it back somehow."
She did have a point by this and I suddenly remembered what Rouge's specialities were and why the commander assigned her to this mission as well. I gave another answer to her statement,
"That's exactly why the commander assigned you, Rouge. You are a specialist when it comes to infiltration and stealing stuff. I think what you should do is brake into the principal's office and go through his files. It's customary for the head of school to have a copy of every student's timetable incase they lost it or it's damaged, so there is most definitely a copy of Sonic's to. You need to find it and take a picture, only, don't take it because if Sonic loses his then we're in shit. After that's accomplished, we'll examine it and draw up our own schedules, making sure that one of us is always with him, then you'll brake in again and switch out you, Shadow and my rosters. Make sure to also switch out Shadow's old one since he's been attending the same school for about 6 months now. If the principal notices any change in his class rotation and revises his schedule he won't suspect a thing since it will seem like he's still following his assigned timetable. Then the last thing we have to do is swap Sonic's schedule, I'll take care of that myself, I already have a plan."

Rouge seemed impressed that I had thought this far ahead and it was expected since no one had seen how I work. She thought it over in her head and said,
"That's a great plan Fleetway, you don't have to worry I'll complete this task as if I'm stealing the world's biggest diamond."
I almost laughed at that sentence. Rouge stood up from her seat and made her way to the other side of the room where the coffee machine was located. She grabbed a takeaway cup and filled it up with the hot beverage before adding two sugar packets. Rouge turned around and casually leaned against the table. I was amazed at how she was managing to stay calm when here I am practically shitting myself. I took another breath and responded,
"Yeah you better. The stakes are high, the highest to ever exist if we mess up even the tiniest little bit it's game over. You have to give every ounce of your effort into this mission ok?"
Rouge looked at the floor and smiled smuggly before throwing a sly comeback,
"Hmmm don't worry Fleetway, honey, I know what I'm doing unlike you boys who are literally shaking in your boots."
With that she strolled out the door. I laughed at the fact that she still had her sense of humour intact but I couldn't help the thought that wandered into my mind, uninvited.
Please, Rouge don't screw this up. We're relying on you.


Hello lovely readers. I hope you are all doing well🥰🥰🥰I hope this chapter was to your liking. I would like to warn you, however,I have a problem when I write books and I want you guys to know about it. When I write new chapters they will always be longer than the last. I just have this thing where I need to be as descriptive as possible so you guys can get the full picture. I also like my chapters to actually make fucking sense😂so when I write about plans I actually write it as if I'm doing the task in real life😅if that makes any sense. So everything I write is properly thought out and I always refer to my other chapters to make sure I follow a proper fact line and everything links up. Not just all over the place 😂😂😂now please I don't want you guys to be intimidated by the long chapters because the long ones are usually the best ones and I like to read stories because I actually enjoy them and am interested, not just to get them out of the way and be done with it. So be it 10000 words a chapter or 500 I'll always read it because I love it. So I compel you to continue to read this story if you like it. Remember it's ok to quit if you don't enjoy it, there is absolutely nothing forcing you to continue 🥰🥰🥰 I'm sorry Im rambling so much😂😂😂 I just wanted to say that you should read because you enjoy it and want to, not because it's a task you have to get over and done with quickly 🥰🥰🥰

Czytaj Dalej

To Teลผ Polubisz

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