Malec Oneshots

By HarnieSivagumar

10.5K 330 164

Just some malec oneshot, no angst because I can't handle the pain myself and no smut because I don't know how... More

Soulmates 2
A Day Off...
A Day Off 2...
First kiss
Wedding 2
Morning Routine
I would've done the same
Got my Angel
End My fight
My love
My Augus-My Magnus
Our Love
Forever and Always

My World

521 19 6
By HarnieSivagumar

It was a lazy day in the Lightwood-Bane loft, Magnus was cuddling into Alec on the cushion while Alec combed his hair with his fingers.

All of a sudden a thought popped in Magnus's head and he smiled at the thought(maybe at the irony) and Alec noticed it.

He smiled seeing his husband smile, "What are you smiling at honey?", he asked pulling Magnus close.

Magnus looked up at Alec, "Do you know when I first met you Alec?", he asked and Alec nodded, "In Pandemonium", he said.

Magnus shook his head no, "Actually that was the first time I saw you when you were 18, but I saw you before that", he said at his immortal husband.

Alec looked at him confused, "When?", he asked curiosity overcoming him, "23 years ago when you were a baby", Magnus started explaining.

"Maryse called me saying she needed my help and when I portaled to the institute I saw Maryse with you crying in her arms. She said the you were having trouble sleeping and you were crying when someone lifts you and when laid on the bed you fidget uncomfortably and frown", he said and smiled at that memory.

"I thought that I was called unnecessarily and that she should've called Cat, but the look in your mother's face, she said that her family was the world to her", Magnus explained caressing Alec's cheek.

"But you know what I commented? I said I neither cared about her world nor about you and I called you a repellent brat", Magnus said and looked down guiltily.

"Hey", Alec started and lifted Magnus's head by his chin, "It's ok", Alec whispered and Magnus smiled.

"I was going to leave saying to call Cat when you pulled the sleeves of my shirt, you were crying still and when I looked at you something inside me clicked. I wanted to do everything in my power to make those beautiful lips smile and those blue eyes... they were red and it made my heart break", Magnus said looking into a distance, reliving the memory.

Alec smiled, but didn't say anything, he was listening to everything keenly because he wanted to listen for one and he knows how much his husband values his past memories for other.

"I agreed to help you and wrote some things for Maryse to get for me to heal you, she in a rush gave you to me and hurried out of the room, leaving you alone with me in my arms. You know I never thought something like that would have happened to me then as I was still trying to get over Camille, but I felt a strange sensation like... I don't know how to explain, but different. I looked down at you and to my surprise you had stopped crying and looking at me with a smile on your lips and curiosity in your eyes", Magnus said taking Alec's hand.

He ran his fingers over Alec's hand while Alec smiled, "You extended your tiny arms towards me and I held it looking into your beautiful eyes", Magnus said and looked into Alec's eyes.

"You played with my finger for sometime and held it close to your chest, I unknowingly started to cradle you softly and your eyes started to droop, probably the sleepless night took a toll on you, but you never removed the strong grip on my finger", he said and held Alec's hand close to his chest while Alec kissed Magnus's temple.

"You fell into a deep sleep when your mother returned with the ingredients and she was so shocked that she nearly dropped the things", Magnus said and both had a small laugh.

"I laid you in your cot and you stirred a bit, but I magicked you a teddy having my scent and you smiled letting go of my finger and holding that teddy, I brushed the pieces of jet black hair disturbing you and smiled and turned with the same 'stoic expression' as Ragnor says, it was as if I was a totally different person with you and others", Magnus said brushing Alec's hair straddling him.

"I made a portion and gave it to Maryse saying to give it you only if you can't sleep like before, because something inside me said that you were going to have a peaceful sleep from then onwards. I left without another word, even without my payment", Magnus said and looked deep into Alec's eyes.

"That day when I returned to the loft I knew and felt that I have moved on from Camille", Magnus said and leaned his forehead against Alec, who closed his eyes inhaling Magnus's scent.

"And when I met you at the Pandemonium, let's say I found you again and made you smile and here I am in your arm forever", Magnus said and Alec smiled his eyes still closed.

"The irony is that I once said that I didn't care about your mother's world nor about you and now here I am in your arms, my whole world, my reason to live, my forever", Magnus said and a tear slipped out of Alec's eye.

Magnus wiped Alec's tear and kissed his forehead, "Don't cry baby", Magnus said and Alec opened his eyes looking into Magnus's.

"Remove your glamour", Alec ordered and Magnus looked surprised but nodded and let the glamour down showing his cat eyes.

Alec kissed those eyes, "Mom has said about me having a hard time sleeping and about a warlock giving her a portion", Alec started kissing Magnus on his cheek between every word.

"But she said she never needed that after I received my teddy", Alec said looking lovingly into his warlock's eyes who reciprocated the same love.

"She said I was more peaceful when I had the teddy when I was small and I was always curios because even after many washes the sandalwood smell and the warmth never left, as if it was magic", Alec said still kissing Magnus's cheek and Magnus's cat eyes glinted.

"Even after I grew up when I couldn't sleep or when I was upset, I would take that teddy and complain to it and hug it. The smell and warmth always comforted me and I stopped taking it out of my trunk after I met you, 5 years ago", Alec said and took his husband's hand.

Magnus never wore any rings except his wedding ring after Alec's proposal in Alicante, "I found the same smell and warmth in you, like I belonged here and maybe it is a destiny", Alec said and kissed Magnus who kissed him back.

"We were meant to be together after all the shits, you are also my will to live, my forever and My World Magnus Lightwood-Bane", Alec said and continued kissing his husband.

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