The Monster Within (Kuroko No...


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Basketball... that was the only thing she thought about. The only thing that saved her. The one thing that ga... Еще

1. Well.......Here i am
2. Generation Of Miracles
3. I'm the Real Monster
4. Kise
5. Seirin Vs. Kaijo
6. Seirin VS Kaijo Pt 2
7. I Don't Think, I Know
8. It's ok
10. Midorima
11. Sëiho
12. Seiho Pt. 2
13. Shutoku
14. Power Jump
15. Is It Really A Victory
16. Catch Phrase
17. Broken Ball, Broken Memories, Broken Heart
18. The Truth
19. Aftermath
20. Teppei, Ice Cream, and Idiots
21. Found
22. Notes
23. The Car
24. Hands
25. Boyfriend?
26. Camp Hell Pt. 1
27. Camp Hell Pt. 2
28. Old Friends, New Memories
29. NBA Team
30. Nightly Adventures
31. See You Later
32. 8th Anniversary
33. Worry
34. Best friends and... Boyfriends?
35. Nuts
36. The Envelope

9. Tōō Academy

1.4K 34 1

"Its ok. You don't have to be strong all the time. Its ok to cry. Its ok to remember." He put his hand under my chin. "Look at me. I will always be here for you. If you need someone to talk to i will be here. If you need someone to laugh with i will be here. If you just need someone to listen while you rant about the most weirdest things. I will be here." He wiped my tears and kissed me on the forehead. "Now. Lets go" he smiled.

I finally understand. Its ok to be weak, its ok to cry, its ok to make friends.


I was sitting on Aomine's couch staring at the wall. He had left to go grab something to eat.

I can't believe i had just let everything out. Especially in front of him. 

I sighed lying down. My side still hurt from earlier so Aomine told me to stay here. I said i was fine but he insisted. His mom wasn't going to be back until later so it was just me. 

I was staring at the roof when i remembered i told my grandmother i was going to be back for supper. She must be worried.

I sat up, slowly, and grabbed my phone.

It rang a couple times.

"Hello?" She asked

"Hi grandma. Its me. Sorry for not calling you earlier, but im going to be late getting back tonight. So dont wait for me."

"Oh hunny. Its ok. Are you going to grab something to eat?"

"Yes. Im at a...a...friends? house. So ill grab something on my way back."

"Oh please, dont rush. You can even stay over there if you want."

"Thanks grandma. Im not sure if im going to stay. Ill call later and let you know."

"Ok hunny. Have fun"

"Of course" i hung up and threw my phone over to the chair.

I layed back down, put my arm over my eyes and closed them.




"Miyuki. Im back. I brought pizza." Aomine yelled walking into the room.

"mmhm" i mumbled half asleep.

"Are you tired?"

"No. Just bored." i sat up making room for Aomine and layed my head on the back of the couch.

 "Hungry?" he asked sitting down.


"Whats bothering you?"

"Nothing. Just dont feel like doing anything."

"You want to watch a movie then?"

"Sure. Why not"

Aomine got up and put on a movie. He ran down the hall and came back holding a big fluffy blanket. He sat down beside me and spread the blanket over us.

"Hey Aomine?"

"Yea?" He asked looking over at me.

"Im sorry about the other day" i frowned looking down.

"Hey. Its ok. You were having a rough day. I understand" he smiled.

"Do you though? Do you understand?"

"I do"

"How. You have a loving mom whos there for you. She nice and caring. She doesn't beat you every time you do something wrong or try to explain why you did something" i said not looking at him.

"Is that how you got those bruises? Was it your Dad?" He said putting a finger under my chin lifting my head to look at him.

I nodded.

"Who would do such a thing. Especially to their own daughter. Your smart, beautiful and awesome at basketball. You don't deserve this."

"Aomine. Its fine. Im used to it. Ever since my mom died 2 years ago. My dad doesn't want me playing basketball anymore since me playing is the reason my family got messed up."

"What happened to your mom?" He asked. I looked away from him. I didn't want to tell him. I wanted to keep it all in so i wouldn't get pitty from him. But i want to tell him. I want to tell someone.

"Its ok if you don't want to tell me right now. I'll be here when your ready" he said leaning back focusing on the movie again.

"She was murdered" i said.


"My mom. She was murdered. All because i wasn't with her. She was alone. I was too busy making stupid strategies. Because i was being selfish and didn't stay with her she was killed."

"Miyuki..."he started

"Please. Just wait. If i don't say it now i don't think i ever will be able to" He nodded and i continued.

"I had a plan. I was going to win my game, hang out with the team to celebrate our victory, then hang out with my mom. She was the one who told me never to give up and keep playing even if it means we loose. I had every strategy we were going to use in my mind. Working out every little mistake and how we could make it better. Because i was too focused on the strategies, i missed my mom saying she was leaving to get us some stuff for our victory. As the game went on, many of our players were getting hurt because of the dirty tricks the other team was playing. I was getting mad. Every strategy we tried failed. During the final 4 minutes the score was 37-67. Everyone on the team gave up hope. Thats when i stopped using strategies and started playing with pure instinct and what i though was best. In the end we won 93-67. The team celebrated, but they were celebrating the team as if they never lost hope. When in realty i was the only one who kept trying. After the game i went to see my dad and asked him where mom was. He asked if she didn't tell me. He said she was suppose to tell me she was going out to buy stuff for our victory. I ran out of the school to the nearest market. I couldn't find her. I started walking back when i saw 2 guys walking from an ally way laughing. I noticed one of their fists were bloody. I kept walking and once they were gone i went into the ally they came out of. And....there she was. Beat up. Not moving. I...i didn't know what to do. I just stood there. I called my dad and he came. He ran up to her to see if she was alive. She wasn't. He got mad at me saying its my fault. That if i wouldn't have been so stupid. She might have been alive." I finished and looked down at my hands. Aomine didn't say anything.

We sat in silence for a while. But then Aomine stood up. He reached out his hand for me to take.  He pulled me up and into a strong hug. He put one hand on my back and one on the back of my head pulling me into him.

"Im sorry you ever had to go through that. But trust me. Its not your fault. Its those jerks who killed her. You only did what anyone else would do" he said still holding me.

"Thanks Daiki"


"Thanks for listening"

"No i mean what did you call me?" He asked moving back so he could look at me. But he was still holding me.

"Daiki? Isn't that your name? Shit it isn't is it? Im sorry."

"No no. Its my name. But i never told you what it was. So how did you know?"

"I...uhh...i heard your mom call you that." I smiled.

"Oh. Ok" he smiled back.

"Ok. Now that thats over with. Can we finish the movie now" i chuckled.

"Of course." He said pulling me down with him. We were sitting right beside each other and he had his arm around my shoulders.

"Is this ok?" He asked looking at me.

I nodded feeling my cheeks starting to heat up. I layed my head on his shoulder. I heard him mumble something.

"What did you say?" I asked looking up at him.

"N..nothing" he said looking away.

"Mmhm." I smiled.

Aomine's POV

Thank god she didn't hear me. I looked away knowing my cheeks were turning red. She put her head back on my shoulder and continued watching the movie.

All night we were watching movies. About half way through the third movie she fell asleep on my shoulder. I turned the movie off and carefully lifted her up. I brought her to my room and set her on my bed. I was about to head back to the couch when she spoke.

"Aomine?" she said with her eyes still closed.

"Yea" i answered walking over to her.

"Can you stay here. I dont want to be alone." 

"Are you sure?"

"Please." She said looking at me. God how could i say no to her.

"Ok." I climbed in beside her still leaving some room between us.

She then moved over and cuddled up to me.

"Good night Miyuki." i smiled kissing her head.

"Night Daiki"

Miyuki's POV

I woke up with a headache. I snuggled back into the pillow only to realize, it was harder then usual. I heard the pillow chuckle.

"Good Morning." I looked up and saw Aomine looking down at me.

"mmm. Morning" i grumbled. I snuggled back into him ready to go back to sleep.

"Miyuki, just because you're here doesn't mean i cant go to school. And if i dont go to practice today Momoi will kill me."

"Whos Momoi?" i asked sitting up. Which was a bad idea because it just made my head hurt more.

"Oh right, shes the manager of the team i play on. We were childhood friends. And she managed the middle school team i was on."

"Oh ok. " i said laying back down on him. He chuckled again.

"You know me and you are very much alike, how about you come with me today. Following me around you know. I could give you a tour then we could play after school. What do you say?"

"Ya sure." i mumbled half asleep.

"Well your going to have to get up then" he laughed.

"5 more minutes. My head hurts."

"Do you want some water?"

"Maybe later. Right now im warm so don't move." i said closing my eyes.

"Miyukiiiiii." he wined. "Now i know how Momoi feels."

"Yea" i mumbled.

30 minutes later

"Daiki! Get your ass out of bed now! Your late for school!" We heard his mom yell barging into his room. "Oh Miyuki you're here too. Its nice to see you again. Can you please get him up." She smiled.

"Sorry, its my fault. I told him 5 more minutes i guess we must have fallen back asleep." i said sitting up scratching the back of my neck. My head still hurt but it wasn't too bad.

"Its ok. Just make sure he gets to school alright? I have to go to work now. Be safe you too" she smiled as she left.

"Daiki, i guess we have to get up now." i said poking at his chest.

"5 more minutes."

"Daiki. Its been 30 minutes. We have to get up now." i said poking a little harder.

"How about we dont go today. Ill stay home with you. We can watch movies all day." he said opening one eye.

"No get up." I got out of bed and walked down the stairs to get some water. I filled a glass and stood there drinking it slowly. I was in my own world when i felt a pair of arm snake around my waist.

"What" i asked looking over my shoulder to see Aomine smiling.

"Nothing. I could just get used to this. Waking up with a beautiful girl by my side." he smiled.

"Shut up." i said elbowing his chest.

"That hurt." he said fake crying letting go of me to hold his chest.

"Go get ready. We're going to have to run if you're going to make it on time."

"Meh. We can be a couple of minutes late"

"No! If you dont get ready in 5 minutes im leaving." i said turning to face him. His eyes widened a little then he took off upstairs to get ready. "Idiot" i shook my head.

I grabbed my ball and put on my shoes. I was waiting by the door when i saw him come bolting down the stairs in his uniform, his bag in his hand and his hair all messed up.

I shook my head and ran my fingers through his hair a couple times to get it half decent.

"Come on lets go before your late." I said walking out the door and down the path.

"wait for me!" he yelled shutting the door and running after me. "You ready to run."

"I should be the one asking you that." i said taking off running down the path.

"Hey! Thats not fair. You got a head start." he yelled trying to catch up with me.

I slowed down so he would lead the way since i didnt really know where i was going. 

After 10 minutes of running, we arrived at Tōō academy. It was HUGE.

"Woah." i breathed heavily walking through the entrance.

"Its big isnt it." Aomine said walking beside me. 

"Yea. I cant believe i could have gone here."

"You could have gone here?"

"Yea. If i would have lived with my grandma instead of my dad. But i thought Tōō was gonna be full of stuck up rich people."

"You think im a stuck up rich person?" He asked looking at me.

"I said i thought. Key work THOUGHT." i said as i hit his head. "Idiot"

"Hey. Whos that girl with Aomine?"
"I dont know, i havent seen her before."
"Is she new?"
"But she isnt wearing a uniform."
"So why is she here?"
"And is Aomine actually going to class?"

While walking through the school i heard people whispering.

"Dont mind them." Aomine whispered into my ear. I nodded. 

"Dai-chan!" i heard a high pitched squeal come from behind us. We turned around and all i saw was a pink haired girl jumping on Aomine.

"Hey Momoi." he said pushing her off of him.

"Are you actually coming to practice today? Or are you going to be sleeping on the roof?" she asked him.

"Uh...about that. I have a game to play with someone so i will be there." i said scratching the back of his neck looking at me. The pink haired girl looked at me. As soon as she saw me her eyes lit up.

"Oh My God. You must be the Miyuki i've heard so much about." she smiled shaking my hand. "Im Satsuki Momoi. But you can call me Momoi.

"Umm...yea i guess. I hope they were all good things though. And its nice to meet you."

"Satsuki!" Aomine yelled.

"What? Its not my fault you talk ab..." She started but Aomine covered her mouth.

"Anyway. Aomine get to class. Unless you dont want to play me after." I threatened.

"Im going im going. Hey what are you going to do?"

"Umm im not sure. I cou..." i started but got interrupted by Momoi.

"She could hang out with me! I would be glad to show her around." She said taking my hand and dragging me along with her. 

"Umm. i guess ill see you later then Miyuki. Momoi dont kill her please. I need to play her later." Aomine said walking into class.


What was that suppose to mean

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