Superflash - Always There For...

By 2HeadedWatcher

7.5K 366 36

This story starts off in early 2000's, having those warm orange tones much like what Smallville had. Barry an... More

Fall of 2004
Bad First-Impressions?
Carnival of Sorrow
Blue Moon
Just the Two of Us
I'm Not from Around Here
A New Type of Morning
I've Got a Feeling
Here, There and Everywhere
I Do It for You
The Chain

Against All Odds

478 22 8
By 2HeadedWatcher

"Kara, are you still up for lu--" Caitlin stopped after her friend presumably vanished out of the blue, "Kara?" She called out, a small part of her thought Kara was pulling a prank on her, a weird one if so, "Cisco, did you see Kara go out?" Caitlin yelled to her tech-savvy friend after peeking around the corners to make sure if Kara had passed out or something.

"No, why?" Cisco also confused to why Kara is suddenly gone after coming into the Cortex, "What the he-"

"The Blur is apparently back in Central hastily apprehending a gang of robbers--" The TV suddenly perked their ears.

"Oh." Caitlin was hit by tons of revelation, however her voice sounded like she was only mildly fazed by it, "That makes sense."

"What? What makes sense?" Cisco weirded out to his co-worker.

Without even a second had passed, a loud gasp erupted from the middle of the room. Fright ensued the air inside, resulting in both workers stopping their conversation, as the string-attached-machines buzzed and rang. They then immediately turned to see the, now, awake patient. They noticed that he could barely move as he only sat up in the bed with his eyes widened.

"Ohhh, my God!" Cisco shouted in shock, his hands above his heart.

"Kara." Was the only word that came out of Barry's growling vocal chords.

"Dr. Wells, get down to the cortex like right now!" Yelled Cisco through a now open-mic that outputs every speaker inside the facility.

"BP 170 over 110, pulse 120. Pupils equally reactive to light--" Caitlin held up a dozen varying medical tools and equipment at Barry.

"Whoa, whoa. Relax..." Cisco interrupted with a smile, sending a brief glare over to his co-worker, even though she was still putting instruments at the patient, "Everything is okay, man... you're at STAR Labs." He underlined the name to give a securing sense over to Barry.

"Where's Kara?" His panic disregarded by his, somehow, overly monotone voice. Eyes rapidly aimed around the room.

"Uh, we don't know..." Cisco unsure of what to say, their main focus was just to calm him down, "What matters is that you're okay." He held out his palms as a gesture of assurance, "I'm Cisco Ramon..." He then looked over to his doctor friend, "She's Caitlin-- Dr. Snow." Subtly rolling his eyes as he remembered that she didn't like providing strangers a first-name basis. Somehow, that was different for Kara, but that was unknown to Cisco.

"I need you to urinate in this." Said Caitlin urgently as she held up a small plastic canister right in-front of Barry's face.

"Not this second." Cisco now gave a larger stare to Caitlin, which then the bio-engineer reluctantly put down said canister to a tray she's by.

"W-wait, what is happening? What is going on?!" Barry now got up and shouted, frantically demanding the two to elaborate.

"You were struck by lightning, dude!" Cisco exclaimed, revealing his geeky flair.

"W- what?" Barry lowered his voice and turned to face a flat-panel monitor, attached with a camera mounted on-top, displaying his now well-built – equipped with abs – bare torso, "Lightning... gave me--?" He trailed off, his gaze directed elsewhere that the other two didn't know and now making both Cisco and Caitlin confused. Then, a wide smile started to spread on his mouth, "Ka—!" He was cut off at the sudden smash of someone's lips on his. Barry kissed back and smiled against the lips, feeling and knowing that it was his loving girlfriend, Kara Kent. Or The Blur to one other person.

"The Blur is kissing Barry...?" Cisco mumbled in confusion, "Caitlin, why is Barry kissing a superhero?" He asked, meanwhile Barry and Kara's kiss were getting more and more heated and passionate by the second.

"Wait for it..." Caitlin smiled, confusing her co-worker even more.

"What do you mean 'wait for it'? He's cheating on his girlfriend with the freaking Blur!" Cisco yelled with concern as the couple hesitantly pulled away, with the girlfriend tightly hugging her lover as humanly as she could.

"I missed you." Those most genuine words softly escaped Kara's lips.

"I missed you too." Barry replied to her with a small chuckle.

"Oh, wow..." Kara then whispered to herself, eyes widened as she stared down at her boyfriend's newly-hardened abs. She knew and had seen that Barry was already physically outstanding. He wasn't bulky but he was cut and there were already lines forming around his torso, and it wasn't because he was skinny. And even though Kara would have her amount of lust filled to the brim each-time she saw her boyfriend unclothed, she now had its level reaching the atmosphere – one might even say outside the solar system.

"Kara, babe..." Barry, who was pulling away slightly, called out with a chuckle, but she was still put in a full trance by him.

"Kara... Kent?" Cisco muttered to himself as he slowly caught on to what was happening.

Barry kept calling Kara's name in hopes for a response but it wouldn't budge, so he pecked her on the lips.

"O- oh, wha- yes?" She finally snapped out with reluctance as she kept glancing back to Barry's abdomen.

"You're staring." He smirked.

"Oh, sorry..." She apologized but was met instantly with his lips and smiled widely afterwards.

"Also, what are you wearing?" Barry then asked to her after kissing for a few seconds more.

Kara glanced down and her eyes widened at the reveal to herself that she was still donning her heroine costume, "Uhm, I- I......" She looked to the other two in the room whom Kara didn't at all notice. Cisco was in total perplexity while Caitlin only smiled knowingly at the couple, "Hi..." Kara waved sheepishly, head tilted downwards slightly from nervousness.

"I knew you were her." Caitlin implied 'her' as in The Blur.

"You did?" Asked Kara, surprised and somewhat impressed.

"You did?" Asked Cisco, surprised because he felt betrayal from his friend.

"Well, I just knew." Caitlin shrugged her shoulders, "Kara appears in Central City, The Blur appears in Central City; The Blur appears in Metropolis, Kara disappears." She explained to both.

"Wait, The Blur?" Barry asked to Kara. He smiled after seeing her vigilante-like outfit because he assumed that Kara was finally revealing her powers to the world and using said powers to do good in it. And some-cause of his smile was because his girlfriend was a cool superhero, "I thought you didn't want--? What made it happen?" Barry instantly regretted his words as he felt a tremendous amount of sorrow coming from Kara's end of the bond. He quickly pulled her into a tight hug that can rival The Blur's own strength, "What happened?" He now asked with concern.

"I'm so sorry I didn't protect you, Barry." Kara sobbed a river of tears onto his chest. This action made Barry even more concerned.

"You were in a coma for five months, Mr. Allen..." They heard a voice coming from their backs. It was more than evident that Kara didn't want to let go, same went for Barry. Though, they had to because they needed to show at least some respect for Barry's lifesavers' boss. Once they turned, however, Kara was also the only one glaring at the man, and it was gone unnoticed by everyone in the room, "We have some explaining to do."

Kara hated seeing Dr. Wells talk with her boyfriend whom was hurt because of his creation's cause. So much so that she didn't care if someone had spotted her expression at the man. But she knew that Barry had always wanted to meet him and it was probably best if Dr. Wells were the one to explain what had happened.

Barry wanted so badly for his grip on Kara to stay, but as much as he loved it and wanted for her to know he's there, he needed a person who knew the best about what had happened, plus he had always wanted to meet the man. He then faced back to Kara as he asked for permission.

"Go." Kara put on a genuine small smile at Barry.

"I'll be right back." He whispered, pecking Kara's lips as her smile enlarged, "I should probably get a shirt first." He then said out-loud.


"STAR Labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us as a Class 4 hazardous location. Twenty-two people died that night, many more were injured... myself amongst them." Wells said. A massive – larger than a football stadium – fissured oval-shape hole, up above the giant particle accelerator visible to the two as they leaned against a makeshift railing.

"Jesus..." Muttered Barry when he saw the destruction it caused, "What happened?"

"Five months ago, the particle accelerator went online exactly as planned. For 45 minutes, I had achieved my life's dream. And then... then there was an anomaly." His thumb leisurely grazing his index, a gesture Barry took notice but unquestioned, "The electron volts became unmeasurable, the ring under us popped. Energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky and that, in turn, seeded a storm cloud--"

"That created a lightning bolt that struck me." Barry finished.

"That's right." Wells confirmed. Barry wasn't even at the least concerned about himself, the only thought that was in his mind was Kara, about how much lost she had felt and endured, "I was recovering myself... when I heard about you." The doctor continued, stopping Barry in his track of ponder, "The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages every-time you were going into cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis because, you see, you weren't flatlining, Barry. Your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register it." They walked to a more settling place, one that couldn't make a reminder of what deed is done, "Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West and Ms. Kent gave me permission to bring you here, where we were able to stabilize you... She came in to see you quite often."

Only a smile, a heart-filling one, appeared on Barry's face. He couldn't respond, his mind was only filled about how much Kara cares for him. And that, consequently, made him think how much Kara needed him right now, "I should probably go." He turned, set to leave at any moment.

"Wait just a second." Dr. Wells said urgently, "Now that you're awake, Caitlin and I need to do more tests for you." He continued as Barry turned around, though hesitant to stay, "You're still going through changes, there's so much that we don't know."

"I'm fine, really. I feel normal." Barry said, "Thank you for saving my life." His leave only marked a sigh from Dr. Wells.


"You still think it was worth it?"

"They aren't dead."

"They could've!"

"You agreed to do it!"

"Because you wanted me to!" He yelled to his sister even louder, only lowering down afterwards, "Okay... this is a stupid fight." He sighed, "It's five more metas... we can stop them." He assured himself.

"Right." She assured herself too, "...That is if we don't count the differences in time polarities and physical impairments." She then said a lot more unsurely.


"I know, let's just get this over with." She used Bart's famous words.

"Who's the first one?"

"Hand me the bullet you extracted first." She opened her palms as her brother confusedly gave a plastic bag containing a single bloodied bullet to her.

"Ah, it's for locating them." Bart said after she sunk the bullet in, seemingly, clear liquid encased in a metal pot. Said bullet, however, did not solute the liquid with its coated blood.

"Yep." Dawn then tapped her forearm, that was wrapped in her red-white suit, in multiple spots usual to Bart, "Dr. Alexander James Sartorius."


"Fill her up?"


Iris poured coffee into a woman's cup inside CC Jitters when she heard the doorbells jingled a chime. Her glance caught Kara's, who had just came in, before a certain used-to-be comatose brother walked in, "Oh, my god!" Iris faintly gasped, her mouth closed shut by her hands. The woman's cup wasn't even fully replenished, Iris couldn't bother to, when she ran towards her foster brother and hugged him, "You're awake! Why didn't STAR Labs call us?"

"I just woke up." Barry said as Iris pulled away from the embrace.

"Well I kinda was there too, but I didn't think of calling you..." Kara apologetically said.

Iris chuckled slightly at Kara, then focused back her attention at Barry, "Should you even be on your feet?"

"Iris, I'm fine." Barry replied with a small smile, "So, you're already working?"

"Part-time job." Iris answered as Barry's eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise, "It's in the afternoon every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and whole-day in Saturday.

"Wow. I really missed out a lot." Barry said in a soft tone, but then he felt an emotion of misery not from himself. He turned to see Kara slightly frowning as he pulled her closer by the waist, "But, now we have time to tell each other those stories." He smiled to his girlfriend as she smiled even wider than him.

"Oops." A woman behind Iris bumped into a waiter. The word somehow got slower and deeper for Barry as the tray, that the employee was holding, fell down graciously in – what seemed-to-be – slow-motion. Barry looked around confusedly as to why it was happening before glancing to Kara. Her eyes slowly dragged its way back at him, though her face stood still, even she couldn't move her nerves faster. And that meant to Kara that Barry could also use super-speed, faster super-speed.

The door facing Barry's back shifted opened as it scraped the floor in a deep roar, but then it gradually increased in pitch as Kara then finally looked up at Barry with his perspective now normal again. By then, the mugs and plates had just shattered, spilling coffee and crumbles of bakeries.

"Are you okay?" Iris asked concernedly for the waiter as she wiped the floor and nodded, "My dad is gonna be so happy to see you." Iris then said to Barry. Afterwards, she turned to help her co-worker to rid the mess, leaving the couple looking at one-another in shock and sweat.


"What was that?" He asked, "It was like the world slowed down."

"It didn't, you were moving fast... faster than me." Her words freaked out Barry, "You were affected by the particle-accelerator explosion, Barry." Kara slightly nerve-racked by the idea as she walked with Barry on the way to Joe's precinct.

"Yeah, I went into a coma..." Barry unsure of what context she was going for.

"Not that, I... think you might have powers." Kara was concerned that if he really did, then he could want to be a superhero like her. And while she did think it would be cool, it also scared her if Barry was on the field, risking his life each time he does.

"Powers? Phffft. Powers, Me? Phffffft." Barry uncompelled at first, but as he slowly leaned into the concept, his voice also heightened in timbre.

"Barry--" Kara stopped him bemusedly.

"Okay okay, yeah, you're probably right." Barry was about to ask more questions but stopped his dwelling when they arrived at the police station.

"Oh, you scared the hell out of us, kid." Joe took Barry into a tight hug as soon as he walked through the doors, "Good to see you two back together." He let go, referring to the couple. They only smiled widely as a response while Barry held Kara closer, "You look okay. Are you really?" Joe then asked to his foster son, his own eyes filled with distress.

"Yeah." Barry dropped his smile a little. Anxious to Joe's sudden interpose.

"Barry, I want to--" Joe's bothered voice was interrupted by a uniformed officer informing that there was a bank-robbery happening, "I'll talk to you later, son." Before Barry could say anything else, Joe and Eddie was already geared up and nearly out the door.

"You don't want to suit up?" A part of Barry didn't want her to leave and risk her life, if there was even any danger for her. But, he knew undoubtedly that she was rocking being a superhero and that, presumptively, she was liking it.

"You're more important." She smiled up at Barry, but it dropped down when she remembered about his powers development, "And I'm really worried about the whole super-speed thing..."

"I promise you I'm going to be fine, Kara." Barry assured her as she nodded, but she still shared her concern.

Barry then moved his gaze, from Joe leaving, and then shifted towards an apprehended man, presumably a criminal. The officers holding him caught Barry's glance as they waved at Barry. He turned popular at the scene due to, of course, the lightning bolt that struck him in that very precinct. Barry's sensory suddenly kicked in as he saw the man had picked the handcuffs he was bound in. But before he could reach any asset convenient for breaking out, Barry had already sped to the man, handcuffing him back as Barry got back to the place he was in before.

"You did it again." Kara said to her boyfriend with consternation in relation to why he was doing it with so much ease. The, now, detained criminal was currently shouting at the officers as they took him away to a holding cell.

"But, I can't control it." Barry replied to Kara worriedly, "I should probably go outside, I don't want to break anything in here." He then quickly said as his girlfriend also hastily nodded.

Soon, they got outside and in the lot where all the police cars were parked as they then checked whether if anyone was near and watching. Once they thought it was clear, Barry stopped in his tracks as he held his left arm that started to vibrate intensely. A vague glimpse of a memory about the blonde kid in a red hoodie came to Barry's mind for a brief moment.

Barry then looked over to Kara with a look of 'What is happening to me?', but she could only stare at her boyfriend's oscillating hand, alternating to his eyes and back. She was, beyond the shadow of a doubt, unsure of what to do as she only massively panicked internally and externally.

Barry only wanted to take a step forward when he suddenly sped up instantaneously, almost bumping his head on a concrete wall in-front in the process. Kara immediately sped up to Barry as she supported him for stability. Barry then took a step backwards, wanting it to be normal, it turned to be a complete disaster with him crashing into the rear bumper of a nearby police car, and as a result, shattered the back windshield. This time, however, his velocity outmatched the one before. Therefore, made Kara unable to help Barry as fast as last time.

"Barry!" Kara shouted as she ran towards Barry and helped him up, "Oh, my Rao. Are you okay?" Her voice filled with worry.

Though, Barry was more concerned about the damage done to the car, "That's expensive. Is it expensive?" He asked as Kara only shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, clearly way more concerned about Barry than the car, "What do I do?" Barry then quickly asked for suggestions as he was scared that he could damage more property and possibly himself too.

"I don't know, try running!" Kara exhorted in the spur of the moment.

Barry, following Kara's idea, inhaled and took a run of super-speed down the long alleyway ahead them. Kara followed close-by with a slight smile, but was slowly losing her pace against him as he gradually gained his momentum rapidly, "Whoaaaaaaa!" Barry shouted on the top of his lungs through the run that was from fear and wonder. His excitement was then cut short when he noticed that he couldn't stop running, "I can't stop. I can't stop!" He yelled. Kara could only look at him sprinting in worry as she couldn't catch up to him. Without a choice, he thought, Barry decided to make a sharp turn to his left on an intersection as he then crashed into, thankfully, soft and cushy bags of newly cleaned laundries inside a van.

Kara had only then made her way to Barry as she saw a man, presumably a laundry employee, in shock of witnessing what had happened, "Sorry." She said sheepishly to him after seeing the mess of shirts thrown-out from the van. Then saw Barry in a dumpster of pillowy bags as she sighed in relief. Even so, Barry was only smiling like a dork from his newfound powers.

"Awesome." He muttered.

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