Superflash - Always There For...

By 2HeadedWatcher

7.5K 366 36

This story starts off in early 2000's, having those warm orange tones much like what Smallville had. Barry an... More

Fall of 2004
Bad First-Impressions?
Carnival of Sorrow
Blue Moon
Just the Two of Us
I'm Not from Around Here
A New Type of Morning
I've Got a Feeling
Here, There and Everywhere
The Chain
Against All Odds

I Do It for You

287 20 2
By 2HeadedWatcher

"Your wallet, keys, jewelry, give it! Now!" The barrel pointed directly at the couple's eyes.

"Here, here! Take it and leave us alone!" The male cooperated, throwing their belongings away and back to covering a lady with his body.

The armed man smirked, 'Click'. He pulled the trigger, mag-dumping the pistol.

But right before it could reach them, a sound of a whoosh was heard. Not a second later, a black 'S' on a suit's chest was seen. A rainfall of bullets caught in someone's hands as they then fall to the ground. The suit worn by a woman. The world slowed down for her as she got up to the robber and grabbed the hem of his gun, then bent it like rubber.

It however, shot one last bullet, missing the woman mid-flight. The bullet had a fixed trajectory heading straight to the male couple's right eye. Then, just centimeters away from his eye, the woman easily caught it with her thumb and index.

She finally stopped moving in super-speed, the sheer torque of the gun bending blew the robber of his feet a few meters away, knocking the man out in an instant. She lowered the bullet and loosened her fingers, letting it fall down.

"Who are you?" The female that was shielded then asked after the male let go.

The blonde woman fitted in a black trench coat shrugged for a response.

"Whoever you are, thank you..." Appreciated the male.

She nodded. Then, speeding away with the mugger.

"What the-" A confused officer said as a man woke up inside a holding cell. He ran up to the room to see a masked man cuffed with duct-tape along with a VHS tape, most likely from a CCTV.


"A blur was seen capturing the trio bank-robbers-" The TV showed a blurry photo of robbers getting knocked out simultaneously in a flash.

"Witnesses saw a blur had saved countless lives from a shooting-" Another news anchor said.

Day by day the name was catching up to trends hastily, from articles to newspapers and small blogs. Kara had been putting on the suit everyday in each minute, meaning that she had taken a break from college, for two months to be exact.

She didn't want to add anymore stress onto her plate, she didn't want to have homework on top of her heroine duties on top of worrying about Barry. But, she knew that eventually she had to return back to Metropolis to study.

As of this night, she is speeding towards a burning apartment containing a multitude of trapped civilians that are above the starting fire. Once she arrived, she didn't hesitate to speed all of them out. But at the realization of the voluminous number of people that were still in there made her think twice about the method she's currently using.

'I got to figure out another way!' She thought to herself. Right after, she remembered the time when she froze a glass of water during Joe's thanksgiving after letting out a sigh of contentment, "That's it!" Kara exclaimed her epiphany to herself.

She didn't know how to but she had to try. She exhaled a tremendous amount of cold air into the searing heat inside, "Go! Get out of here!" Kara gestured for the occupants to run downstairs, signaling that it was safe.

All the rooms and hallways were now clear of the spreading fire, all except for one, "Somebody please get my little girl out of there!" Kara heard a woman shout for help outside.

The alien focused-in on the sound of a possible fire crackle, she spun around rapidly in hopes of finding that little girl. But thankfully not long after, she found a corner circled with fire that was enveloping a little kid below her 10's. In no time, she held the girl in her arms with her trench-coat used as a shield. Only after Kara got the girl out, did she put out the fire, not wanting to risk for the heat to spread to the girl first.

Afterwards, Kara went to the safe-zone outside to bring anyone to the hospital if they had been inflicted with a fatal injury, "Oh, thank you! Thank you!" The woman, presumably the mother of the girl, appreciated to Kara whilst hugging the daughter firmly, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, Samantha." She now asked to the girl.

She nodded, returning the embrace, "Thank you, miss." She then smiled to Kara as the hero nodded.

"How did you do that? That was impossibly fast." The mother said, never hearing about the new heroine.

"Yeah, she was like a blur!" Samantha yelled with fascination, "The Blur." She added as Kara made a confused face that turned into one of intrigue.

Even though the name had been spread citywide across Central, Kara hadn't been paying close attention to the news, only hearing words about a blur doing heroic acts.

"The Blur..." Kara looked away for a bit, a smile started to finally appear again after weeks of sorrow, "Sounds cool." She finished and looking back to the girl before speeding off into the distance.


She looked out the window for a brief moment. The night sky was clear, only hearing light noises of the busy traffic in Central. She sighed, it was only them three now, all the others couldn't bare the conscience of having done what they did, a massive mistake. Or so they thought.

It was finally a peaceful night because after the mass protests that were conducted to the research facility, they had to find a way to minimize all shouting. And once they did, all she could do know is weep for all the losses, particularly her loss.

Afterwards, she looked back to the TV sat in-front of chair at the desk, 'The Blur saves dozens from a burning building with her breath' The headline read. 'The Blur' The woman didn't know what to feel about the new heroine, should she feel grateful? Should she feel scared?

But before her mind could race anymore thoughts, she heard a knock that made her slightly jump, "Excuse me?" She heard a soft voice. She turned to see a blonde girl with glasses standing shyly by the open doors, "I'm so sorry, I know it's late but may I see my boyfriend? Barry Allen."

"One moment..." The auburn-haired bio-engineer stood up to another table beside her seat, "Are you Kara Kent?" She asked after skimming through a list.

"That would be me. Do you need ID?" Kara reached into her pocket.

"That won't be necessary, you're a little late, Ms. Kent. I can't let you in to see him right now, but you can come back tomorrow." The doctor interrupted, trying to be polite as much as she could.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name, Dr...?"

"Snow." She provided her name.

"Dr. Snow, when my boyfriend got hit by that lightning, I didn't want-... I- I couldn't do anything." Kara faintly shook her head, "I couldn't and didn't want to leave him after that, so I stood by his side for 3 weeks straight. But now, I need to go back to Metropolis for college, so can you please let me see him?... Just once this late."

She gazed deep into Kara's eyes, that look of hers reminded the doctor of her own. The look mirrored back to her, it was the same look when she saw herself in the mirror ever since her fiancé had died, "A few minutes shouldn't hurt." She nodded, a small smile flashed for a split-second.

"Thank you so much." Kara reached back into her pocket to pull out her ID, only to then be interrupted again.

"You don't have to, I already know you're her." She smiled slightly larger and led Kara into another room, "I'll give you two some room."

The woman left as Kara immediately went to Barry and taking a seat beside him, "Hey, Barr..." She took her hands in his, "I still don't know if you can hear me... I can't even feel you through our bond..." She went in closer, "But if you can, if you can hear me... just know that all those robberies I stopped, all the lives I saved with that suit..." Kara was now whispering to his ears, "I do it for you."

She kissed her boyfriend's forehead and she could swear that a small jolt of love from his end of the bond went to hers. Her mouth fell open slightly and a faint smile appeared on her face as tears seeped out from her widened eyes. But for all she knows, it could've been just her mind playing tricks on her.

Kara sat there with tears beside Barry for a few more minutes until Dr. Snow came back in, "Are you okay?" She asked as the blonde nodded slightly, "Do you need more time?"

"No, I don't want to get you in trouble." Kara shook her head and wiped her eyes, "I'll come back though when I can." She added after standing up.

"Guess I'll be seeing you often then." Dr. Snow smiled a little.

"Yeah, you will." She returned the smile.

Kara started to walk towards the doors, passing the doctor, when she got called, "Ms. Kent?" She turned around, "My fiancé, Ronnie, died when the particle accelerator blew up."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Kara responded, not knowing what else to say.

"Barry will live, I promise you that. I won't let you lose him like I did mine." Snow assured her.

"Thank you, Dr. Snow." She smiled gratefully.

"Call me Caitlin." The doctor gently smiled too.

"Then call me Kara." Kara said as Caitlin nodded. The blonde went to leave the room as she sat back down on her seat to watch the TV.

"The Blur was seen saving a little girl from a burning building-" The news anchor reported as the channel showed a pixelated footage of the heroine gently putting a kid down on her feet.

"You look familiar..." Said Caitlin to the TV, skeptically, whilst tilting her head to the side slightly. But she shrugged it off, it was too early to make presumptions about the new superhero after all.

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