Rose - A Klaus Mikaelson Fanf...

By KlausandKol

433K 9.1K 1.1K

Rosalie May Gilbert was adopted into the Gilbert family. Rose has that bitchy, stand up attitude that comes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

13.5K 271 39
By KlausandKol

Chapter 15

“Its Caroline's birthday today.” I said to Klaus as I looked around the mansion that was almost complete.  “Go say happy birthday, spend the day with her.”  And I sighed,  “I don't think I'm welcome.  I haven't spoken to her in ages and I'm not on great terms with Bonnie.”  I admitted and Klaus shrugged,  “Go make yourself known, Caroline would want you to be there.  What did you tell me the other day?  You've been friends since you were in diapers.”  I smiled.  “Fine,  I guess you're right.”  I said softly.  “So are you moving in with me?”  Klaus asked and I raised an eyebrow.  “What do you mean?”  I asked.  “I mean, I don't want to live in such a huge house on  my own.  Stay with me.”  I smiled and looked at the ground.  “Don't make it sound like we’re dating Klaus.” He frowned,  “Too friends living together?  That's not a problem is it?” I let out a small laugh.  “When will you un-dagger Rebekah and the rest of your family?”  I asked him softly and he looked at me,  “When the time is right.”  

I knocked on the door will a bag filled with gifts for Caroline.  She opened the door and I could see Elena, Bonnie and Matt standing behind her.  My eyes widened,  “Uh, I just wanted to say happy eighteenth birthday.  Congratulations, you're now legal to drink in England!”  I said laughing passing her a bag of gifts.  “Why did you get me so much?”  She asked peering into the bag and i shrugged.  “While I was in Canada I found a bunch of cool stuff that i thought you would like and ended up with bags full.  Its only little things, jewellery, nail things, hair things, makeup a bit of alcohol and there's one thing that is kinda sentimental, I wasn't going to give it to you after everything that's happened between us and -“  She cut me off.  “Calm down Rose.  Its fine, I'm sure ill love it.”  She said and I smiled.  “Well I guess you have things to do today, so I wont keep you.”  I said spinning on my heel and then i heard Matt’s voice.  “Hey! Rosie, why don't you come with us?”  He called after me and i could see Elena nodding along with Caroline.  Bonnie stood there with a scowl upon her face.  “Okay that sounds good.”  I said softly.



We walked through the graveyard and towards and open stone shack.    “This is creepy.”  Bonnie said as we walked through holding lanterns and torches.  “No Caroline's right.  Technically, she's dead. But you don't need a birthday, you need a funeral.”  Elena said as she set the cake down.    “You need to say goodbye to your old life so you can say hello to your new one.”  I smiled at Elena’s gesture. “She right.”  I agreed.   “Okay,”  Caroline said nodding.  “Here lies Caroline Forbes.”  Caroline began.  “Cheerleader, Miss.Mystic Falls, Third Grade Hopscotch Champion.” Elena said with a laugh as she began to put the candles in the cake.  “Overachiever, daughter.”  Bonnie said with a smile.  “Mean girl . . . sometimes, no offense.”  Matt said with a laugh.  “Ah, none taken.”  Caroline said with a chuckle.  “But most importantly, a great friend.  A best friend.  A caring,  loving person.”  I said softly.  “She was seventeen and she had a really great life.”  Elena said as she picked up the cake and walked over to us.  “So rest in peace so she can move forward.”  I smiled.  “Amen….Or cheers! or whatever!”  Elena said and we all began to laugh.  “Oh, uh Bonnie.” Elena said gesturing over towards the candles on the cake and Bonnie let out and, oh, and closed her eyes and then suddenly the candles were lit and everyone began to smile in amazement.  Bonnies smile was so wide it made me roll her eyes, she had to show off every chance she could.  “Make a wish.”  I said.

After a while we were all gathered round drinking tequila and eating cake.  “I may have texted Tyler.”  Caroline said and Elena groaned.  “What?  Im delicate.”  Caroline and I laughed.  “Bless.”  I said laughing and Bonnie turned to look at Elena,  “Give her a break.  You cant control what everyone does all the time.”  And Elena narrowed her eyes in confusion.  “Wow.” Elena deadpanned and I looked at Matt wide eyed as I took the tequila bottle from his hands and took     a huge sip.  “Sorry I know its Carolines birthday, funeral or whatever but I just feel like its really wrong that you compelled Jeremy to leave home.”  Bonnie said looking Elena right in the eye.  “Im doing it to protect him, Bonnie.  I wanna give him the chance at a half point human life.”  Elena said shocked that her best friend was talking to her like shit.  See this is why I never really liked Bonnie she was always so judgmental.  Bonnie was more of Elena’s friend growing up and Caroline was more of mine.  “He should be allowed to choose how he wants to live his life, your taking his choices away from him.” Bonnie said as I sighed,  “Bonnie this is a family thing, and last time I checked you're not family, this doesn't concern you.  Its not like you both are still dating, for goodness sake Bonnie just keep your mouth shut if you have nothing nice to say.”  I paused and stood up,  “Theres a saying, if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.”  I said placing my paper plate on the bench.  “That's coming from you.”  Bonnie spat and my eyes widened, but instead of replying I looked over at Caroline.  “Happy birthday C.”  I said before walking out.

I was driving to home when I received a phone call from Klaus.  “Hey hun.  Whats up?”  I asked putting the phone on loud speaker.  “Rosalie I need you to go to Wickery bridge to pick up Elena.  Stefan threatened to run her off of the bridge unless I got my hybrids out of town.  Elena sound like a wreck. “  My eyes widened,  “On my way.”

“ELENA!”  I yelled jumping out of the car.  “Get in!”  I yelled as I ran towards her and she pulled me into a hug as tears ran from her face.  “Stefan! If you ever touch her again, If you come near her again, I will fucking kill you.” I spat angrily as I pushed Elena into the passengers seat of the car.

Driving back to Klaus’ mansions I lugged my bags in.  “Nik!”  I yelled as I ran in and I could hear yelling and loud thumps.  Speeding towards the ruckus  my eyes met Elijah.  “Oh, uh hi Elijah.”  I said softly as I looked over at Klaus with wide eyes.  “Good evening sweetheart.” Klaus said cleaning the blood from his lip.  “Uh which ones my room?”  I asked with a raised eyebrow and he smile,  “Ah so you've decide to stay here then have you?”  And I smirked.  “Pick any bedroom, darling.”  I smiled.  “Thank you, ill leave you both to, uh finish chatting.”  I said awkwardly before walking off.

The next morning I walked up to my home to get the last of my things when I saw Sheriff Forbes, Elena and Alaric talking on the porch.  “Whats going on guys?”  I asked softly as I walked up to see Elena holding a bloody wooden stake in a bag.  “Did you do this?”  Elena snapped at me and my eyes widened.  “I don't know what you're talking about Elena.” I said confused.  “Did you kill the medical examiner? Brian Walters?”  I shook my head.  “What the hell Elena are you insane?”  I spat angrily at her.  “Well you're the only one that knew where all the stakes were along with Damon, and Stefan.” I shook my head.  “You're unbelievable.” I mumbled as I walked passed her and into the house to grab the rest of my things.

“Hey sweetheart! Dinner with Damon and Stefan tonight!” Klaus yelled as I walked into the house.  Speeding into the kitchen and grabbing a blood bag I then joined Klaus in the living room.  “Why are the Salvatore’s coming?”  I asked him confused.  “Elijah decided it would be good for a dinner.”  I groaned as I placed the blood bag on the table and walked over to Klaus.  “Can we talk?”  I asked him and he nodded placing his glass of bourbon on the side.  

“I remembered something, and its been bothering me ever since you gave me my memories back.”


“Youre not scared of me?”  Klaus asked me and I shook my head.  “Youre not a bad person Klaus.”  I said brushing my hand against his cheek.  “Tell me more about being your soulmate.”  I said softly and Klaus nodded and he moved closer to me in the bed.  “Everyone in the world has a soulmate, only one love soulmate.”  He began.  “When we kiss do you feel something?”  He asked me and I nodded.  “That something you feel is because we are soulmates, we are meant to be together.”  I narrowed my eyes slightly,  “So its fate?”  I asked and he nodded.  “Its fate.”

~~end of flashback~~

“Is what you told me the truth?”  I asked Klaus and he nodded.  “You hadn't said anything about that memory before so I was just hoping that you weren't too bothered about it.”  I sighed and sat down next to him.  “Do you remember what you said to me, the night i turned into a Tyler and I became hybrids?”  I asked Klaus and he perched his lips.  “You told me that you wanted me to be a hybrid because you didn't want to see me go through the pain of turning if I didn't want to.  You said you were intrigued by me, is that still true?”  I asked him and he nodded.  “Its true.”  He said barley a whisper and I studied his facial expression.  “There's something else.”  I said knowing he was hiding something from me and Klaus let out a loud sigh.  “After finding you, I don't want to lose you.”  Klaus admitted and my eyes flickered towards his lips and back up to his eyes.  “Kiss me.” I whispered.

“Niklaus, Rosalie, our guests have arrived.”  Elijah announced and I walked into the dinner room to see Stefan and Damon walk in.  “Hi lads.” I greeted and Damon stuck his nose in the air as he looked down on me,  “So you're living here now then?”  He asked and I nodded.  “I like it better than at Elena’s.  Tension is so weird, plus Jer has gone and its boring now.”  I admitted as I took a seat at the table.

I stabbed at my chicken cutting it into small pieces to look up to see Stefan wasn't eating,  “Lost your appetite?”  Klaus asked him and Stefan didn't answer.  “I thought we’d agree to leave the grumpy Stefan at home.”  Damon sung as he looked over at his brother. Stefan smiled and picked up his knife and fork.  “Thats the spirit.”  Klaus said with a smirk.  I called one of the compelled waitresses over,  “Wrist.”  I compelled her and she handed me her wrist and I bit into it.  I so wasn't interested in this dinner. “Manners, Rosalie May.”  Elijah said with raised eyebrows and i rolled my eyes as I bit one last time into her wrist letting blood pour into my glass. “Hey, you better go bandage that up sweetheart.”  I compelled her and she nodded walking away.

“This is nice, the five of us dining together, its such a treat.”  Klaus said as he began the conversation.  “Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?”  Klaus asked Damon as I stuffed a piece of broccoli into my mouth.  “Well you know how I feel about you, so I thought, the more the merrier.”  Damon spoke sarcastically.  “Well my brother and I have had our quarrels over the century, but we always make it through.”  Klaus said with a smiled I took a sip from my glass.  “Like you and Rebekah right?” Stefan began.  “Where is she by the way? Last time I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her.”  Stefan spoke cockily.  “If your referring to the fact Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah.”  Klaus said smiling over at his brother.  “Hey Stef, remember when you killed dad?!  Might wanna down the judgment until after desert.” Damon said giving his brother the ‘shut the fuck up’ look.  “We’re here to make a deal, Damon.  Doesn't mean we have to kiss his ass until second course.”  Stefan said with a sly grin. “I'm just saying, we have a long evening ahead of us, brace yourself.”  Damon said and I sighed, sliding back in my chair, Damon was right, this was going to be a long evening.

“So Stefan, wheres the lovely Elena tonight?”  Elijah asked.  “I don’t know ask Damon.”  Stefan replied and both Klaus and I laughed in unison leaving a confused Elijah.  “Oh I'm sorry you missed so much.”  Klaus said and I looked over at Elijah, “Trouble in paradise.”  I informed him.  “One more word about Elena, and this dinner is over.”  Stefan said looking at everyone.   “You know its probably best to leave Elena in the do-not-discuss pile.”  Damon said and Klaus agreed.  “Your probably right.  Its just the lure of the Petrova doppelganger.  Still so strong.  What do you say brother, should we tell them about Tatia?”  Klaus asked and I looked over at him,  “Was she the original doppelgänger?”  He nodded.  “No why should we discuss matters long since resolved?”  Elijah asked as he laid his napkin upon the table.  “Well given their shared interest in both Elena and Katerina, I think our guests would be interested in the originator of the Petrova line.”  I smirked. “I am!”  I said raising a glass.

“Well when our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia.  She was an exquisite beauty, every boy her age begged to be her suiter, even though she had a child by another man.  None loved them more than Niklaus.”  Elijah began and I raised an eyebrow over in his direction.  “No, I would say there was just one that loved her just as much.”  Klaus said looking over at his brother.  I was confused for a moment and then Stefan spoke up,  “So wait, you both loved the same girl?”  Stefan observed, a huge smirk planted across his face.

“Our mother was a very powerful witch.”  Elijah continued as he ignored Stefans comment.  “She saw to end our feud over Tatia and took her. Klaus and I later learned that it was Tatias blood that we consumed on the night out mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires.”  My eyes widened, how disgusting was that?  

“Tatia wouldn't make a decision between the both of us, so for a time Niklaus and I grew estranged, harsh words were traded, we even came to blows, didn't we brother?”  Elijah said as he looked towards Niklaus who nodded in agreement.  “But in the end we realised the sacred bond of family.”  Klaus said looking at Damon and Stefan.

“So why don't we move this night along a discuss this proposal.”  I said getting bored of the ol’ family talk.  “Its simple, Klaus gets his coffin back and he, and the extended Original family leave Mystic Falls forever.  Me, Stefan, Elena and Rosalie live happily ever after, no grudges.”  I looked up at Damon,  “Wait what?  Who said I would wanna stay here in Mystic Falls?”  I asked crossing my arms over my chest.  “Because you gotta start doing what you're told.”  My jaw fell open,  “I'm my own person Damon.” I spoke angered.

“The deal sounds fair brother.”  Elijah said and I frowned.  “I don't think you understand, Elena’s doppelgänger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me.”  I looked at Klaus as he licked his lips slightly.   “I will never leave her behind.”  Klaus said honestly.  “Lets say I do leave her here.”  Klaus said as he stood up from his seat.  “Under your protection, what then?  How long before one of you turn her into a vampire?  Or worse how long before she dies between your feuding?”  Now that was a terrible thought . . . “You see, each one of you believe that you're the one that can protect her but that is simply a delusion.  Gentlemen, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is the two of you.”  Klaus said barely a whisper.  “So you're telling me that you're good for Rose?”  Damon scoffed.  “Well at least she can trust that she’ll always be protected by me.”  Klaus replied cockily.  “That's only because she cant get daggered.” Stefan paused and looked over at me,  “The second he drops you, you will come running back.”  Stefan said and I awkwardly looked at the ground.  “I'm gonna get some air.”  Damon said walking out.  “Let me deal with this.”  Elijah said following Damon.  “I'm going to pop to the bathroom.”  I whispered in Klaus’ ear as I walked towards the stairs.  I could've used the bathroom downstairs but to be rather honest I needed to be as far away from the situation as possible in the most polite manner.

Running downstairs to find out what the racket was I heard Klaus say,  “Now bring me my coffin before I burn him alive.”  I walked into the room to see he had a powerful grip on Stefan.  “I’ll get it.”  Damon grumbled as he walked past me,  “Go with him brother, keep him honest. And when you return I will keep my promise to you and hand over our family.” Klaus said and Elijah nodded as he followed Damon.   

“Go ahead kill me! I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin!”  Stefan spat and my eyes widened.  “Klaus let go of him.”  I  groaned.  And Klaus pushed Stefan towards a wall,  “You really have given up haven't you? Wheres the fight?  Wheres the ripper?”  Klaus asked and I sighed running a hand through my hair as I picked up my glass of blood, gulping it down.  “Elijah?”  I said confused, wasn't he supposed to leave?  “Why haven't you left yet?”  Klaus asked his brother.  “Well, where are your manners brother? You forgot dessert.”  Elijah said pointing to two daggers laying on a tray the compelled waitress was holding.  My eyes narrowed.  “What have you done?”  Klaus asked his brother with wide eyes.  “What have you done?  See I've learnt not to trust your vulgar promises Klaus. We’re doing this on my terms now.” Elijah said and a young handsome boy walked from around the corner and Klaus facial expression changed immediately.  His eyes were widened and his mouth agape.  “Kol.”  Klaus said backing up.  “Long time brother.”  Kol said and suddenly another man was in the room shoving a dagger through Klaus’ hand making him scream out in pain.  Klaus went to run away when he was stopped by Rebekah. “Rebekah.”  He spoke panicked and she went to stab him in the stomach with the dagger that had kept her asleep for so long.

“Youre free to go.  This is family business.”  Elijah said and Damon grabbed my arm pulling me away.  “Damon let go of me you son of a bitch!”  I yelled at him pulling away from his grip.  “I live here, remember?”  I said cockily and turned back to the scene. “Rosalie can stay, she's more family than any of my siblings have ever been to me.”  Rebekah spoke honestly and I walked over to her hugging her tightly as Damon and Stefan left.  “I missed you.”  I whispered softly. 

“I like what you've done with the new place Nik.”  Rebekah said picking up a vase and throwing it into the fireplace.  “I think ill leave you all to chat, i’ll uh, head up to bed.”  I said softly and Rebekah grabbed my arm.  “No stay, i think you need to listen to what we are going to say.” And I looked at everyone in the room panicked.  “I wanted it to be for all of us, a place we could all call home.  A place we could be a family, nobody would have to be alone again.” Klaus said softly.  “Well you're right, none of us will be.”  Elijah said walking over towards Rebekah and I.   “Youre staying behind.” Finn said as he followed.  “We’re leaving you Nik.  Right after I kill that doppelgänger wrench.” Rebekah said slowly.  

“And hopefully you're little girlfriend will pick the right choice, she must’ve seen how awful you are by now.”  Kol said and I raised an eyebrow.  “We aren't dating.”  I said rather quickly and Kol grabbed my hand,  “Good because you could do so much better with me.” He winked as he grabbed my arm.  “And if Rosalie picks right, you will be alone, always and forever.” Rebekah said.

“If you run I will hunt all of you down.”  Klaus said as he looked at me in the eye and I tried to back away only to bump into Kol’s chest.  Kol wrapped his arm around me.  “Well then you'll become everything we hate.  Our father.”  Elijah said with a sly smile.  “IM THE HYBRID! I CANT BE KILLED! I HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR FROM ANY OF YOU!” Klaus spoke evil but really I could tell he was just hurt, and he was scared, no matter how much he wouldn't admit it.  He didn't want to lose his family.  “You will once we have that coffin.”  Elijah said and Klaus looked panicked. “Wait whats in that coffin?”  I asked and Kol whispered,  “Story time for later darling.”  And i sighed.

Suddenly a women walked into the house and everyone stopped talking and stared.   “Mother.” Rebekah breathed and my eyes widened.  Oh my god.  

Tears escaped Klaus’ eyes.  Esther, his mother walked towards him.  “Look at me.” She ordered and Klaus tentatively obeyed.  “Do you know why I am here?”  She asked and Klaus stuttered, “Youre here to kill me.”  He whispered.  I raised my hand over my mouth to stop me from saying anything.  “Niklaus you are my son, and I'm here to forgive you.”  Esther said and i watched Klaus’ face change to very surprised.  “I want us to be a family again.”  Esther said turning towards us.

“Oh for fuck sake, imma need more wine to deal with this.”  I admitted grabbing the bottle from the table.  “Who are you?”  Esther asked me,  “Uh I'm Rosalie.”  I said softly and she looked at me with a smile.  “Ah, Rosalie May Gilbert.  The spirits talk about you.”  I bit my lip and looked at Rebekah wide eyed.  “Uh good I hope?”  I spoke slowly.  And Esther laughed.  “Yes, lovely meeting you Rosalie May.”  I pulled away from Kol’s grip,  “Uh yeah you too, Im going to bed now, because its been a bloody hectic day.”  I said walking towards the stairs. 

Hellllooooo! I hope youre enjoying this fanfic so far . . . alot of people have messaged me asking for when Rose and Klaus are going to get together so ive actually written that chapter already and happy to announce its in three chapters! ahh! Dont forget to comment and vote.  Love you all xx

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