Silver Lining

By tinaa_hu_writer

14.8K 599 11

#1 in Wattpad Romance! "Don't fight me, please...!" he pleaded with his whisper by my ears. His obsession was... More

Silver-Lining E-Book
Chapter 1 - Flashback
Chapter 2 - Bonded to Hell
Chapter 3 - Best Friend Forever
Chapter 4 - "Dumpling"
Chapter 5 - Two-timed
Chapter 6 - Hell Hole
Chapter 7 - The Night Before Vegas
Chapter 8 - Luciano Carlos
Chapter 9 - Mystery Shopper
Chapter 10 - What happens in Vegas (1)
Chapter 11 - What happens in Vegas (2) Begin Again
Chapter 12 - What happens in Vegas (3) Lamborghini Centenario
Chapter 13 - What happens in Vegas (4) They Long To Be (Close to You)
Chapter 14 - What happens in Vegas (5) - Treasure
Chapter 15 - What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas
Chapter 16 - Whirlpool of Darkness
Chapter 17 - Rico Barnes
Chapter 18 - 7 years ago (1)
Chapter 19 - 7 years ago (2)
Chapter 20 - 7 years ago (3)
Chapter 21 - 7 years ago (4)
Chapter 22 - 7 years ago (5)
Chapter 23 - 7 years ago (6)
Chapter 24 - 7 years ago (7) Heart Broken
Chapter 25 - The Truth Unfolds
Chapter 26 - Chad Hunter
Chapter 27 - Hunter's Prey
Chapter 28 - He's back
Chapter 29 - Sold to Carlos
Chapter 30 - His Empire
Chapter 31 - Being His Captive
Chapter 32 - Forbes Billionaire Bachelor
Chapter 33 - Against my will
Chapter 34 - Learn to be Mine
Chapter 35 - Chadorris
Chapter 36 - The Dark Truth Unveils
Chapter 37 - Sweet Revenge
Chapter 38 - Amelia
Chapter 39 - Team Luciano vs Team Rico
Chapter 40 - Sweetness Overload
Chapter 41 - Wedding Wrecker
Chapter 42 - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 43 - Deflower
Chapter 44 - A Twist of Fate
Chapter 45 - Scruffy's Mischief
Chapter 46 - Road to Misery
Chapter 47 - Redeemed
Chapter 49 - The Envision
Chapter 50 - Birth of New Life
Chapter 51 - The Test of Marriage
Chapter 52 - The Finale

Chapter 48 - The Big Day

207 8 0
By tinaa_hu_writer

*One week later at Rendezvous Villa*

Clara's POV

Thanks to the help of Sophia, the wedding planner did a great job planning this wedding. The choice of the wedding venue was absolutely awesome as the Rendezvous Villa owned by Carlos sets against the breath-taking backdrop of a beautiful lake. This is also the backdrop of our vow ceremony, a garden wedding concept. The beautiful romanic intricate design of Rendezvous Villa itself already powered up the glamorous factor of this wedding, a truly deserving setting of a wedding for the status of Carlos. Everything felt just right without being ostentatious in the presentation.

I seamed my hands down the fabric of my beautiful Vera Wang bridal gown worn over me as I looked into the mirror, overwhelmed with joy and anxiety of what is to come...

"Oh my god, Dorris, I'm feeling so nervous... What if I fall while walking down the aisle? Do you think I look good? Will I embarrass Luciano?" My voice trembled with jitters all over me.

"Come on, you need to relax! It's your big day, you look absolutely stunning, trust me, everything is going to be fine," Dorris said as she took my cold hands and rubbed it warm.

Dorris looked at me in the eyes and I could see tears glistening in her eyes as she smiled at me and said, "I'm so happy for you, your prince charming is finally here to take you away."

Then a knock came on the door, the door was pushed with resounding voices came bolting through in a concerted manner, "Surprise!!!"

I was exhilarated upon the sight of three familiar figures as they hopped into the room with a jovial vibe. They were no other than my best buddies - Fiona, Daniel and William! I stood up with the splatter of my long white gown swishing over the floor to receive them. They started raining kisses and hugs on me as they congratulated me.

"Gosh, Clara! We heard all about it from Dorris. It was just months ago since we last met, and now you're getting married to literally prince charming! We can't congratulate you enough, especially after learning about your pregnancy too!" Daniel exclaimed.

My lips curled into a smile of bliss at them, "Yes, I couldn't believe it either, Thank you so much for your blessings!"

I could see the gleam of happiness they had for me in their eyes and joyous laughter as they showered me with their best wishes and wedding gifts.

Sophia walked in with a bright smile, still looking stunning as ever at her age, "I don't mean to interrupt, but is the bride ready?"

"Yes, mamma," I replied with a smile and a tinge of nervousness.

"Oh sweetheart, you look absolutely beautiful," Sophia said as she dawned the bridal veil on me.

So here it goes... The big day that I have always been looking forward to since young... Walking down the aisle to my prince charming... The love of my life.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine," Dorris reassured me once again before I start walking down the aisle.

As the music began playing, I started to walk in with Dorris as my maid of honour trailing behind me and with David by my side. This was the least that he could do as my stepfather and I was thankful for it. The spectacular view of our wedding ceremony bestowed upon me as I made a turn through the sweet-smelling and beautifully decorated roses arch. This was a wedding way more beautiful than I ever dared to dream of. I was still having butterflies in my stomach at this moment, there was an avalanche of anxiety with each step and each breath I took under the watchful eyes of the guests. They were mostly wealthy major clients and business partners or relatives of Carlos.

Calm down, calm down, you can do it.

My heart was finally at peace when I saw Luciano standing tall at the other end with Chad by his side, waiting for me from afar. The very presence of him is such a reassurance to me. He looked even more charming in his smartly pressed groom's suit and his hair combed back neatly, revealing his devilishly handsome face.

I can't believe I'm so lucky to get married to such a wonderful man, it felt almost like I was living a fairy tale. Flashback of how we met raced through my mind with each step I took towards him. It all started with that breath-taking pivotal moment of us colliding into each other at the turnstile...

"Hi," I said to him nervously with a smile as I stood in front of him.

"You're so beautiful, my love," He said with mesmerization in his eyes.

"You too..." I replied shyly.

After the solemnizer cued us to recite our vows, Luciano took my hands and we locked our gaze into each other's eyes as he recited his vows sincerely to me, "I, Luciano take you, Clara, to be my wife. I promise to always be your biggest fan. I promise to create and support a family with you, in a household filled with laughter, patience, understanding, and love. I vow not just to grow old together, but to grow together. I will love you faithfully through the difficult and the easy. What may come, I will always be there, each one believing that love never dies. For as long as I live, what I possess in this world, I give to you. I will keep you and hold you, comfort and tend you, protect you and shelter you, for all the days of my life. As I have given you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep."

My heart throbbed at each word of his vow. His eyes, so hypnotising... His smile so beguiling... His love so convincing...

I stood firm of my love for him as I recited my vow to him too, "I, Clara, take you to be the husband of my days, the companion and the friend of my life. We shall bear together whatever trouble and sorrow life may lay upon us, and we shall share together whatever good and joyful things life may bring us. With these words and all the words of my heart, I marry you and bind my life to yours."

I could already hear the sounds of the snorts coming from those who got moved and awed by our vows. My mother at the front row was undeniably one of them.

Then our solemnizer proceeded to say, "You may now put on the wedding ring for each other."

Luciano turned around to Chad for the wedding ring but Chad wasn't paying attention to us at all, he had his attention gravitated towards Dorris who was standing behind me the whole time. Luciano had to give him an elbow shrug to wake him up from his intoxication with Dorris. I couldn't help but giggle at Chad and Dorris.

Chad's POV

Oh god... She looked just like an angel in her bridesmaid dress flowing with her curves as she walked, and that floral wristlet over her wrist made her looked even more angelic. Am I dreaming...?

Suddenly, I received an elbow shrug which struck me out of my daze.

"Where's the ring?" Luciano asked impatiently.

"Oh oh! Sorry! It's here!" I whispered back frantically as I took out the ring for Luciano.

I could see Dorris giggling at my embarrassing act together with Clara.

Damn it... Why do I always have to look stupid in front of her?!

Clara's POV

I was astonished by the sheer beauty of the wedding ring that Luciano got for me. I was heartened, knowing that he always wants the best for me.

This is it... The moment I've been waiting for, I'm just one slip away from being his loving wife.

I held my breath in exhilaration as he picked up my hand with his warm manly hand and slipped the wedding band onto my finger gently. That moment sent a sudden surge of emotions that set my eyes watery. I watched in disbelief as the sparkles from the diamonds on the ring reminded me that I was eternally bound to him, bound to happiness..

Luciano twinkled his ring finger and whispered, "Don't forget to bind me to you too, my love."

That got me gravitated back to earth after being overwhelmed with a surge of happiness. I laughed and slipped the wedding band onto his manly finger. He broke into a wide smile and held onto my hands tightly. We were just one happy couple that couldn't take our eyes off each other.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may kiss the bride now," The solemnizer said.

Luciano unveiled my bridal veil and said with much affirmation, "I love you..."

I replied in a blushful manner, "I love you too..."

Then he plunged in for a kiss and I was instantly swept off my feet by a stir of delicious sensation from the seal of his lips against mine.

Gosh... I have got to be the luckiest woman in this world to enjoy his pleasurable lips.

It just never gets old kissing him, his kiss never fails to send butterflies in my stomach, each time stirring a new sensation coursing through my body.

His kiss was so deep, passionate and alluring that it sent me lost in his arms until the sound of the crowd's cheer and applaud turned into a wave of laughter. Chad and Dorris cleared their throat loudly next to us to cue us about our sweet long-locking kiss turning awkward. That finally sent us pulling our lips apart and I was panting hard for breath. That was one magical kiss!

I'm married! I'm finally married to the man of my dream, a wonderful father of my child!

Dorris's POV

"Are you ready, ladies?" Clara shouted as she asked all the single ladies to get ready to receive the toss of her bouquet.

She winked at me before she turned around to toss the bouquet. It was obvious she was throwing at my direction in hope that I would catch that bouquet amidst the other single ladies who were desperate to get hold of the bouquet. However, the bouquet came flying towards me at an angle that was too high for me to reach despite my desperate attempt to stretch my hands for it. I tried to take a few steps back to save the catch but I ended up bumping my back against someone. I turned around and realised it was Chad that I bumped into and the bouquet landed in his raised hand.

What the hell is he doing here?

Everyone glued their attention with a baffled look at the only guy amidst the crowd of ladies, but it didn't take long for desperado ladies out there to be smitten by this handsome chap that stood out prominently. Although he was undeniably charming, the only thing that surfaced in my mind was not his wits nor his looks, it was his freaking dick. I was still feeling awkward to see him in person ever since that incident happened.

"Hi Dorris, I got it... for you..." He stammered as he handed the bouquet to me. Everyone started clapping and cheering for us when he did that.

Gosh... What is he even thinking?!

"What are you doing?!" I whispered back at him with an awkward forced smile.

He cleared his throat and said, "Trying to win your heart."

I was lost for words as my heart raced at his words. Chad Hunter, one moment he is charming smarty pants, another moment he acts like an idiot, what on earth are you?

Clara's POV

*Wedding After Party*

I couldn't help but drool at the delicious-looking food seductively decked on the table as Luciano brought me around to introduce me to major clients and relatives of Carlos. I wasn't sure why I started having a monstrous appetite lately, but I just couldn't wait to sink my teeth into the alluring food.

Whenever Luciano was occupied with his clients and relatives, I seized the opportunity to sneak my way to the table of food and gobbled them down to my heart's content.

"Go easy on the pastries, my love, you just had an entire tray of sushi," Luciano said from behind me while I was busy gobbling pastries down my throat.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help feeling drawn towards the food, perhaps our baby is hungry?" I explained while munching away.

Luciano laughed and said, "This sure is one hungry baby." I laughed along too, I could see the happiness in his eyes whenever we talk about our baby.

"Have you seen Dorris?" I asked Luciano.

"Now that you mentioned this, I haven't seen my best man around too. He is probably leaching up on Dorris again," Luciano sighed.

I giggled at Luciano response, "Come on, go easy on Chad, both of them make a sweet couple."

Chad's POV

"Oh my god... Scruffy is so cute!!" Dorris squealed in excitement upon seeing Scruffy.

I knew she loved Scruffy, so I brought him to gain some personal time with Dorris outside the after-party venue.

"He sure is excited to see his mummy," I said as I watched Scruffy wagged his little tail excitedly in Dorris's arms.

"He is just so cute! I wish I could have him to myself every day...!" Dorris chirped as she rained kisses on Scruffy.

"He sure is one lucky puppy..." I muttered with a zeal of jealousy.

"What did you said?" Dorris asked as she continued to play with Scruffy.

"Nothing... You can have him if you want him," I said disappointingly.

Scruffy seems to understand what I was saying and started barking back at me as he struggled to get off from Dorris's arms.

"Aww... Seems like Scruffy doesn't want to leave his daddy. I can't take him away from you, maybe I'll just visit Scruffy more often when I can." Dorris said.

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, anyways, my contract with ChemTech just ended not long ago. I will be seeking employment in Vegas soon so that I can stay closer to Clara," Dorris explained.

I whipped up Scruffy in my arms and cheered at this good news with him excitedly, "You heard that Scruffy?! Mummy is coming to Vegas!"

Dorris chuckled at my behaviour, but I couldn't care any lesser about my image as I just couldn't contain my excitement.

Then we heard the emcee cued Luciano and Clara for their wedding dance.

"Let's get back in, I can't wait to see their dance!" Dorris exclaimed as she got up and started racing back to the after party.

Clara's POV

The crowd cheered and crowded around us as Luciano and I got to the center for our wedding dance.

When the song 'Flightless Bird, American Mouth' by Iron and Wine started to play, I was still feeling nervous about messing up the dance despite many practices beforehand.

Luciano seems to notice my jitters and calmed me down with his reassuring voice, "Don't worry, my love, just take my hands and follow my lead."

Very quickly, I found myself in his hands and hypnotised to his gaze while we danced against the beautiful backdrop of the twinkling lights which made me forgot all about the watchful eyes of the crowd. My heart was at peace in his safe and strong arms, along with the soothing music playing in the background.

Today, tonight, my big day, was just so magical all because of this man, my husband.

Everyone clapped after our dance ended, some even shouted that it was beautiful. I was heartened to receive blessings from the crowd.

Then came the playing of some fun loving music, and everyone jumped in and started dancing heartily.

I could see Dorris dancing and laughing happily together with Scruffy hopping around on the dance floor and Chad who was making comical dance moves. Arnaldo was dancing with Sophia in their own romantic 1960s old school style. Fiona and William were free styling while Daniel still had food in his hands as he grooved along. I had so much fun dancing heartily with Luciano too. Tonight was a beautiful memory that has been imprinted deeply in my mind forever.

After the end of the after-party, we were burnt out but we were still in high spirit as Luciano and I bid farewell to every guest as a newly wedded couple.

Then Luciano's phone rang, his face turned straight after he picked up the phone.

"Ok, I'll be there shortly," He replied sternly.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly after he hung up.

He took in a deep breath before he turned to me and said, "The hospital called to inform that Rico just..."

"Just what?!" I panicked upon hearing Rico's name.

Luciano continued, "Just woke up."

I gasped in surprise at this good news and replied in tears, "Oh my god! Let's go to the hospital now, please, now!"

"But don't you need to get changed out of your gown?" Luciano asked.

"No! there's no time for this, please, let's just go now!" I pleaded as I pulled him to the direction of his car.

"Alright, my love, I'll get you there now," Luciano replied.

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