Ducktales Season 1 Rewritten

Per LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 1 Rewritten Més

Terror of the Terra-firmians
The Impossible Summit of Mount Neverest
Spear of Selene
A Battle of the Con Artists
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck - Part 1
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck - Part 2
Donald the Royal Court Magician
Last Crash of the Sunchaser
The Rise of Magica De Spell Part 1
The Rise of Magica De Spell Part 2
The Rise of Magica De Spell Part 3
The Shadow War Part 1
The Shadow War Part 2
The Shadow War Part 3
The Shadow War Part 4
The Ultimate Clash of Mages Part 1
The Ultimate Clash of Mages Part 2
The Ultimate Clash of Mages Part 4
The End of the Shadow War Part 1
The End of the Shadow War Part 2
The End of the Shadow War Part 3
The End of the Shadow War Part 4
The End of the Shadow War Part 5
Shadow War Aftermath - Foreshadowing

The Ultimate Clash of Mages Part 3

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Per LandofEvil42

Donald has just once again unleashed his true power after Magica brutally breaks Daisy's arm but no one notices that something is off. The kids are so amazed Webby doesn't notice it looks a little weaker than when he fought Merlock and it certainly isn't anything like the massive power he unleashed at Hades.

Kingdom Hearts BBS (Vs Master Xehanort and Vanitas Theme)

Party Members:

Donald Duck

Information: Defeat Magica De Spell!

Donald charges off like a rocket towards the witch swirling with electricity and his eyes glow electric blue.


When he gets within range Magica delivers a punch to the face but to her great shock, Donald isn't affected at all and it just prompts him to deliver a stronger and electrifying punch to her face followed by a kick to the chin that makes her scream in pain. Soon Donald is delivering more rapid blows that make Magica real back in pain. He violently shouts as he launches a kick to the stomach that sends Magica flying and screaming in pain as gold erupts from the floor.

The kids are absolutely amazed at this sight and Webby is in shock to see Donald use this power again.


Louie: I can't believe he's been able to do cool stuff like this before without us even knowing!

Huey: Let her have it Uncle Donald!

Donald blasts off once again, summoning Save the Queen and rapidly bashing, punching and kicking Magica like a maniac before she sends him flying up. Donald takes flight and his staff glows with electricity.


*He unleashes a massive blast of lightning from his staff that explodes on Magica, covering her area in a cloud of smoke as Donald pants from releasing so much energy. There was no possible way that anyone could survive a blast like that at close range. But to Donald's great fear and horror the smoke disappears to reveal Magica had just one hand outstretched to form a barrier that shielded her from the blast. All of a sudden the fear she felt before is gone now.8

Magica: Phew. That was close. For a few seconds there I was actually afraid. Donald trembles in complete disbelief. For a minute there, I thought you had actually done it. You became the only mage on this planet I would ever fear. But it looks like I have nothing to worry about since you're only able to access 20% of your true power.

Donald: 20%?! You mean; that's all I'm using right now! That can't be!

Magica: I'm afraid it is Donnie. You don't understand the secrets and full extent of your power as the Mage of Thunder. With the primitive level of understanding you have now you can only use a fraction of your power and at this state it's no threat to me.

Donald: Donald remembers what happened to Daisy and his fear turns to rage. OH YEAH! I don't care how much of my power I'm able to use or not! I'll still use it to give you the beating you deserve you witch! You're gonna pay for what you've just DONE!

Donald crackles with electricity and his eyes continue to glow with power as he glares at Magica who continues to smile in amusement. Donald blasts off and so does Magica with her Necrosword and they both give battle cries before clashing their weapons and creating an electrical explosion

While Magica is distracted Huey drops down from his pile of gold onto his face, Webby wobbles as she walks over towards, Dewey and Louie clutch their stomach and shoulder as they struggle to make their way to the injured Lady-in-waiting.

Mickey, Goofy and Minnie back in the Gummiship, just seconds ago had hacked into the Bin's security camera, allowing them to watch the battle taking place on screen. And they're not pleased to see how badly things are going for the Duck Family. Mickey can't help but sweat in fear.

Mickey: Oh no…it's hopeless. Magica is just too strong for even Donald and Daisy's too injured to fight back now.

Minnie: Minnie does her best to remain optimistic. But surely Donald still has some tricks up his sleeve. He's wearing weighted garments, isn't he Mickey?

Mickey: Mickey shakes his head and turns to his wife. I'm afraid not Minnie. The outfit he's wearing isn't all that heavy. It's made for battle and for absorbing multiple attacks.

Minnie: But surely Donald is holding back at least some of his power.

Mickey: Not at all. He's giving Magica everything he's got. Unless we get there…

Minnie shudders the thought of how Magica plans to kill the entire family and she's even more frightened when she sees the grim expression on Mickey's usually cheerful face.

Donald gives a battle cry as he charges at Magica who tauntingly flies back with her arms crossed until they both crash into another pile of gold and are engulfed in a cloud of smoke. Inside the smoke Donald whacks Magica with his staff only for the witch to vanish and reappear to deliver a kick that makes Donald spill some blood. The Mage of Thunder loses sight of her in the smoke, allowing Magica to kick him down and then elbow the good mage in the face, that makes him reel back shouting in pain.

Minnie: Oh…Donald…

Goofy: Don't worry Queen Minnie. Minnie looks to Goofy still piloting with his usual optimistic expression. This is Donald we're talking about. He'll win, just you watch. Don't forget, our Mage of Thunder still has one ace up his sleeve. Donald can unleash his true power, maybe not all of it since he can't fully control it like you said King Mickey but he should be able to stand 20% of his true power and that may just be enough. He's far from being tapped out yet.

Minnie: Minnie feels her hope come back to her and she clasps her hands. Yes, you're right! I almost forgot about Donald's true power!

Mickey: I'm sorry. They both look to see Mickey still has a grim expression. I want to believe that's true but…I'm afraid Donald's already unleashed his true power…the full 20% he can use…but 20% isn't enough to defeat a foe like Magica…look at the screen…

They look to the screen to see Donald continuing to fight Magica in the smoke cloud.

Donald is once again surrounded it a blue aura, swirling with electricity and his eyes glow blue. He swipes his staff but Magica evades and delivers a kick to the face but the added power allowed him to gain some resistance. He tries again to bash her with his staff but Magica dodges and Donald barely blocks a knee. He attempts to deliver more electrifying blows only for the dark mage to dodge and block them all, before delivering a couple of right and left hooks, a kick that sends him spinning and then a stronger one from behind that sends him flying and screaming out the smoke.

He bounces and slides across the floor of gold on his back and the electrifying glow suddenly vanishes. Now he lies their completely beaten and senseless near the edge of the money bin.

Webby: Uncle Donald!

Dewey: This is bad! Uncle Donald's getting pulverised!

Huey: It can't be!

Louie: There's no way I'm seeing this…right?

Magica lands on the floor as Donald struggles more than ever to get up. He pants in exhaustion, his body feeing it was ran over by a freight train after the beating he took.

Magica: Good news Donald. Soon this battle will end. Good for me but bad for you because you're going to spend your final moments in excruciating pain.

Donald growls in anger mainly because he knows Magica is right unless he can kick it up a notch.

Donald: "I can't defeat her with a mere 20% of my true power! I've got to find a way to use 40% of my power. I'm not sure if my body will be able to take it though. The last time I used a 100% I was able to control it but that was a one-time deal. I'm not sure of the kind of toll it'll have on my body right now…but…this witch is only using half her full power and I'd rather not wait to find out what else she's capable of. What other options do I have?"

Magica: Don't bother with a strategy Donnie, after all no matter what plan you come up with you'll still never beat me. I can prove it again if that's what you want.

Suddenly she vanishes and moves so fast it seemed like a cloud of dust was blasting off towards Donald. He screams in pain as he feels rapid punches his stomach and then his face. Donald lands on his and the witch literally looks down on him.

Magica: Come now Donnie, at least try to make this entertaining for me. That's the whole point of this fight.

Magica outright kicks Donald up into the air but Mage of Thunder recovers in time and re-summons Save the Queen. He floats in the air, locks eyes with Magica and gathers energy as blue electricity surrounds him once again. He holds his staff with both hands.

Donald: I don't care how strong you are MAGICA! I WILL DEFEAT YOU! DUCKS DON'T BACK DOWN!

The aura surrounding Donald becomes green and 6 green orbs of light appear all around him.

The kids have all gathered around Daisy and witness this spell in amazement.

Huey: Whoa! What kind of spell is that!?

Webby: That's an Ultima Spell! It's one of the most powerful spells in existence!

Dewey: This may be Uncle Donald's last shot so he's gotta make it count!

Louie: Louie then looks to Magica. Judging by how Magica is just standing there with her arms crossed I'm not feeling all that hopeful you guys.

Louie's right. Magica just stands there grinning with her arms closed, not deterred by the massive amount of energy Donald is gathering as he holds up his staff and the green electrifying aura surrounding him becomes larger.

Beakely and everyone in the bridge look up to see what's happening in awe.


He unleashes a huge green blast of energy that heads straight for the witch who relaxes her arms and entire body, closing her eyes as though she's trying to focus. The witch listens in, the blast comes closer and closer and when it gets metres away Magica jolts her eyes open and leaps forward. With a loud battle cry she smacks her leg against the blast and kicks it straight into the air. To Donald's shock and horror his own spell flies right past him and he watches it explode in the air where it rumbles the very earth itself.

Beakely, Fenton, Lil'Bulb and Gyro watch the attack explode along with the shadows. The heroes are in absolute astonishment.

Even Launchpad is stupefied by the explosion before him as he stands on the Sunchaser with all the shadows looking on with him.

When the explosion stops Donald looks back down at Magica who lands on her feet with her arms crossed and a smug expression. The Mage of Thunder trembles as the reality of her power is starting to kick in.

Dewey and the rest of the kids are also in horror as they stand next to Daisy.

Dewey: It's…unreal…Magica deflected that huge blast with nothing but a kick.

Huey: There's no way Uncle Donald was holding anything back. That was his best attack!

Louie: NO! It's not fair! How could anyone be that strong!?

Webby: Even with his true power he can't land a hit!

Magica chuckles in amusement and all Donald could do was tremble with his eyes and beak wide open in pure fear. Not his usual comical fear, it was pure, real fear that Magica enjoyed seeing.

Donald: "I…I don't know what to do anymore. That was my best attack…and she deflected it with a simple kick."

Magica: Well, I believe I've entertained myself long enough. It's time I put an end to this little charade and the last of Clan McDuck.

She bolts up towards Donald in the form of purple energy and in less than second gets in his face, causing him to recoil and quack in fear. Before he could even react the witch knees him in the belly which makes him release blood and gasps in pain. His Mage hat falls off and is blown away into the wind. Magica then grabs his throat and tosses him down before shooting off in her purple energy form. And when Donald falls in front of the pile of gold Magica slams her head into his back, blasting him through the ocean of gold. The kids can see coins erupt from the floor and then Donald burst out of the floor screaming in pain and rolling across the floor. When he stops he lands on his side again.

He gets up only for the witch to appear in front of him and slap him to the floor, injured and unable to move. Donald is more injured and badly bruised up than ever but despite that he forces himself to get up but it's a massive struggle. First he painstakingly gets on his knees and then his feet, glaring defiantly at the witch but the beating he's taken is so bad he's barely able to keep his eyes open and standing is such a big struggle he drops to his knees and hands groaning pain. Sweat drips from his face as he pants but Magica won't let him rest and lifts him up by the collar.

Magica: So this is the great Mage of Thunder, the 3rd most powerful mage of all worlds, the famous nephew of the great Scrooge McDuck, the most daring adventurer in history? What a laugh. We've barely begun and you're already tuckered out. She holds up Donald higher and the Mage of Thunder is still unable to keep his eyes fully open. You're nap time is over Donnie, we haven't even gotten to the best part. Let me show you what a real Ultima Spell looks like.

She tosses Donald in the air, summons her staff and begins to gather sinister purple energy as she holds it up with both hands. 6 purple orbs of light appear around her and she takes aim as Donald is blown high into the air, unable to move or dodge the attack. The energy gathering around Magica spreads out in wave and makes the entire bin rumble.

Magica: Ultima!

She unleashes a huge purple blast of energy that engulfs Donald and makes him scream in absolute pain and anguish as he feels Magica's dark energy tear him apart and blow him into the sky where it explodes.

Huey, Dewey, Louie & Webby: UNCLE DONALD!

Launchpad: MR D!

Beakely: DONALD!

The explosion subsides to reveal Donald still alive but badly damaged and falling down the sky towards the water.

Daisy begins to come around and groans. Her eyes are foggy and her vision is blurry but she's able to see enough to see Donald falling down outside.

Daisy: Donald… Her eyes become wide open and she fully regains consciousness. Donald! She painstakingly gets up, holding her broken arm.

Dewey: Aunt Daisy!

Louie: You're okay!

Daisy: I have to go help Donald! He needs me!

She tries to walk only for her to yelp when her injuries to spur up and she drops down in, prompting the kids to catch her.

Huey: No you can't! You're too battered up and your arm is broken.

Daisy: Daisy tearfully holds out her hand towards her falling boyfriend. But…I can't abandon him again…he needs me…Donald…

Donald is falling near the bridge and Beakely kicks her shadow away to run off the bridge and try to catch him.

Beakely: Donald, hang on!

She jumps off and reaches out for him, only to feel herself get stopped midair. She gasps when she turns to see Shadow Beakely had her outstretched and clutched onto Beakely's ankle. The former agent feels herself get reeled in and then get punched in the stomach, causing her to scream in pain. The shadow then tosses her and sends her screaming slamming into one of the nearby stone arches.

Donald crashes into the water and is flying down, until he eventually comes to a halt.

He managed to survive the Magica's dark Ultima spell but ended up taking more damage than ever. His jacket sleeves are tattered, the sleeves of the sweater under his jacket have become more torn than before but are still up to his wrists. His face is more bruised and bleeding than before and his outfit has some more cuts and holes in it.

He manages to wake up, finding himself underwater. He covers his mouth, realizing that he's losing oxygen down here. Donald attempts to swim up the water and get back to the surface of the bin but the moment his head emerges Magica sticks her webbed boot on it and forces him back down the water with her arms crossed. The Mage of Thunder tries to escape. He writhes and struggles but it was no use; Magica's grip was too strong and he was losing air. His arms can be seen frantically waving out of the water but that doesn't do any good and Magica just laughs at his efforts.

Magica: You love being a sailor Donald so surely you don't mind living the life of a fish.

Dragon Ball Kai OST I-Requiem (To Those Who Meet Their End)

Eventually that all stops and Donald feels the water take over his lungs, his arms limp and his eyes fully close, insinuating he's slipped into unconsciousness and soon he'll slip into death. His entire mind blacks out.


Donald's mind (in 3rd person) looks on in the vast regions of space just outside the Earth's atmosphere. Floating in the black avoid is a female duck, dead and looks as though she's in limbo. When Donald's mind gets a closer look, to his horror it's none other than his long-lost sister Della Duck, covered in frost and her eyes are completely white. The lack of air in space has all but killed her.

Donald: Della…no…DELLAAAAAAAAA!

His voice echoes through the vast regions of space as the screen zooms out from his dead sister.

Scenes shift to Earth where the screen zooms in to Duckburg where the sky not only becomes purple but entire city has been demolished and is being ravaged by shadow.

Donald: Daisy! Uncle Scrooge! Boys! Webby! Mrs B! Launchpad! Where are you!?

Donald sees the can of his Uncle Scrooge stuck to the rubble and engulfed in flame. The owner of the cane is nowhere in sight.


The entire city explodes and is now being demolished burnt down by sinister purple flames. Donald hears the horrified and painful screams of Daisy.

Donald: Daisy!?

She sees an image of Daisy's smiling face but her voice is full of fear.

Daisy: DONALD!

Donald: DAISY!

An image of Daisy's scolding with her fingers up appears.



Another image of Daisy playfully smiling with her hands behind her back appears and within 5 seconds it disappears. It's replaced by Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby fearfully running for their lives through the flames as though Magica is attacking them and they're desperately searching for help.

Dewey, Huey, Louie & Webby: UNCLE DONALD!

Donald: KIIDS!

Dewey, Huey, Louie & Webby: UNCLE DONAAALD!

Donald: KIIIDS!

There is no response coming from either of them and though it can't be seen, the tearful tone in his voice suggests he is crying and sobbing.


As he cries the face of Magica De Spell (in her normal form) appears laughing sinisterly and maniacally as she taunts Donald in his mind. But her image is soon replaced by the smiling and encouraging faces of the people he loves most, made connections with and is trying to protect.

It starts from the happy faces of Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Roxas, Axel, Namine, Yen Sid, Leon, Yuffie, Cid, Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Merlin, Hayner, Pence, Olette, Chip, Dale, Gyro, Fenton, Manny, Lil'Bulb, Storkules, Selene, Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Ari, Humphrey, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Beakely, Launchpad, Duckworth, Grandma Duck, Downy, Fergus, Matilda, Ludwig, Gladstone, Fethry, April, May, June, Lena, Webby, Louie, Huey, Dewey, Hortense, Quackmore, Daisy, Scrooge and last but not least, Della.

Then all of sudden…the Earth explodes into purple pieces.

(Vision Ends) (2)

That last part made Donald Duck's eyes snap open from his limbo state and they suddenly glow electrifying blue once again.

Magica feels self-assured of her victory and that Donald has drowned but she couldn't be any more wrong. Her smile turns into shock when streams of electricity burst out of the water, followed by a massive of explosion that creates a massive geyser filled with electricity and smoke. Magica finds herself in the air and she looks on with her mouth agape in shock and astonishment. Donald Duck flies proudly, his fists clenches and held up as he looks on with unbreakable resolve and determination. He releases a loud and mighty cry of anger and fierceness at the enemy before him.

Daisy and the kids exclaim in happiness to see he's alive and well.


Louie: Get her UNCLE DONALD!

Huey: You can do it UNCLE DONALD!

Webby: Woo-oo! GO UNCLE DONALD!

Daisy: Donald…that's my guy…!

Launchpad raises his fist in joy and excitement.

Launchpad: YEAH! GO MR D!

Fenton, Gyro, Manny and Lil'Bulb look on with hope as they continue blasting away all the shadows.

Fenton: You do it DONALD!

Gyro: There may be hope for us after all!

Donald summons Save the Queen and Caballeros Blade once again in both hands as he locks eyes with Magica who's shocked beyond all belief.

Magica: How!? I've beaten him down emotionally and physically, yet he still gets back up!?

Donald: For Dewey! Huey! Louie! Webby! Lena! Beakely! Launchpad! Uncle Scrooge! Daisy! Della! All of my friends, family and the future of Earth! I AM NOT ABOUT TO GIVE UP! DUCKS DON'T BACK DOOOOOOWN!

He unleashes 20% of his true power again and this time the aura and electricity surrounding him is becoming larger as he shouts with righteous fury in his heart.

Donald: With or without Della and Uncle Scrooge, 50% power or not, if I can access 40% of my true power then pull of a Double Ultima spell I at least might stand a chance! I don't care how hard it is or whether or not I need a Keyblade to pull it off! I'm the Mage of Thunder! I've just got to dig deep, remember what I'm fighting for then give it my all and show this lady YOU DO NOT MESS WITH ME AND MY FAMILY!

Donald screams as loudly as he possibly could, digging deep within his heart, thinking off his family and using that to awaken more power. The blue fiery aura surrounding him enlarges, the electricity surrounding him become more frequent and his eyes glow brighter. Magica recoils in fear from the gust of wind created.

Magica: Impossible! He's unlocked another 20% of his power! But how!?

Daisy: That power…

Daisy's mind flashes back to their fight with Merlock and Donald being backed into a corner and then unleashing his true power. The blue aura, the crazy electricity surrounding him and the blue glow in his eyes…it's the same one.

In less than second Donald moves so fast it seemed like he vanished and Magica gasps as she feels two sharp objects impale her. Donald has stabbed Save the Queen and Caballeros Sword through the two sides of Magica's stomach, making the witch reel back screaming in pain and it becomes louder when the Mage of Thunder pulls in his weapons and delivers a cross slice. Donald then delivers multiple punches to her stomach, followed up by a side kick to the face that sends Magica flying down. Donald blasts off towards her but Magica recovers in time to fly back up and avoid his attack but he wasn't through yet.

Donald immediately thrusts both his weapons forward gathering more energy than ever. To Daisy, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby's shock he summons 12 orbs of pure light that immediately turn blue. Even Magica is shocked and frightened.

Magica: Is that…it can't be…!


The 12 orbs of light combine to release a huge blast of blue electrified energy that heads straight for Magica who thrusts her hands forward. The blast makes contact and she tries to hold it back but it proves strenuously difficult as Donald yells out as loudly as he could and ups his power. The blast becomes bigger and Magica is unable to hold it back any longer. It engulfs her and now she finds herself screaming in pain, as her helmet gets torn off. A massive blue electrical explosion occurs and everyone around them covers their faces. Shards of rock are blown, water bursts out of the ocean and coins fly back through the bin. (3)

When the explosion and the smoke created subside Donald can be seen floating in the air panting in exhaustion after launching the best attack he could.

Daisy has her beak wide open in absolute amazement while the other kids exclaim victoriously at what their uncle just did.

Dewey: That…was…AWESOME!



Dewey: I know! That's what I said!

Webby: That was the best Ultima spell I ever saw!

Daisy: That was no ordinary Ultima spell. They look to Daisy who manages to get up on her knees to take a better look at Donald while holding her injured arm. That was something far more powerful! It's…

Scenes shift back to the Gummiship where Mickey, Minnie and Goofy had just witnessed what Donald just accomplished and they were beyond proud and amazed.

Mickey: A Double Ultima Spell!?

Goofy: Gawrsh! That sounds amazing! What is it exactly!?

Minnie: In short, it's an Ultima Spell but twice as large and powerful!? It's one of the rarest spells in history!

Mickey: Very few can use this spell, even I can't use it! It took Master Yen Sid 50 years to master this spell…but Donald was able to execute it perfectly in seconds!

Goofy: Goofy chuckles a little. Well, he is the most powerful mage of our world, after all.

Minnie: One similarity Sora and Donald share is that they both have the power to do the impossible and make it possible.

Mickey: Mickey smiles, fondly remembering Sora. Yeah! He truly is! Donald has come a long way since he first became a mage.

Goofy: So is it over…has Donald won?

Mickey looks up at the still purple sky and that changes his happy expression to his grim and frightened one.

Mickey: Notice how the sky is still purple you guys?

Goofy: Goofy and Minnie look up but are confused. Well, it is still purple…but…what does that have to do with my question?

Minnie: Minnie is hit with horrified realization. Magica's power is what keeps the sky purple. If she were destroyed then it stands to reason that the sky would return to normal.

Goofy: Eventually, Goofy puts two and two together and becomes scared. But the sky is still purple! Does that mean…!?

Mickey: I'm afraid so. Donald's attack was powerful…but even so, Magica…is still alive…

Seconds after he said that the smoke in Magica's area subsides enough for Donald to see the witch is still alive with her hands still held out. Although she isn't hurt she has been badly wounded, her outfit is covered in cuts and dirt, her cape is tattered a little, steam is coming out of her body as she pants in exhaustion, her helmet is completely gone and now her entire face and hair can be seen again, she's covered in cuts and bruises and strands of her hair stand out. She feels herself trembling in pain and shock.

Donald could only look up in terror and is absolutely stupefied to see the witch has withstood the best attack he could give off.

Donald: No…I can't believe it! She survived!? But I put every bit of energy I had into that attack and she was still able to take it! So she wasn't bluffing, she really is using 50% of her power!

Dewey, Daisy and the others are equally horrified as they hoped that Double Ultima Spell was the end of Magica. But instead she still flies there completely intact and has blocked the attack enough to survive.


Louie: No! That's not fair!

Huey: Uncle Donald put everything he had in that blast! The force was incredible!

Webby: Then how could Magica withstand all of that!? Sure she took a lot of damage but she's still alive!

Daisy: And what's worse is that Donald pushed himself too far. His power is dropping like a rock!

Magica grits her teeth at the Mage of Thunder who glides back down to the bin and lands on the floor of gold to get in his battle stance while Magica tries to process what just happened.

Magica: That was far too close for comfort! If I hadn't brought my defences up that blast could've killed me for sure. How could someone on this planet possess this much power!

She looks at her burnt hand which is trembling from her fear and the force of the attack.

Magica: To think Donald was able to use a Double Ultima Spell, a spell even I'm unable to use. And what's worse is he's unlocked more of his power than before. He's getting closer to understanding the extent of his true power and I cannot allow that. I refuse to have to face what I've feared ever since my birth. I already suffered the humiliation of being defeated by Scroogie, his nephew and his niece. I refuse to lose to another member of clan McDuck.

She clenches her fist and gives Donald a dangerous glare.


In an instant she morphs into her purple energy form and drops down back on the gold and has another face off with the Mage of Thunder but Donald is looking extremely winded and exhausted after the stunt he tried to pull off.

Magica: Impressive. You actually managed to really hurt me this time and I think I broke a nail back there. I've clearly underestimated the power you possess Donnie. She growls and looks down in fury. AND NOW YOU WILL PAY!

She surrounds herself in purple aura and blasts off faster than a rocket. All Donald could do was quack before Magica headbutts him right in the face, sending rolling back and forcing him to claw onto the gold. Save the Queen and Caballeros Blade were sent spinning off his grasp and now they stick to the floor.

Daisy: Donald, no!

Donald is on his hand and knees catching his breath as Magica approaches him. He looks up only to see the witch looming above him before being kicked across the chin, making fly up and shot in pain while releasing blood. Magica jumps up and delivers a kick to the side that sends Donald crashing into a pile of gold that explodes. Donald lifts himself up clutching his stomach in pain but Magica doesn't let up and flies in to deliver another kick that sends the mage crashing into another pile of gold and treasure. Donald's head is buried in the gold and Magica walks up to lift him by the collar.

Magica: What happened to all that electrifying energy you had a moment ago? Was that all just a one-time deal? If I'm going to kill you at least make it entertaining for me.

As a show of disrespect Donald coughs up some gold in her face that makes her recoil a little in disgust. Annoyed and angered, Magica punches Donald in to the air and then reappears above him with her staff above her head. Magica whacks him in the stomach and Donald is sent screaming near the edge of the bin again where more gold explodes upon impact. Magica drops to the floor to smirk and dismiss her staff while placing a hand on her hip.

Magica: Well, well, it seems that stunt you pulled of drained whatever strength you had left to fight back. If that's the case then I suppose I should kill you now. It's no fun if you can't fight back anymore.

Donald struggles to get up and insanely wobbles as he does. He's groaning and whimpering in pain and when he stands he could only drop his head down. His face is battered up, covered in blood, cuts, sweat and bruises as he stares Magica with one eye close while breathing heavily.

Donald: "Okay…maybe that wasn't such a good idea. I really lost a lot more power than I thought. I guess my body couldn't handle 40% of my power being forcibly unlocked like that, much less a Double Ultima. Now my energy is fading fast. I don't think I have anything left to attack with anymore."

Magica: Magica slowly approaches her mage adversary. I understand all you Ducks and McDucks love adventure but you should know that's all pointless when I'm in this world. I'm now going to finish off the rest of Clan McDuck and make sure there is nothing left of your family and precious town.

Donald: "I…I'm finished. There's nothing I can do anymore. I guess Magica was right about me. I am nothing without Della or Uncle Scrooge. Me and Della felt like we could do anything because we always had each other's backs. But now my sister's gone from my life and I'm on my own now. Guess I'm about to be reduced to the 4th most powerful mage of all worlds now…or worse. Everyone… I'm sorry…I tried my best and gave it everything I had but it just wasn't enough to beat this witch. Della…I'm sorry. I did everything I could to protect your boys but…in the end I just wasn't good enough. At least when I die…we'll be reunited in the afterlife. And I'm really sorry Uncle Scrooge…for everything…I wish we had the chance to make amends with each other. This was all my fault…I abandoned you when you needed me and left you vulnerable to this psychopath…and now look where we are. If I had stayed with you none of this would've happened. You sacrificed so much for me and Della and I did nothing but ignore you. And this isn't the first time I've done something as bad as that…"

Tales of Vesperia OST - A Tragic Decision


Young Donald, Della, Scrooge, Matilda and Ludwig watch Quackmore and Hortense die on their hospital beds. The heart monitors beeping are now at their slowest and are close to flat lining which brings horror to Donald and Della.

Donald: No! No! No! Not now, please!

Della: I wanted more time! Please, don't go.

Hortense: It's okay…we'll always be a part of you. Always remember that. And never forget that we love you both. Be safe. Be happy. Be strong.

Quackmore and Hortense warmly smile at each other one last time and hold each others hands.

Hortense: Are you ready dear…?

Quackmore: Yes I am…my love…

Hortense releases her last breath and closes her eyes. The hearts monitor completely flat lines and stops beeping. Hortense is now looking completely lifeless and unmoving. Donald and Della try to avoid reality.

Della: Mom?

Donald: Mom?

She doesn't respond and that can only mean one thing…she's dead. Scrooge, Matilda and Ludwig stand there with their mouths wide open in shock and mortification.

Quackmore: She's gone. And now my time is about to come to. Donald and Della hold onto their dad with desperate and pleading expression.

Donald: Dad! Please! Don't leave us! Della just sobs as tears stream from their faces.

Quackmore: Remember what your mother said. We'll always be a part of you. Quackmore's heart monitor is in its final lapse and he smiles one last time. I love you my children.


He secretly grabs Donald's wrist and using the last ounce of his magic he passes on his mage powers. A faint glow surrounds Donald but it is unnoticed. Quackmore pats his son's face one last time before he closes eyes and exhales one final time just as his heart stops beating with a peaceful expression on his face. Donald and Della widen their eyes and gasp in horror at the sight of their parents lifeless bodies. The both of them sobs loudly as they both hug onto Quackmore and Hortense. Matilda cries onto Ludwig's shoulder and he gives a hug and Scrooge holds down his hat while letting tears drop from his eyes, saddened and depressed over the loss of his sister and brother-in-law. Donald and Della continue to sob loudly with Donald's tear being not just misery but also regret.

Scenes shift to El Dorado where Donald and Della have their big fight. Right now, Donald has Della pinned without knowing there's a glowing mark behind the wall.

Donald: You left me you jerk! It was supposed to be me and you! That's how it was supposed to be forever! You ruined my life!

Della: You ruined YOUR own life Donald! And you ruined mine too!

She kicks Donald in the stomach and sticks him against the mark, causing him to scream in pain and anguish from the extreme heat when the mark burns through the back of his hoodie. Donald drops down to the ground and Della steps back, horrified with what she's just done. She never wanted to hurt him like this.

Della: Donald! Oh my gosh, are you okay!? She rushes over and bends down. What have I done!? I'm sorry, I-!

Donald grabs her in anger and knees her forehead. Della screams in absolute pain and agony from the hard blow and is then punched away. She holds her already forehead on the ground screaming and writhing in pain. Her forehead has a red bruise and Donald is barely standing. He holds the top left of his back which now has a burn mark but he doesn't care and just hatefully glares at his sister while walking towards her who's struggling to stand.

Donald: Some sister you turned about to be. You care more about yourself than the people around you. You think more about your feelings and never think about how others are affected.

He makes one last lunge at her and they wrestle each other again but this time Della was no match for Donald as she was thrown to the ground and Donald jumps to knee her in the stomach, causing her to scream in pain and anguish. Donald then grabs her by her scarf and lifts her head to see fear in her eyes but he doesn't care about that.

Donald: You say I never felt anything for our parents. Well here's how I've been feeling. He brings up his fist and begins relentlessly pounding her without showing any signs of mercy. Della screams in pain and anguish as she feels Donald constantly slam his fists against her face and they're much harder and painful for her. It becomes worse and her screams become louder when Donald begins mercilessly slamming both his fists into Della's stomach and he does it with tears gushing out of him. This just a fraction of what I've been suffering!

He hits her harder and she screams even more.

Donald: You don't even know what I've been through! You don't even care!

He does it again and then begins to strangle his sister. Della is unable to get him off her and she begins to choke. Donald's grip becomes tighter and Della feels herself dying. It was at that moment Donald's eyes widen in horror, as she looks at her sister's scared and hurt face, reminding him of the promise he made to his parents and Della when they were 6 that he would protect her no matter what. Seeing that he's going too far with this prompts him to release Della immediately by throwing her to the ground and moving back.

We go back to the Underworld where Donald lets Della and Scrooge have it for the way he's been treating him and using his as trap fodder without any regards for his feelings.

Donald: Save it! I won't listen anymore! Why should I? You haven't been paying attention to me at all! If it were Della telling a story you'd give her your full attention! Donald gets right in Della's face. Well, I've had enough! I'm through with living in your shadow! I'm through with being the lesser sibling! I'm through with being used as fodder! I'm through with being treated as the third wheel! I'M DONE! Donald proceeds to leave and Della reaches out.

Della: Wait! What do you mean you're done!? €Donald turns back and waves both his hands.*

Donald: I'm done with adventure! He points to Scrooge. I don't want to have anything to do with you! And most of all…He points at Della harshly. I absolutely want nothing to do with you!

Scrooge is hurtfully taken aback but none could be more hurt than Della who feels her heart dropping and breaking as her lips tremble.

Della: Donnie…please tell me you don't mean that…

Donald: Oh yeah! Well I mean this! I wish I NEVER SAVED YOU IN THE TEMPLE OF HEROES!

Scrooge, Storkules and Selene gasp in complete shock. These words from her twin cause Della to feel as though someone just stabbed her in the gut. She feels her heart shatter as tears begin to stream from her face. Donald looks down feeling bad but only for a brief second until he gets angry again and attempts to walk away. Della grabs onto his shoulder.

Della: Donald wait! Give me a chance to-!

Donald: Donald gets her off and glares at her angrily. I get it! You're the cool sibling, you're Scrooge's favourite! I'm not! Have fun!

Donald tries to leave again but Della won't let him, desperate to apologize and make things right.

Della: But Donald!

Donald becomes red with rage, grabs Della's wrist and tosses her away. Della screams and hits the floor hard. Scrooge, Storkules and Selene are shocked to see what he's just done. Scrooge runs up to him to stop it all.

Scrooge: Lad! Are you daft!? What are you doing!?

Donald turns around and smacks Scrooge in the jaw. He shouts in pain and drops on his back. When Della gets up Donald proceeds to tackle her. The two of them are now rolling down the hill. The both of them are screaming, shouting and grunting as they try to overpower one another. When they crash back onto the beach they sprawl away from each other, somewhat bruised. They're panting as they look at each other. Donald is still angry and Della clearly doesn't want to but she has no choice but to fight back. She shouts when Donald tackles her to the sand and pins her down. Della struggles to escape but when Donald attempts to punch her Della grabs both his wrists to roll him around and pin him down.

Della: Stop it Donald! I don't want to do this!

Donald: Well I do!

Donald turns the tables and twists to pin Della down again. Scrooge, Storkules and Selene arrive and watch the twins wrestle each other on the sand.

Selene: Stop it! Both of you, stop fighting! You're family!

Storkules: Friend Donald, please cease your anger!

Scrooge: There's no point in saying that Storkules! Scrooge could only do nothing as he watches his kids fight. When Donald gets angry like this there's no controlling or stopping him!

Della pins Donald down again and this time when Donald finds himself unable to escape he holds out his hand and casts a thunder spell. Della is sent screaming in pain and the electrocution causes her to writhe in agony.

Sometime after Della had disappeared, Scrooge was crying on the control panels until he heard someone's voice.

Donald: So…you can't find her.

Scrooge lifts himself off the panel and looks to his nephew who angrily has his hands on the baby carriage carrying the 3 eggs.

Scrooge: Donald…

Donald: Knowing you, you'll probably bail out the moment you see most of your money is gone. I should never have trusted you in my life.

Scrooge felt his world shatter at those words from the nephew he treated like his own son. Regardless he steps up in an attempt to reach out to him.

Scrooge: Lad, if you would just give me a chance to-

Donald: Donald viciously waves his hand. NO! I should've never trusted you the moment you built that stupid rocket! Because of you, Della's gone FOREVER!

Scrooge: Scrooge fills his own anger rising at these accusations. I didn't ask her to take that blasted rocket!

Donald: Yet she still did because YOU built it! If you can't keep Della safe, then how do I know that you'll keep the boys safe?!

The two of them furiously get in each other's faces as they seethe with hatred.

Scrooge: Maybe they won't be as much trouble as your sister was for taking that rocket!

Donald: And they won't with you around! You can forget about me sticking around here or the manor, because I'm LEAVING! FOR GOOD! I'VE PACKED UP MY THINGS AND I'M GONNA TAKE CARE OF THE BOYS MYSELF!


Donald: FINE BY ME!

Donald turns to leave but when he gets halfway he turns to say one last thing.



With that Donald storms off pushing the carriage and Scrooge stomps back towards the control panel but they could still hear each other mutter.

Donald: Crazy old man, only cares about the next adventure instead of his family.

Scrooge: Scrooge seethes from those words he just heard. If he dunne wanna be here, fine. Family is nothing but trouble!

Donald seethes from the words he just heard which just confirmed his belief, giving him no reason to stay and takes off.

His mind goes back to his recent argument with the boys after they find out the truth. The Duck Boys were practically shouting at the top of their lungs.




Donald is close to tears, unable to know what to say to defend himself. For years he's kept the truth about Della's disappearance from his nephews a secret and knew that one day that they'd find out for themselves but he never thought it would end up like this. By not telling his nephews about their mother he had set the stage for them to become incredibly heartbroken.

Donald: Boys, I'm really sorry! I really did plan on telling you at some point!

Dewey: Dewey scoffs with his arms crossed. Yeah, sure you did. Lame Donald probably planned on telling us on our death beds.

Donald: I did it to protect you! I was trying to spare you from the truth!


Donald is hurtfully taken aback by the comment, mainly because it's true. He thought he was sparing the boys but in reality he was sparring himself because in his mind he felt Della had abandoned him and Scrooge had betrayed him.


Donald: I-I-I…



Donald: That's not true!


Donald: You don't understand! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE LEFT!




Donald: Boys, I'm sorry! I really am, I never meant for this to happen! This was what I was trying to avoid! I didn't want you to suffer like I did by finding out about what happened to your Mom!

Tears are welling up inside the boy's angry eyes.

Louie: Well guess what! We did find out and now because of it…I'm not sure if I can trust you anymore.

Louie walks away into the houseboat with tears gushing from his eyes.

Huey: If you've been keeping secrets about our Mom then who knows what other secrets you've been keeping. So…I'm not sure if I can trust you either.

Huey was the next to walk away with tears gushing from his eyes as he walks back inside. Donald pleadingly looks at Dewey hopping for some forgiveness from at least one of his nephews.

Donald: Dewey, I…

Dewey: I guess…you weren't that cool after all.

Hearing Dewey say this makes Donald's world shatter and tears are visible on the sailor's mortified face.

Donald's mind now flashes back to Radiant Garden when it was Hollow Bastion (during KH1). After Riku takes the Keyblade away from Sora he tosses a Wooden Sword for him to use. Sora drops down to his knees from shock as Riku begins to walk off. Donald and Goofy walk up and Donald remembers what he said and did that day.

Donald: Goofy, let's go. We have to remember our mission.

Donald can tell Goofy is a little hesitant to do this considering all he's been through with Sora and thinks about how Donald would just abandon him like this in the state he's in.

Goofy: Oh! Well, I know the king told us to follow the key and all…but…

Donald doesn't listen and just begins walking off with Goofy forced to follow. The Mage of Thunder stops to look at Sora in sympathy, secretly hating himself for leaving his friend like this but feels he has no choice.

Donald: Sora…sorry…

And with that said they abandon him without looking back.

(End of Flashback)

Donald finishes reflecting on every bad thing he's done in his life…ranged from indirectly causing his parents death, his fight with Della in El Dorado, hurting her and Scrooge on Ithaquack, the argument he had with his sister before the Spear of Selene, abandoning Scrooge, abandoning Sora, the events of the Sunchaser and the boys' anger towards him for all his lies. Donald feels himself beginning to cry and tears of guilt and regret flow down his face.

Donald: "I guess…this is my punishment for all the lies I've made and the people I've hurt. It's because of me my parents are gone…I almost killed my twin sister…my best friend in El Dorado…I hurt her and Uncle Scrooge on Ithaquack…I said terrible things to her…I abandoned my uncle when he needed me to support him…twice…I lied to my own nephews for years and kept their mother's existence from them…and I abandoned Sora that one time, ignoring the emotional state he was in. I kept complaining how people never bothered considered my feelings and acted as though I didn't have any, but…now I see what a hypocritical palooka I really was…because that describes me a whole lot better. For all my life I've never bothered one bit about how others feel…and that was because I only cared about myself. Now look where it's led me…I wish I had a second chance, but I guess I blew that a long time ago. It's too late for me to change. I guess I'm finally getting what I deserve…I deserve to die this way…"

Donald resigns himself into accepting his fate. The Mage of Thunder has lost his resolve and the will to fight. But just as he braces himself for the end a voice speaks in his head.

Scrooge: Donald…listen to me! How dare you give up! Is that all the power you have, lad!? Where's your McDuck pride!?

Donald: But…I never was a McDuck!

Scrooge: Hogwash! What are you talking about!? We both know there's McDuck blood running through your veins! You cannae deny your heritage!

Donald: Uncle Scrooge…please…just stop it! Right now, it doesn't matter who I am! Forget about it! I've already lost, can't you see that! It's too late for me change!

Quackmore: It's never too late, my son.

Donald double takes and gasps in shock to hear the voice.


Kingdom Hearts 2 (Roxas Theme)

An image of his father Quackmore Duck's dead body appears followed by tombstones reading "Quackmore Duck" & "Hortense McDuck" and then image of Scrooge's face on his Dime.

Donald now finds himself in a spooky and ominous purple background. He turns around believing the voices are coming from behind.

Donald: Father…? Uncle Scrooge…?

While his face was turned Scrooge appears in front of him looking away. He's wearing the outfit her wore during the old days when Donald and Della were kids and he was a secret agent (minus the cane, hat and spectacles). He has a serious expression on his face.

Scrooge: You must listen to me laddie. The blood in your veins…that perfect instinct for adventure…there's no denying who you are. You and your sister are part Duck and part McDuck.

Donald's eye is trembling in shock to see his uncle who's supposed to be trapped in his own dime right now.

Scrooge: I know how much you've been suffering Donald…I feel your pain…

Quackmore: And so do I…

Donald's eye widens in astonishment when he sees his father Quackmore Duck appear with his back turned but a serious expression can be seen on his face too.

Quackmore: My son…when I told you of the last Mage War I fought I did not tell you everything. I already told you that many of my close friends, fellow mages and companions did not make it back. Do you want to know why that's the case? Because of Magica; she killed many of my sworn allies and closest friends right before my eyes. I barely survived but not before taking deep emotional scars. Does it not enrage you to stand before the witch who drove me to over-protectiveness and then my death?

Scrooge: And you must never forget one thing my boy…our family can never be broken no matter what. It's true that we have been apart but…everything and everyone we lost isn't truly gone; what we had then is still with us…Scrooge places a hand over his heart. …In here.

Donald: In our hearts…

Scrooge: Exactly. I know it seems hopeless…I know how badly everything is going…but you must always remember…our family will always be here to support you. Della may be gone…but she'll always be in our hearts. And me and her aren't your only strength. Think about Daisy, the kids, Beakely, Launchpad and every friend and family we have. Let all of them be your power…

Quackmore: You've been reliant on your sister, uncle, mother and me for so long that you've forgotten there are other people in your life who love you that you can turn to who will always be there to back you up Donald. That was why you isolated yourself from the world for 2 years.

Scrooge: Our bond as a family is stronger than any mage in the world. But it can be broken by Magica if she destroys us. And now that I've been sealed away, you are the only one in our family left that is strong enough to fight the repugnant wretch. It is up to you to fight for and save our family from extinction.

Donald: The pride…of my family…

Scrooge: Think back lad! Remember your father…your mother who was also my sister…and Della…

When he turns around Donald suddenly sees his uncle as a child with his fist clenched and held up.

Young Scrooge: There's no one left…except for you…


Donald remembers the sacrifice his father and mother made in order to save him, Della and Scrooge.

His mind flashes back to Della's fear and screaming when the cosmic storm hit the rocket.

He could picture his uncle screaming as he's sealed away despite not being there to see it happen.

(End of Flashback)

Young Scrooge: So while you may deny who you are…

Suddenly Scrooge is back to his old-self when Donald's head blocks view of Young Scrooge.

Scrooge: The fact remains that you and our nephews are all that truly remain of us. You are the VERY LAST HOPE for a family of great adventurers.

Quackmore: Not only that, but you are the only good mage that is left of this world, the sole mage and protector of our world and Magica will not rest until all traces of our family are extinguished.

Donald continues listening to the words of his uncle and father.

Scrooge: Ask yourself this lad, why is Magica so obsessed with destroying our family? Is it just to get revenge on me? He puts a finger to his chin, registering his rhetorical question. Well, that's part of it.

Quackmore: It's because she is haunted every day and night by one overriding fear. Since her birth it was prophesised that her demise would come at the hand of a mage. Not just any ordinary mage…the predecessor of a mage of legend…one that was said to have been forgotten eons ago. The mage she fears comes from our family.

Donald then sees the image of the ancient wizard Blazebeak, the entity within in the amulets of the Three Caballeros. His face floats in everywhere and his hair breezes through the dark purple background.

Blazebeak: She's afraid that the legendary MAGE OF THUNDER will rise up and obliterate her; the ULTIMATE mage warrior, the STRONGEST of all. Even more POWERFUL than the great Master Yen Sid!

Scrooge is now somewhat below Donald and he turns to look up to his nephew seriously with his fist held up and his expression is full of anger and seriousness.

Scrooge: Destroy her.

His appearance is followed by Quackmore and Donald's great-grandfather Clinton Coot (in his younger brown haired self). They all encouragingly look at Donald in the same position and expressions.

Scrooge, Quackmore & Clinton: Destroy her for all of Clan McDuck/Duck! Destroy her, for you have the power within YOU!

Donald continues staring in shock at the ghostly support he's receiving from his father, uncle and great-grandfather.

Quackmore: Now go my son. It is time.

Clinton: Our spirits will always be within your heart, giving you all the support you need.

Scrooge: I've never lost faith in you before Donald. And I never will. I know you can win. You just need to have faith in yourself and stop comparing yourself to me and Della. You are your own person, never forget that.

Scrooge and Quackmore now float by Donald on opposite sides to give him their final words.

Quackmore: Do all that is within your power to bring down Magica, Donald…

Scrooge: For if you fail lad…our entire family…all of us will be lost, lost forever to the memory of time.

Quackmore: And always remember…Ducks don't back down. (4)


Donald lets the words of his father, uncle and great-grandfather sink in. The most daring adventurer feels his fighting spirit, determination and resolve return to him.

Donald: Father…Great-Grandfather…Uncle Scrooge…

He's snapped back to reality. He proudly stands tall and straight with his fists clenched, absorbing their speech gives him the strength and encouragement to turn his head a little to look back at the direction of his father's grave, ignoring Magica completely which prompts her to stop in confusion.

Daisy and the kids also watch this and become confused themselves.

Dewey: Uncle Donald…

Daisy: Donald…

Magica lowers her eyebrows in increasing annoyance.

Magica: Excuse me. Donald looks back to the witch slowly. I hate to interrupt your daydreaming but I've got a date with revenge in case you forgot.

Donald reaches into his pocket to take out his Wayfinder and the Number One Dime. He looks at them both longingly before placing them back in.

Magica: Perhaps this will wake you up.

She casts a thunder spell from her hand that Donald blocks by crossing his arms but is still electrocuted nonetheless, causing him to shout in pain. Miraculously, he's still standing and he gives Magica an angry growl before getting into a defensive stance.

Donald: Uncle Scrooge. I'm sorry, I may be part McDuck but I don't how to be a McDuck. Della knew; she always knew how to be a true McDuck. You and her were closer than I was with you. The both of you shared your love for adventure and danger together. I also loved adventure and I always will but not like how you guys did. That's why I was so envious of Della; until Ithaquack I felt insecure, out of place and that I was just with you guys along for the ride. I know you made it clear that you loved us both equally afterwards but there were still a few times when you praised Della more than me. There was more of you in her than there was in me, I didn't know what I could share with you at all. But…I do know something I can share with you now. I share in your disgust for Magica. (5)

Magica: Is your brave little speech over Donnie? It's beginning to bore me.

Donald: I understand now. This whole time I felt I was nothing without my sister or my uncle. But now I realize I'm only nothing without my family and friends! I may have lost Della and Uncle Scrooge but I haven't lost Daisy, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby yet. They're still here in my life to back me and I will fight to protect them all. And I promised Lena I would defeat you no matter what the cost. So…I must win! I will not let you beat me! No matter what, I won't back down! Ducks don't back down! Got it, you big hag-faced green feathered palooka!

Magica: She's now at her wits end and has had enough of all the talking, causing her to shout as loudly as possible. WRONG! YOU'VE ALREADY LOST!

Magica blasts off towards him. Donald Duck, the Mage of Thunder prepares to make his last stand against the witch no matter what happens.

To be continued...

(1) Dragon Ball Movie: Battle of the Gods

(2, 3, 4 & 5) Goku vs Frieza on Planet Namek

Goku's Nightmare of Frieza destroying Earth

Kaioken x20 Kamehameha

Goku's vision of Vegeta

Continua llegint

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