My Baby's Daddy - HyunLix/Lix...

By yoshio_chan0

52.5K 2.1K 675

Hwang Hyunjin is a famous actor and model omega who practically doesn't want a mate at all to consumate with... More

The Origin of Baby Seonhye
4 Years Later
When the Destiny reverse the Card of Faith
Is this some kind of Joke?
Slapped by Reality
Tensions Between Brothers
Dreaming of You
Friends and the Red Line of Fate
Felix & Hyunjin's Future Children
Business Gatherings at Lee's
🔞The First Night & The Aftermath🔞
💖New Story💖
Media & Frustration/Fainting
The Unexpected Gift
LixJin/HyunLix's Destined Souls *Not an Update*
Family's Acceptance & Insecurities

Being True is better than living in a Lie

2.3K 110 40
By yoshio_chan0

I look back at my younger brother's confused face before answering him, letting out an answer that I could or couldn't regret soon.

"Felix...Hyunjin's my Fiancé... And that child Seonhye...she's is our daughter"


Those words are the one I really wanted to say to him but I couldn't, because I don't want to hurt my brother's feelings and specially I don't want Hyunjin to hate me because of my selfish decisions in life. I wanted to be selfish for once but I couldn't when I know that I would regret it sooner or later...I would never do anything to make Hyunjin hate me...that's how much I love him.

"I-I..." I muttered before sighing in defeat and continued answering his questions, "I...Hyunjin's my bestfriend, he's...very dear to me since after I saw him...and the kid that I'm talking with on the phone is his daughter so please Felix...just...take a rest for a while I just need to go back to them...Hyunjin needs me" I explained dejectedly before deciding to walk away without giving Felix a chance to reply.

I walked straight inside my car before driving to Hyunjin's address. After a long 30 minutes of driving, I finally got to my destination and when I parked my car, I immediately run inside the house without any hesitation at all (Well, I do have a keys on Hyunjin's house because I'm trustworthy enough).

Walking inside the house made me feel a little anxious by smelling the distress scent of Raindrops that Hyunjin's letting out while it combined with the familiar distress scent of young sandalwood scent of Seonhye which made me more worried. I immediately got up to the stairs and run straightly at Hyunjin's room. My heart felt like crushing into pieces by just seeing Seonhye's distress faced while looking at the ajar bathroom door. I immediately hug Seonhye before assuring him with my lavender scent which made her calm a little before started sobbing on my neck.

"U-Uncle Dadda...hik...p-please help Eomma...hik...h-he looks so stress b-but he's not telling me what happened... I-I...hik...I don't know what to do" I nodded and caressing her small back softly before sitting her on Hyunjin's bed and wiping the tears on flowing on her face before speaking.

"Don't worry princess okay? Just stay here and be calm okay? I promise that I'll help your Eomma calm, okay? Promise me you'll be brave infornt of your Eomma just like what I've been teaching you" I whispered to her which she immediately nodded eagerly before wiping both of her eyes and look up to me with her strong alpha aura which made me smile by her matured side showing so easily despite her young age.

"P-Promise, Uncle Dadda. I will not let Eomma down"

I ruffled at her hair by just hearing her cute muffled voice before walking inside the bathroom. I sighed in worry by just seeing Hyunjin's frail body bended in awkward position inside the white marbled bathtub while crying his eyes out silently.

I tried to emit the comforting lavender scent that I have as strong as I can to comfort him a little before walking slowly towards his shivering figure. Hyunjin stopped crying and turned to look at me in surprise but maybe he already knew how I came here. I kneel beside him and it's not even a seconds ago when he immediately hugged me tightly before started crying again. I tried caressing the back of his head before whispering comforting words to him. I can feel my clothes also started getting drench by Hyunjin's drenched clothed figure.

"Jinnie ah...if you're comfortable enough you can tell me anything, you know? I'm always here to listen to you" I tried to exclaimed softly and I heard him sniffing softly before looking up to me with his now puffy cute eyes because of crying hard.

"Now you really look like a kitten hahaha" I tried to tease him to made his mood lighten a bit which is quite really effective. He pout cutely which made me wanted to pinch his soft plump reddish lips and his soft dumpling cheeks before talking.

"You really know how to make me mad you know hmph..." He muttered softly which made me chuckled at his cuteness.

"Yeah yeah, I know....then Jinnie ah...what's wrong? Seonhye's quite distress by your sudden dropped mood. What happened that made you upset?" I asked concerning which his eyes immediately wide by hearing Seonhye's name.

"Is she okay? Oh my...I-I'm sorry" He muttered helplessly which I immediately held his right hand before squeezing it in comforting way before answering.

"Don't worry, she's okay now. I comforted her earlier, now tell me what we're you thinking?"

Hyunjin sighed defeated before looking up to me with worried eyes which made me anxious a bit but I don't know why. I just tried to calm myself to listen to his worries.

"I-I...U-uhm...Yeon ah...w-would you believe me if I told you a secret?" He asked worriedly and I immediately nodded in agreement before caressing his soft cheeks.

"Of course Jinnie ah. You know me too well, you know? You can tell me everything" I exclaimed gently which made him sighed in defeat. He took a deep breath before looking down on the bathtub with full of warm water before started talking.

"I-I...I didn't really met Seonhye's father...she's...she's made of science"

I look at Hyunjin with questioning eyes before started understanding what he's talking about.

"Y-you carried her by Surrogacy?" I asked cautiously because I don't want him to upset with me. Well It's not really strange or unfamiliar to me because my father's side are exposed with those and prankly because my father also owned a various private laboratory hospitals for those cases. They're doing a surrogacy for the other family who couldn't have a child or a single omega who wanted to have a child without the help of any beta or alpha.

I saw Hyunjin nodded wearily before talking again.

"Y-yeah...I Made the choice by myself because of my eagerness to have a child...and because I know by myself that I don't want to have any alpha mate with me but..."

I gulped anxiously before looking at him with concern eyes when he started sobbing again.

"B-But what?"

"I know who's Seonhye's second father because of the doctor who's assigned to me that day...He gave me the few informations and a photo of the sperm donor"

I tried to ignored the throbbing worry on my heart and stomach before caressing both of his hands and tried to caress it gently to mad him feel that I'm here for him before speaking.

"And so what? It doesn't mean that you have to worry about that you know? Seonhye's legally yours and whoever his second father is...he's out of the story at all because he just donors his sperm freely not with any condition at all" I explained to him to made him calm a little but in opposite he started crying again which made me more anxious and worry again.

"J-Juyeon ah...hik...S-Seonhye's father...H-He' Mate" He whispered between his sobs which made my mind stopped working for a minute before coming back into reality and asking him again.

"W-What?...But...But how can you say that when you didn't even saw him personally?"

"I've already met him Juyeon..."

"How?! When?!"


All my life I thought that no words can even hurt me except for Hyunjin's rejection but...hearing Felix's younger brother's name coming out from Hyunjin's mouth...from the person who I helplessly in love for so long...It proved me wrong...because right now...I'm hurting badly. I tried to be strong and trying to breath normally to stop my emotions showing but letting out a cracked voice proved me wrong.

"W-What?...I...I-I don't understand Hyunjin"

Hyunjin's eyes pierced on minded which made my heart throbbed more seeing how serious his look is.

"Your brother...H-He...He's Seonhye's other biological father and...a-and earlier...I-I suddenly learned that...that he's my Mate" He explained while still sniffing in distress.

I wanted to let out the anguish the hurt that I've been feeling right now, I wanted to be angry by the unlikable information that was slapped on my face but I don't want Hyunjin to get scared of me. I was so mad at myself by not being worthy enough for being Hyunjin's mate. I was mad at the Moon Goddess for treating me unfairly. Since when I and Felix's were young he's always the one who treated more goodly even if he's not obeying in everyone. He's the one who's given the best things that our parents can have even if he's the stubborn one. He's always the favorite child even if I'm the one who's always obeying what they wanted for me.

All my life I'm the second option...but... why does Felix have also to be involved from who I love right now? Why did it have to be him again? Why does it feel that I'm always the unfavored one? Am I not worthy enough as a first choice that even the Moon Goddes herself was not favoring me?


Felix POV

After Juyeon hyung left, I just decided to look around the whole house. Well, I'm relieved enough by Juyeon hyung's confession earlier. At least I already knew that he would not be affected too much when I decided to court his bestfriend and besides if he already acknowledged that Hyunjin and I were really a Mate, I'm sure that he would not be against with me.

I walk towards the rooms before I saw a large bedroom without any sign of being occupied at all.

Hmm...maybe this will be my room now.

I closed the door and started looking for the other rooms to know more about every space inside one our parent's house here in Seoul.

'Well maybe it can acknowledged as Juyeon Hyung's house because he's the only one occupying here'

I also open the other door beside my room revealing a very spacious room with various kids toys and quite soft themed that just look exactly like for a little girl, 'or so I thought'.

The room was look like designed for a very specific person.

I slowly walked towards the bedside and saw a few picture frames containing of a photo of Juyeon hyung and on the other side is the photo of my mate which made my stomach filled with butterflies by just seeing his pretty face and beside his photo is the young girl that I just certainly searched yesterday.

'Well, I should definitely know that Juyeon hyung knew about her because he's Hyunjin's bestfriend but...why do I feel quite...jealous with frames? Tsk...Felix ah don't be jealous it doesn't even look like a happy family picture'

I smacked my forehead with the thoughts that I'm having right now. I'm quite a jealous type sometimes, even if it's unnecessary.

I was about to walk out when I saw various of giant chick plushies beside the drawer.

I didn't know why but a smile suddenly creep up on my lips and unconsciously held one of the plushy before caressing it softly, my heart can't help but melted when I smell a faint rose scent combined with fading sandalwood scent. I was frozen a little with the faint sandalwood scent that seems very very similar to mine emiting from the plushy but I just decided to shook it out because maybe I just smell my own pheromones and put back the chick plushy on its original place before walking out to the bedroom.

I silently walking towards the end of the hallway of the second floor and saw a two doors facing each other I open the door from the left side and was amazed by the very artistic style of the bedroom.

'Wow...seems like who ever's occupying this room was very artistic' I murmured between myself while started touring myself inside the room. It's quite very simple with minimalist style but a very unique one with few things on the table.

Beside the study area we're a few Polaroid photos of Hyunjin, Juyeon hyung, Seonhye and on a few Polaroids are a group of people I never met before which made my mood dropped a little more.

'Hmmm...they seems really close...just like a real family'

I couldn't help but feel jealous and immediately walk out of the room without looking back ignoring the sweet and calming scent of roses and Raindrops that's lingering inside the whole room. When I shut he door closed, I tried to calm myself from the jealousy that I've been feeling before looking at the closed door infront of me which I still didn't tour. My feet wanted to go inside the room but when I open the door I couldn't help but to be more cautious because I know that it's Juyeon hyung's room. Since when we're younger, he really doesn't like when a person walking inside his room without his permission and I'm sure that I would be screwed up if he smell my scent lingering inside his room.

That's why after touring my eyes inside the whole room, I already walked back and suring that it's locked before walking to the kitchen when I already heard my stomach growled. I didn't even realized that I already spent an hour by just touring the bedrooms so I walked to the kitchen before looking for the fridge of what I can eat.

I sighed in defeat by seeing that there are no leftover so I decided to cook a simple dishes for myself.

After a while, the rice and beef dishes are already prepared and started to devour it.

I sighed in releaf when my hungry faded after the heavy dinner that I ate caused its already dusk outside and decided to rest on the sofa for a while before looking at the photo frame on the frame wall.

'Too much for being a bestfriend...maybe their really a family'

I couldn't help but just being drowned on the photo of my mate and his daughter on the wall. I don't know why but I felt attached between both of them even on his daughter...Maybe I'm being too eager to have a family.

I chuckled a bit remembering how my father was too eager to have a grandchild with me.

"Dad...I would not be worried now because my mate already gave me all what you want and of course...all my dreams to have"

Yey! Another update! Please enjoyyy💖💖💖

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