Being True is better than living in a Lie

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I look back at my younger brother's confused face before answering him, letting out an answer that I could or couldn't regret soon.

"Felix...Hyunjin's my Fiancé... And that child Seonhye...she's is our daughter"


Those words are the one I really wanted to say to him but I couldn't, because I don't want to hurt my brother's feelings and specially I don't want Hyunjin to hate me because of my selfish decisions in life. I wanted to be selfish for once but I couldn't when I know that I would regret it sooner or later...I would never do anything to make Hyunjin hate me...that's how much I love him.

"I-I..." I muttered before sighing in defeat and continued answering his questions, "I...Hyunjin's my bestfriend, he's...very dear to me since after I saw him...and the kid that I'm talking with on the phone is his daughter so please Felix...just...take a rest for a while I just need to go back to them...Hyunjin needs me" I explained dejectedly before deciding to walk away without giving Felix a chance to reply.

I walked straight inside my car before driving to Hyunjin's address. After a long 30 minutes of driving, I finally got to my destination and when I parked my car, I immediately run inside the house without any hesitation at all (Well, I do have a keys on Hyunjin's house because I'm trustworthy enough).

Walking inside the house made me feel a little anxious by smelling the distress scent of Raindrops that Hyunjin's letting out while it combined with the familiar distress scent of young sandalwood scent of Seonhye which made me more worried. I immediately got up to the stairs and run straightly at Hyunjin's room. My heart felt like crushing into pieces by just seeing Seonhye's distress faced while looking at the ajar bathroom door. I immediately hug Seonhye before assuring him with my lavender scent which made her calm a little before started sobbing on my neck.

"U-Uncle Dadda...hik...p-please help Eomma...hik...h-he looks so stress b-but he's not telling me what happened... I-I...hik...I don't know what to do" I nodded and caressing her small back softly before sitting her on Hyunjin's bed and wiping the tears on flowing on her face before speaking.

"Don't worry princess okay? Just stay here and be calm okay? I promise that I'll help your Eomma calm, okay? Promise me you'll be brave infornt of your Eomma just like what I've been teaching you" I whispered to her which she immediately nodded eagerly before wiping both of her eyes and look up to me with her strong alpha aura which made me smile by her matured side showing so easily despite her young age.

"P-Promise, Uncle Dadda. I will not let Eomma down"

I ruffled at her hair by just hearing her cute muffled voice before walking inside the bathroom. I sighed in worry by just seeing Hyunjin's frail body bended in awkward position inside the white marbled bathtub while crying his eyes out silently.

I tried to emit the comforting lavender scent that I have as strong as I can to comfort him a little before walking slowly towards his shivering figure. Hyunjin stopped crying and turned to look at me in surprise but maybe he already knew how I came here. I kneel beside him and it's not even a seconds ago when he immediately hugged me tightly before started crying again. I tried caressing the back of his head before whispering comforting words to him. I can feel my clothes also started getting drench by Hyunjin's drenched clothed figure.

"Jinnie ah...if you're comfortable enough you can tell me anything, you know? I'm always here to listen to you" I tried to exclaimed softly and I heard him sniffing softly before looking up to me with his now puffy cute eyes because of crying hard.

"Now you really look like a kitten hahaha" I tried to tease him to made his mood lighten a bit which is quite really effective. He pout cutely which made me wanted to pinch his soft plump reddish lips and his soft dumpling cheeks before talking.

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