Omori: oyasumi ( first story...

By Omixc_

85.5K 2.2K 532

TRIGGER WARNING!! This story contains mentions of depression, suicide, severe anxiety, Claustrophobia, Thal... More

The confession
Basil and Kel
Welcome to white space.
chapter that should be removed
Back to the "hospital"
Kel and Aubrey
gomen ne
Black space
Fresh air
Me too.
Wake up
another attempt..
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6..
Omori: Oyasumi ( after the move )
The city
Faraway town
The cemetery
The hooligans
Happy birthday
Gardening pliers
Untitled part
Please ( short chapter )
A home for flowers
Flower crowns
Happy place
My thoughts will follow you into your dreams
Bad knee
Still going.
Dear little brother...
By your side
Pick a side
Cooking with Hero
Goodbye faraway.
Goodbye Mari


1.4K 34 22
By Omixc_

It's now or never. I saw Aubrey, Kel and Basil run in, " Sunny! Are you okay!? What happened! " Kel yelled loudly. Well.. I'm going to be asleep forever now. So, I might as well say goodnight to them before I sleep. " Goodnight. " I spoke. Aubrey's eyes widened. Basil looked like his heart just dropped. I looked down, I'm on the third floor. My friends were sitting on a picnic basket with Mari, looking up at me with smiles. If I land on my head straight on the concrete I'll die. " S-SUNNY! " Basil yelled and ran towards me. Right as he was going to run into me I pushed him onto the floor. Kel went to help Basil get back up and Aubrey quickly walked and then turned into a run. Before she was able to get to me, I fell in a trust fall way outside the window. I saw Aubrey reach out to me. But it was too late. Before I could blink, swallow or anything, I felt the immense pain on my left arm that was protecting the left part of my head for some reason. But I messed up. I didn't land on my head. There's a chance I survived. ... I can't do anything right.. Can I? 

I heard a strong ringing in my ears. I slowly opened my eyes.

Welcome to whitespace

You've been living here for as long as you can remember.

I'm in white space. Did i.. Die? I did it. Im... dead. I got up and opened the door to a dream world. " Omori! " Aubrey got up and ran towards me, running their games of cards. " Aubrey! " Kel yelled. ''Oops. Sorry Kel. so, Omori, do you want to finally go on that adventure together? Just the two of us.. Hehe! " Aubrey giggled. I guess it's the only new thing we can do, I've been putting it off for so long now. I nodded with a bit of hesitation, and Aubrey's eyes widened with excitement. " Great! " Aubrey smiled, grabbed my hand and ran outside.

She dragged me all the way to the playground, where Mari was. " Hi Mari! Can you believe it? Omori finally said yes to the adventure! " Aubrey squealed. " Oh! Hehe.. That's.. Really nice Aubrey! " Mari smiled awkwardly. She looked at me and smiled in a ' want me to help you out? ' way. I didn't do anything. Aubrey laughed and kept dragging me everywhere. She took me on a sort of.. Tour of dream world. When we finished walking through the entire map Aubrey said goodbye and left. I went to see Mari. " Hey, Omori! " Mari smiled. I sat down next to her, and laid my head against her shoulder. She played with my hari and tried making tiny braids. " You know, you can't let the guilt of killing me pull you down, Sunny. Hero might be angry, but your friends are here with you. And most importantly, I'll always be watching over you and be with you. Right here. " Mari spoke as she petted where my heart was supposed to be. '' Wake up little brother, don't make mom even sadder. Please. " Mari said in a sad but happy tone at the same time. " Please Sunny... " Mari kept repeating. I didn't know what to do.. I didn't know how to wake up. I got up, and left her alone. I went to white space and looked for my knife. But I did it. I went through the pain to get here, without Omori trying to stop me.. So that must mean I'm dead. If I stab myself.. Then maybe I'll just see darkness and an empty dark void.. Won't I? 

I sighed. I did so much to get to this point, and I'm not thinking of wasting all of this.. " Sunny! Please wake up.. Please.. "I heard an echoing cry. It was Basil. Where was it coming from..? I looked around for a brief moment, until I realized that I'm becoming conscious. How do I fall deeper.. I shook my head and left to dream about the world again. Aubrey, Kel and Hero playing cards. The echoing and crying just got louder and louder. " Omori! " Aubrey yelled. When I found out it wasn't working, I went back into white space. I tried to think positive, like id ,make new friends and move on from Mari.. but what if i can't!? I sat down and thought about things while the crying kept getting louder and clearer. I don't know if I can k¡just.. Move on so simple. It took me four years last time! ... and I'm leaving tomorrow.. Just when I fixed things with Aubrey, Kel and Basil. If anything I just have a broken arm... or a broken leg. Or both.. I don't want to deal with that. Before I could have a second thought, I opened my eyes. I was being carried to a hospital room. Basil Aubrey and Kel were chasing after me. Whenever I moved an inch I went through immense pain. What did I break?

I closed my eyes. I didn't want to be alive. What did I do wrong.. I didn't land on my head. If I crushed my head.. Then I'd be dreaming. Just like I thought of before. I sighed. I eventually fell asleep after all of this. A dreamless night. I'm not complaining. It still gives me time away from where I am right now in life. But.. today i get casts, then my mom comes and gets told what to do to make sure the cast is fine. I remember the jock guy telling me all about it when he broke his arm. Ugh.. after that i think i'll leave and move. My mom must have already packed everything. Can't wait.. I could stay, I'm sure the doctors would recommend that, but knowing my mom she'd want me far away from here after many visits to the hospital. After all.. She doesn't want the same fate that Mari had for me. 

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